mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 03:12:47 +01:00
Compare commits
163 Commits
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cc73ab2c7c | ||
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cc81e74997 | ||
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88bbdb0c64 | ||
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e6c7d0ff2a | ||
07b9f293c0 | ||
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@ -1,107 +1,5 @@
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Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# EditorConfig is awesome: https://EditorConfig.org
# top-most EditorConfig file
root = true
indent_style = space
indent_size = 4
charset = utf-8
@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ include/config.h
@ -3,15 +3,17 @@ include config.mk
MAN1 = ${NAME}.1
PKGS = wayland-client xkbcommon pangocairo
WVKBD_SOURCES += $(wildcard $(SRC)/*.c)
WVKBD_HEADERS += $(wildcard $(SRC)/*.h)
PKG_CONFIG ?= pkg-config
CFLAGS += -std=gnu99 -Wall -g -DWITH_WAYLAND_SHM -DLAYOUT=\"layout.${LAYOUT}.h\" -DKEYMAP=\"keymap.${LAYOUT}.h\"
CFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --cflags $(PKGS))
LDFLAGS =$(shell pkg-config --libs $(PKGS)) -lm -lutil -lrt
CFLAGS += $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags $(PKGS))
LDFLAGS += $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --libs $(PKGS)) -lm -lutil -lrt
WAYLAND_HEADERS = $(wildcard proto/*.xml)
@ -19,11 +21,14 @@ HDRS = $(WAYLAND_HEADERS:.xml=-client-protocol.h)
DOCS = wvkbd.1
all: ${BIN}
all: ${BIN} ${DOCS}
config.h: config.def.h
cp config.def.h config.h
proto/%-client-protocol.c: proto/%.xml
@ -38,12 +43,18 @@ wvkbd-${LAYOUT}: config.h $(OBJECTS) layout.${LAYOUT}.h
$(CC) -o wvkbd-${LAYOUT} $(OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS)
clang-format -i $(WVKBD_SOURCES) $(WVKBD_HEADERS)
%: %.scd
$(SCDOC) < $< > $@
install: all
mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin
cp -f ${NAME}-${LAYOUT} ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin
chmod 755 ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/${NAME}-${LAYOUT}
mkdir -p "${DESTDIR}${MANPREFIX}/man1"
sed "s/VERSION/${VERSION}/g" < ${MAN1} > ${DESTDIR}${MANPREFIX}/man1/${MAN1}
chmod 644 ${DESTDIR}${MANPREFIX}/man1/${MAN1}
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# wvkbd - On-screen keyboard for wlroots that sucks less
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/proycon/wvkbd/master/contrib/wvkbd-mobintl.jpg" width=300 /> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/proycon/wvkbd/master/contrib/wvkbd-mobintl-cyrillic.jpg" width=300 />
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jjsullivan5196/wvkbd/master/contrib/wvkbd-mobintl.jpg" width=300 /> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jjsullivan5196/wvkbd/master/contrib/wvkbd-mobintl-cyrillic.jpg" width=300 />
This project aims to deliver a minimal but practically usable implementation of a wlroots on-screen
keyboard in legible C. This will **only** be a keyboard, not a feedback buzzer,
@ -17,15 +17,15 @@ new features.
- Custom color schemes
- Proper font drawing
- Intuitive layouts
- International layouts (cyrillic, arabic)
- International layouts (cyrillic, arabic, persian, greek, georgian)
- Support for 'Copy' keys which are not on the keymap
- Emoji support
- Compose key for character variants (e.g. diacritics)
- Show/hide keyboard on signals (SIGUSR1 = hide, SIGUSR2 = show)
- Show/hide keyboard on signals (SIGUSR1 = hide, SIGUSR2 = show, SIGRTMIN = toggle)
- Automatic portrait/landscape detection and subsequent layout switching
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/proycon/wvkbd/master/contrib/wvkbd-mobintl-landscape.jpg" width=640 />
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jjsullivan5196/wvkbd/master/contrib/wvkbd-mobintl-landscape.jpg" width=640 />
There are some areas that still need work:
@ -37,16 +37,19 @@ There are some areas that still need work:
You'll need the following developer packages
- pangocairo
- cairo
- pango
- wayland-client
- xkbcommon
You also need [scdoc](https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/scdoc/) to generate the documentation.
Make any customizations you would like in `config.def.h` and run `make`
The default set of layouts is called `mobintl` *(mobile international)*, which groups various layouts aimed at mobile devices
and also attempts to accommodate various international users. The resulting binary is called `wvkbd-mobintl`.
You can, however, define your own layouts by copying and and modifying `layout.mobintl.h` and `keymap.mobintl.h`
You can, however, define your own layouts by copying and modifying `layout.mobintl.h` and `keymap.mobintl.h`
(replace `mobintl` for something like `yourlayout`). Then make your layout set using `make LAYOUT=yourlayout`, and
the resulting binary will be `wvkbd-yourlayout`
@ -54,32 +57,65 @@ the resulting binary will be `wvkbd-yourlayout`
Run `wvkbd-mobintl` (or the binary for your custom layout set).
You can switch between the layouts/layers of the keyboard by pressing the Abc/Sym key in the bottom-left. If you only
want a subset of the available layers, you can define which wants you want and in what order you want to cycle through
them using the `-l` parameter. This takes takes a ordered comma separated list of
layout names that are defined in your layout set.
You can switch between the layouts/layers of the keyboard by pressing the
⌨ key (little keyboard) the bottom-left (press shift to iterate back instead of
forward). If you only want a subset of the available layers, you can define
which you want and in what order you want to cycle through them using the
`-l` parameter (or `--landscape-layers` for landscape mode). This takes takes a ordered comma separated list of layout names
that are defined in your layout set.
The keyboard can be hidden by sending it a `SIGUSR1` signal and shown again by sending it `SIGUSR2`. This saves some
start up time and may be appropriate in some low-resource environments.
The keyboard can be hidden by sending it a `SIGUSR1` signal, shown again by sending it `SIGUSR2` or toggled by sending it `SIGRTMIN`.
This saves some start up time and may be appropriate in some low-resource environments.
Wvkbd has an output mode `-o` that will echo its output to standard output. This facility can be used if users want
audio/haptic feedback, a feature explicitly out of scope for wvkbd. To achieve this, simply pipe wvkbd's output through the external tool
`$ wvkbd-mobileintl -l simple,special,emoji -o | clickclack -V -f keypress.wav`
`$ wvkbd-mobintl -l simple,special,emoji -o | clickclack -V -f keypress.wav`
Another output mode, `-O` will let the keyboard output keys which are swiped over. It can be used by an external program, such as [swipeGuess](https://git.sr.ht/~earboxer/swipeGuess) to get swipe-typing support.
`$ wvkbd-mobintl -O | swipeGuess.sh words.txt | completelyTypeWord.sh`
### Compose button
The default mobile international layout features a Compose button (`Cmp`)
which, when combined with another key, opens up a layout that offers variants
for that key. This is similar to functionality that other keyboards implemented
using a *long press* (wvkbd has no such notion, holding a key will repeat
it like on a physical keyboard).
For example, press Cmp + a to access variants with diacritics like á,à,â,ä, etc..
Most layouts also feature the following that are less obvious:
* Press Cmp + ``.`` to access more punctuation
* Press Cmp + ``-`` or ``,`` to access 'mathematical' symbols (+,-,=,etc)
* Press Cmp + ``'`` or ``0`` or ``9`` to access more brackets and quotes
* Press Cmp + ``q`` to access emojis
Last, but not least, pressing Cmp + space or Cmp + ⌨ or Cmp + Abc opens up an index that allows you to immediately jump to any
layout by name, even layouts not explicitly added to your layers on startup.
## Contribute
Any contributions are welcome, please tell me what I did wrong in issues or
PRs. I could also use some nice branding if that tickles your fancy.
Any contributions are welcome, there are two ways to contribute, the first one is **preferred**:
For code contributions, all I ask for now is you run `make format` (requires
`clang-format`) before opening a PR and include as much relevant detail as
1. [Sourcehut](https://git.sr.ht/~proycon/wvkbd) - Submit your patches using `git mail` to [~mil/sxmo-devel@lists.sr.ht](mailto:~mil/sxmo-devel@lists.sr.ht), follow [these contribution guidelines](https://sxmo.org/contribute/). Questions can also be asked on Sxmo's [mailing lists](https://sxmo.org/support/).
2. [Github](https://github.com/jjsullivan5196/wvkbd/) - Submit a pull request or open an issue *(legacy method)*
This project was started by [John Sullivan](https://jsullivan.cc/) and is
currently being maintained by the [Sxmo](https://sxmo.org) project, whose
maintainers will ensure both git remotes are kept in sync at all times.
For code contributions, please run `make format` (requires `clang-format`)
before sending a patch (opening a PR) and include as much relevant detail as
## Related projects
* [clickclack](https://git.sr.ht/~proycon/clickclack) - Audio/haptic feedback (standalone)
* [swipeGuess](https://git.sr.ht/~earboxer/swipeGuess) - Word-completion for swipe-typing
* [Sxmo](https://sxmo.org) - A hackable mobile interface environment for Linux phones that adopted wvkbd as its keyboard
* [svkbd](https://tools.suckless.org/x/svkbd/) - A similar project as wvkbd but for X11 rather than Wayland
* [squeekboard](https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/squeekboard) - The virtual keyboard developed for the Librem5 (used
@ -1,34 +1,44 @@
#ifndef config_def_h_INCLUDED
#define config_def_h_INCLUDED
static const char *default_font = "Monospace 14";
#define DEFAULT_FONT "Sans 14"
static const int transparency = 255;
struct clr_scheme scheme = {
struct clr_scheme schemes[] = {
/* colors */
.bg = {.bgra = {15, 15, 15, 225}},
.fg = {.bgra = {45, 45, 45, 225}},
.high = {.bgra = {100, 100, 100, 225}},
.bg = {.bgra = {15, 15, 15, transparency}},
.fg = {.bgra = {45, 45, 45, transparency}},
.high = {.bgra = {100, 100, 100, transparency}},
.swipe = {.bgra = {100, 255, 100, 64}},
.text = {.color = UINT32_MAX},
struct clr_scheme scheme1 = {
/* colors */
.bg = {.bgra = {15, 15, 15, 225}},
.fg = {.bgra = {32, 32, 32, 225}},
.high = {.bgra = {100, 100, 100, 225}},
.bg = {.bgra = {15, 15, 15, transparency}},
.fg = {.bgra = {32, 32, 32, transparency}},
.high = {.bgra = {100, 100, 100, transparency}},
.swipe = {.bgra = {100, 255, 100, 64}},
.text = {.color = UINT32_MAX},
/* layers is an ordered list of layouts, used to cycle through */
static enum layout_id layers[] = {
Full, // First layout is the default layout on startup
Special, Emoji, Simple, SimpleGrid, Nav, Cyrillic, Arabic,
NumLayouts // signals the last item, may not be omitted
/* layers is an ordered list of layouts, used to cycle through */
static enum layout_id landscape_layers[] = {
Landscape, // First layout is the default layout on startup
Special, Emoji, Nav,
NumLayouts // signals the last item, may not be omitted
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
VERSION = 0.16.1
PREFIX = /usr/local
MANPREFIX = ${PREFIX}/share/man
LAYOUT = mobintl
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 196 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 359 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 215 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 429 KiB |
@ -4,9 +4,11 @@
#include "drw.h"
#include "shm_open.h"
#include "math.h"
drwsurf_resize(struct drwsurf *ds, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t s) {
drwsurf_resize(struct drwsurf *ds, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, double s)
if (ds->buf) {
munmap(ds->pool_data, ds->size);
@ -14,67 +16,93 @@ drwsurf_resize(struct drwsurf *ds, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t s) {
ds->scale = s;
ds->width = w * s;
ds->height = h * s;
ds->width = ceil(w * s);
ds->height = ceil(h * s);
static void surface_frame_callback(void *data, struct wl_callback *cb,
uint32_t time);
static struct wl_callback_listener frame_listener = {.done =
drwsurf_flip(struct drwsurf *ds) {
ds->cb = wl_surface_frame(ds->surf);
wl_callback_add_listener(ds->cb, &frame_listener, (void *)ds);
drwsurf_flip(struct drwsurf *ds)
wl_surface_attach(ds->surf, ds->buf, 0, 0);
surface_frame_callback(void *data, struct wl_callback *cb, uint32_t time) {
struct drwsurf *ds = (struct drwsurf *)data;
ds->cb = NULL;
drw_draw_text(struct drwsurf *d, Color color, uint32_t x, uint32_t y,
uint32_t w, uint32_t h, const char *label) {
uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t b, const char *label,
PangoFontDescription *font_description)
pango_layout_set_font_description(d->layout, font_description);
d->cairo, color.bgra[2] / (double)255, color.bgra[1] / (double)255,
color.bgra[0] / (double)255, color.bgra[3] / (double)255);
cairo_move_to(d->cairo, x + (double)w / 2.0, y + (double)h / 2.0);
cairo_move_to(d->cairo, x + w / 2, y + h / 2);
pango_layout_set_text(d->layout, label, -1);
pango_layout_set_width(d->layout, (w - (b * 2)) * PANGO_SCALE);
pango_layout_set_height(d->layout, (h - (b * 2)) * PANGO_SCALE);
int width, height;
pango_layout_get_size(d->layout, &width, &height);
pango_layout_get_pixel_size(d->layout, &width, &height);
cairo_rel_move_to(d->cairo, -width / 2, -height / 2);
cairo_rel_move_to(d->cairo, -((double)width / PANGO_SCALE) / 2,
-((double)height / PANGO_SCALE) / 2);
pango_cairo_show_layout(d->cairo, d->layout);
wl_surface_damage(d->surf, x, y, w, h);
drw_fill_rectangle(struct drwsurf *d, Color color, uint32_t x, uint32_t y,
uint32_t w, uint32_t h) {
drw_do_clear(struct drwsurf *d, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h)
cairo_set_operator(d->cairo, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE);
cairo_set_operator(d->cairo, CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR);
cairo_rectangle(d->cairo, x, y, w, h);
drw_do_rectangle(struct drwsurf *d, Color color, uint32_t x, uint32_t y,
uint32_t w, uint32_t h, bool over, int rounding)
if (over) {
cairo_set_operator(d->cairo, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER);
} else {
cairo_set_operator(d->cairo, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE);
if (rounding > 0) {
double radius = rounding / 1.0;
double degrees = M_PI / 180.0;
cairo_new_sub_path (d->cairo);
cairo_arc (d->cairo, x + w - radius, y + radius, radius, -90 * degrees, 0 * degrees);
cairo_arc (d->cairo, x + w - radius, y + h - radius, radius, 0 * degrees, 90 * degrees);
cairo_arc (d->cairo, x + radius, y + h - radius, radius, 90 * degrees, 180 * degrees);
cairo_arc (d->cairo, x + radius, y + radius, radius, 180 * degrees, 270 * degrees);
cairo_close_path (d->cairo);
d->cairo, color.bgra[2] / (double)255, color.bgra[1] / (double)255,
color.bgra[0] / (double)255, color.bgra[3] / (double)255);
cairo_fill (d->cairo);
cairo_set_source_rgba(d->cairo, 0, 0, 0, 0.9);
cairo_set_line_width(d->cairo, 1.0);
else {
cairo_rectangle(d->cairo, x, y, w, h);
d->cairo, color.bgra[2] / (double)255, color.bgra[1] / (double)255,
@ -82,12 +110,26 @@ drw_fill_rectangle(struct drwsurf *d, Color color, uint32_t x, uint32_t y,
wl_surface_damage(d->surf, x, y, w, h);
drw_fill_rectangle(struct drwsurf *d, Color color, uint32_t x, uint32_t y,
uint32_t w, uint32_t h, int rounding)
drw_do_rectangle(d, color, x, y, w, h, false, rounding);
drw_over_rectangle(struct drwsurf *d, Color color, uint32_t x, uint32_t y,
uint32_t w, uint32_t h, int rounding)
drw_do_rectangle(d, color, x, y, w, h, true, rounding);
setup_buffer(struct drwsurf *drwsurf) {
setup_buffer(struct drwsurf *drwsurf)
int stride = drwsurf->width * 4;
drwsurf->size = stride * drwsurf->height;
@ -105,23 +147,22 @@ setup_buffer(struct drwsurf *drwsurf) {
struct wl_shm_pool *pool =
wl_shm_create_pool(drwsurf->ctx->shm, fd, drwsurf->size);
drwsurf->buf = wl_shm_pool_create_buffer(
pool, 0, drwsurf->width, drwsurf->height, stride, WL_SHM_FORMAT_ARGB8888);
drwsurf->buf =
wl_shm_pool_create_buffer(pool, 0, drwsurf->width, drwsurf->height,
stride, WL_SHM_FORMAT_ARGB8888);
cairo_surface_t *s = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(
drwsurf->pool_data, CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, drwsurf->width, drwsurf->height,
drwsurf->pool_data, CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, drwsurf->width,
drwsurf->height, stride);
drwsurf->cairo = cairo_create(s);
cairo_scale(drwsurf->cairo, drwsurf->scale, drwsurf->scale);
cairo_set_antialias(drwsurf->cairo, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_NONE);
drwsurf->layout = pango_cairo_create_layout(drwsurf->cairo);
pango_layout_set_auto_dir(drwsurf->layout, false);
wl_surface_set_buffer_scale(drwsurf->surf, drwsurf->scale);
return 0;
@ -6,16 +6,15 @@
struct drw {
struct wl_shm *shm;
PangoFontDescription *font_description;
struct drwsurf {
uint32_t width, height, scale, size;
uint32_t width, height, size;
double scale;
struct drw *ctx;
struct wl_surface *surf;
struct wl_buffer *buf;
struct wl_shm *shm;
struct wl_callback *cb;
unsigned char *pool_data;
cairo_t *cairo;
@ -23,7 +22,7 @@ struct drwsurf {
struct kbd;
void drwsurf_resize(struct drwsurf *ds, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t s);
void drwsurf_resize(struct drwsurf *ds, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, double s);
void drwsurf_flip(struct drwsurf *ds);
typedef union {
@ -31,11 +30,18 @@ typedef union {
uint32_t color;
} Color;
void drw_fill_rectangle(struct drwsurf *d, Color color, uint32_t x, uint32_t y,
void drw_do_clear(struct drwsurf *d, uint32_t x, uint32_t y,
uint32_t w, uint32_t h);
void drw_do_rectangle(struct drwsurf *d, Color color, uint32_t x, uint32_t y,
uint32_t w, uint32_t h, bool fill, int rounding);
void drw_fill_rectangle(struct drwsurf *d, Color color, uint32_t x, uint32_t y,
uint32_t w, uint32_t h, int rounding);
void drw_over_rectangle(struct drwsurf *d, Color color, uint32_t x, uint32_t y,
uint32_t w, uint32_t h, int rounding);
void drw_draw_text(struct drwsurf *d, Color color, uint32_t x, uint32_t y,
uint32_t w, uint32_t h, const char *label);
uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t b, const char *label,
PangoFontDescription *font_description);
uint32_t setup_buffer(struct drwsurf *drwsurf);
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
#include "proto/virtual-keyboard-unstable-v1-client-protocol.h"
#include <linux/input-event-codes.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "keyboard.h"
#include "drw.h"
#include "os-compatibility.h"
@ -19,11 +21,20 @@
#include KEYMAP
kbd_switch_layout(struct kbd *kb, struct layout *l) {
kbd_switch_layout(struct kbd *kb, struct layout *l, size_t layer_index)
kb->prevlayout = kb->layout;
if ((kb->layer_index != kb->last_abc_index) && (kb->layout->abc)) {
kb->last_abc_layout = kb->layout;
kb->last_abc_index = kb->layer_index;
kb->layer_index = layer_index;
kb->layout = l;
if (kb->debug)
fprintf(stderr, "Switching to layout %s)\n", kb->layout->name);
fprintf(stderr, "Switching to layout %s, layer_index %ld\n",
kb->layout->name, layer_index);
if (!l->keymap_name)
fprintf(stderr, "Layout has no keymap!"); // sanity check
if ((!kb->prevlayout) ||
(strcmp(kb->prevlayout->keymap_name, kb->layout->keymap_name) != 0)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Switching to keymap %s\n", kb->layout->keymap_name);
@ -32,8 +43,70 @@ kbd_switch_layout(struct kbd *kb, struct layout *l) {
kbd_next_layer(struct kbd *kb, struct key *k, bool invert)
size_t layer_index = kb->layer_index;
if ((kb->mods & Ctrl) || (kb->mods & Alt) || (kb->mods & AltGr) ||
((bool)kb->compose)) {
// with modifiers ctrl/alt/altgr: switch to the first layer
layer_index = 0;
kb->mods = 0;
} else if ((kb->mods & Shift) || (kb->mods & CapsLock) || (invert)) {
// with modifiers shift/capslock or invert set: switch to the previous
// layout in the layer sequence
if (layer_index > 0) {
} else {
size_t layercount = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; layercount == 0; i++) {
if (kb->landscape) {
if (kb->landscape_layers[i] == NumLayouts)
layercount = i;
} else {
if (kb->layers[i] == NumLayouts)
layercount = i;
layer_index = layercount - 1;
if (!invert)
kb->mods ^= Shift;
} else {
// normal behaviour: switch to the next layout in the layer sequence
size_t layercount = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; layercount == 0; i++) {
if (kb->landscape) {
if (kb->landscape_layers[i] == NumLayouts)
layercount = i;
} else {
if (kb->layers[i] == NumLayouts)
layercount = i;
if (layer_index >= layercount) {
if (kb->debug)
fprintf(stderr, "wrapping layer_index back to start\n");
layer_index = 0;
enum layout_id layer;
if (kb->landscape) {
layer = kb->landscape_layers[layer_index];
} else {
layer = kb->layers[layer_index];
if (((bool)kb->compose) && (k)) {
kb->compose = 0;
kbd_draw_key(kb, k, Unpress);
kbd_switch_layout(kb, &kb->layouts[layer], layer_index);
kbd_get_rows(struct layout *l) {
kbd_get_rows(struct layout *l)
uint8_t rows = 0;
struct key *k = l->keys;
while (k->type != Last) {
@ -45,25 +118,16 @@ kbd_get_rows(struct layout *l) {
return rows + 1;
kbd_init(struct kbd *kb, struct layout *layouts, char *layer_names_list) {
enum layout_id *
kbd_init_layers(char *layer_names_list)
enum layout_id *layers;
uint8_t numlayers = 0;
bool found;
char *s;
int i;
bool found;
fprintf(stderr, "Initializing keyboard\n");
kb->layouts = layouts;
for (i = 0; i < NumLayouts - 1; i++)
fprintf(stderr, "Found %d layouts\n", i);
kb->layer_index = 0;
if (layer_names_list) {
uint8_t numlayers = 0;
kb->layers = malloc(MAX_LAYERS * sizeof(enum layout_id));
layers = malloc(MAX_LAYERS * sizeof(enum layout_id));
s = strtok(layer_names_list, ",");
while (s != NULL) {
if (numlayers + 1 == MAX_LAYERS) {
@ -72,9 +136,9 @@ kbd_init(struct kbd *kb, struct layout *layouts, char *layer_names_list) {
found = false;
for (i = 0; i < NumLayouts - 1; i++) {
if (kb->layouts[i].name && strcmp(kb->layouts[i].name, s) == 0) {
if (layouts[i].name && strcmp(layouts[i].name, s) == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "layer #%d = %s\n", numlayers + 1, s);
kb->layers[numlayers++] = i;
layers[numlayers++] = i;
found = true;
@ -85,12 +149,36 @@ kbd_init(struct kbd *kb, struct layout *layouts, char *layer_names_list) {
s = strtok(NULL, ",");
kb->layers[numlayers] = NumLayouts; // mark the end of the sequence
layers[numlayers] = NumLayouts; // mark the end of the sequence
if (numlayers == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "No layers defined\n");
return layers;
kbd_init(struct kbd *kb, struct layout *layouts, char *layer_names_list,
char *landscape_layer_names_list)
int i;
fprintf(stderr, "Initializing keyboard\n");
kb->layouts = layouts;
for (i = 0; i < NumLayouts - 1; i++)
fprintf(stderr, "Found %d layouts\n", i);
kb->layer_index = 0;
kb->last_abc_index = 0;
if (layer_names_list)
kb->layers = kbd_init_layers(layer_names_list);
if (landscape_layer_names_list)
kb->landscape_layers = kbd_init_layers(landscape_layer_names_list);
i = 0;
enum layout_id lid = kb->layers[0];
@ -107,14 +195,15 @@ kbd_init(struct kbd *kb, struct layout *layouts, char *layer_names_list) {
kb->layout = &kb->layouts[layer];
kb->prevlayout = kb->layout;
kb->last_abc_layout = &kb->layouts[layer];
/* upload keymap */
create_and_upload_keymap(kb, kb->layout->keymap_name, 0, 0);
kbd_init_layout(struct layout *l, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
kbd_init_layout(struct layout *l, uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
uint32_t x = 0, y = 0;
uint8_t rows = kbd_get_rows(l);
@ -122,16 +211,23 @@ kbd_init_layout(struct layout *l, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
struct key *k = l->keys;
double rowlength = kbd_get_row_length(k);
double rowwidth = 0.0;
while (k->type != Last) {
if (k->type == EndRow) {
y += l->keyheight;
x = 0;
rowwidth = 0.0;
rowlength = kbd_get_row_length(k + 1);
} else if (k->width > 0) {
k->x = x;
k->y = y;
k->w = ((double)width / rowlength) * k->width;
x += k->w;
rowwidth += k->width;
if (x < (rowwidth / rowlength) * (double)width) {
k->h = l->keyheight;
@ -139,7 +235,8 @@ kbd_init_layout(struct layout *l, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
kbd_get_row_length(struct key *k) {
kbd_get_row_length(struct key *k)
double l = 0.0;
while ((k->type != Last) && (k->type != EndRow)) {
l += k->width;
@ -149,14 +246,16 @@ kbd_get_row_length(struct key *k) {
struct key *
kbd_get_key(struct kbd *kb, uint32_t x, uint32_t y) {
kbd_get_key(struct kbd *kb, uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
struct layout *l = kb->layout;
struct key *k = l->keys;
if (kb->debug)
fprintf(stderr, "get key: +%d+%d\n", x, y);
while (k->type != Last) {
if ((k->type != EndRow) && (k->type != Pad) && (k->type != Pad) &&
(x >= k->x) && (y >= k->y) && (x < k->x + k->w) && (y < k->y + k->h)) {
(x >= k->x) && (y >= k->y) && (x < k->x + k->w) &&
(y < k->y + k->h)) {
return k;
@ -164,59 +263,163 @@ kbd_get_key(struct kbd *kb, uint32_t x, uint32_t y) {
return NULL;
kbd_get_layer_index(struct kbd *kb, struct layout *l)
for (size_t i = 0; i < NumLayouts - 1; i++) {
if (l == &kb->layouts[i]) {
return i;
return 0;
kbd_unpress_key(struct kbd *kb, uint32_t time) {
kbd_unpress_key(struct kbd *kb, uint32_t time)
bool unlatch_shift, unlatch_ctrl, unlatch_alt, unlatch_super, unlatch_altgr;
unlatch_shift = unlatch_ctrl = unlatch_alt = unlatch_super = unlatch_altgr = false;
if (kb->last_press) {
kbd_draw_key(kb, kb->last_press, false);
unlatch_shift = (kb->mods & Shift) == Shift;
unlatch_ctrl = (kb->mods & Ctrl) == Ctrl;
unlatch_alt = (kb->mods & Alt) == Alt;
unlatch_super = (kb->mods & Super) == Super;
unlatch_altgr = (kb->mods & AltGr) == AltGr;
if (unlatch_shift) kb->mods ^= Shift;
if (unlatch_ctrl) kb->mods ^= Ctrl;
if (unlatch_alt) kb->mods ^= Alt;
if (unlatch_super) kb->mods ^= Super;
if (unlatch_altgr) kb->mods ^= AltGr;
if (unlatch_shift||unlatch_ctrl||unlatch_alt||unlatch_super||unlatch_altgr) {
zwp_virtual_keyboard_v1_modifiers(kb->vkbd, kb->mods, 0, 0, 0);
if (kb->last_press->type == Copy) {
zwp_virtual_keyboard_v1_key(kb->vkbd, time, 127, // COMP key
} else {
zwp_virtual_keyboard_v1_key(kb->vkbd, time, kb->last_press->code,
if ((kb->last_press->code == KEY_SPACE) && (unlatch_shift)) {
// shift + space is tab
zwp_virtual_keyboard_v1_key(kb->vkbd, time, KEY_TAB,
} else {
zwp_virtual_keyboard_v1_key(kb->vkbd, time,
kb->last_press = NULL;
if (kb->compose >= 2) {
kb->compose = 0;
kbd_switch_layout(kb, kb->prevlayout);
if ((kb->mods & Shift) == Shift)
kb->mods ^= Shift;
} else if ((kb->mods & Shift) == Shift) {
kb->mods ^= Shift;
kbd_switch_layout(kb, kb->last_abc_layout, kb->last_abc_index);
} else if (unlatch_shift||unlatch_ctrl||unlatch_alt||unlatch_super||unlatch_altgr) {
} else {
kbd_draw_key(kb, kb->last_press, Unpress);
kb->last_press = NULL;
kbd_press_key(struct kbd *kb, struct key *k, uint32_t time) {
if ((kb->compose == 1) && (k->type != Compose) && (k->type != Mod) &&
(k->layout)) {
kbd_release_key(struct kbd *kb, uint32_t time)
kbd_unpress_key(kb, time);
if (kb->print_intersect && kb->last_swipe) {
// Important so autocompleted words get typed in time
kb->last_swipe = NULL;
kbd_motion_key(struct kbd *kb, uint32_t time, uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
// Output intersecting keys
// (for external 'swiping'-based accelerators).
if (kb->print_intersect) {
if (kb->last_press) {
kbd_unpress_key(kb, time);
// Redraw last press as a swipe.
kbd_draw_key(kb, kb->last_swipe, Swipe);
struct key *intersect_key;
intersect_key = kbd_get_key(kb, x, y);
if (intersect_key && (!kb->last_swipe ||
intersect_key->label != kb->last_swipe->label)) {
kbd_print_key_stdout(kb, intersect_key);
kb->last_swipe = intersect_key;
kbd_draw_key(kb, kb->last_swipe, Swipe);
} else {
kbd_unpress_key(kb, time);
kbd_press_key(struct kbd *kb, struct key *k, uint32_t time)
if ((kb->compose == 1) && (k->type != Compose) && (k->type != Mod)) {
if ((k->type == NextLayer) || (k->type == BackLayer) ||
((k->type == Code) && (k->code == KEY_SPACE))) {
kb->compose = 0;
if (kb->debug)
fprintf(stderr, "showing layout index\n");
kbd_switch_layout(kb, &kb->layouts[Index], 0);
} else if (k->layout) {
if (kb->debug)
fprintf(stderr, "showing compose %d\n", kb->compose);
kbd_switch_layout(kb, k->layout);
kbd_switch_layout(kb, k->layout,
kbd_get_layer_index(kb, k->layout));
} else {
switch (k->type) {
case Code:
if (k->code_mod) {
if (k->reset_mod) {
zwp_virtual_keyboard_v1_modifiers(kb->vkbd, k->code_mod, 0, 0, 0);
zwp_virtual_keyboard_v1_modifiers(kb->vkbd, k->code_mod, 0, 0,
} else {
zwp_virtual_keyboard_v1_modifiers(kb->vkbd, kb->mods ^ k->code_mod, 0,
0, 0);
kb->vkbd, kb->mods ^ k->code_mod, 0, 0, 0);
} else {
zwp_virtual_keyboard_v1_modifiers(kb->vkbd, kb->mods, 0, 0, 0);
kb->last_press = k;
kbd_draw_key(kb, k, true);
kb->last_swipe = kb->last_press = k;
kbd_draw_key(kb, k, Press);
if ((k->code == KEY_SPACE) && (kb->mods & Shift)) {
// shift space is tab
zwp_virtual_keyboard_v1_modifiers(kb->vkbd, 0, 0, 0, 0);
zwp_virtual_keyboard_v1_key(kb->vkbd, time, KEY_TAB,
} else {
zwp_virtual_keyboard_v1_key(kb->vkbd, time, kb->last_press->code,
if (kb->print)
if (kb->print || kb->print_intersect)
kbd_print_key_stdout(kb, k);
if (kb->compose) {
if (kb->debug)
@ -226,15 +429,28 @@ kbd_press_key(struct kbd *kb, struct key *k, uint32_t time) {
case Mod:
kb->mods ^= k->code;
if (k->code == Shift) {
if ((k->code == Shift) || (k->code == CapsLock)) {
} else {
if (kb->mods & k->code) {
kbd_draw_key(kb, k, Press);
} else {
kbd_draw_key(kb, k, Unpress);
kbd_draw_key(kb, k, kb->mods & k->code);
zwp_virtual_keyboard_v1_modifiers(kb->vkbd, kb->mods, 0, 0, 0);
case Layout:
// switch to the layout determined by the key
kbd_switch_layout(kb, k->layout);
kbd_switch_layout(kb, k->layout, kbd_get_layer_index(kb, k->layout));
// reset previous layout to default/first so we don't get any weird
// cycles
kb->last_abc_index = 0;
if (kb->landscape) {
kb->last_abc_layout = &kb->layouts[kb->landscape_layers[0]];
} else {
kb->last_abc_layout = &kb->layouts[kb->layers[0]];
case Compose:
// switch to the associated layout determined by the *next* keypress
@ -243,52 +459,56 @@ kbd_press_key(struct kbd *kb, struct key *k, uint32_t time) {
} else {
kb->compose = 0;
kbd_draw_key(kb, k, (bool)kb->compose);
case NextLayer:
// switch to the next layout in the layer sequence
enum layout_id layer;
if (kb->landscape) {
layer = kb->landscape_layers[kb->layer_index];
if ((bool)kb->compose) {
kbd_draw_key(kb, k, Press);
} else {
layer = kb->layers[kb->layer_index];
kbd_draw_key(kb, k, Unpress);
if (layer == NumLayouts) {
kb->layer_index = 0;
if (kb->landscape) {
layer = kb->landscape_layers[kb->layer_index];
} else {
layer = kb->layers[kb->layer_index];
kbd_switch_layout(kb, &kb->layouts[layer]);
case BackLayer:
// switch to the previously active layout
if (kb->prevlayout)
kbd_switch_layout(kb, kb->prevlayout);
case NextLayer: //(also handles previous layer when shift modifier is on, or
//"first layer" with other modifiers)
kbd_next_layer(kb, k, false);
case BackLayer: // triggered when "Abc" keys are pressed
// switch to the last active alphabetical layout
if (kb->last_abc_layout) {
kb->compose = 0;
kbd_switch_layout(kb, kb->last_abc_layout, kb->last_abc_index);
// reset previous layout to default/first so we don't get any weird
// cycles
kb->last_abc_index = 0;
if (kb->landscape) {
kb->last_abc_layout = &kb->layouts[kb->landscape_layers[0]];
} else {
kb->last_abc_layout = &kb->layouts[kb->layers[0]];
case Copy:
// copy code as unicode chr by setting a temporary keymap
kb->last_press = k;
kbd_draw_key(kb, k, true);
kb->last_swipe = kb->last_press = k;
kbd_draw_key(kb, k, Press);
if (kb->debug)
fprintf(stderr, "pressing copy key\n");
create_and_upload_keymap(kb, kb->layout->keymap_name, k->code, k->code_mod);
create_and_upload_keymap(kb, kb->layout->keymap_name, k->code,
zwp_virtual_keyboard_v1_modifiers(kb->vkbd, kb->mods, 0, 0, 0);
zwp_virtual_keyboard_v1_key(kb->vkbd, time, 127, // COMP key
if (kb->print)
if (kb->print || kb->print_intersect)
kbd_print_key_stdout(kb, k);
kbd_print_key_stdout(struct kbd *kb, struct key *k) {
kbd_print_key_stdout(struct kbd *kb, struct key *k)
/* printed keys may slightly differ from the actual output
* we generally print what is on the key LABEL and only support the normal
* and shift layers. Other modifiers produce no output (Ctrl,Alt)
@ -318,7 +538,8 @@ kbd_print_key_stdout(struct kbd *kb, struct key *k) {
if (!handled) {
if ((kb->mods & Shift) || (kb->mods & CapsLock))
if ((kb->mods & Shift) ||
((kb->mods & CapsLock) & (strlen(k->label) == 1 && isalpha(k->label[0]))))
printf("%s", k->shift_label);
else if (!(kb->mods & Ctrl) && !(kb->mods & Alt) && !(kb->mods & Super))
printf("%s", k->label);
@ -327,48 +548,111 @@ kbd_print_key_stdout(struct kbd *kb, struct key *k) {
kbd_draw_key(struct kbd *kb, struct key *k, bool pressed) {
struct drwsurf *d = kb->surf;
const char *label = (kb->mods & Shift) ? k->shift_label : k->label;
if (kb->debug)
fprintf(stderr, "Draw key +%d+%d %dx%d -> %s\n", k->x, k->y, k->w, k->h,
struct clr_scheme *scheme = (k->scheme == 0) ? &(kb->scheme) : &(kb->scheme1);
Color *fill = pressed ? &scheme->high : &scheme->fg;
draw_inset(d, k->x, k->y, k->w, k->h, KBD_KEY_BORDER, *fill);
drw_draw_text(d, scheme->text, k->x, k->y, k->w, k->h, label);
kbd_clear_last_popup(struct kbd *kb)
if (kb->last_popup_w && kb->last_popup_h) {
drw_do_clear(kb->popup_surf, kb->last_popup_x, kb->last_popup_y,
kb->last_popup_w, kb->last_popup_h);
wl_surface_damage(kb->popup_surf->surf, kb->last_popup_x,
kb->last_popup_y, kb->last_popup_w, kb->last_popup_h);
kb->last_popup_w = kb->last_popup_h = 0;
kbd_draw_layout(struct kbd *kb) {
kbd_draw_key(struct kbd *kb, struct key *k, enum key_draw_type type)
const char *label = ((kb->mods & Shift)||((kb->mods & CapsLock) &&
strlen(k->label) == 1 && isalpha(k->label[0]))) ? k->shift_label : k->label;
if (kb->debug)
fprintf(stderr, "Draw key +%d+%d %dx%d -> %s\n", k->x, k->y, k->w, k->h,
struct clr_scheme *scheme = &kb->schemes[k->scheme];
switch (type) {
case None:
case Unpress:
draw_inset(kb->surf, k->x, k->y, k->w, k->h, KBD_KEY_BORDER,
scheme->fg, scheme->rounding);
case Press:
draw_inset(kb->surf, k->x, k->y, k->w, k->h, KBD_KEY_BORDER,
scheme->high, scheme->rounding);
case Swipe:
draw_over_inset(kb->surf, k->x, k->y, k->w, k->h, KBD_KEY_BORDER,
scheme->swipe, scheme->rounding);
drw_draw_text(kb->surf, scheme->text, k->x, k->y, k->w, k->h,
KBD_KEY_BORDER, label, scheme->font_description);
wl_surface_damage(kb->surf->surf, k->x, k->y, k->w, k->h);
if (type == Press || type == Unpress) {
kb->last_popup_x = k->x;
kb->last_popup_y = kb->h + k->y - k->h;
kb->last_popup_w = k->w;
kb->last_popup_h = k->h;
drw_fill_rectangle(kb->popup_surf, scheme->bg, k->x,
kb->last_popup_y, k->w, k->h, scheme->rounding);
draw_inset(kb->popup_surf, k->x, kb->last_popup_y, k->w, k->h,
KBD_KEY_BORDER, scheme->high, scheme->rounding);
drw_draw_text(kb->popup_surf, scheme->text, k->x, kb->last_popup_y,
k->w, k->h, KBD_KEY_BORDER, label,
wl_surface_damage(kb->popup_surf->surf, k->x, kb->last_popup_y, k->w,
kbd_draw_layout(struct kbd *kb)
struct drwsurf *d = kb->surf;
struct key *next_key = kb->layout->keys;
bool pressed = false;
if (kb->debug)
fprintf(stderr, "Draw layout");
fprintf(stderr, "Draw layout\n");
drw_fill_rectangle(d, kb->scheme.bg, 0, 0, kb->w, kb->h);
drw_fill_rectangle(d, kb->schemes[0].bg, 0, 0, kb->w, kb->h, 0);
while (next_key->type != Last) {
if ((next_key->type == Pad) || (next_key->type == EndRow)) {
pressed = next_key->type == Mod && kb->mods & next_key->code;
kbd_draw_key(kb, next_key, pressed);
if ((next_key->type == Mod && kb->mods & next_key->code) ||
(next_key->type == Compose && kb->compose)) {
kbd_draw_key(kb, next_key, Press);
} else {
kbd_draw_key(kb, next_key, None);
wl_surface_damage(d->surf, 0, 0, kb->w, kb->h);
kbd_resize(struct kbd *kb, struct layout *layouts, uint8_t layoutcount) {
struct drwsurf *d = kb->surf;
fprintf(stderr, "Resize %dx%d %d, %d layouts\n", kb->w, kb->h, kb->s,
kbd_resize(struct kbd *kb, struct layout *layouts, uint8_t layoutcount)
fprintf(stderr, "Resize %dx%d %f, %d layouts\n", kb->w, kb->h, kb->scale,
drwsurf_resize(d, kb->w, kb->h, kb->s);
drwsurf_resize(kb->surf, kb->w, kb->h, kb->scale);
drwsurf_resize(kb->popup_surf, kb->w, kb->h * 2, kb->scale);
for (int i = 0; i < layoutcount; i++) {
if (kb->debug) {
if (layouts[i].name)
fprintf(stderr, "Initialising layout %s, keymap %s\n",
layouts[i].name, layouts[i].keymap_name);
fprintf(stderr, "Initialising unnamed layout %d, keymap %s\n",
i, layouts[i].keymap_name);
kbd_init_layout(&layouts[i], kb->w, kb->h);
@ -376,14 +660,23 @@ kbd_resize(struct kbd *kb, struct layout *layouts, uint8_t layoutcount) {
draw_inset(struct drwsurf *ds, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t width,
uint32_t height, uint32_t border, Color color) {
drw_fill_rectangle(ds, color, x + border, y + border, width - border,
height - border);
uint32_t height, uint32_t border, Color color, int rounding)
drw_fill_rectangle(ds, color, x + border, y + border, width - (border * 2),
height - (border * 2), rounding);
draw_over_inset(struct drwsurf *ds, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t width,
uint32_t height, uint32_t border, Color color, int rounding)
drw_over_rectangle(ds, color, x + border, y + border, width - (border * 2),
height - (border * 2), rounding);
create_and_upload_keymap(struct kbd *kb, const char *name, uint32_t comp_unichr,
uint32_t comp_shift_unichr) {
uint32_t comp_shift_unichr)
int keymap_index = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < NUMKEYMAPS; i++) {
if (!strcmp(keymap_names[i], name)) {
@ -395,15 +688,16 @@ create_and_upload_keymap(struct kbd *kb, const char *name, uint32_t comp_unichr,
const char *keymap_template = keymaps[keymap_index];
const size_t keymap_size = strlen(keymap_template) + 64;
size_t keymap_size = strlen(keymap_template) + 64;
char *keymap_str = malloc(keymap_size);
sprintf(keymap_str, keymap_template, comp_unichr, comp_shift_unichr);
keymap_size = strlen(keymap_str);
int keymap_fd = os_create_anonymous_file(keymap_size);
if (keymap_fd < 0) {
die("could not create keymap fd\n");
void *ptr =
mmap(NULL, keymap_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, keymap_fd, 0);
void *ptr = mmap(NULL, keymap_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,
keymap_fd, 0);
if (ptr == (void *)-1) {
die("could not map keymap data\n");
@ -41,11 +41,22 @@ enum key_modifier_type {
AltGr = 128,
enum key_draw_type {
None = 0,
struct clr_scheme {
Color fg;
Color bg;
Color high;
Color swipe;
Color text;
char *font;
int rounding;
PangoFontDescription *font_description;
struct key {
@ -74,6 +85,7 @@ struct layout {
struct key *keys;
const char *keymap_name;
const char *name;
bool abc; //is this an alphabetical/abjad layout or not? (i.e. something that is a primary input layout)
uint32_t keyheight; // absolute height (pixels)
@ -81,41 +93,57 @@ struct kbd {
bool debug;
struct layout *layout;
struct clr_scheme scheme;
struct clr_scheme scheme1;
struct clr_scheme *schemes;
bool print;
uint32_t w, h, s;
bool print_intersect;
uint32_t w, h;
double scale;
double preferred_scale, preferred_fractional_scale;
bool landscape;
uint8_t mods;
uint8_t compose;
struct key *last_press;
struct layout *prevlayout;
struct key *last_swipe;
struct layout *prevlayout; //the previous layout, needed to keep track of keymap changes
size_t layer_index;
struct layout *last_abc_layout; //the last alphabetical layout to fall back to (may be further away than prevlayout)
size_t last_abc_index; //the layer index of the last alphabetical layout
struct layout *layouts;
enum layout_id *layers;
enum layout_id *landscape_layers;
struct drwsurf *surf;
struct drwsurf *popup_surf;
struct zwp_virtual_keyboard_v1 *vkbd;
uint32_t last_popup_x, last_popup_y, last_popup_w, last_popup_h;
void draw_inset(struct drwsurf *ds, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t width,
uint32_t height, uint32_t border, Color color);
uint32_t height, uint32_t border, Color color, int rounding);
void draw_over_inset(struct drwsurf *ds, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t width,
uint32_t height, uint32_t border, Color color, int rounding);
void kbd_init(struct kbd *kb, struct layout *layouts, char *layer_names_list);
void kbd_init(struct kbd *kb, struct layout *layouts,
char *layer_names_list, char *landscape_layer_names_list);
void kbd_init_layout(struct layout *l, uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
struct key *kbd_get_key(struct kbd *kb, uint32_t x, uint32_t y);
size_t kbd_get_layer_index(struct kbd *kb, struct layout *l);
void kbd_unpress_key(struct kbd *kb, uint32_t time);
void kbd_release_key(struct kbd *kb, uint32_t time);
void kbd_motion_key(struct kbd *kb, uint32_t time, uint32_t x, uint32_t y);
void kbd_press_key(struct kbd *kb, struct key *k, uint32_t time);
void kbd_print_key_stdout(struct kbd *kb, struct key *k);
void kbd_draw_key(struct kbd *kb, struct key *k, bool pressed);
void kbd_clear_last_popup(struct kbd *kb);
void kbd_draw_key(struct kbd *kb, struct key *k, enum key_draw_type);
void kbd_draw_layout(struct kbd *kb);
void kbd_resize(struct kbd *kb, struct layout *layouts, uint8_t layoutcount);
uint8_t kbd_get_rows(struct layout *l);
double kbd_get_row_length(struct key *k);
void kbd_switch_layout(struct kbd *kb, struct layout *l);
void kbd_next_layer(struct kbd *kb, struct key *k, bool invert);
void kbd_switch_layout(struct kbd *kb, struct layout *l, size_t layer_index);
void create_and_upload_keymap(struct kbd *kb, const char *name,
uint32_t comp_unichr, uint32_t comp_shift_unichr);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
#include "os-compatibility.h"
os_fd_set_cloexec(int fd) {
os_fd_set_cloexec(int fd)
long flags;
if (fd == -1)
@ -52,7 +53,8 @@ os_fd_set_cloexec(int fd) {
static int
set_cloexec_or_close(int fd) {
set_cloexec_or_close(int fd)
if (os_fd_set_cloexec(fd) != 0) {
return -1;
@ -61,7 +63,8 @@ set_cloexec_or_close(int fd) {
os_socketpair_cloexec(int domain, int type, int protocol, int *sv) {
os_socketpair_cloexec(int domain, int type, int protocol, int *sv)
int ret;
@ -86,7 +89,8 @@ os_socketpair_cloexec(int domain, int type, int protocol, int *sv) {
os_epoll_create_cloexec(void) {
int fd;
@ -102,7 +106,8 @@ os_epoll_create_cloexec(void) {
static int
create_tmpfile_cloexec(char *tmpname) {
create_tmpfile_cloexec(char *tmpname)
int fd;
@ -142,7 +147,8 @@ create_tmpfile_cloexec(char *tmpname) {
* SIGBUS on accessing mmap()'ed file contents instead.
os_create_anonymous_file(off_t size) {
os_create_anonymous_file(off_t size)
static const char template[] = "/weston-shared-XXXXXX";
const char *path;
char *name;
@ -193,7 +199,8 @@ os_create_anonymous_file(off_t size) {
char *
strchrnul(const char *s, int c) {
strchrnul(const char *s, int c)
while (*s && *s != c)
return (char *)s;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<protocol name="fractional_scale_v1">
Copyright © 2022 Kenny Levinsen
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
<description summary="Protocol for requesting fractional surface scales">
This protocol allows a compositor to suggest for surfaces to render at
fractional scales.
A client can submit scaled content by utilizing wp_viewport. This is done by
creating a wp_viewport object for the surface and setting the destination
rectangle to the surface size before the scale factor is applied.
The buffer size is calculated by multiplying the surface size by the
intended scale.
The wl_surface buffer scale should remain set to 1.
If a surface has a surface-local size of 100 px by 50 px and wishes to
submit buffers with a scale of 1.5, then a buffer of 150px by 75 px should
be used and the wp_viewport destination rectangle should be 100 px by 50 px.
For toplevel surfaces, the size is rounded halfway away from zero. The
rounding algorithm for subsurface position and size is not defined.
<interface name="wp_fractional_scale_manager_v1" version="1">
<description summary="fractional surface scale information">
A global interface for requesting surfaces to use fractional scales.
<request name="destroy" type="destructor">
<description summary="unbind the fractional surface scale interface">
Informs the server that the client will not be using this protocol
object anymore. This does not affect any other objects,
wp_fractional_scale_v1 objects included.
<enum name="error">
<entry name="fractional_scale_exists" value="0"
summary="the surface already has a fractional_scale object associated"/>
<request name="get_fractional_scale">
<description summary="extend surface interface for scale information">
Create an add-on object for the the wl_surface to let the compositor
request fractional scales. If the given wl_surface already has a
wp_fractional_scale_v1 object associated, the fractional_scale_exists
protocol error is raised.
<arg name="id" type="new_id" interface="wp_fractional_scale_v1"
summary="the new surface scale info interface id"/>
<arg name="surface" type="object" interface="wl_surface"
summary="the surface"/>
<interface name="wp_fractional_scale_v1" version="1">
<description summary="fractional scale interface to a wl_surface">
An additional interface to a wl_surface object which allows the compositor
to inform the client of the preferred scale.
<request name="destroy" type="destructor">
<description summary="remove surface scale information for surface">
Destroy the fractional scale object. When this object is destroyed,
preferred_scale events will no longer be sent.
<event name="preferred_scale">
<description summary="notify of new preferred scale">
Notification of a new preferred scale for this surface that the
compositor suggests that the client should use.
The sent scale is the numerator of a fraction with a denominator of 120.
<arg name="scale" type="uint" summary="the new preferred scale"/>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<protocol name="viewporter">
Copyright © 2013-2016 Collabora, Ltd.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
<interface name="wp_viewporter" version="1">
<description summary="surface cropping and scaling">
The global interface exposing surface cropping and scaling
capabilities is used to instantiate an interface extension for a
wl_surface object. This extended interface will then allow
cropping and scaling the surface contents, effectively
disconnecting the direct relationship between the buffer and the
surface size.
<request name="destroy" type="destructor">
<description summary="unbind from the cropping and scaling interface">
Informs the server that the client will not be using this
protocol object anymore. This does not affect any other objects,
wp_viewport objects included.
<enum name="error">
<entry name="viewport_exists" value="0"
summary="the surface already has a viewport object associated"/>
<request name="get_viewport">
<description summary="extend surface interface for crop and scale">
Instantiate an interface extension for the given wl_surface to
crop and scale its content. If the given wl_surface already has
a wp_viewport object associated, the viewport_exists
protocol error is raised.
<arg name="id" type="new_id" interface="wp_viewport"
summary="the new viewport interface id"/>
<arg name="surface" type="object" interface="wl_surface"
summary="the surface"/>
<interface name="wp_viewport" version="1">
<description summary="crop and scale interface to a wl_surface">
An additional interface to a wl_surface object, which allows the
client to specify the cropping and scaling of the surface
This interface works with two concepts: the source rectangle (src_x,
src_y, src_width, src_height), and the destination size (dst_width,
dst_height). The contents of the source rectangle are scaled to the
destination size, and content outside the source rectangle is ignored.
This state is double-buffered, and is applied on the next
The two parts of crop and scale state are independent: the source
rectangle, and the destination size. Initially both are unset, that
is, no scaling is applied. The whole of the current wl_buffer is
used as the source, and the surface size is as defined in
If the destination size is set, it causes the surface size to become
dst_width, dst_height. The source (rectangle) is scaled to exactly
this size. This overrides whatever the attached wl_buffer size is,
unless the wl_buffer is NULL. If the wl_buffer is NULL, the surface
has no content and therefore no size. Otherwise, the size is always
at least 1x1 in surface local coordinates.
If the source rectangle is set, it defines what area of the wl_buffer is
taken as the source. If the source rectangle is set and the destination
size is not set, then src_width and src_height must be integers, and the
surface size becomes the source rectangle size. This results in cropping
without scaling. If src_width or src_height are not integers and
destination size is not set, the bad_size protocol error is raised when
the surface state is applied.
The coordinate transformations from buffer pixel coordinates up to
the surface-local coordinates happen in the following order:
1. buffer_transform (wl_surface.set_buffer_transform)
2. buffer_scale (wl_surface.set_buffer_scale)
3. crop and scale (wp_viewport.set*)
This means, that the source rectangle coordinates of crop and scale
are given in the coordinates after the buffer transform and scale,
i.e. in the coordinates that would be the surface-local coordinates
if the crop and scale was not applied.
If src_x or src_y are negative, the bad_value protocol error is raised.
Otherwise, if the source rectangle is partially or completely outside of
the non-NULL wl_buffer, then the out_of_buffer protocol error is raised
when the surface state is applied. A NULL wl_buffer does not raise the
out_of_buffer error.
If the wl_surface associated with the wp_viewport is destroyed,
all wp_viewport requests except 'destroy' raise the protocol error
If the wp_viewport object is destroyed, the crop and scale
state is removed from the wl_surface. The change will be applied
on the next wl_surface.commit.
<request name="destroy" type="destructor">
<description summary="remove scaling and cropping from the surface">
The associated wl_surface's crop and scale state is removed.
The change is applied on the next wl_surface.commit.
<enum name="error">
<entry name="bad_value" value="0"
summary="negative or zero values in width or height"/>
<entry name="bad_size" value="1"
summary="destination size is not integer"/>
<entry name="out_of_buffer" value="2"
summary="source rectangle extends outside of the content area"/>
<entry name="no_surface" value="3"
summary="the wl_surface was destroyed"/>
<request name="set_source">
<description summary="set the source rectangle for cropping">
Set the source rectangle of the associated wl_surface. See
wp_viewport for the description, and relation to the wl_buffer
If all of x, y, width and height are -1.0, the source rectangle is
unset instead. Any other set of values where width or height are zero
or negative, or x or y are negative, raise the bad_value protocol
The crop and scale state is double-buffered state, and will be
applied on the next wl_surface.commit.
<arg name="x" type="fixed" summary="source rectangle x"/>
<arg name="y" type="fixed" summary="source rectangle y"/>
<arg name="width" type="fixed" summary="source rectangle width"/>
<arg name="height" type="fixed" summary="source rectangle height"/>
<request name="set_destination">
<description summary="set the surface size for scaling">
Set the destination size of the associated wl_surface. See
wp_viewport for the description, and relation to the wl_buffer
If width is -1 and height is -1, the destination size is unset
instead. Any other pair of values for width and height that
contains zero or negative values raises the bad_value protocol
The crop and scale state is double-buffered state, and will be
applied on the next wl_surface.commit.
<arg name="width" type="int" summary="surface width"/>
<arg name="height" type="int" summary="surface height"/>
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<interface name="zwlr_layer_shell_v1" version="3">
<interface name="zwlr_layer_shell_v1" version="4">
<description summary="create surfaces that are layers of the desktop">
Clients can use this interface to assign the surface_layer role to
wl_surfaces. Such surfaces are assigned to a "layer" of the output and
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
<interface name="zwlr_layer_surface_v1" version="3">
<interface name="zwlr_layer_surface_v1" version="4">
<description summary="layer metadata interface">
An interface that may be implemented by a wl_surface, for surfaces that
are designed to be rendered as a layer of a stacked desktop-like
@ -203,21 +203,85 @@
<arg name="left" type="int"/>
<enum name="keyboard_interactivity">
<description summary="types of keyboard interaction possible for a layer shell surface">
Types of keyboard interaction possible for layer shell surfaces. The
rationale for this is twofold: (1) some applications are not interested
in keyboard events and not allowing them to be focused can improve the
desktop experience; (2) some applications will want to take exclusive
keyboard focus.
<entry name="none" value="0">
<description summary="no keyboard focus is possible">
This value indicates that this surface is not interested in keyboard
events and the compositor should never assign it the keyboard focus.
This is the default value, set for newly created layer shell surfaces.
This is useful for e.g. desktop widgets that display information or
only have interaction with non-keyboard input devices.
<entry name="exclusive" value="1">
<description summary="request exclusive keyboard focus">
Request exclusive keyboard focus if this surface is above the shell surface layer.
For the top and overlay layers, the seat will always give
exclusive keyboard focus to the top-most layer which has keyboard
interactivity set to exclusive. If this layer contains multiple
surfaces with keyboard interactivity set to exclusive, the compositor
determines the one receiving keyboard events in an implementation-
defined manner. In this case, no guarantee is made when this surface
will receive keyboard focus (if ever).
For the bottom and background layers, the compositor is allowed to use
normal focus semantics.
This setting is mainly intended for applications that need to ensure
they receive all keyboard events, such as a lock screen or a password
<entry name="on_demand" value="2" since="4">
<description summary="request regular keyboard focus semantics">
This requests the compositor to allow this surface to be focused and
unfocused by the user in an implementation-defined manner. The user
should be able to unfocus this surface even regardless of the layer
it is on.
Typically, the compositor will want to use its normal mechanism to
manage keyboard focus between layer shell surfaces with this setting
and regular toplevels on the desktop layer (e.g. click to focus).
Nevertheless, it is possible for a compositor to require a special
interaction to focus or unfocus layer shell surfaces (e.g. requiring
a click even if focus follows the mouse normally, or providing a
keybinding to switch focus between layers).
This setting is mainly intended for desktop shell components (e.g.
panels) that allow keyboard interaction. Using this option can allow
implementing a desktop shell that can be fully usable without the
<request name="set_keyboard_interactivity">
<description summary="requests keyboard events">
Set to 1 to request that the seat send keyboard events to this layer
surface. For layers below the shell surface layer, the seat will use
normal focus semantics. For layers above the shell surface layers, the
seat will always give exclusive keyboard focus to the top-most layer
which has keyboard interactivity set to true.
Set how keyboard events are delivered to this surface. By default,
layer shell surfaces do not receive keyboard events; this request can
be used to change this.
This setting is inherited by child surfaces set by the get_popup
Layer surfaces receive pointer, touch, and tablet events normally. If
you do not want to receive them, set the input region on your surface
to an empty region.
Events is double-buffered, see wl_surface.commit.
Keyboard interactivity is double-buffered, see wl_surface.commit.
<arg name="keyboard_interactivity" type="uint"/>
<arg name="keyboard_interactivity" type="uint" enum="keyboard_interactivity"/>
<request name="get_popup">
@ -302,6 +366,7 @@
<entry name="invalid_surface_state" value="0" summary="provided surface state is invalid"/>
<entry name="invalid_size" value="1" summary="size is invalid"/>
<entry name="invalid_anchor" value="2" summary="anchor bitfield is invalid"/>
<entry name="invalid_keyboard_interactivity" value="3" summary="keyboard interactivity is invalid"/>
<enum name="anchor" bitfield="true">
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
<interface name="xdg_wm_base" version="2">
<interface name="xdg_wm_base" version="6">
<description summary="create desktop-style surfaces">
The xdg_wm_base interface is exposed as a global object enabling clients
to turn their wl_surfaces into windows in a desktop environment. It
@ -50,6 +50,8 @@
summary="the client provided an invalid surface state"/>
<entry name="invalid_positioner" value="5"
summary="the client provided an invalid positioner"/>
<entry name="unresponsive" value="6"
summary="the client didn’t respond to a ping event in time"/>
<request name="destroy" type="destructor">
@ -58,7 +60,7 @@
Destroying a bound xdg_wm_base object while there are surfaces
still alive created by this xdg_wm_base object instance is illegal
and will result in a protocol error.
and will result in a defunct_surfaces error.
@ -75,7 +77,9 @@
<description summary="create a shell surface from a surface">
This creates an xdg_surface for the given surface. While xdg_surface
itself is not a role, the corresponding surface may only be assigned
a role extending xdg_surface, such as xdg_toplevel or xdg_popup.
a role extending xdg_surface, such as xdg_toplevel or xdg_popup. It is
illegal to create an xdg_surface for a wl_surface which already has an
assigned role and this will result in a role error.
This creates an xdg_surface for the given surface. An xdg_surface is
used as basis to define a role to a given surface, such as xdg_toplevel
@ -92,7 +96,8 @@
<request name="pong">
<description summary="respond to a ping event">
A client must respond to a ping event with a pong request or
the client may be deemed unresponsive. See xdg_wm_base.ping.
the client may be deemed unresponsive. See xdg_wm_base.ping
and xdg_wm_base.error.unresponsive.
<arg name="serial" type="uint" summary="serial of the ping event"/>
@ -101,12 +106,14 @@
<description summary="check if the client is alive">
The ping event asks the client if it's still alive. Pass the
serial specified in the event back to the compositor by sending
a "pong" request back with the specified serial. See xdg_wm_base.ping.
a "pong" request back with the specified serial. See xdg_wm_base.pong.
Compositors can use this to determine if the client is still
alive. It's unspecified what will happen if the client doesn't
respond to the ping request, or in what timeframe. Clients should
try to respond in a reasonable amount of time.
try to respond in a reasonable amount of time. The “unresponsive”
error is provided for compositors that wish to disconnect unresponsive
A compositor is free to ping in any way it wants, but a client must
always respond to any xdg_wm_base object it created.
@ -115,7 +122,7 @@
<interface name="xdg_positioner" version="2">
<interface name="xdg_positioner" version="6">
<description summary="child surface positioner">
The xdg_positioner provides a collection of rules for the placement of a
child surface relative to a parent surface. Rules can be defined to ensure
@ -135,7 +142,7 @@
For an xdg_positioner object to be considered complete, it must have a
non-zero size set by set_size, and a non-zero anchor rectangle set by
set_anchor_rect. Passing an incomplete xdg_positioner object when
positioning a surface raises an error.
positioning a surface raises an invalid_positioner error.
<enum name="error">
@ -223,7 +230,8 @@
specified (e.g. 'bottom_right' or 'top_left'), then the child surface
will be placed towards the specified gravity; otherwise, the child
surface will be centered over the anchor point on any axis that had no
gravity specified.
gravity specified. If the gravity is not in the ‘gravity’ enum, an
invalid_input error is raised.
<arg name="gravity" type="uint" enum="gravity"
summary="gravity direction"/>
@ -357,9 +365,49 @@
<arg name="x" type="int" summary="surface position x offset"/>
<arg name="y" type="int" summary="surface position y offset"/>
<!-- Version 3 additions -->
<request name="set_reactive" since="3">
<description summary="continuously reconstrain the surface">
When set reactive, the surface is reconstrained if the conditions used
for constraining changed, e.g. the parent window moved.
If the conditions changed and the popup was reconstrained, an
xdg_popup.configure event is sent with updated geometry, followed by an
xdg_surface.configure event.
<request name="set_parent_size" since="3">
<description summary="">
Set the parent window geometry the compositor should use when
positioning the popup. The compositor may use this information to
determine the future state the popup should be constrained using. If
this doesn't match the dimension of the parent the popup is eventually
positioned against, the behavior is undefined.
The arguments are given in the surface-local coordinate space.
<arg name="parent_width" type="int"
summary="future window geometry width of parent"/>
<arg name="parent_height" type="int"
summary="future window geometry height of parent"/>
<request name="set_parent_configure" since="3">
<description summary="set parent configure this is a response to">
Set the serial of an xdg_surface.configure event this positioner will be
used in response to. The compositor may use this information together
with set_parent_size to determine what future state the popup should be
constrained using.
<arg name="serial" type="uint"
summary="serial of parent configure event"/>
<interface name="xdg_surface" version="2">
<interface name="xdg_surface" version="6">
<description summary="desktop user interface surface base interface">
An interface that may be implemented by a wl_surface, for
implementations that provide a desktop-style user interface.
@ -386,6 +434,13 @@
manipulate a buffer prior to the first xdg_surface.configure call must
also be treated as errors.
After creating a role-specific object and setting it up, the client must
perform an initial commit without any buffer attached. The compositor
will reply with initial wl_surface state such as
wl_surface.preferred_buffer_scale followed by an xdg_surface.configure
event. The client must acknowledge it and is then allowed to attach a
buffer to map the surface.
Mapping an xdg_surface-based role surface is defined as making it
possible for the surface to be shown by the compositor. Note that
a mapped surface is not guaranteed to be visible once it is mapped.
@ -399,19 +454,30 @@
A newly-unmapped surface is considered to have met condition (1) out
of the 3 required conditions for mapping a surface if its role surface
has not been destroyed.
has not been destroyed, i.e. the client must perform the initial commit
again before attaching a buffer.
<enum name="error">
<entry name="not_constructed" value="1"/>
<entry name="already_constructed" value="2"/>
<entry name="unconfigured_buffer" value="3"/>
<entry name="not_constructed" value="1"
summary="Surface was not fully constructed"/>
<entry name="already_constructed" value="2"
summary="Surface was already constructed"/>
<entry name="unconfigured_buffer" value="3"
summary="Attaching a buffer to an unconfigured surface"/>
<entry name="invalid_serial" value="4"
summary="Invalid serial number when acking a configure event"/>
<entry name="invalid_size" value="5"
summary="Width or height was zero or negative"/>
<entry name="defunct_role_object" value="6"
summary="Surface was destroyed before its role object"/>
<request name="destroy" type="destructor">
<description summary="destroy the xdg_surface">
Destroy the xdg_surface object. An xdg_surface must only be destroyed
after its role object has been destroyed.
after its role object has been destroyed, otherwise
a defunct_role_object error is raised.
@ -466,13 +532,22 @@
commit. This unset is meant for extremely simple clients.
The arguments are given in the surface-local coordinate space of
the wl_surface associated with this xdg_surface.
the wl_surface associated with this xdg_surface, and may extend outside
of the wl_surface itself to mark parts of the subsurface tree as part of
the window geometry.
The width and height must be greater than zero. Setting an invalid size
will raise an error. When applied, the effective window geometry will be
the set window geometry clamped to the bounding rectangle of the
combined geometry of the surface of the xdg_surface and the associated
When applied, the effective window geometry will be the set window
geometry clamped to the bounding rectangle of the combined
geometry of the surface of the xdg_surface and the associated
The effective geometry will not be recalculated unless a new call to
set_window_geometry is done and the new pending surface state is
subsequently applied.
The width and height of the effective window geometry must be
greater than zero. Setting an invalid size will raise an
invalid_size error.
<arg name="x" type="int"/>
<arg name="y" type="int"/>
@ -493,6 +568,8 @@
If the client receives multiple configure events before it
can respond to one, it only has to ack the last configure event.
Acking a configure event that was never sent raises an invalid_serial
A client is not required to commit immediately after sending
an ack_configure request - it may even ack_configure several times
@ -501,6 +578,17 @@
A client may send multiple ack_configure requests before committing, but
only the last request sent before a commit indicates which configure
event the client really is responding to.
Sending an ack_configure request consumes the serial number sent with
the request, as well as serial numbers sent by all configure events
sent on this xdg_surface prior to the configure event referenced by
the committed serial.
It is an error to issue multiple ack_configure requests referencing a
serial from the same configure event, or to issue an ack_configure
request referencing a serial from a configure event issued before the
event identified by the last ack_configure request for the same
xdg_surface. Doing so will raise an invalid_serial error.
<arg name="serial" type="uint" summary="the serial from the configure event"/>
@ -526,9 +614,10 @@
<arg name="serial" type="uint" summary="serial of the configure event"/>
<interface name="xdg_toplevel" version="2">
<interface name="xdg_toplevel" version="6">
<description summary="toplevel surface">
This interface defines an xdg_surface role which allows a surface to,
among other things, set window-like properties such as maximize,
@ -540,7 +629,11 @@
by the compositor until it is explicitly mapped again.
All active operations (e.g., move, resize) are canceled and all
attributes (e.g. title, state, stacking, ...) are discarded for
an xdg_toplevel surface when it is unmapped.
an xdg_toplevel surface when it is unmapped. The xdg_toplevel returns to
the state it had right after xdg_surface.get_toplevel. The client
can re-map the toplevel by perfoming a commit without any buffer
attached, waiting for a configure event and handling it as usual (see
xdg_surface description).
Attaching a null buffer to a toplevel unmaps the surface.
@ -552,24 +645,37 @@
<enum name="error">
<entry name="invalid_resize_edge" value="0" summary="provided value is
not a valid variant of the resize_edge enum"/>
<entry name="invalid_parent" value="1"
summary="invalid parent toplevel"/>
<entry name="invalid_size" value="2"
summary="client provided an invalid min or max size"/>
<request name="set_parent">
<description summary="set the parent of this surface">
Set the "parent" of this surface. This surface should be stacked
above the parent surface and all other ancestor surfaces.
Parent windows should be set on dialogs, toolboxes, or other
Parent surfaces should be set on dialogs, toolboxes, or other
"auxiliary" surfaces, so that the parent is raised when the dialog
is raised.
Setting a null parent for a child window removes any parent-child
relationship for the child. Setting a null parent for a window which
currently has no parent is a no-op.
Setting a null parent for a child surface unsets its parent. Setting
a null parent for a surface which currently has no parent is a no-op.
If the parent is unmapped then its children are managed as
though the parent of the now-unmapped parent has become the
parent of this surface. If no parent exists for the now-unmapped
parent then the children are managed as though they have no
parent surface.
Only mapped surfaces can have child surfaces. Setting a parent which
is not mapped is equivalent to setting a null parent. If a surface
becomes unmapped, its children's parent is set to the parent of
the now-unmapped surface. If the now-unmapped surface has no parent,
its children's parent is unset. If the now-unmapped surface becomes
mapped again, its parent-child relationship is not restored.
The parent toplevel must not be one of the child toplevel's
descendants, and the parent must be different from the child toplevel,
otherwise the invalid_parent protocol error is raised.
<arg name="parent" type="object" interface="xdg_toplevel" allow-null="true"/>
@ -604,11 +710,14 @@
For example, "org.freedesktop.FooViewer" where the .desktop file is
Like other properties, a set_app_id request can be sent after the
xdg_toplevel has been mapped to update the property.
See the desktop-entry specification [0] for more details on
application identifiers and how they relate to well-known D-Bus
names and .desktop files.
[0] http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/
[0] https://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/
<arg name="app_id" type="string"/>
@ -622,7 +731,8 @@
This request asks the compositor to pop up such a window menu at
the given position, relative to the local surface coordinates of
the parent surface. There are no guarantees as to what menu items
the window menu contains.
the window menu contains, or even if a window menu will be drawn
at all.
This request must be used in response to some sort of user action
like a button press, key press, or touch down event.
@ -698,16 +808,17 @@
guarantee that the device focus will return when the resize is
The edges parameter specifies how the surface should be resized,
and is one of the values of the resize_edge enum. The compositor
may use this information to update the surface position for
example when dragging the top left corner. The compositor may also
use this information to adapt its behavior, e.g. choose an
appropriate cursor image.
The edges parameter specifies how the surface should be resized, and
is one of the values of the resize_edge enum. Values not matching
a variant of the enum will cause the invalid_resize_edge protocol error.
The compositor may use this information to update the surface position
for example when dragging the top left corner. The compositor may also
use this information to adapt its behavior, e.g. choose an appropriate
cursor image.
<arg name="seat" type="object" interface="wl_seat" summary="the wl_seat of the user event"/>
<arg name="serial" type="uint" summary="the serial of the user event"/>
<arg name="edges" type="uint" summary="which edge or corner is being dragged"/>
<arg name="edges" type="uint" enum="resize_edge" summary="which edge or corner is being dragged"/>
<enum name="state">
@ -723,7 +834,8 @@
<entry name="maximized" value="1" summary="the surface is maximized">
<description summary="the surface is maximized">
The surface is maximized. The window geometry specified in the configure
event must be obeyed by the client.
event must be obeyed by the client, or the xdg_wm_base.invalid_surface_state
error is raised.
The client should draw without shadow or other
decoration outside of the window geometry.
@ -754,29 +866,36 @@
<entry name="tiled_left" value="5" since="2">
<description summary="the surface is tiled">
<description summary="the surface’s left edge is tiled">
The window is currently in a tiled layout and the left edge is
considered to be adjacent to another part of the tiling grid.
<entry name="tiled_right" value="6" since="2">
<description summary="the surface is tiled">
<description summary="the surface’s right edge is tiled">
The window is currently in a tiled layout and the right edge is
considered to be adjacent to another part of the tiling grid.
<entry name="tiled_top" value="7" since="2">
<description summary="the surface is tiled">
<description summary="the surface’s top edge is tiled">
The window is currently in a tiled layout and the top edge is
considered to be adjacent to another part of the tiling grid.
<entry name="tiled_bottom" value="8" since="2">
<description summary="the surface is tiled">
<description summary="the surface’s bottom edge is tiled">
The window is currently in a tiled layout and the bottom edge is
considered to be adjacent to another part of the tiling grid.
<entry name="suspended" value="9" since="6">
<description summary="surface repaint is suspended">
The surface is currently not ordinarily being repainted; for
example because its content is occluded by another window, or its
outputs are switched off due to screen locking.
<request name="set_max_size">
@ -810,11 +929,11 @@
Requesting a maximum size to be smaller than the minimum size of
a surface is illegal and will result in a protocol error.
a surface is illegal and will result in an invalid_size error.
The width and height must be greater than or equal to zero. Using
strictly negative values for width and height will result in a
protocol error.
strictly negative values for width or height will result in a
invalid_size error.
<arg name="width" type="int"/>
<arg name="height" type="int"/>
@ -851,11 +970,11 @@
Requesting a minimum size to be larger than the maximum size of
a surface is illegal and will result in a protocol error.
a surface is illegal and will result in an invalid_size error.
The width and height must be greater than or equal to zero. Using
strictly negative values for width and height will result in a
protocol error.
invalid_size error.
<arg name="width" type="int"/>
<arg name="height" type="int"/>
@ -1014,9 +1133,68 @@
a dialog to ask the user to save their data, etc.
<!-- Version 4 additions -->
<event name="configure_bounds" since="4">
<description summary="recommended window geometry bounds">
The configure_bounds event may be sent prior to a xdg_toplevel.configure
event to communicate the bounds a window geometry size is recommended
to constrain to.
The passed width and height are in surface coordinate space. If width
and height are 0, it means bounds is unknown and equivalent to as if no
configure_bounds event was ever sent for this surface.
The bounds can for example correspond to the size of a monitor excluding
any panels or other shell components, so that a surface isn't created in
a way that it cannot fit.
The bounds may change at any point, and in such a case, a new
xdg_toplevel.configure_bounds will be sent, followed by
xdg_toplevel.configure and xdg_surface.configure.
<arg name="width" type="int"/>
<arg name="height" type="int"/>
<!-- Version 5 additions -->
<enum name="wm_capabilities" since="5">
<entry name="window_menu" value="1" summary="show_window_menu is available"/>
<entry name="maximize" value="2" summary="set_maximized and unset_maximized are available"/>
<entry name="fullscreen" value="3" summary="set_fullscreen and unset_fullscreen are available"/>
<entry name="minimize" value="4" summary="set_minimized is available"/>
<event name="wm_capabilities" since="5">
<description summary="compositor capabilities">
This event advertises the capabilities supported by the compositor. If
a capability isn't supported, clients should hide or disable the UI
elements that expose this functionality. For instance, if the
compositor doesn't advertise support for minimized toplevels, a button
triggering the set_minimized request should not be displayed.
The compositor will ignore requests it doesn't support. For instance,
a compositor which doesn't advertise support for minimized will ignore
set_minimized requests.
Compositors must send this event once before the first
xdg_surface.configure event. When the capabilities change, compositors
must send this event again and then send an xdg_surface.configure
The configured state should not be applied immediately. See
xdg_surface.configure for details.
The capabilities are sent as an array of 32-bit unsigned integers in
native endianness.
<arg name="capabilities" type="array" summary="array of 32-bit capabilities"/>
<interface name="xdg_popup" version="2">
<interface name="xdg_popup" version="6">
<description summary="short-lived, popup surfaces for menus">
A popup surface is a short-lived, temporary surface. It can be used to
implement for example menus, popovers, tooltips and other similar user
@ -1040,12 +1218,6 @@
The parent of an xdg_popup must be mapped (see the xdg_surface
description) before the xdg_popup itself.
The x and y arguments passed when creating the popup object specify
where the top left of the popup should be placed, relative to the
local surface coordinates of the parent surface. See
xdg_surface.get_popup. An xdg_popup must intersect with or be at least
partially adjacent to its parent surface.
The client must call wl_surface.commit on the corresponding wl_surface
for the xdg_popup state to take effect.
@ -1060,8 +1232,8 @@
This destroys the popup. Explicitly destroying the xdg_popup
object will also dismiss the popup, and unmap the surface.
If this xdg_popup is not the "topmost" popup, a protocol error
will be sent.
If this xdg_popup is not the "topmost" popup, the
xdg_wm_base.not_the_topmost_popup protocol error will be sent.
@ -1093,10 +1265,6 @@
nested grabbing popup as well. When a compositor dismisses popups, it
will follow the same dismissing order as required from the client.
The parent of a grabbing popup must either be another xdg_popup with an
active explicit grab, or an xdg_popup or xdg_toplevel, if there are no
explicit grabs already taken.
If the topmost grabbing popup is destroyed, the grab will be returned to
the parent of the popup, if that parent previously had an explicit grab.
@ -1123,6 +1291,11 @@
The x and y arguments represent the position the popup was placed at
given the xdg_positioner rule, relative to the upper left corner of the
window geometry of the parent surface.
For version 2 or older, the configure event for an xdg_popup is only
ever sent once for the initial configuration. Starting with version 3,
it may be sent again if the popup is setup with an xdg_positioner with
set_reactive requested, or in response to xdg_popup.reposition requests.
<arg name="x" type="int"
summary="x position relative to parent surface window geometry"/>
@ -1140,5 +1313,58 @@
<!-- Version 3 additions -->
<request name="reposition" since="3">
<description summary="recalculate the popup's location">
Reposition an already-mapped popup. The popup will be placed given the
details in the passed xdg_positioner object, and a
xdg_popup.repositioned followed by xdg_popup.configure and
xdg_surface.configure will be emitted in response. Any parameters set
by the previous positioner will be discarded.
The passed token will be sent in the corresponding
xdg_popup.repositioned event. The new popup position will not take
effect until the corresponding configure event is acknowledged by the
client. See xdg_popup.repositioned for details. The token itself is
opaque, and has no other special meaning.
If multiple reposition requests are sent, the compositor may skip all
but the last one.
If the popup is repositioned in response to a configure event for its
parent, the client should send an xdg_positioner.set_parent_configure
and possibly an xdg_positioner.set_parent_size request to allow the
compositor to properly constrain the popup.
If the popup is repositioned together with a parent that is being
resized, but not in response to a configure event, the client should
send an xdg_positioner.set_parent_size request.
<arg name="positioner" type="object" interface="xdg_positioner"/>
<arg name="token" type="uint" summary="reposition request token"/>
<event name="repositioned" since="3">
<description summary="signal the completion of a repositioned request">
The repositioned event is sent as part of a popup configuration
sequence, together with xdg_popup.configure and lastly
xdg_surface.configure to notify the completion of a reposition request.
The repositioned event is to notify about the completion of a
xdg_popup.reposition request. The token argument is the token passed
in the xdg_popup.reposition request.
Immediately after this event is emitted, xdg_popup.configure and
xdg_surface.configure will be sent with the updated size and position,
as well as a new configure serial.
The client should optionally update the content of the popup, but must
acknowledge the new popup configuration for the new position to take
effect. See xdg_surface.ack_configure for details.
<arg name="token" type="uint" summary="reposition request token"/>
@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
#include <unistd.h>
static void
randname(char *buf) {
randname(char *buf)
struct timespec ts;
long r;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ randname(char *buf) {
static int
create_shm_file(void) {
int retries = 100;
int fd;
do {
@ -35,7 +37,8 @@ create_shm_file(void) {
allocate_shm_file(size_t size) {
allocate_shm_file(size_t size)
int fd = create_shm_file();
int ret;
if (fd < 0)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
wvkbd - on-screen virtual keyboard for wayland compositors using wlroots
wvkbd-mobintl [OPTIONS]...
*NOTE*: Your binary may have a different suffix depending on which layout you compiled.
This project aims to deliver a minimal but practically usable implementation of
a wlroots on-screen keyboard in legible C. This will _only_ be a keyboard, not
a feedback buzzer, led blinker, or anything that requires more than what's
needed to input text quickly. The end product should be a static codebase that
can be patched to add new features.
enable debug mode.
print pressed keys to standard output.
print intersected keys to standard output.
*-l* _layers_
comma separated list of layers in vertical/portrait mode.
*--landscape-layers* _layers_
comma separated list of layers used in horizontal/landscape mode.
prints a list of all available layers.
*-H* _pixels_
Height of the keyboard in pixels, for vertical/portrait mode.
*-L* _pixels_
Height of the keyboard in pixels, for horizontal/landscape mode
*--fn* _font_
set font and size (e.g. DejaVu Sans 20)
Start hidden (send SIGUSR2 to show).
*--alpha* _int_
Set alpha value (i.e. transparency) for all colors [0-255]
*--bg* _rrggbb|aa_
Set color of background
*--fg* _rrggbb|aa_
Set color of keys
*--fg-sp* _rrggbb|aa_
Set color of special keys
*--press* _rrggbb|aa_
Set color of pressed keys
*--press-sp* _rrggbb|aa_
Set color of pressed special keys
*--swipe* _rrggbb|aa_
Set color of swiped keys
*--swipe-sp* _rrggbb|aa_
Set color of swiped special keys
*--text* _rrggbb|aa_
Set color text on keys
*--text-sp* _rrggbb|aa_
Set color text on special keys
Print version information
*-h*, *--help*
Print usage help
You can send signals to wvkbd to hide/show it (e.g. using _kill_(1) with _-s_):
Hide the keyboard.
Show the keyboard
Toggle visibility
The default mobile international layout features a Compose button (*Cmp*)
which, when combined with another key, opens up a layout that offers variants
for that key. This is similar to functionality that other keyboards implemented
using a *long press* (wvkbd has no such notion, holding a key will repeat
it like on a physical keyboard).
For example, press Cmp + a to access variants with diacritics like á,à,â,ä, etc..
Most layouts also feature the following that are less obvious:
- Press Cmp and . to access more punctuation
- Press Cmp and - or , to access 'mathematical' symbols (+,-,=,etc)
- Press Cmp and ' or 0 or 9 to access more brackets and quotes
- Press Cmp and q to access emojis
Last, but not least, pressing Cmp + space or Cmp + ⌨ or Cmp + Abc opens up an
index that allows you to immediately jump to any layout by name, even layouts
not explicitly added to your layers on startup.
Created by John Sullivan <jsullivan@csumb.edu>, maintained by the Sxmo project
<https://sxmo.org> in collaboration with other open source contributors. For
more information about wvkbd development, see <https://git.sr.ht/~proycon/wvkbd>
or <https://github.com/jjsullivan5196/wvkbd>.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user