mirror of https://github.com/lxsang/Diya-API.git synced 2025-03-12 10:32:48 +01:00

fix conflict

This commit is contained in:
DanyLE 2022-03-16 21:33:35 +01:00
parent 89c5e04d36
commit 16269e40c3
12 changed files with 396 additions and 112 deletions

View File

@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ Diya2DNode >> initialize [
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
Diya2DNode >> recFromBuffer [
|maxX maxY minX minY x y|
maxX := maxY := minX := minY := 0.
maxX := minX := vbuffer at: 1.
maxY := minY := vbuffer at: 2.
1 to: vbuffer size by: 4 do: [ :i|
x := vbuffer at: i.
y := vbuffer at: i + 1.

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Diya2DPrimShape >> initialize [
children := nil.
border := 0.
bcolor := Color white
bcolor := Color white.
{ #category : #initialization }

View File

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ uniform float u_time;
// 2D uniforms
uniform int u_texture_type;
uniform vec4 u_color;
uniform vec4 u_border_color;
uniform sampler2D u_texture;
varying vec2 texcoord;
void main(void) {
@ -57,5 +56,5 @@ Diya2DShader >> setUpUniforms [
self addUniform: #u_texture_type of: Uniform1i.
self addUniform: #u_color of: Uniform4F.
self addUniform: #u_border_color of: Uniform4F.
self addUniform: #u_border of: Uniform1i.
self addUniform: #u_border of: Uniform1F.

View File

@ -74,18 +74,19 @@ DiyaBoot >> createWindow [
{ #category : #events }
DiyaBoot >> exampleNodes [
|root node style|
|root node style tex|
root := DiyaRootNode new.
tex := (DiyaImageTex fromFile:Smalltalk imageDirectory / 'assets'/'mrsang.png').
node := root addNode: (DiyaRectangle size: 200@200) at: 250 @ 430.
node texture: (DiyaImageTex fromFile:Smalltalk imageDirectory / 'assets'/'mrsang.png').
node texture: tex.
node color: (Color r: 1.0 g:1.0 b:1.0 alpha:1.0 ).
node borderColor: Color red.
node borderWidth: 3.0.
style := DiyaFontManager uniqueInstance style: 'Bold' from:'Ubuntu'.
style := DiyaFontManager uniqueInstance style: 'Regular' from:'Ubuntu'.
node := root addNode: (DiyaRectangle size: 208@288) at: 250 @ 50.
node color: (Color orange).
node texture: (style textureOf: 20).
node texture: (style textureOf: 16).
node borderColor: Color red.
node borderWidth: 3.0.
@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ DiyaBoot >> exampleNodes [
node scale: 1.5@1.5.
node := root addNode: (DiyaText data: String loremIpsum) at: 10@340.
node extent: 230@320.
node extent: 250@320.
node wordWrap: true.
node := root addNode: (DiyaLine from: 10@620 to: 200@635).
@ -104,8 +105,16 @@ DiyaBoot >> exampleNodes [
node := root addNode: (DiyaCircle r: 100) at: 200@200.
node borderColor: Color red.
node borderWidth: 2.0.
"node rotation:(Float pi / 4.0)."
node color: Color white.
node borderWidth: 3.0.
node texture: tex.
"node rotation:(Float pi / 4.0)".
node := root addNode: (DiyaConvexPolygon points:{250@100. 400@250. 450@80. 350@60}).
node color: Color green.
node borderColor: Color red.
node texture: tex.
node borderWidth: 3.0.
^ root
@ -156,24 +165,20 @@ DiyaBoot >> randomColorChannel [
{ #category : #events }
DiyaBoot >> render [
|event root text delta fps maxfps minfps|
|event root text delta fps|
event := SDL_Event new.
root := self exampleNodes.
DiyaRenderer uniqueInstance root: root.
text := root addNode:(DiyaText data: 'tick') at: (display w - 250)@40.
text extent: 250@40.
text fontSize: 20.
text := root addNode:(DiyaText data: 'tick') at: (display w - 80)@40.
text extent: 80@40.
text fontSize: 18.
text color: Color red.
DiyaRendererContext uniqueInstance.
self GLinit.
fps := maxfps := 0.
minfps := self class maxFPS.
[ running ] whileTrue: [
delta := DiyaClock uniqueInstance delta asMilliSeconds.
fps := ((1000/delta) asInteger).
maxfps := maxfps max: fps.
minfps := minfps min: fps.
text data: ('FPS:', fps asString, '(Min ', minfps asString, ', max ', maxfps asString, ')').
text data: ('FPS:', fps asString).
DiyaClock uniqueInstance tick.
[(SDL2 pollEvent: event) > 0] whileTrue: [
self processEvent: event
@ -182,7 +187,7 @@ DiyaBoot >> render [
SDL2 glSwapWindow: window.
delta := DiyaClock uniqueInstance delta asMilliSeconds.
SDL2 delay: (0 max: (1000/ self class maxFPS) asInteger - delta). "60 fps"
SDL2 delay: (0 max: (1000/ self class maxFPS) asInteger - delta).

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
Class {
#name : #DiyaConvexPolygon,
#superclass : #DiyaPolygon,
#category : #'Diya-Graphics'
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaConvexPolygon >> calculateVertices [
|size index p texcoord|
size := (points size + 1) << 2.
vbuffer ifNotNil: [ vbuffer free ].
vbuffer := FFIExternalArray externalNewType: GLfloat size:size.
vbuffer autoRelease.
points sort:[:a :b| a angle < b angle].
index := 1.
points do:[:point|
texcoord := self texcoordOf: point.
at: index put: point x;
at: index + 1 put: point y;
at: index + 2 put: texcoord x;
at: index + 3 put: 1.0 - texcoord y.
index := index + 4.
p := points at: 2.
texcoord := self texcoordOf: p.
at: index put: p x;
at: index + 1 put: p y;
at: index + 2 put: texcoord x;
at: index + 3 put: 1.0 - texcoord y.
{ #category : #initialization }
DiyaConvexPolygon >> drawLines [
OpenGL drawArrays: GL_LINE_LOOP first:0 count: (vbuffer size >> 2) - 1.
{ #category : #initialization }
DiyaConvexPolygon >> initialize [
super initialize.
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaConvexPolygon >> texcoordOf: point [
^ (point / (self extent )) asFloatPoint

View File

@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ Class {
#superclass : #Diya2DPrimShape,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Diya-Graphics'
@ -24,29 +23,28 @@ DiyaEllipse class >> rx: rx ry: ry shader: s [
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaEllipse >> delta [
^ delta
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaEllipse >> delta: anObject [
delta := anObject
{ #category : #initialization }
DiyaEllipse >> draw [
enable: GL_BLEND;
blendFnWithSfactor: GL_SRC_ALPHA dfactor: GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA.
super draw.
disable: GL_BLEND
{ #category : #initialization }
DiyaEllipse >> drawLines [
0 to: (vbuffer size >> 2) by: 3 do:[: i|
self drawLineAt: i
DiyaEllipse >> drawBorder [
"do nothing"
{ #category : #initialization }
DiyaEllipse >> initialize [
super initialize.
translation := nil.
vbuffer := FFIExternalArray externalNewType: GLfloat size:4332.
vbuffer := FFIExternalArray externalNewType: GLfloat size: 24.
vbuffer autoRelease.
shader := DiyaEllipseShader uniqueInstance.
{ #category : #accessing }
@ -71,36 +69,27 @@ DiyaEllipse >> ry: anObject [
dirty := true
{ #category : #initialization }
DiyaEllipse >> setUpShader [
super setUpShader.
self shader
setUniform: #u_border value: border;
setUniform: #u_border_color value: bcolor asGL4FArray;
setUniform: #u_rx value: rx;
setUniform: #u_ry value: ry.
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaEllipse >> update [
|theta c s x y index t|
bbox := Rectangle origin: ((rx negated) @ (ry negated)) / 2.0 corner: (rx @ ry) / 2.0.
theta := 2.0 * (Float pi) / 360.0.
c := theta cos.
s := theta sin.
x := 1.
y := 0.
index := 1.
0 to: 360 do:[:a|
at: index + 4 put: x * rx;
at: index + 5 put: y * ry;
at: index + 6 put: 0.0;
at: index + 7 put: 0.0.
t := x.
x := (c * x) - (s * y).
y := (s * t) + (c * y).
at: index put: x*rx;
at: index + 1 put: y*ry;
at: index + 2 put: 0.0;
at: index + 3 put: 0.0;
at: index + 8 put: 0.0;
at: index + 9 put: 0.0;
at: index + 10 put: 0.0;
at: index + 11 put: 0.0.
index := index + 12.
bbox := Rectangle origin: ((rx negated) @ (ry negated)) corner: (rx @ ry).
bbox origin x. bbox corner y. 0.0. 0.0.
bbox origin x. bbox origin y. 0.0. 1.0.
bbox corner x. bbox origin y. 1.0. 1.0.
bbox corner x. bbox origin y. 1.0. 1.0.
bbox corner x. bbox corner y. 1.0. 0.0.
bbox origin x. bbox corner y. 0.0. 0.0.
} doWithIndex: [:e :i| vbuffer at: i put: e].

View File

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
Class {
#name : #DiyaEllipseShader,
#superclass : #Diya2DShader,
#category : #'Diya-Shaders'
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaEllipseShader class >> fragmentShader [
#ifdef GL_ES
precision highp float;
uniform vec2 u_resolution;
uniform vec2 u_mouse;
uniform float u_time;
// 2D uniforms
uniform int u_texture_type;
uniform vec4 u_color;
uniform vec4 u_border_color;
uniform sampler2D u_texture;
uniform float u_border;
uniform float u_rx;
uniform float u_ry;
varying float rotation;
varying vec2 middle;
varying vec2 texcoord;
struct Ellipse
vec2 c;
float minor;
float major;
float f;
float get_foci(float major, float minor)
return sqrt((major*major)-(minor*minor));
Ellipse create_ellipse(vec2 c, float mi, float ma)
Ellipse e;
e.c = c;
e.major = max(mi,ma);
e.minor = min(mi,ma);
e.f = get_foci(e.major, e.minor);
return e;
bool is_inside_ellipse(vec2 p, Ellipse e)
float first = ((p.x-e.c.x)*(p.x-e.c.x)) / (e.major*e.major);
float second = ((p.y-e.c.y)*(p.y-e.c.y)) / (e.minor*e.minor);
return first+second <= 1.0;
bool is_inside_border(vec2 p, Ellipse e, float w)
float first = ((p.x-e.c.x)*(p.x-e.c.x)) / ((e.major-w)*(e.major-w));
float second = ((p.y-e.c.y)*(p.y-e.c.y)) / ((e.minor-w)*(e.minor-w));
float sum = first + second;
return sum<= 1.0;
void draw_ellipse(inout vec4 c, vec2 p, Ellipse e, float border)
c = vec4(0);
if (is_inside_border(p,e, border))
vec4 texcolor = vec4(1);
// vec2 uv = (p - (e.c - vec2(e.major , e.minor))) / vec2(e.major*2.0, e.minor*2.0);
// alpha
if(u_texture_type == 0x1906) {
texcolor = vec4(1, 1, 1, texture2D(u_texture, texcoord).a);
// rgba
else if (u_texture_type == 0x1908){
texcolor = texture2D(u_texture, texcoord);
c = texcolor * u_color;
if (is_inside_ellipse(p, e))
c = u_border_color;
vec2 rotate_point(vec2 center, vec2 p,float angle)
float s = sin(angle);
float c = cos(angle);
// translate point back to origin:
p.x -= center.x;
p.y -= center.y;
// rotate point
float xnew = p.x * c - p.y * s;
float ynew = p.x * s + p.y * c;
// translate point back:
p.x = xnew + center.x;
p.y = ynew + center.y;
return p;
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(0);
//defining ellipse
Ellipse e = create_ellipse(middle, u_ry, u_rx);
draw_ellipse(color, rotate_point(middle, gl_FragCoord.xy, rotation), e, u_border);
// Output to screen
gl_FragColor = color;
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaEllipseShader class >> vertexShader [
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
uniform mat4 u_projection;
uniform mat3 u_transform;
varying float rotation;
varying vec2 middle;
varying vec2 texcoord;
void main()
vec3 coord_global = u_transform * vec3(gl_Vertex.xy, 1.0);
gl_Position = u_projection * vec4(coord_global.xy, 0, 1.0);
rotation = atan(u_transform[1][0], u_transform[0][0]);
middle = (u_transform * vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0)).xy;
texcoord = gl_Vertex.zw;
{ #category : #initialization }
DiyaEllipseShader >> setUpUniforms [
super setUpUniforms.
self addUniform: #u_rx of: Uniform1F.
self addUniform: #u_ry of: Uniform1F.

View File

@ -90,9 +90,13 @@ DiyaLine >> to: anObject [
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaLine >> update [
translation = from ifFalse:[self position: from].
bbox := (Rectangle origin: 0@0 corner: to - from ).
bbox := (Rectangle origin: from corner: to ).
bbox origin = translation ifFalse:[self position: bbox origin].
from := from - bbox origin.
to := to - bbox origin.
extent := bbox extent.
bbox := (Rectangle origin: 0@0 corner: extent ).
0.0. 0.0. 0.0. 0.0.
extent x. extent y. 0.0. 0.0.

View File

@ -1,5 +1,67 @@
Class {
#name : #DiyaPolygon,
#superclass : #Diya2DPrimShape,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Diya-Graphics'
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
DiyaPolygon class >> points: points [
^self new points: points; yourself
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
DiyaPolygon class >> points: points shader:s [
^self new points: points; shader:s; yourself
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaPolygon >> calculateVertices [
^self subclassResponsibility
{ #category : #initialization }
DiyaPolygon >> initialize [
super initialize.
points := {}.
vbuffer := nil.
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaPolygon >> points [
^ points
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaPolygon >> points: anObject [
points := anObject.
dirty := true
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaPolygon >> recFromPoints [
|maxX maxY minX minY x y|
maxX := minX := (points at: 1) x.
maxY := minY := (points at: 1) y.
points do: [ :p|
x := p x.
y := p y.
maxX := maxX max: x.
maxY := maxY max: y.
minX := minX min: x.
minY := minY min: y.
^ Rectangle origin: minX@minY corner: maxX @ maxY
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaPolygon >> update [
bbox := self recFromPoints.
translation = bbox origin ifFalse:[ self position: bbox origin].
points := points collect:[:e | e - bbox origin].
bbox := self recFromPoints.
self calculateVertices.

View File

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ DiyaText >> drawText [
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaText >> extent: v [
bbox := Rectangle origin: 0@0 corner: v.
bbox := Rectangle origin: 0@0 corner: (v x) @ (v y negated ).
dirty := true
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ DiyaText >> getCharsVerticesAt:i offset: offset on: tex2D [
c = (Character space asciiValue) ifTrue:[
offset setX: (offset x + (tex2D spacing ) ) setY: offset y.
wrap ifTrue: [
(offset x + ((self nextSpaceFrom: i + 1) * (tex2D spacing))) > (self extent x) ifTrue: [
(offset x + ((self nextSpaceFrom: i + 1) * (tex2D fontSize))) > (self extent x) ifTrue: [
offset setX: 0.0 setY: (offset y )- (tex2D linespace)].
^ {}.

Diya/FT2Face.extension.st Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Extension { #name : #FT2Face }
{ #category : #'*Diya' }
FT2Face >> getFirstChar: gindex [
^self ffiCall: #(FT_ULong FT_Get_First_Char(self,FT_UInt *gindex)).
{ #category : #'*Diya' }
FT2Face >> getNextChar: charcode iptr: gindex [
^self ffiCall: #( FT_ULong FT_Get_Next_Char(self,FT_ULong charcode,FT_UInt *gindex )).

View File

@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ Class {
#pools : [
@ -24,7 +25,8 @@ OpenGLFontTex >> blitPixel8: bitmap at: offset size: size [
size = (0@0) ifTrue:[^self].
0 to: size y - 1 do: [ :i|
LibC memCopy: (bitmap getHandle + (i* (size x))) to:(data getHandle + ((i + offset y) * width + (offset x) )) size: size x
bitmap free.
{ #category : #accessing }
@ -43,28 +45,34 @@ OpenGLFontTex >> charmap [
{ #category : #'instance creation' }
OpenGLFontTex >> createBitmapFontFrom: bitmaps metrics: metrics maxBearing: maxbearing [
|currChar offset|
OpenGLFontTex >> createBitmapFontFrom: glyphs maxBearing: maxbearing [
|bmp metric offset nrows index element|
data ifNotNil: [data free ].
charmap := OrderedCollection new.
data := FFIExternalArray externalNewType: GLubyte size:cellw * cellh * 256.
charmap := Dictionary new.
nrows := glyphs size >> 5.
(glyphs size % 32) = 0 ifFalse:[nrows := nrows + 1].
data := FFIExternalArray externalNewType: GLubyte size:cellw * cellh * (nrows << 5).
LibC memset: data getHandle value: 0 size: data size.
data autoRelease.
currChar := 1.
index := 1.
offset := 0@0.
width := cellw * 16.
height := cellh * 16.
0 to: 15 do: [ :row|
0 to: 15 do: [ :col| |glyph|
width := cellw * 32.
height := cellh * nrows.
0 to: nrows - 1 do: [ :row|
0 to: 31 do: [ :col| |glyph|
element := glyphs at: index.
metric := element at: 3.
bmp := element at:2.
offset := (col * cellw) @ (row*cellh).
glyph := (DiyaFontGlyph origin: offset extent: (((metrics at: currChar) first x asInteger) @ cellh)).
glyph := (DiyaFontGlyph origin: offset extent: ((metric first x asInteger) @ cellh)).
bearing: ((metrics at: currChar) at: 2) asFloatPoint;
advance: ((metrics at: currChar) at: 3) asFloatPoint;
bearing: (metric at: 2) asFloatPoint;
advance: (metric at: 3) asFloatPoint;
texcoord: (Rectangle origin: (glyph origin/ (self extent) ) asFloatPoint corner: ((glyph corner) / (self extent)) asFloatPoint ).
charmap add:glyph.
self blitPixel8: (bitmaps at: currChar) at: (offset x) @ ((offset y) + maxbearing - ((metrics at: currChar) last) ) size: (metrics at: currChar) first.
currChar := currChar + 1.
charmap at: element first put:glyph.
self blitPixel8: bmp at: (offset x) @ ((offset y) + maxbearing - (metric last) ) size: metric first.
index := index + 1.
index > glyphs size ifTrue:[^self].
@ -77,51 +85,62 @@ OpenGLFontTex >> drop [
disable: GL_BLEND.
{ #category : #accessing }
OpenGLFontTex >> fontSize [
^ fontSize
{ #category : #'instance creation' }
OpenGLFontTex >> fromFace: face ofSize: size [
|minhang maxbearing rec metrics bitmaps |
|minhang maxbearing rec glyphs iptr charcode w|
fontSize := size.
face setPixelWidth:0 height: size.
"set up a buffer for 256 characters"
bitmaps := OrderedCollection new.
metrics := OrderedCollection new.
glyphs := OrderedCollection new.
cellw := 0.
cellh := 0.
minhang := 0.
maxbearing := 0.
iptr := FFIExternalArray externalNewType: GLuint size:1.
iptr at:1 put: 0.
rec := (FTFaceRec fromHandle: face getHandle).
0 to: 255 do: [ :c |
|bmp bmpsize|
face loadCharacter: c flags: (1 << 2).
metrics add: {
(((rec glyph metrics width) /64)@ ((rec glyph metrics height) /64)).
(face glyph hBearing).
(face glyph advance).
((rec glyph metrics horiBearingY) / 64)
maxbearing := maxbearing max: ((rec glyph metrics horiBearingY) / 64).
cellw := cellw max: ((rec glyph metrics width) / 64).
minhang := minhang min: ((( rec glyph metrics horiBearingY) - (rec glyph metrics height )) / 64).
"copy buffer"
bmpsize := (rec glyph bitmap width)*(rec glyph bitmap rows).
bmp := FFIExternalArray externalNewType: GLubyte size:bmpsize.
LibC memCopy: rec glyph bitmap buffer to: bmp getHandle size: bmpsize.
bitmaps add: bmp.
charcode := face getFirstChar: iptr getHandle.
[ (iptr at: 1) = 0 ] whileFalse: [
|bmp bmpsize metric|
face loadCharacter: charcode flags: (1 << 2).
w := ((rec glyph metrics width) >> 6).
(w > (size << 1)) ifFalse:[
metric := {
(((rec glyph metrics width) >> 6)@ ((rec glyph metrics height) >> 6)).
(face glyph hBearing).
(face glyph advance).
((rec glyph metrics horiBearingY) >> 6)
maxbearing := maxbearing max: ((rec glyph metrics horiBearingY) >> 6).
cellw := cellw max: w.
minhang := minhang min: ((( rec glyph metrics horiBearingY) - (rec glyph metrics height)) >> 6).
"copy buffer"
bmpsize := (rec glyph bitmap width)*(rec glyph bitmap rows).
bmp := FFIExternalArray externalNewType: GLubyte size:bmpsize.
LibC memCopy: rec glyph bitmap buffer to: bmp getHandle size: bmpsize.
glyphs add: {charcode. bmp. metric}.
charcode := face getNextChar: charcode iptr: iptr getHandle.
cellh := maxbearing - minhang.
spacing := (cellw / 2) asInteger.
self createBitmapFontFrom: bitmaps metrics: metrics maxBearing: maxbearing.
bitmaps do:[:p| p free].
spacing := (size >> 2) asInteger.
self createBitmapFontFrom: glyphs maxBearing: maxbearing.
iptr free.
{ #category : #accessing }
OpenGLFontTex >> getGlyph: c [
^(self charmap at: c + 1)
^(self charmap at: c ifAbsent:[^nil])
{ #category : #initialization }
OpenGLFontTex >> initialize [
super initialize.
charmap := OrderedCollection new.
charmap := Dictionary new.
data := nil.
level := 0.
border := 0.