Michael R Sweet b005175003
Doco updates.
2021-06-07 17:06:13 -04:00

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PDFio is a simple C library for reading and writing PDF files. The primary goals of pdfio are:

  • Read any PDF file with or without encryption or linearization
  • Write PDF files without encryption or linearization
  • Extract or embed useful metadata (author, creator, page information, etc.)
  • "Filter" PDF files, for example to extract a range of pages or to embed fonts that are missing from a PDF
  • Provide access to objects used for each page

PDFio is not concerned with rendering or viewing a PDF file, although a PDF RIP or viewer could be written using it.

PDFio is Copyright © 2021 by Michael R Sweet and is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 with an (optional) exception to allow linking against GPL2/LGPL2 software. See the files "LICENSE" and "NOTICE" for more information.


PDFio requires the following to build the software:

  • A C99 compiler such as Clang, GCC, or MS Visual C
  • A POSIX-compliant make program
  • ZLIB (https://www.zlib.net) 1.0 or higher

IDE files for Xcode (macOS/iOS) and Visual Studio (Windows) are also provided.

Installing pdfio

PDFio comes with a portable makefile that will work on any POSIX-compliant system with ZLIB installed. To make it, run:

make all

To test it, run:

make test

To install it, run:

make install

If you want a shared library, run:

make all-shared
make install-shared

The default installation location is "/usr/local". Pass the prefix variable to make to install it to another location:

make install prefix=/some/other/directory

The makefile installs the pdfio header to "${prefix}/include", the library to "${prefix}/lib", the pkg-config file to "${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig", the man page to "${prefix}/share/man/man3", and the documentation to "${prefix}/share/doc/pdfio".

The makefile supports the following variables that can be specified in the make command or as environment variables:

  • AR: the library archiver (default "ar")
  • ARFLAGS: options for the library archiver (default "cr")
  • CC: the C compiler (default "cc")
  • CFLAGS: options for the C compiler (default "")
  • CODESIGN_IDENTITY: the identity to use when code signing the shared library on macOS (default "Developer ID")
  • COMMONFLAGS: options for the C compiler and linker (typically architecture and optimization options, default is "-Os -g")
  • CPPFLAGS: options for the C preprocessor (default "")
  • DESTDIR" and "DSTROOT: specifies a root directory when installing (default is "", specify only one)
  • DSOFLAGS: options for the C compiler when linking the shared library (default "")
  • LDFLAGS: options for the C compiler when linking the test programs (default "")
  • LIBS: library options when linking the test programs (default "-lz")
  • RANLIB: program that generates a table-of-contents in a library (default "ranlib")
  • prefix: specifies the installation directory (default "/usr/local")

Visual Studio Project

The Visual Studio solution ("pdfio.sln") is provided for Windows developers and generates both a static library and DLL.

Xcode Project

There is also an Xcode project ("pdfio.xcodeproj") you can use on macOS which generates a static library that will be installed under "/usr/local" with:

sudo xcodebuild install

You can reproduce this with the makefile using:

sudo make 'COMMONFLAGS="-Os -mmacosx-version-min=10.14 -arch x86_64 -arch arm64"' install

Detecting PDFio

PDFio can be detected using the pkg-config command, for example:

if pkg-config --exists pdfio; then

In a makefile you can add the necessary compiler and linker options with:

CFLAGS  +=      `pkg-config --cflags pdfio`
LIBS    +=      `pkg-config --libs pdfio`

On Windows, you need to link to the PDFIO.LIB (static) or PDFIO1.LIB (DLL) libraries and include the "zlib" NuGet package dependency.

Header Files

PDFio provides a primary header file that is always used:

#include <pdfio.h>

PDFio also provides helper functions for producing PDF content that are defined in a separate header file:

#include <pdfio-content.h>

API Overview

PDFio exposes several types:

  • pdfio_file_t: A PDF file (for reading or writing)
  • pdfio_array_t: An array of values
  • pdfio_dict_t: A dictionary of key/value pairs in a PDF file, object, etc.
  • pdfio_obj_t: An object in a PDF file
  • pdfio_stream_t: An object stream

Reading PDF Files

You open an existing PDF file using the pdfioFileOpen function:

pdfio_file_t *pdf = pdfioFileOpen("myinputfile.pdf", error_cb, error_data);

where the three arguments to the function are the filename ("myinputfile.pdf"), an optional error callback function (error_cb), and an optional pointer value for the error callback function (error_data). The error callback is called for both errors and warnings and accepts the pdfio_file_t pointer, a message string, and the callback pointer value, for example:

error_cb(pdfio_file_t *pdf, const char *message, void *data)
  (void)data; // This callback does not use the data pointer

  fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", pdfioFileGetName(pdf), message);

  // Return false to treat warnings as errors
  return (false);

The default error callback (NULL) does the equivalent of the above.

Each PDF file contains one or more pages. The pdfioFileGetNumPages function returns the number of pages in the file while the pdfioFileGetPage function gets the specified page in the PDF file:

pdfio_file_t *pdf;   // PDF file
size_t       i;      // Looping var
size_t       count;  // Number of pages
pdfio_obj_t  *page;  // Current page

// Iterate the pages in the PDF file
for (i = 0, count = pdfioFileGetNumPages(pdf); i < count; i ++)
  page = pdfioFileGetPage(pdf, i);
  // do something with page

Each page is represented by a "page tree" object (what pdfioFileGetPage returns) that specifies information about the page and one or more "content" objects that contain the images, fonts, text, and graphics that appear on the page.

The pdfioFileClose function closes a PDF file and frees all memory that was used for it:


Writing PDF Files

You create a new PDF file using the pdfioFileCreate function:

pdfio_rect_t media_box = { 0.0, 0.0, 612.0, 792.0 };  // US Letter
pdfio_rect_t crop_box = { 36.0, 36.0, 576.0, 756.0 }; // 0.5" margins

pdfio_file_t *pdf = pdfioFileCreate("myoutputfile.pdf", "2.0", &media_box, &crop_box, error_cb, error_data);

where the six arguments to the function are the filename ("myoutputfile.pdf"), PDF version ("2.0"), media box (media_box), crop box (crop_box), an optional error callback function (error_cb), and an optional pointer value for the error callback function (error_data).

Once the file is created, use the pdfioFileCreateObj, pdfioFileCreatePage, and pdfioPageCopy functions to create objects and pages in the file.

Finally, the pdfioFileClose function writes the PDF cross-reference and "trailer" information, closes the file, and frees all memory that was used for it.

PDF Objects

PDF objects are identified using two numbers - the object number (1 to N) and the object generation (0 to 65535) that specifies a particular version of an object. An object's numbers are returned by the pdfioObjGetNumber and pdfioObjGetGeneration functions. You can find a numbered object using the pdfioFileFindObj function.

Objects contain values (typically dictionaries) and usually an associated data stream containing images, fonts, ICC profiles, and page content. PDFio provides several accessor functions to get the value(s) associated with an object:

  • pdfioObjGetArray returns an object's array value, if any
  • pdfioObjGetDict returns an object's dictionary value, if any
  • pdfioObjGetLength returns the length of the data stream, if any
  • pdfioObjGetSubtype returns the sub-type name of the object, for example "Image" for an image object.
  • pdfioObjGetType returns the type name of the object, for example "XObject" for an image object.

PDF Streams

PDF Content Helper Functions