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synced 2025-02-28 14:52:49 +01:00
Add examples to documentation (Issue #69)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
.TH pdfio 3 "pdf read/write library" "2024-06-24" "pdf read/write library"
.TH pdfio 3 "pdf read/write library" "2024-08-05" "pdf read/write library"
pdfio \- pdf read/write library
.SH Introduction
@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ pdfioStreamWrite writes a buffer of data to the stream
The PDF content helper functions provide additional functions for writing specific PDF page stream commands.
When you are done writing the stream, call pdfioStreamCLose to close both the stream and the object.
When you are done writing the stream, call pdfioStreamClose to close both the stream and the object.
.SS PDF Content Helper Functions
PDFio includes many helper functions for embedding or writing specific kinds of content to a PDF file. These functions can be roughly grouped into five categories:
@ -787,6 +787,125 @@ pdfioContentTextShowf draws a formatted string in a text block
pdfioContentTextShowJustified draws an array of literal strings with offsets between them
.SH Examples
.SS Read PDF Metadata
The following example function will open a PDF file and print the title, author, creation date, and number of pages:
#include <pdfio.h>
#include <time.h>
show_pdf_info(const char *filename)
pdfio_file_t *pdf;
time_t creation_date;
struct tm *creation_tm;
char creation_text[256];
// Open the PDF file with the default callbacks...
pdf = pdfioFileOpen(filename, /*password_cb*/NULL, /*password_cbdata*/NULL, /*error_cb*/NULL, /*error_cbdata*/NULL);
if (pdf == NULL)
// Get the creation date and convert to a string...
creation_date = pdfioFileGetCreationDate(pdf);
creation_tm = localtime(&creation_date);
strftime(creation_text, sizeof(creation_text), "%c", &creation_tm);
// Print file information to stdout...
printf("%s:\\n", filename);
printf(" Title: %s\\n", pdfioFileGetTitle(pdf));
printf(" Author: %s\\n", pdfioFileGetAuthor(pdf));
printf(" Created On: %s\\n", creation_text);
printf(" Number Pages: %u\\n", (unsigned)pdfioFileGetNumPages(pdf));
// Close the PDF file...
.SS Create PDF File With Text and Image
The following example function will create a PDF file, embed a base font and the named JPEG or PNG image file, and then creates a page with the image centered on the page with the text centered below:
#include <pdfio.h>
#include <pdfio\-content.h>
#include <string.h>
create_pdf_image_file(const char *pdfname, const char *imagename, const char *caption)
pdfio_file_t *pdf;
pdfio_obj_t *font;
pdfio_obj_t *image;
pdfio_dict_t *dict;
pdfio_stream_t *page;
double width, height;
double swidth, sheight;
double tx, ty;
// Create the PDF file...
pdf = pdfioFileCreate(pdfname, /*version*/NULL, /*media_box*/NULL, /*crop_box*/NULL, /*error_cb*/NULL, /*error_cbdata*/NULL);
// Create a Courier base font for the caption
font = pdfioFileCreateFontObjFromBase(pdf, "Courier");
// Create an image object from the JPEG/PNG image file...
image = pdfioFileCreateImageObjFromFile(pdf, imagename, true);
// Create a page dictionary with the font and image...
dict = pdfioDictCreate(pdf);
pdfioPageDictAddFont(dict, "F1", font);
pdfioPageDictAddImage(dict, "IM1", image);
// Create the page and its content stream...
page = pdfioFileCreatePage(pdf, dict);
// Position and scale the image on the page...
width = pdfioImageGetWidth(image);
height = pdfioImageGetHeight(image);
// Default media_box is "universal" 595.28x792 points (8.27x11in or 210x279mm)
// Use margins of 36 points (0.5in or 12.7mm) with another 36 points for the
// caption underneath...
swidth = 595.28 \- 72.0;
sheight = swidth * height / width;
if (sheight > (792.0 \- 36.0 \- 72.0))
sheight = 792.0 \- 36.0 \- 72.0;
swidth = sheight * width / height;
tx = 0.5 * (595.28 \- swidth);
ty = 0.5 * (792 \- 36 \- sheight);
pdfioContentDrawImage(page, "IM1", tx, ty + 36.0, swidth, sheight);
// Draw the caption in black...
pdfioContentSetFillColorDeviceGray(page, 0.0);
// Compute the starting point for the text \- Courier is monospaced with a
// nominal width of 0.6 times the text height...
tx = 0.5 * (595.28 \- 18.0 * 0.6 * strlen(caption));
// Position and draw the caption underneath...
pdfioContentSetTextFont(page, "F1", 18.0);
pdfioContentTextMoveTo(page, tx, ty);
pdfioContentTextShow(page, /*unicode*/false, caption);
// Close the page stream and the PDF file...
.SS pdfio_cs_e
@ -273,6 +273,10 @@ span.string {
<li><a href="#pdf-streams">PDF Streams</a></li>
<li><a href="#pdf-content-helper-functions">PDF Content Helper Functions</a></li>
<li><a href="#examples">Examples</a><ul class="subcontents">
<li><a href="#read-pdf-metadata">Read PDF Metadata</a></li>
<li><a href="#create-pdf-file-with-text-and-image">Create PDF File With Text and Image</a></li>
<li><a href="#FUNCTIONS">Functions</a><ul class="subcontents">
<li><a href="#pdfioArrayAppendArray">pdfioArrayAppendArray</a></li>
<li><a href="#pdfioArrayAppendBinary">pdfioArrayAppendBinary</a></li>
@ -709,7 +713,7 @@ pdfio_stream_t *st = pdfioFileCreatePage(pdf, dict);
<p>The <a href="#pdf-content-helper-functions">PDF content helper functions</a> provide additional functions for writing specific PDF page stream commands.</p>
<p>When you are done writing the stream, call <a href="#pdfioStreamCLose"><code>pdfioStreamCLose</code></a> to close both the stream and the object.</p>
<p>When you are done writing the stream, call <a href="#pdfioStreamClose"><code>pdfioStreamClose</code></a> to close both the stream and the object.</p>
<h3 class="title" id="pdf-content-helper-functions">PDF Content Helper Functions</h3>
<p>PDFio includes many helper functions for embedding or writing specific kinds of content to a PDF file. These functions can be roughly grouped into five categories:</p>
@ -943,6 +947,119 @@ pdfio_obj_t *img = pdfioFileCreateImageObjFromFile(pdf, <span class="string">&qu
<li><p><a href="#pdfioContentTextShowJustified"><code>pdfioContentTextShowJustified</code></a> draws an array of literal strings with offsets between them</p>
<h2 class="title" id="examples">Examples</h2>
<h3 class="title" id="read-pdf-metadata">Read PDF Metadata</h3>
<p>The following example function will open a PDF file and print the title, author, creation date, and number of pages:</p>
<pre><code class="language-c"><span class="directive">#include <pdfio.h></span>
<span class="directive">#include <time.h></span>
<span class="reserved">void</span>
show_pdf_info(<span class="reserved">const</span> <span class="reserved">char</span> *filename)
pdfio_file_t *pdf;
time_t creation_date;
<span class="reserved">struct</span> tm *creation_tm;
<span class="reserved">char</span> creation_text[<span class="number">256</span>];
<span class="comment">// Open the PDF file with the default callbacks...</span>
pdf = pdfioFileOpen(filename, <span class="comment">/*password_cb*/</span>NULL, <span class="comment">/*password_cbdata*/</span>NULL, <span class="comment">/*error_cb*/</span>NULL, <span class="comment">/*error_cbdata*/</span>NULL);
<span class="reserved">if</span> (pdf == NULL)
<span class="reserved">return</span>;
<span class="comment">// Get the creation date and convert to a string...</span>
creation_date = pdfioFileGetCreationDate(pdf);
creation_tm = localtime(&creation_date);
strftime(creation_text, <span class="reserved">sizeof</span>(creation_text), <span class="string">"%c"</span>, &creation_tm);
<span class="comment">// Print file information to stdout...</span>
printf(<span class="string">"%s:\n"</span>, filename);
printf(<span class="string">" Title: %s\n"</span>, pdfioFileGetTitle(pdf));
printf(<span class="string">" Author: %s\n"</span>, pdfioFileGetAuthor(pdf));
printf(<span class="string">" Created On: %s\n"</span>, creation_text);
printf(<span class="string">" Number Pages: %u\n"</span>, (<span class="reserved">unsigned</span>)pdfioFileGetNumPages(pdf));
<span class="comment">// Close the PDF file...</span>
<h3 class="title" id="create-pdf-file-with-text-and-image">Create PDF File With Text and Image</h3>
<p>The following example function will create a PDF file, embed a base font and the named JPEG or PNG image file, and then creates a page with the image centered on the page with the text centered below:</p>
<pre><code class="language-c"><span class="directive">#include <pdfio.h></span>
<span class="directive">#include <pdfio-content.h></span>
<span class="directive">#include <string.h></span>
<span class="reserved">void</span>
create_pdf_image_file(<span class="reserved">const</span> <span class="reserved">char</span> *pdfname, <span class="reserved">const</span> <span class="reserved">char</span> *imagename, <span class="reserved">const</span> <span class="reserved">char</span> *caption)
pdfio_file_t *pdf;
pdfio_obj_t *font;
pdfio_obj_t *image;
pdfio_dict_t *dict;
pdfio_stream_t *page;
<span class="reserved">double</span> width, height;
<span class="reserved">double</span> swidth, sheight;
<span class="reserved">double</span> tx, ty;
<span class="comment">// Create the PDF file...</span>
pdf = pdfioFileCreate(pdfname, <span class="comment">/*version*/</span>NULL, <span class="comment">/*media_box*/</span>NULL, <span class="comment">/*crop_box*/</span>NULL, <span class="comment">/*error_cb*/</span>NULL, <span class="comment">/*error_cbdata*/</span>NULL);
<span class="comment">// Create a Courier base font for the caption</span>
font = pdfioFileCreateFontObjFromBase(pdf, <span class="string">"Courier"</span>);
<span class="comment">// Create an image object from the JPEG/PNG image file...</span>
image = pdfioFileCreateImageObjFromFile(pdf, imagename, <span class="reserved">true</span>);
<span class="comment">// Create a page dictionary with the font and image...</span>
dict = pdfioDictCreate(pdf);
pdfioPageDictAddFont(dict, <span class="string">"F1"</span>, font);
pdfioPageDictAddImage(dict, <span class="string">"IM1"</span>, image);
<span class="comment">// Create the page and its content stream...</span>
page = pdfioFileCreatePage(pdf, dict);
<span class="comment">// Position and scale the image on the page...</span>
width = pdfioImageGetWidth(image);
height = pdfioImageGetHeight(image);
<span class="comment">// Default media_box is "universal" 595.28x792 points (8.27x11in or 210x279mm)</span>
<span class="comment">// Use margins of 36 points (0.5in or 12.7mm) with another 36 points for the</span>
<span class="comment">// caption underneath...</span>
swidth = <span class="number">595.28</span> - <span class="number">72.0</span>;
sheight = swidth * height / width;
<span class="reserved">if</span> (sheight > (<span class="number">792.0</span> - <span class="number">36.0</span> - <span class="number">72.0</span>))
sheight = <span class="number">792.0</span> - <span class="number">36.0</span> - <span class="number">72.0</span>;
swidth = sheight * width / height;
tx = <span class="number">0.5</span> * (<span class="number">595.28</span> - swidth);
ty = <span class="number">0.5</span> * (<span class="number">792</span> - <span class="number">36</span> - sheight);
pdfioContentDrawImage(page, <span class="string">"IM1"</span>, tx, ty + <span class="number">36.0</span>, swidth, sheight);
<span class="comment">// Draw the caption in black...</span>
pdfioContentSetFillColorDeviceGray(page, <span class="number">0.0</span>);
<span class="comment">// Compute the starting point for the text - Courier is monospaced with a</span>
<span class="comment">// nominal width of 0.6 times the text height...</span>
tx = <span class="number">0.5</span> * (<span class="number">595.28</span> - <span class="number">18.0</span> * <span class="number">0.6</span> * strlen(caption));
<span class="comment">// Position and draw the caption underneath...</span>
pdfioContentSetTextFont(page, <span class="string">"F1"</span>, <span class="number">18.0</span>);
pdfioContentTextMoveTo(page, tx, ty);
pdfioContentTextShow(page, <span class="comment">/*unicode*/</span><span class="reserved">false</span>, caption);
<span class="comment">// Close the page stream and the PDF file...</span>
<h2 class="title"><a id="FUNCTIONS">Functions</a></h2>
<h3 class="function"><a id="pdfioArrayAppendArray">pdfioArrayAppendArray</a></h3>
<p class="description">Add an array value to an array.</p>
@ -3447,7 +3564,7 @@ array that was created using the
<td class="description">Page dictionary</td></tr>
<td class="description">Font name</td></tr>
<td class="description">Font name; must not contain spaces</td></tr>
<td class="description">Font object</td></tr>
@ -586,3 +586,133 @@ escaping, as needed:
- [`pdfioContentTextShowf`](@@) draws a formatted string in a text block
- [`pdfioContentTextShowJustified`](@@) draws an array of literal strings with
offsets between them
Read PDF Metadata
The following example function will open a PDF file and print the title, author,
creation date, and number of pages:
#include <pdfio.h>
#include <time.h>
show_pdf_info(const char *filename)
pdfio_file_t *pdf;
time_t creation_date;
struct tm *creation_tm;
char creation_text[256];
// Open the PDF file with the default callbacks...
pdf = pdfioFileOpen(filename, /*password_cb*/NULL, /*password_cbdata*/NULL, /*error_cb*/NULL, /*error_cbdata*/NULL);
if (pdf == NULL)
// Get the creation date and convert to a string...
creation_date = pdfioFileGetCreationDate(pdf);
creation_tm = localtime(&creation_date);
strftime(creation_text, sizeof(creation_text), "%c", &creation_tm);
// Print file information to stdout...
printf("%s:\n", filename);
printf(" Title: %s\n", pdfioFileGetTitle(pdf));
printf(" Author: %s\n", pdfioFileGetAuthor(pdf));
printf(" Created On: %s\n", creation_text);
printf(" Number Pages: %u\n", (unsigned)pdfioFileGetNumPages(pdf));
// Close the PDF file...
Create PDF File With Text and Image
The following example function will create a PDF file, embed a base font and the
named JPEG or PNG image file, and then creates a page with the image centered on
the page with the text centered below:
#include <pdfio.h>
#include <pdfio-content.h>
#include <string.h>
create_pdf_image_file(const char *pdfname, const char *imagename, const char *caption)
pdfio_file_t *pdf;
pdfio_obj_t *font;
pdfio_obj_t *image;
pdfio_dict_t *dict;
pdfio_stream_t *page;
double width, height;
double swidth, sheight;
double tx, ty;
// Create the PDF file...
pdf = pdfioFileCreate(pdfname, /*version*/NULL, /*media_box*/NULL, /*crop_box*/NULL, /*error_cb*/NULL, /*error_cbdata*/NULL);
// Create a Courier base font for the caption
font = pdfioFileCreateFontObjFromBase(pdf, "Courier");
// Create an image object from the JPEG/PNG image file...
image = pdfioFileCreateImageObjFromFile(pdf, imagename, true);
// Create a page dictionary with the font and image...
dict = pdfioDictCreate(pdf);
pdfioPageDictAddFont(dict, "F1", font);
pdfioPageDictAddImage(dict, "IM1", image);
// Create the page and its content stream...
page = pdfioFileCreatePage(pdf, dict);
// Position and scale the image on the page...
width = pdfioImageGetWidth(image);
height = pdfioImageGetHeight(image);
// Default media_box is "universal" 595.28x792 points (8.27x11in or 210x279mm)
// Use margins of 36 points (0.5in or 12.7mm) with another 36 points for the
// caption underneath...
swidth = 595.28 - 72.0;
sheight = swidth * height / width;
if (sheight > (792.0 - 36.0 - 72.0))
sheight = 792.0 - 36.0 - 72.0;
swidth = sheight * width / height;
tx = 0.5 * (595.28 - swidth);
ty = 0.5 * (792 - 36 - sheight);
pdfioContentDrawImage(page, "IM1", tx, ty + 36.0, swidth, sheight);
// Draw the caption in black...
pdfioContentSetFillColorDeviceGray(page, 0.0);
// Compute the starting point for the text - Courier is monospaced with a
// nominal width of 0.6 times the text height...
tx = 0.5 * (595.28 - 18.0 * 0.6 * strlen(caption));
// Position and draw the caption underneath...
pdfioContentSetTextFont(page, "F1", 18.0);
pdfioContentTextMoveTo(page, tx, ty);
pdfioContentTextShow(page, /*unicode*/false, caption);
// Close the page stream and the PDF file...
Reference in New Issue
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