Network support for the Lua language

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DNS services (socket.dns)
toip, tohostname, gethostname.
FTP (socket.ftp)
get, put, open.
Global symbols
LUASOCKET_LIBNAME, mime, ltn12, socket.
HTTP (socket.http)
get, post, request.
LTN012 (ltn12)
filter: chain, cycle.
pump: all, step.
sink: chain, error, file, null, simplify, table.
source: cat, chain, empty, file, simplify, rewind, string.
MIME (mime)
high-level: normalize, chain, decode, encode, wrap.
low-level: b64, unb64, eol, qp, unqp, wrp, qpwrp.
SMTP (socket.smtp)
open, message, send.
The socket namespace (socket)
bind, connect, debug, dns, ftp, http, protect, select, sink, source, sleep, smtp, time, tcp, try, udp, url, version.
TCP (socket.tcp)
accept, bind, close, connect, getpeername, getsockname, receive, send, setoption, settimeout, shutdown.
UDP (socket.udp)
close, getpeername, getsockname, receive, receivefrom, send, sendto, setpeername, setsockname, setoption, settimeout, shutdown.
URL (socket.url)
absolute, build, build_path, quote, parse, parse_path, unquote.