2018-09-17 19:43:24 +02:00
class WVNC extends window . classes . BaseObject
constructor: (@args) ->
super " WVNC "
@socket = undefined
@uri = undefined
@uri = @ args [ 0 ] if @ args and @ args . length > 0
2018-09-18 19:53:00 +02:00
@canvas = undefined
@canvas = ( $ @ args [ 1 ] ) [ 0 ] if @ args and @ args . length > 1
2018-09-22 01:17:45 +02:00
@scale = 0.8
2018-09-20 20:02:22 +02:00
@decoder = new Worker ( ' /assets/scripts/decoder.js ' )
me = @
@mouseMask = 0
@decoder.onmessage = (e) ->
me . process e . data
2018-09-17 19:43:24 +02:00
init: () ->
me = @
@ ready ( )
. then () ->
2018-09-18 19:53:00 +02:00
$ ( " # stop " ) . click (e) -> me . socket . close ( ) if me . socket
$ ( " # connect " ) . click (e) ->
me . openSession ( )
2018-09-20 20:02:22 +02:00
me . initInputEvent ( )
2018-09-17 19:43:24 +02:00
. catch (m, s) ->
console . error ( m , s )
2018-09-20 20:02:22 +02:00
initInputEvent: () ->
me = @
getMousePos = (e) ->
rect = me . canvas . getBoundingClientRect ( )
x: Math . floor ( ( e . clientX - rect . left ) / me . scale )
y: Math . floor ( ( e . clientY - rect . top ) / me . scale )
return pos
sendMouseLocation = (e) ->
p = getMousePos e
me . sendPointEvent p . x , p . y , me . mouseMask
return unless me . canvas
2018-09-22 01:17:45 +02:00
( $ me . canvas ) . css " cursor " , " none "
2018-09-20 20:02:22 +02:00
( $ me . canvas ) . contextmenu (e) ->
e . preventDefault ( )
return false
( $ me . canvas ) . mousemove (e) -> sendMouseLocation e
( $ me . canvas ) . mousedown (e) ->
state = 1 << e . button
me.mouseMask = me . mouseMask | state
sendMouseLocation e
( $ me . canvas ) . mouseup (e) ->
state = 1 << e . button
me.mouseMask = me . mouseMask & ( ~ state )
sendMouseLocation e
2018-09-22 01:17:45 +02:00
me.canvas.onkeydown = me.canvas.onkeyup = (e) ->
2018-09-20 20:02:22 +02:00
# get the key code
2018-09-21 01:34:44 +02:00
keycode = e . keyCode
2018-09-22 01:17:45 +02:00
#console.log e
switch keycode
when 8 then code = 0xFF08 #back space
when 9 then code = 0xff89 #0xFF09 # tab ?
when 13 then code = 0xFF0D # return
when 27 then code = 0xFF1B # esc
when 46 then code = 0xFFFF # delete to verify
when 38 then code = 0xFF52 # up
when 40 then code = 0xFF54 # down
when 37 then code = 0xFF51 # left
when 39 then code = 0xFF53 # right
when 91 then code = 0xFFE7 # meta left
when 93 then code = 0xFFE8 # meta right
when 16 then code = 0xFFE1 # shift left
when 17 then code = 0xFFE3 # ctrl left
when 18 then code = 0xFFE9 # alt left
when 20 then code = 0xFFE5 # capslock
when 113 then code = 0xFFBF # f2
when 112 then code = 0xFFBE # f1
when 114 then code = 0xFFC0 # f3
when 115 then code = 0xFFC1 # f4
when 116 then code = 0xFFC2 # f5
when 117 then code = 0xFFC3 # f6
when 118 then code = 0xFFC4 # f7
when 119 then code = 0xFFC5 # f8
when 120 then code = 0xFFC6 # f9
when 121 then code = 0xFFC7 # f10
when 122 then code = 0xFFC8 # f11
when 123 then code = 0xFFC9 # f12
code = e . key . charCodeAt ( 0 ) #if not e.ctrlKey and not e.altKey
#if ((keycode > 47 and keycode < 58) or (keycode > 64 and keycode < 91) or (keycode > 95 and keycode < 112) or (keycode > 185 and keycode < 193) or (keycode > 218 && keycode < 223))
# code = e.key.charCodeAt(0)
# code = keycode
e . preventDefault ( )
return unless code
2018-09-20 20:02:22 +02:00
if e . type is " keydown "
me . sendKeyEvent code , 1
else if e . type is " keyup "
me . sendKeyEvent code , 0
# mouse wheel event
hamster = Hamster @ canvas
hamster . wheel (event, delta, deltaX, deltaY) ->
p = getMousePos event . originalEvent
if delta > 0
me . sendPointEvent p . x , p . y , 8
me . sendPointEvent p . x , p . y , 0
me . sendPointEvent p . x , p . y , 16
me . sendPointEvent p . x , p . y , 0
2018-09-18 19:53:00 +02:00
initCanvas: (w, h , d) ->
me = @
@depth = d
2018-09-21 20:01:41 +02:00
@canvas.width = w
@canvas.height = h
2018-09-22 01:17:45 +02:00
@engine =
2018-09-20 20:02:22 +02:00
w: w ,
h: h ,
2018-09-22 01:17:45 +02:00
depth: @ depth ,
wasm: true
@ decoder . postMessage @ engine
@ setScale @ scale
2018-09-21 20:01:41 +02:00
process: (msg) ->
if not @ socket
2018-09-22 01:17:45 +02:00
data = new Uint8Array msg . pixels
2018-09-21 20:01:41 +02:00
#w = @buffer.width * @scale
#h = @buffer.height * @scale
2018-09-22 01:17:45 +02:00
ctx = @ canvas . getContext " 2d " , { alpha: false }
2018-09-21 20:01:41 +02:00
imgData = ctx . createImageData msg . w , msg . h
imgData . data . set data
ctx . putImageData imgData , msg . x , msg . y
2018-09-20 20:02:22 +02:00
setScale: (n) ->
@scale = n
2018-09-22 01:17:45 +02:00
@canvas.style.transformOrigin = ' 0 0 '
@canvas.style.transform = ' scale( ' + n + ' ) '
2018-09-18 19:53:00 +02:00
2018-09-17 19:43:24 +02:00
openSession: () ->
me = @
@ socket . close ( ) if @ socket
return unless @ uri
@socket = new WebSocket @ uri
@socket.binaryType = " arraybuffer "
@socket.onopen = () ->
console . log " socket opened "
me . initConnection ( )
@socket.onmessage = (e) ->
me . consume e
@socket.onclose = () ->
me.socket = null
console . log " socket closed "
initConnection: () ->
2018-09-21 01:34:44 +02:00
vncserver = " "
2018-09-22 01:17:45 +02:00
data = new Uint8Array vncserver . length + 3
2018-09-21 20:01:41 +02:00
data [ 0 ] = 32 # bbp
2018-09-20 20:02:22 +02:00
# ##
0 : raw data no compress
1 : jpeg no compress
2 : raw data compressed by zlib
3 : jpeg data compressed by zlib
# ##
2018-09-22 01:17:45 +02:00
data [ 1 ] = 1
data [ 2 ] = 40 # jpeg quality
2018-09-20 20:02:22 +02:00
## rate in milisecond
2018-09-22 01:17:45 +02:00
data . set ( new TextEncoder ( ) ) . encode ( vncserver ) , 3
2018-09-20 20:02:22 +02:00
@ socket . send ( @ buildCommand 0x01 , data )
2018-09-17 19:43:24 +02:00
2018-09-20 20:02:22 +02:00
sendPointEvent: (x, y, mask) ->
2018-09-19 00:01:55 +02:00
return unless @ socket
data = new Uint8Array 5
data [ 0 ] = x & 0xFF
data [ 1 ] = x >> 8
data [ 2 ] = y & 0xFF
data [ 3 ] = y >> 8
2018-09-20 20:02:22 +02:00
data [ 4 ] = mask
2018-09-19 00:01:55 +02:00
@ socket . send ( @ buildCommand 0x05 , data )
2018-09-20 20:02:22 +02:00
sendKeyEvent: (code, v) ->
return unless @ socket
2018-09-22 01:17:45 +02:00
data = new Uint8Array 3
data [ 0 ] = code & 0xFF
data [ 1 ] = code >> 8
data [ 2 ] = v
2018-09-21 01:34:44 +02:00
console . log code , v
2018-09-20 20:02:22 +02:00
@ socket . send ( @ buildCommand 0x06 , data )
2018-09-17 19:43:24 +02:00
buildCommand: (hex, o) ->
data = undefined
switch typeof o
when ' string '
data = ( new TextEncoder ( ) ) . encode ( o )
2018-09-18 19:53:00 +02:00
when ' number '
data = new Uint8Array [ o ]
2018-09-17 19:43:24 +02:00
data = o
cmd = new Uint8Array data . length + 3
cmd [ 0 ] = hex
cmd [ 2 ] = data . length >> 8
cmd [ 1 ] = data . length & 0x0F
cmd . set data , 3
2018-09-18 19:53:00 +02:00
#console.log "the command is", cmd.buffer
2018-09-17 19:43:24 +02:00
return cmd . buffer
consume: (e) ->
2018-09-18 01:35:13 +02:00
data = new Uint8Array e . data
cmd = data [ 0 ]
switch cmd
when 0xFE #error
data = data . subarray 1 , data . length - 1
dec = new TextDecoder ( " utf-8 " )
2018-09-18 19:53:00 +02:00
console . log " Error " , dec . decode ( data )
when 0x81
console . log " Request for password "
2018-09-21 01:34:44 +02:00
pass = " lxsan9 " #"!x$@n9"
2018-09-18 19:53:00 +02:00
@ socket . send ( @ buildCommand 0x02 , pass )
2018-09-18 01:35:13 +02:00
when 0x82
console . log " Request for login "
user = " mrsang "
pass = " !x$@n9 "
arr = new Uint8Array user . length + pass . length + 1
arr . set ( new TextEncoder ( ) ) . encode ( user ) , 0
arr . set [ ' \0 ' ] , user . length
arr . set ( new TextEncoder ( ) ) . encode ( pass ) , user . length + 1
@ socket . send ( @ buildCommand 0x03 , arr )
when 0x83
console . log " resize "
w = data [ 1 ] | ( data [ 2 ] << 8 )
h = data [ 3 ] | ( data [ 4 ] << 8 )
depth = data [ 5 ]
2018-09-18 19:53:00 +02:00
@ initCanvas w , h , depth
# status command for ack
@ socket . send ( @ buildCommand 0x04 , 1 )
2018-09-18 01:35:13 +02:00
when 0x84
2018-09-21 20:01:41 +02:00
# send data to web assembly for decoding
2018-09-20 20:02:22 +02:00
@ decoder . postMessage data . buffer , [ data . buffer ]
2018-09-18 01:35:13 +02:00
console . log cmd
2018-09-17 19:43:24 +02:00
WVNC.dependencies = [
2018-09-20 20:02:22 +02:00
" /assets/scripts/hamster.js "
2018-09-17 19:43:24 +02:00
makeclass " WVNC " , WVNC