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synced 2025-03-03 08:12:49 +01:00
pdfio_dict_t implementation
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
struct _pdfio_array_s
pdfio_file_t *pdf; // PDF file
size_t num_values, // Number of values in use
alloc_values; // Number of allocated values
_pdfio_value_t *values; // Array of values
@ -182,6 +183,8 @@ pdfioArrayCreate(pdfio_file_t *pdf) // I - PDF file
if ((a = (pdfio_array_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(pdfio_array_t))) == NULL)
return (NULL);
a->pdf = pdf;
if (pdf->num_arrays >= pdf->alloc_arrays)
pdfio_array_t **temp = realloc(pdf->arrays, (pdf->alloc_arrays + 16) * sizeof(pdfio_array_t *));
@ -12,3 +12,45 @@
#include "pdfio-private.h"
// '_pdfioFileDefaultError()' - Default error callback.
// The default error callback writes the error message to stderr and returns
// `false` to halt.
bool // O - `false` to stop
pdfio_file_t *pdf, // I - PDF file
const char *message, // I - Error message
void *data) // I - Callback data (unused)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", pdf->filename, message);
return (false);
// '_pdfioFileError()' - Display an error message.
bool // O - `true` to continue, `false` to stop
_pdfioFileError(pdfio_file_t *pdf, // I - PDF file
const char *format, // I - `printf`-style format string
...) // I - Additional arguments as needed
char buffer[8192]; // Message buffer
va_list ap; // Argument pointer
va_start(ap, format);
vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, ap);
return ((pdf->error_cb)(pdf, buffer, pdf->error_data));
@ -15,189 +15,529 @@
// '()' - .
// Dictionary structures
pdfio_dict_t *pdfioDictCreate(pdfio_file_t *file)
typedef struct _pdfio_pair_s // Key/value pair
const char *key; // Key string
_pdfio_value_t value; // Value
} _pdfio_pair_t;
struct _pdfio_dict_s
pdfio_file_t *pdf; // PDF file
size_t num_pairs, // Number of pairs in use
alloc_pairs; // Number of allocated pairs
_pdfio_pair_t *pairs; // Array of pairs
// Local functions...
static int compare_pairs(_pdfio_pair_t *a, _pdfio_pair_t *b);
// 'pdfioDictCreate()' - Create a dictionary to hold key/value pairs.
pdfio_dict_t * // O - New dictionary
pdfioDictCreate(pdfio_file_t *pdf) // I - PDF file
pdfio_dict_t *dict; // New dictionary
if (!pdf)
return (NULL);
if ((dict = (pdfio_dict_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(pdfio_dict_t))) == NULL)
return (NULL);
dict->pdf = pdf;
if (pdf->num_dicts >= pdf->alloc_dicts)
pdfio_dict_t **temp = (pdfio_dict_t **)realloc(pdf->dicts, (pdf->alloc_dicts + 16) * sizeof(pdfio_dict_t *));
if (!temp)
return (NULL);
pdf->dicts = temp;
pdf->alloc_dicts += 16;
pdf->dicts[pdf->num_dicts ++] = dict;
return (dict);
// '()' - .
// '_pdfioDictDelete()' - Free the memory used by a dictionary.
void _pdfioDictDelete(pdfio_dict_t *dict)
_pdfioDictDelete(pdfio_dict_t *dict) // I - Dictionary
if (dict)
// '()' - .
// 'pdfioDictGetArray()' - Get a key array value from a dictionary.
pdfio_array_t *pdfioDictGetArray(pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *name)
pdfio_array_t * // O - Value
pdfioDictGetArray(pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Dictionary
const char *key) // I - Key
_pdfio_value_t *value = _pdfioDictGetValue(dict, key);
if (value && value->type == PDFIO_VALTYPE_ARRAY)
return (value->value.array);
return (NULL);
// '()' - .
// 'pdfioDictGetBoolean()' - Get a key boolean value from a dictionary.
bool pdfioDictGetBoolean(pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *name)
bool // O - Value
pdfioDictGetBoolean(pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Dictionary
const char *key) // I - Key
_pdfio_value_t *value = _pdfioDictGetValue(dict, key);
if (value && value->type == PDFIO_VALTYPE_BOOLEAN)
return (value->value.boolean);
return (false);
// '()' - .
// 'pdfioDictGetDict()' - Get a key dictionary value from a dictionary.
pdfio_dict_t *pdfioDictGetDict(pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *name)
pdfio_dict_t * // O - Value
pdfioDictGetDict(pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Dictionary
const char *key) // I - Key
_pdfio_value_t *value = _pdfioDictGetValue(dict, key);
if (value && value->type == PDFIO_VALTYPE_DICT)
return (value->value.dict);
return (NULL);
// '()' - .
// 'pdfioDictGetName()' - Get a key name value from a dictionary.
const char *pdfioDictGetName(pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *name)
const char * // O - Value
pdfioDictGetName(pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Dictionary
const char *key) // I - Key
_pdfio_value_t *value = _pdfioDictGetValue(dict, key);
if (value && value->type == PDFIO_VALTYPE_NAME)
return (value->value.name);
return (NULL);
// '()' - .
// 'pdfioDictGetNumber()' - Get a key number value from a dictionary.
float pdfioDictGetNumber(pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *name)
float // O - Value
pdfioDictGetNumber(pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Dictionary
const char *key) // I - Key
_pdfio_value_t *value = _pdfioDictGetValue(dict, key);
if (value && value->type == PDFIO_VALTYPE_NUMBER)
return (value->value.number);
return (0.0f);
// '()' - .
// 'pdfioDictGetObject()' - Get a key indirect object value from a dictionary.
pdfio_obj_t *pdfioDictGetObject(pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *name)
pdfio_obj_t * // O - Value
pdfioDictGetObject(pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Dictionary
const char *key) // I - Key
_pdfio_value_t *value = _pdfioDictGetValue(dict, key);
if (value && value->type == PDFIO_VALTYPE_INDIRECT)
return (value->value.obj);
return (NULL);
// '()' - .
// 'pdfioDictGetRect()' - Get a key rectangle value from a dictionary.
pdfio_rect_t *pdfioDictGetRect(pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *name, pdfio_rect_t *rect)
pdfio_rect_t * // O - Rectangle
pdfioDictGetRect(pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Dictionary
const char *key, // I - Key
pdfio_rect_t *rect) // I - Rectangle
_pdfio_value_t *value = _pdfioDictGetValue(dict, key);
if (value && value->type == PDFIO_VALTYPE_ARRAY && pdfioArrayGetSize(value->value.array) == 4)
rect->x1 = pdfioArrayGetNumber(value->value.array, 0);
rect->y1 = pdfioArrayGetNumber(value->value.array, 1);
rect->x2 = pdfioArrayGetNumber(value->value.array, 2);
rect->y2 = pdfioArrayGetNumber(value->value.array, 3);
return (rect);
memset(rect, 0, sizeof(pdfio_rect_t));
return (NULL);
// '()' - .
// 'pdfioDictGetString()' - Get a key string value from a dictionary.
const char *pdfioDictGetString(pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *name)
const char * // O - Value
pdfioDictGetString(pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Dictionary
const char *key) // I - Key
_pdfio_value_t *value = _pdfioDictGetValue(dict, key);
if (value && value->type == PDFIO_VALTYPE_STRING)
return (value->value.string);
return (NULL);
// '()' - .
// 'pdfioDictGetType()' - Get a key value type from a dictionary.
pdfio_valtype_t pdfioDictGetType(pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *name)
pdfio_valtype_t // O - Value type
pdfioDictGetType(pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Dictionary
const char *key) // I - Key
_pdfio_value_t *value = _pdfioDictGetValue(dict, key);
return (value ? value->type : PDFIO_VALTYPE_NONE);
// '()' - .
// '_pdfioDictGetValue()' - Get a key value from a dictionary.
bool pdfioDictSetArray(pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *name, pdfio_array_t *value)
_pdfio_value_t * // O - Value or `NULL` on error
_pdfioDictGetValue(pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Dictionary
const char *key) // I - Key
_pdfio_pair_t temp, // Search key
*match; // Matching key pair
if (!dict || !dict->num_pairs || !key)
return (NULL);
temp.key = key;
if ((match = bsearch(&temp, dict->pairs, dict->num_pairs, sizeof(_pdfio_pair_t), (int (*)(const void *, const void *))compare_pairs)) != NULL)
return (&match->value);
return (NULL);
// '()' - .
// 'pdfioDictSetArray()' - Set a key array in a dictionary.
bool pdfioDictSetBoolean(pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *name, bool value)
bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure
pdfioDictSetArray(pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Dictionary
const char *key, // I - Key
pdfio_array_t *value) // I - Value
_pdfio_value_t temp; // New value
temp.value.array = value;
return (_pdfioDictSetValue(dict, key, &temp));
// '()' - .
// 'pdfioDictSetBoolean()' - Set a key boolean in a dictionary.
bool pdfioDictSetDict(pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *name, pdfio_dict_t *value)
bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure
pdfioDictSetBoolean(pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Dictionary
const char *key, // I - Key
bool value) // I - Value
_pdfio_value_t temp; // New value
temp.value.boolean = value;
return (_pdfioDictSetValue(dict, key, &temp));
// '()' - .
// 'pdfioDictSetDict()' - Set a key dictionary in a dictionary.
bool pdfioDictSetName(pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *name, const char *value)
bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure
pdfioDictSetDict(pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Dictionary
const char *key, // I - Key
pdfio_dict_t *value) // I - Value
_pdfio_value_t temp; // New value
temp.value.dict = value;
return (_pdfioDictSetValue(dict, key, &temp));
// '()' - .
// 'pdfioDictSetName()' - Set a key name in a dictionary.
bool pdfioDictSetNull(pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *name)
bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure
pdfioDictSetName(pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Dictionary
const char *key, // I - Key
const char *value) // I - Value
_pdfio_value_t temp; // New value
temp.value.name = value;
return (_pdfioDictSetValue(dict, key, &temp));
// '()' - .
// 'pdfioDictSetNull()' - Set a key null in a dictionary.
bool pdfioDictSetNumber(pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *name, float value)
bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure
pdfioDictSetNull(pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Dictionary
const char *key) // I - Key
_pdfio_value_t temp; // New value
return (_pdfioDictSetValue(dict, key, &temp));
// '()' - .
// 'pdfioDictSetNumber()' - Set a key number in a dictionary.
bool pdfioDictSetObject(pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *name, pdfio_obj_t *value)
bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure
pdfioDictSetNumber(pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Dictionary
const char *key, // I - Key
float value) // I - Value
_pdfio_value_t temp; // New value
temp.value.number = value;
return (_pdfioDictSetValue(dict, key, &temp));
// '()' - .
// 'pdfioDictSetObject()' - Set a key indirect object reference in a dictionary.
bool pdfioDictSetRect(pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *name, pdfio_rect_t *value)
bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure
pdfioDictSetObject(pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Dictionary
const char *key, // I - Key
pdfio_obj_t *value) // I - Value
_pdfio_value_t temp; // New value
temp.value.obj = value;
return (_pdfioDictSetValue(dict, key, &temp));
// '()' - .
// 'pdfioDictSetRect()' - Set a key rectangle in a dictionary.
bool pdfioDictSetString(pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *name, const char *value)
bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure
pdfioDictSetRect(pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Dictionary
const char *key, // I - Key
pdfio_rect_t *value) // I - Value
_pdfio_value_t temp; // New value
temp.value.array = pdfioArrayCreate(dict->pdf);
pdfioArrayAppendNumber(temp.value.array, value->x1);
pdfioArrayAppendNumber(temp.value.array, value->y1);
pdfioArrayAppendNumber(temp.value.array, value->x2);
pdfioArrayAppendNumber(temp.value.array, value->y2);
return (_pdfioDictSetValue(dict, key, &temp));
// '()' - .
// 'pdfioDictSetString()' - Set a key literal string in a dictionary.
bool pdfioDictSetStringf(pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *name, const char *format, ...)
bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure
pdfioDictSetString(pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Dictionary
const char *key, // I - Key
const char *value)// I - Value
_pdfio_value_t temp; // New value
temp.value.string = value;
return (_pdfioDictSetValue(dict, key, &temp));
// 'pdfioDictSetStringf()' - Set a key formatted string in a dictionary.
bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure
pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Dictionary
const char *key, // I - Key
const char *format, // I - `printf`-style format string
...) // I - Additional arguments as needed
char buffer[8192]; // String buffer
va_list ap; // Argument list
va_start(ap, format);
vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, ap);
return (pdfioDictSetString(dict, key, buffer));
// '_pdfioDictSetValue()' - Set a key value in a dictionary.
bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure
pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Dictionary
const char *key, // I - Key
_pdfio_value_t *value) // I - Value
_pdfio_pair_t temp, // Search key
*pair; // Current pair
// Range check input...
if (!dict || !key || !value)
return (false);
// See if the key is already set...
if (dict->num_pairs > 0)
temp.key = key;
if ((pair = (_pdfio_pair_t *)bsearch(&temp, dict->pairs, dict->num_pairs, sizeof(_pdfio_pair_t), (int (*)(const void *, const void *))compare_pairs)) != NULL)
// Yes, replace the value...
pair->value = *value;
return (true);
// Nope, add a pair...
if (dict->num_pairs >= dict->alloc_pairs)
// Expand the dictionary...
_pdfio_pair_t *temp = (_pdfio_pair_t *)realloc(dict->pairs, (dict->alloc_pairs + 16) * sizeof(_pdfio_pair_t));
if (!temp)
return (false);
dict->pairs = temp;
dict->alloc_pairs += 16;
pair = dict->pairs + dict->num_pairs;
dict->num_pairs ++;
pair->key = key;
pair->value = *value;
// Re-sort the dictionary and return...
if (dict->num_pairs > 1)
qsort(dict->pairs, dict->num_pairs, sizeof(_pdfio_pair_t), (int (*)(const void *, const void *))compare_pairs);
return (true);
// 'compare_pairs()' - Compare the keys for two pairs.
static int // O - Result of comparison
compare_pairs(_pdfio_pair_t *a, // I - First pair
_pdfio_pair_t *b) // I - Second pair
return (strcmp(a->key, b->key));
@ -56,7 +56,10 @@
struct _pdfio_file_s // PDF file structure
char *filename; // Filename
int fd; // File descriptor
pdfio_error_cb_t error_cb; // Error callback
void *error_data; // Data for error callback
// Allocated data elements
size_t num_arrays, // Number of arrays
@ -75,6 +78,7 @@ struct _pdfio_file_s // PDF file structure
struct _pdfio_obj_s // Object
pdfio_file_t *pdf; // PDF file
int number, // Number
generation; // Generation
off_t offset; // Offset in file
@ -106,7 +110,11 @@ typedef struct _pdfio_value_s // Value structure
extern void _pdfioArrayDelete(pdfio_array_t *a) PDFIO_INTERNAL;
extern _pdfio_value_t *_pdfioArrayGetValue(pdfio_array_t *a, size_t n) PDFIO_INTERNAL;
extern void _pdfioDictDelete(pdfio_dict_t *dict) PDFIO_INTERNAL;
extern _pdfio_value_t *_pdfioDictGetValue(pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key) PDFIO_INTERNAL;
extern bool _pdfioDictSetValue(pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key, _pdfio_value_t *value) PDFIO_INTERNAL;
extern bool _pdfioFileDefaultError(pdfio_file_t *pdf, const char *message, void *data) PDFIO_INTERNAL;
extern void _pdfioFileDelete(pdfio_file_t *file) PDFIO_INTERNAL;
extern bool _pdfioFileError(pdfio_file_t *pdf, const char *format, ...) PDFIO_FORMAT(2,3) PDFIO_INTERNAL;
extern void _pdfioObjDelete(pdfio_obj_t *obj) PDFIO_INTERNAL;
extern void _pdfioStreamDelete(pdfio_stream_t *obj) PDFIO_INTERNAL;
extern bool _pdfioStringIsAllocated(pdfio_file_t *pdf, const char *s) PDFIO_INTERNAL;
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ typedef struct _pdfio_dict_s pdfio_dict_t;
// Key/value dictionary
typedef struct _pdfio_file_s pdfio_file_t;
// PDF file
typedef bool (pdfio_error_cb_t)(pdfio_file_t *pdf, const char *message, void *data);
typedef bool (*pdfio_error_cb_t)(pdfio_file_t *pdf, const char *message, void *data);
// Error callback
typedef struct _pdfio_obj_s pdfio_obj_t;// Numbered object in PDF file
typedef struct pdfio_rect_s // PDF rectangle
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