mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 03:48:21 +01:00
Text rendering iss working now
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,11 +5,10 @@ Class {
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
Diya2DNode >> gltf: points [
Diya2DNode >> gltf: points do: block [
^ points collect: [ :point | |coord|
coord := self tf +* { point x. point y. 1.0 }.
coord at:3 put: 0.0.
block value: coord first value: (coord at:2)
@ -4,9 +4,34 @@ Class {
#category : #'Diya-Core'
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaBaseObject >> checkGLError: mark [
err := OpenGL getError.
err = 0 ifFalse:[
self stderror:mark, ': return error code ', err hex.
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaBaseObject >> logError: string [
self stderr nextPutAll: string; cr
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaBaseObject >> stderr [
VTermOutputDriver stderr
^VTermOutputDriver stderr
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaBaseObject >> stderror: string [
self stderr nextPutAll: string; nextPutAll: Character cr asString.
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaBaseObject >> stdlog: string [
self stdout nextPutAll: string;
nextPutAll: Character cr asString.
{ #category : #accessing }
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ Class {
#instVars : [
@ -36,14 +35,6 @@ DiyaBoot >> createGLContext [
{ #category : #events }
DiyaBoot >> createRenderer [
renderer := window primCreateRenderer: -1 flags: SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED.
renderer ifNil: [ ^self error: SDL2 getErrorMessage ].
{ #category : #events }
DiyaBoot >> createWindow [
window := SDL2 createWindow: 'Diya'
@ -54,12 +45,20 @@ DiyaBoot >> createWindow [
window ifNil: [ ^self error: SDL2 getErrorMessage ].
"handle fullscreen: SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN."
SDL2 glSetAttribute: SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION value: 2.
SDL2 glSetAttribute: SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION value: 0.
SDL2 glSetAttribute: SDL_GL_ACCELERATED_VISUAL value: 1."
"SDL2 glSetAttribute: SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER value: 1.
SDL2 glSetAttribute: SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE value: 24."
{ #category : #events }
DiyaBoot >> init [
| status |
SDL2 setHint: 'SDL_RENDER_DRIVER' value: 'opengles2'.
status := SDL2 init: SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING.
status = 0
ifFalse: [ ^ self error: SDL2 getErrorMessage ].
@ -106,9 +105,11 @@ DiyaBoot >> render [
DiyaRenderer uniqueInstance root: root.
rec := root addNode: (DiyaRectangle size: 120@160 shader: GLSimpleShader uniqueInstance) at: 200 @ 200.
rec := root addNode: (DiyaRectangle size: 50@50 shader: GLSimpleShader uniqueInstance) at: 200 @ 500.
"rec rotation: (Float pi / -8.0).
rec scale: 1.5@1.5."
text := root addNode: (DiyaText data: 'Hello,world' shader: TotoShader uniqueInstance) at: 0@0.
rec rotation: (Float pi / -8.0).
rec scale: 1.5@1.5.
text := root addNode: (DiyaText data: 'the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog' shader: TotoShader uniqueInstance) at: 50@100.
text extent: 100@100.
"text rotation:(Float pi / 4.0)."
OpenGL viewportX: 0 Y:0 W: display w H: display h.
"TODO: maybe give node to customize this"
[ running ] whileTrue: [
@ -182,10 +183,6 @@ DiyaBoot >> showSystemInfo [
stream nextPutAll: rinfo name readString; nextPutAll:' '.
stream cr.
renderer ifNotNil:[
renderer primGetRendererInfo: rinfo.
stream nextPutAll: 'SDL_RENDER_DRIVER selected: '; nextPutAll: rinfo name readString; cr.
stream nextPutAll:'Display resolution: ';
nextPutAll:display w asString;
nextPutAll: 'x';
@ -199,12 +196,11 @@ DiyaBoot >> startx [
display ifNil: [ ^self error: 'Please run #init before this method' ].
self createWindow.
self createGLContext.
self createRenderer.
SDL2 glMakeCurrent: window context: context.
self showSystemInfo.
DiyaRendererContext uniqueInstance display: display; useProjection: OrthoProjectionMatrix.
self render.
context delete.
renderer destroy.
window destroy.
DiyaFontManager reset.
DiyaRendererContext reset.
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Class {
#name : #DiyaFontFamily,
#superclass : #DiyaBaseObject,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Diya-Fonts'
@ -16,23 +16,13 @@ DiyaFontFamily class >> fromFace: face [
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaFontFamily >> addFace: face [
name ifNil: [ name := face familyName ].
faces at: face styleName ifAbsentPut: face.
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaFontFamily >> face: styleName [
^faces at: styleName ifAbsent: [^faces at: 'Regular']
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaFontFamily >> faces [
^ faces
styles at: face styleName ifAbsentPut: (DiyaFontStyle fromFace: face).
{ #category : #initialization }
DiyaFontFamily >> initialize [
super initialize.
faces := Dictionary new.
styles := Dictionary new.
name := nil
@ -47,6 +37,16 @@ DiyaFontFamily >> name: anObject [
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaFontFamily >> styleNames [
^faces keys
DiyaFontFamily >> style: styleName [
^styles at: styleName ifAbsent: [^styles at: 'Regular']
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaFontFamily >> styleNames [
^styles keys
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaFontFamily >> styles [
^ styles
@ -27,14 +27,6 @@ DiyaFontManager >> defaultFamily [
{ #category : #initialization }
DiyaFontManager >> face: styleName from: familyName [
family := families at: familyName ifAbsent: [ self defaultFamily ].
^family face: styleName
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaFontManager >> families [
^ families
@ -99,3 +91,11 @@ DiyaFontManager >> reset [
"reset all stored faces"
families := Dictionary new.
{ #category : #initialization }
DiyaFontManager >> style: styleName from: familyName [
family := families at: familyName ifAbsent: [ self defaultFamily ].
^family style: styleName
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
Class {
#name : #DiyaFontStyle,
#superclass : #DiyaBaseObject,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Diya-Fonts'
{ #category : #'instance creation' }
DiyaFontStyle class >> fromFace: aFace [
^self new face: aFace; yourself
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaFontStyle >> face [
^ face
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaFontStyle >> face: anObject [
face := anObject.
name := anObject styleName
{ #category : #initialization }
DiyaFontStyle >> initialize [
super initialize.
charmap := Dictionary new.
{ #category : #initialization }
DiyaFontStyle >> loadChar: charCode size: size [
|tex dic|
"lookup in the char map"
dic := charmap at: charCode ifAbsentPut: Dictionary new.
tex := dic at: size ifAbsentPut: [
face setPixelWidth:0 height: size.
face loadCharacter: charCode flags: (1 << 2).
OpenGLFontTex fromFace: face
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaFontStyle >> name [
^ name
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaFontStyle >> name: anObject [
name := anObject
@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ Class {
#pools : [
@ -18,6 +19,16 @@ Class {
#category : #'Diya-Graphics'
{ #category : #'instance creation' }
DiyaNode class >> size: size [
^(self new) extent: size; yourself
{ #category : #'instance creation' }
DiyaNode class >> size: size shader:s [
^(self with:s) extent: size; yourself
{ #category : #'instance creation' }
DiyaNode class >> with: shader [
^self new shader: shader; yourself
@ -52,11 +63,26 @@ DiyaNode >> draw [
self subclassResponsibility
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaNode >> extent [
^ extent
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaNode >> extent: anObject [
extent := anObject
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
DiyaNode >> gltf: points [
^self subclassResponsibility
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaNode >> height [
^ extent y
{ #category : #initialization }
DiyaNode >> initialize [
super initialize.
@ -144,3 +170,8 @@ DiyaNode >> tf [
DiyaNode >> updateTF [
self subclassResponsibility
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaNode >> wdith [
^ extent x
@ -1,22 +1,9 @@
Class {
#name : #DiyaRectangle,
#superclass : #Diya2DNode,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Diya-Graphics'
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
DiyaRectangle class >> size: s [
^(self new) size:s; yourself
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
DiyaRectangle class >> size: size shader:s [
^(self with:s) size: size; yourself
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaRectangle >> draw [
self transformDo:[:i :e|
@ -42,26 +29,18 @@ DiyaRectangle >> draw [
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaRectangle >> initialize [
super initialize.
self size:10@10.
self extent:10@10.
translation := nil.
children := nil
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaRectangle >> size [
^ size
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaRectangle >> size: anObject [
size := anObject.
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaRectangle >> transformDo: block [
i := 1.
(self gltf: { 0.0@0.0. 0.0@ (size y). size. (size x) @0. }) do:[:p|
p do: [ :e|
block value:i value:e. i := i+1]].
self gltf: { 0.0@0.0. 0.0@ (extent y). extent. (extent x) @0. } do:[:x :y|
block value: i value:x.
block value: i + 1 value: y.
block value: i + 2 value: 0.0.
i := i+3].
@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ DiyaRendererContext >> initialize [
vao bind.
vbo bind: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER.
projection := Array2D identity: 4.
buffer := FFIExternalArray externalNewType: GLfloat size: 128.
buffer := FFIExternalArray externalNewType: GLfloat size: 32.
buffer autoRelease.
vbo data: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER data: nil size:512 usage: GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW.
vbo data: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER data: nil size:128 usage: GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW.
@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ Class {
#pools : [
@ -35,30 +36,25 @@ DiyaText >> data: anObject [
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaText >> draw [
|face offset|
| offset|
data ifNil: [ ^self ].
offset := 100.0@100.0.
offset := 0.0@0.0.
OpenGL enable: GL_CULL_FACE.
OpenGL enable: GL_BLEND.
OpenGL enable: GL_TEXTURE_2D.
OpenGL blendFnWithSfactor: GL_SRC_ALPHA dfactor: GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA.
self shader use.
self shader setUniform: #u_time value: DiyaClock uniqueInstance elapsedTime asFloat.
self shader setUniform: #u_projection value: context projection buffer.
self shader setUniform: #u_texture value: 0.
self shader setUniform: #u_resolution value: { context resolution x. context resolution y }.
context mouse ifNotNil: [
"in shader, window origin is bottom left conor of the window
the mouse position should be transformed to this coodinate"
shader setUniform: #u_mouse value: { context mouse x. context resolution y - context mouse y }.
face := DiyaFontManager uniqueInstance face: self fontStyle from: self fontName.
"set fontsize"
face setPixelWidth:0 height: self fontSize.
style := DiyaFontManager uniqueInstance style: self fontStyle from: self fontName.
OpenGL pixelstorei: GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT param: 1.
"configure vao vbo for texture QUAD"
context texture0 active.
context vao enableAttribute: 0.
OpenGLVertexArray vertexAttributePointerIndex: 0 size:4 type: GL_FLOAT normalized: GL_FALSE stride: 16 pointer: nil .
data do:[:c | self drawCharacter: c at: offset with: face.].
OpenGLVertexArray vertexAttributePointerIndex: 0 size:4 type: GL_FLOAT normalized: GL_FALSE stride: 16 pointer: nil .
data do:[:c | self drawCharacter: c at: offset].
context vao disableAttribute: 0.
"reset value"
OpenGL pixelstorei: GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT param: 4.
@ -68,46 +64,46 @@ DiyaText >> draw [
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaText >> drawCharacter: c at: offset with: face [
DiyaText >> drawCharacter: c at: offset [
face loadCharacter: c asciiValue flags: (1 << 2) "FT_LOAD_RENDER".
tex2D := OpenGLTexImage2D new target: GL_TEXTURE_2D;
level: 0;
internalFormat: GL_RED;
width: face glyph width;
height: face glyph height;
border: 0;
format: GL_RED;
data: (FTFaceRec fromHandle: face getHandle) glyph bitmap buffer;
tex2D := style loadChar: c asciiValue size: self fontSize.
context texture0 setImage2D: tex2D.
OpenGLTexture parameteri: GL_TEXTURE_2D pname: GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S param: GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE.
OpenGLTexture parameteri: GL_TEXTURE_2D pname: GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T param: GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE.
OpenGLTexture parameteri: GL_TEXTURE_2D pname: GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER param: GL_LINEAR.
OpenGLTexture parameteri: GL_TEXTURE_2D pname: GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER param: GL_LINEAR.
"fill the buffer"
self fillVerticesBuffer: context buffer at: offset with: face.
context vbo subData: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER offset:0 data: context buffer.
((offset x > extent x) and: (tex2D width > 0)) ifTrue:[
offset setX: 0.0 setY: (offset y )- (tex2D linespace * (self scale y)).].
self fillVerticesBuffer: context buffer at: offset tex: tex2D.
context vbo subData: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER offset: 0 data: context buffer.
OpenGL drawArrays: GL_TRIANGLES first:0 count:6.
offset setX: (offset x + ((face glyph advanceX )* (self scale x)) ) setY: offset y.
offset setX: (offset x + ((tex2D advance x )* (self scale x)) ) setY: offset y.
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaText >> fillVerticesBuffer: buffer at: offset with: face [
|x y w h i|
x := offset x + ((face glyph hBearingX )*(self scale x)).
y := offset y - (((face glyph height) - (face glyph hBearingY))*(self scale y)).
w := (face glyph width)*(self scale x).
h := (face glyph height)*(self scale y).
DiyaText >> fillVerticesBuffer: buffer at: offset tex: tex [
|x y w h i uvs|
x := offset x + ((tex bearing x )*(self scale x)).
y := offset y - (((tex height) - (tex bearing y))*(self scale y)).
w := (tex width)*(self scale x).
h := (tex height)*(self scale y).
i := 1.
{x. y + h. 0.0. 0.0.
uvs := { 0@0. 0@1. 1@1. 0@0. 1@1. 1@0 }.
self gltf:{x@(y+h). x@y. (x+w)@y. x@(y+h). (x+w)@y. (x+w)@(y+h). } do:[:cx :cy| |uv|
uv := uvs at: ((i -1)/4) + 1.
buffer at:i put: cx.
buffer at: i +1 put: cy.
buffer at: i + 2 put: uv x.
buffer at: i + 3 put: uv y.
i := i+4.
"{x. y + h. 0.0. 0.0.
x. y. 0.0. 1.0.
x + w. y. 1.0. 1.0.
x. y + h. 0.0. 0.0.
x + w. y. 1.0. 1.0.
x + w. y + h. 1.0. 0.0. }
do: [ :e| buffer at:i put:e. i := i+1 ]
x + w. y + h. 1.0. 0.0. }"
{ #category : #accessing }
@ -117,7 +113,7 @@ DiyaText >> fontName [
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaText >> fontName: anObject [
fontName := anObject
fontName := anObject.
{ #category : #accessing }
@ -127,7 +123,7 @@ DiyaText >> fontSize [
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaText >> fontSize: anObject [
fontSize := anObject
fontSize := anObject.
{ #category : #accessing }
@ -137,14 +133,14 @@ DiyaText >> fontStyle [
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaText >> fontStyle: anObject [
fontStyle := anObject
fontStyle := anObject.
{ #category : #initialization }
DiyaText >> initialize [
super initialize.
fontStyle := 'Regular'.
fontName := 'Ubuntu'.
fontSize := 40.
self fontName: 'Ubuntu'.
self fontStyle: 'Regular'.
self fontSize: 14.
data := nil.
@ -63,6 +63,11 @@ OpenGL class >> end [
^ self ffiCall: #(void glEnd( void ))
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
OpenGL class >> getError [
^self ffiCall: #(GLenum glGetError( void))
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
OpenGL class >> getIntegerv: pname data: data [
^self ffiCall: #(void glGetIntegerv( GLenum pname,GLint * data))
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Class {
@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ Class {
@ -103,7 +105,8 @@ OpenGLConstants class >> initCommonConstants [
GL_RED := 16r1903.
GL_BLUE := 16r1905.
GL_GREEN := 16r1904.
GL_ALPHA := 16r1903.
GL_ALPHA := 16r1906.
GL_RGB := 16r1907.
{ #category : #'class initialization' }
@ -166,6 +169,7 @@ OpenGLConstants class >> initTextureConstants [
GL_LINEAR := 16r2601.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
Class {
#name : #OpenGLFontTex,
#superclass : #OpenGLTexImage2D,
#instVars : [
#pools : [
#category : #'Diya-Fonts'
{ #category : #'instance creation' }
OpenGLFontTex class >> fromFace: face [
^self new fromFace: face; yourself
{ #category : #accessing }
OpenGLFontTex >> advance [
^ advance
{ #category : #accessing }
OpenGLFontTex >> advance: anObject [
advance := anObject
{ #category : #accessing }
OpenGLFontTex >> bearing [
^ bearing
{ #category : #accessing }
OpenGLFontTex >> bearing: anObject [
bearing := anObject
{ #category : #accessing }
OpenGLFontTex >> fromFace: aFTFace [
|size glyph rec|
glyph := aFTFace glyph.
size := glyph width * glyph height.
data := FFIExternalArray externalNewType: #uint8 size:size.
rec := (FTFaceRec fromHandle: aFTFace getHandle).
data autoRelease.
LibC memCopy: (rec glyph bitmap buffer) to:data getHandle size: size.
level := 0.
internalFormat := GL_ALPHA.
width := glyph width.
height := glyph height.
linespace := (rec size metrics height / 64) asInteger.
border := 0.
format := GL_ALPHA.
target := GL_TEXTURE_2D.
bearing := (glyph hBearingX )@ (glyph hBearingY).
advance := (glyph advanceX )@ (glyph advanceY).
{ #category : #accessing }
OpenGLFontTex >> linespace [
^ linespace
{ #category : #accessing }
OpenGLFontTex >> linespace: anObject [
linespace := anObject
@ -39,6 +39,19 @@ OpenGLTexImage2D >> data: anObject [
data := anObject
{ #category : #accessing }
OpenGLTexImage2D >> debug [
stdlog: 'Target:',target hex;
stdlog: 'level:',level asString;
stdlog: 'border :',border asString;
stdlog: 'width :',width asString;
stdlog: 'height :',height asString;
stdlog: 'type :',type hex;
stdlog: 'format :',format hex;
stdlog: 'internalformat :',internalFormat hex
{ #category : #accessing }
OpenGLTexImage2D >> format [
^ format
@ -88,9 +88,19 @@ OpenGLTexture >> initialize [
unit := 0.
{ #category : #initialization }
OpenGLTexture >> maxTextureSize [
|ptr v|
ptr := FFIExternalArray externalNewType: GLint size:1.
ptr at:1 put: -1.
OpenGL getIntegerv: GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE data: ptr getHandle.
v := ptr at:1.
ptr free.
{ #category : #initialization }
OpenGLTexture >> setImage2D: tex2D [
self active.
self bind: tex2D target.
self class image2D: tex2D target
level: tex2D level
@ -100,7 +110,7 @@ OpenGLTexture >> setImage2D: tex2D [
border: tex2D border
format: tex2D format
type: tex2D type
data: tex2D data
data: tex2D data getHandle.
{ #category : #initialization }
@ -17,134 +17,8 @@ uniform vec2 u_resolution;
uniform vec2 u_mouse;
uniform float u_time;
void main(void) {
gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_texture, texcoord); //vec4(1, 1, 1, texture2D(u_texture, texcoord).r) * vec4(1,1,1,1);
|pkgn dest pkg fileReference fileName writer core hePackage ignoresClasses|
FFIMethodRegistry resetAll.
dest := Smalltalk arguments first.
pkgn := Smalltalk arguments at:2.
core := HEPackage new.
core classes: OrderedCollection new.
core traits: OrderedCollection new.
core extensionMethods: OrderedCollection new.
core packageName: pkgn.
packages := #(
'Graphics-Display Objects'
ignoresClasses := {
packages do:[:name | |pkg trait classes extensionMethods|
Transcript show: 'Processing package ',name;cr.
FFIMethodRegistry resetAll.
pkg := RPackageOrganizer default packageNamed: name asSymbol.
traits := (pkg definedClasses select: #isTrait) do: [ :e | core traits add:(HETrait for: e) ].
(pkg definedClasses reject: #isTrait) do: [ :e |
(ignoresClasses includes:e superclass) ifFalse:[
core addClass: (HEClass for: e) ].
pkg extensionMethods do: [ :e |
(ignoresClasses includes:e classBinding value) ifFalse:[
core extensionMethods add:(HEMethod for: e)
"SDL binding class"
pkg := RPackageOrganizer default packageNamed: 'OSWindow-SDL2' asSymbol.
(pkg classNamesForClassTag: 'Bindings') do:[:e|
(ignoresClasses includes:e asClass) ifFalse:[
core addClass:(HEClass for:e asClass) ]].
"FreeType binding class"
pkg := RPackageOrganizer default packageNamed: 'FreeType' asSymbol.
(pkg classNamesForClassTag: 'Base') do:[:e|
(ignoresClasses includes:e asClass) ifFalse:[
core addClass:(HEClass for:e asClass) ]].
(pkg classNamesForClassTag: 'Bindings') do:[:e|
(ignoresClasses includes:e asClass) ifFalse:[
core addClass:(HEClass for:e asClass) ]].
"fixing some missing classes"
core addClass: (HEClass for:OSWindowPlatformSpecificHandle);
addClass: (HEClass for:ChunkWriteStream);
addClass: (HEClass for:ChunkReadStream);
addClass: (HEClass for:STCommandLineHandler);
addClass: (HEClass for:FreeTypeFace)
fileReference := (dest,'/',(pkgn replaceAll: Character space with: $-),'.hermes') asFileReference.
fileName := fileReference fullName.
writer := HEBinaryReaderWriter new
stream: (File openForWriteFileNamed:fileName);
core writeInto: writer.
writer stream flush.
Transcript show: 'File exported to ', dest, '/', pkgn, '.hermes'; cr.
gl_FragColor = vec4(1, 1, 1, texture2D(u_texture, texcoord).a) * vec4(1,1,1,1);
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user