mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 08:02:47 +01:00
Found a new way to define global version of table methods using only ~15
lines of code. So, they are back. Added '*w' word receive pattern.
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
* of the IPv4 Socket layer available to Lua scripts.
* The Lua interface to TCP/IP follows the BSD TCP/IP API closely,
* trying to simplify all tasks involved in setting up a client connection
* and simple server connections.
* and server connections.
* The provided IO routines, send and receive, follow the Lua style, being
* very similar to the read and write functions found in that language.
* very similar to the standard Lua read and write functions.
* The module implements both a BSD bind and a Winsock2 bind, and has
* been tested on several Unix flavors, as well as Windows 98 and NT.
@ -19,16 +19,13 @@
* Common include files
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include <lua.h>
#include <lualib.h>
#include "luasocket.h"
@ -161,6 +158,10 @@ static int global_toip(lua_State *L);
static int global_tohostname(lua_State *L);
static int global_udpsocket(lua_State *L);
static int global_calltable(lua_State *L);
/* luasocket table method API functions */
static int table_tcpaccept(lua_State *L);
static int table_tcpsend(lua_State *L);
@ -187,6 +188,7 @@ static void tm_markstart(p_sock sock);
/* I/O */
static int send_raw(p_sock sock, const char *data, int wanted, int *err);
static int receive_raw(lua_State *L, p_sock sock, int wanted);
static int receive_word(lua_State *L, p_sock sock);
static int receive_dosline(lua_State *L, p_sock sock);
static int receive_unixline(lua_State *L, p_sock sock);
static int receive_all(lua_State *L, p_sock sock);
@ -536,6 +538,21 @@ static int table_udpsendto(lua_State *L)
* Global function that calls corresponding table method.
int global_calltable(lua_State *L)
p_tags tags = pop_tags(L);
if (lua_tag(L, 1) != tags->table) lua_error(L, "invalid socket object");
lua_gettable(L, 1);
lua_insert(L, 1);
lua_call(L, lua_gettop(L)-1, LUA_MULTRET);
return lua_gettop(L);
* Waits for a set of sockets until a condition is met or timeout.
* Lua Input: {input}, {output} [, timeout]
@ -549,103 +566,105 @@ static int table_udpsendto(lua_State *L)
int global_select(lua_State *L)
p_tags tags = pop_tags(L);
int ms = lua_isnil(L, 3) ? -1 : (int) (luaL_opt_number(L, 3, -1) * 1000);
p_tags tags = pop_tags(L);
int ms = lua_isnil(L, 3) ? -1 : (int) (luaL_opt_number(L, 3, -1) * 1000);
fd_set readfds, *prfds = NULL, writefds, *pwfds = NULL;
struct timeval tm, *ptm = NULL;
int ret, s, max = -1;
int byfds, canread, canwrite;
/* reset the file descriptor sets */
int ret;
unsigned max = 0;
int byfds, canread, canwrite;
/* reset the file descriptor sets */
FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_ZERO(&writefds);
/* all sockets, indexed by socket number, for internal use */
lua_newtable(L); byfds = lua_gettop(L);
/* readable sockets table to be returned */
lua_newtable(L); canread = lua_gettop(L);
/* writable sockets table to be returned */
lua_newtable(L); canwrite = lua_gettop(L);
/* get sockets we will test for readability into fd_set */
if (!lua_isnil(L, 1)) {
while (lua_next(L, 1)) {
if (lua_tag(L, -1) == tags->table) {
p_sock sock = get_sock(L, -1, tags, NULL);
lua_pushnumber(L, sock->sock);
lua_pushvalue(L, -2);
lua_settable(L, byfds);
if (sock->sock > max) max = sock->sock;
/* a socket can have unread data in our internal buffer. in
* that case, we only call select to find out which of the
* other sockets can be written to or read from immediately. */
if (!bf_isempty(sock)) {
ms = 0;
lua_pushnumber(L, lua_getn(L, canread) + 1);
lua_pushvalue(L, -2);
lua_settable(L, canread);
} else {
FD_SET(sock->sock, &readfds);
prfds = &readfds;
/* get rid of lua_next value and expose index */
lua_pop(L, 1);
/* get sockets we will test for writability into fd_set */
if (!lua_isnil(L, 2)) {
while (lua_next(L, 2)) {
if (lua_tag(L, -1) == tags->table) {
p_sock sock = get_sock(L, -1, tags, NULL);
lua_pushnumber(L, sock->sock);
lua_pushvalue(L, -2);
lua_settable(L, byfds);
if (sock->sock > max) max = sock->sock;
FD_SET(sock->sock, &writefds);
pwfds = &writefds;
/* get rid of lua_next value and expose index */
lua_pop(L, 1);
/* configure timeout value */
/* all sockets, indexed by socket number, for internal use */
lua_newtable(L); byfds = lua_gettop(L);
/* readable sockets table to be returned */
lua_newtable(L); canread = lua_gettop(L);
/* writable sockets table to be returned */
lua_newtable(L); canwrite = lua_gettop(L);
/* get sockets we will test for readability into fd_set */
if (!lua_isnil(L, 1)) {
while (lua_next(L, 1)) {
if (lua_tag(L, -1) == tags->table) {
p_sock sock = get_sock(L, -1, tags, NULL);
lua_pushnumber(L, sock->sock);
lua_pushvalue(L, -2);
lua_settable(L, byfds);
if (sock->sock > max) max = sock->sock;
/* a socket can have unread data in our internal buffer. in
* that case, we only call select to find out which of the
* other sockets can be written to or read from immediately. */
if (!bf_isempty(sock)) {
ms = 0;
lua_pushnumber(L, lua_getn(L, canread) + 1);
lua_pushvalue(L, -2);
lua_settable(L, canread);
} else {
FD_SET(sock->sock, &readfds);
prfds = &readfds;
/* get rid of lua_next value and expose index */
lua_pop(L, 1);
/* get sockets we will test for writability into fd_set */
if (!lua_isnil(L, 2)) {
while (lua_next(L, 2)) {
if (lua_tag(L, -1) == tags->table) {
p_sock sock = get_sock(L, -1, tags, NULL);
lua_pushnumber(L, sock->sock);
lua_pushvalue(L, -2);
lua_settable(L, byfds);
if (sock->sock > max) max = sock->sock;
FD_SET(sock->sock, &writefds);
pwfds = &writefds;
/* get rid of lua_next value and expose index */
lua_pop(L, 1);
/* configure timeout value */
if (ms >= 0) {
ptm = &tm; /* ptm == NULL when we don't have timeout */
/* fill timeval structure */
tm.tv_sec = ms / 1000;
tm.tv_usec = (ms % 1000) * 1000;
ptm = &tm; /* ptm == NULL when we don't have timeout */
/* fill timeval structure */
tm.tv_sec = ms / 1000;
tm.tv_usec = (ms % 1000) * 1000;
/* see if we can read, write or if we timedout */
ret = select(max, prfds, pwfds, NULL, ptm);
/* did we timeout? */
if (ret <= 0 && ms > 0) {
push_error(L, NET_TIMEOUT);
return 3;
/* collect readable sockets */
if (prfds) {
for (s = 0; s < max; s++) {
if (FD_ISSET(s, prfds)) {
lua_pushnumber(L, lua_getn(L, canread) + 1);
lua_pushnumber(L, s);
lua_gettable(L, byfds);
lua_settable(L, canread);
/* collect writable sockets */
if (pwfds) {
for (s = 0; s < max; s++) {
if (FD_ISSET(s, pwfds)) {
lua_pushnumber(L, lua_getn(L, canwrite) + 1);
lua_pushnumber(L, s);
lua_gettable(L, byfds);
lua_settable(L, canwrite);
return 3;
/* did we timeout? */
if (ret <= 0 && ms > 0) {
push_error(L, NET_TIMEOUT);
return 3;
/* collect readable sockets */
if (prfds) {
for (s = 0; s < max; s++) {
if (FD_ISSET(s, prfds)) {
lua_pushnumber(L, lua_getn(L, canread) + 1);
lua_pushnumber(L, s);
lua_gettable(L, byfds);
lua_settable(L, canread);
/* collect writable sockets */
if (pwfds) {
for (s = 0; s < max; s++) {
if (FD_ISSET(s, pwfds)) {
lua_pushnumber(L, lua_getn(L, canwrite) + 1);
lua_pushnumber(L, s);
lua_gettable(L, byfds);
lua_settable(L, canwrite);
return 3;
@ -821,7 +840,7 @@ static int table_udpreceive(lua_State *L)
static int table_tcpreceive(lua_State *L)
static const char *const modenames[] = {"*l", "*lu", "*a", NULL};
static const char *const modenames[] = {"*l", "*lu", "*a", "*w", NULL};
const char *mode;
int err = NET_DONE;
int arg;
@ -850,17 +869,13 @@ static int table_tcpreceive(lua_State *L)
/* get next pattern */
switch (luaL_findstring(mode, modenames)) {
/* DOS line mode */
case 0:
err = receive_dosline(L, sock);
case 0: err = receive_dosline(L, sock); break;
/* Unix line mode */
case 1:
err = receive_unixline(L, sock);
case 1: err = receive_unixline(L, sock); break;
/* until closed mode */
case 2:
err = receive_all(L, sock);
case 2: err = receive_all(L, sock); break;
/* word */
case 3: err = receive_word(L, sock); break;
/* else it is an error */
luaL_arg_check(L, 0, arg, "invalid receive pattern");
@ -1431,7 +1446,7 @@ static int receive_all(lua_State *L, p_sock sock)
static int receive_dosline(lua_State *L, p_sock sock)
int got = 0;
int got, pos;
const unsigned char *buffer = NULL;
luaL_Buffer b;
luaL_buffinit(L, &b);
@ -1441,26 +1456,21 @@ static int receive_dosline(lua_State *L, p_sock sock)
buffer = bf_receive(sock, &got);
if (got > 0) {
int len = 0, end = 1;
while (len < got) {
if (buffer[len] == '\n') { /* found eol */
if (len > 0 && buffer[len-1] == '\r') {
end++; len--;
luaL_addlstring(&b, buffer, len);
bf_skip(sock, len + end); /* skip '\r\n' in stream */
return NET_DONE;
luaL_addlstring(&b, buffer, got);
bf_skip(sock, got);
} else {
if (got <= 0) {
return NET_CLOSED;
pos = 0;
while (pos < got && buffer[pos] != '\n') {
/* we ignore all \r's */
if (buffer[pos] != '\r') luaL_putchar(&b, buffer[pos]);
if (pos < got) {
bf_skip(sock, pos+1); /* skip '\n' too */
return NET_DONE;
} else bf_skip(sock, pos);
@ -1475,7 +1485,7 @@ static int receive_dosline(lua_State *L, p_sock sock)
static int receive_unixline(lua_State *L, p_sock sock)
int got = 0;
int got, pos;
const unsigned char *buffer = NULL;
luaL_Buffer b;
luaL_buffinit(L, &b);
@ -1485,23 +1495,75 @@ static int receive_unixline(lua_State *L, p_sock sock)
buffer = bf_receive(sock, &got);
if (got > 0) {
int len = 0;
while (len < got) {
if (buffer[len] == '\n') { /* found eol */
luaL_addlstring(&b, buffer, len);
bf_skip(sock, len + 1); /* skip '\n' in stream */
return NET_DONE;
luaL_addlstring(&b, buffer, got);
bf_skip(sock, got);
} else {
if (got <= 0) {
return NET_CLOSED;
pos = 0;
while (pos < got && buffer[pos] != '\n') pos++;
luaL_addlstring(&b, buffer, pos);
if (pos < got) {
bf_skip(sock, pos+1); /* skip '\n' too */
return NET_DONE;
} else bf_skip(sock, pos);
* Reads a word (maximal sequence of non--white-space characters), skipping
* white-spaces if needed.
* Input
* sock: socket structure being used in operation
* Result
* operation error code. NET_DONE, NET_TIMEOUT or NET_CLOSED
static int receive_word(lua_State *L, p_sock sock)
int pos, got;
const unsigned char *buffer = NULL;
luaL_Buffer b;
luaL_buffinit(L, &b);
/* skip leading white-spaces */
for ( ;; ) {
if (bf_isempty(sock) && tm_timedout(sock, TM_RECEIVE)) {
lua_pushstring(L, "");
buffer = bf_receive(sock, &got);
if (got <= 0) {
lua_pushstring(L, "");
return NET_CLOSED;
pos = 0;
while (pos < got && isspace(buffer[pos])) pos++;
bf_skip(sock, pos);
if (pos < got) {
buffer += pos;
got -= pos;
pos = 0;
/* capture word */
for ( ;; ) {
while (pos < got && !isspace(buffer[pos])) pos++;
luaL_addlstring(&b, buffer, pos);
bf_skip(sock, pos);
if (pos < got) {
return NET_DONE;
if (bf_isempty(sock) && tm_timedout(sock, TM_RECEIVE)) {
buffer = bf_receive(sock, &got);
if (got <= 0) {
return NET_CLOSED;
pos = 0;
@ -1514,7 +1576,7 @@ static int receive_unixline(lua_State *L, p_sock sock)
void lua_socketlibopen(lua_State *L)
static struct luaL_reg funcs[] = {
struct luaL_reg funcs[] = {
{"bind", global_tcpbind},
{"connect", global_tcpconnect},
{"select", global_select},
@ -1552,6 +1614,22 @@ void lua_socketlibopen(lua_State *L)
lua_pushcfunction(L, global_sleep); lua_setglobal(L, "sleep");
lua_pushcfunction(L, global_time); lua_setglobal(L, "time");
char *global[] = {
"accept", "close", "getpeername",
"getsockname", "receive", "send",
"receivefrom", "sendto"
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(global)/sizeof(char *); i++) {
lua_pushstring(L, global[i]);
lua_pushuserdata(L, tags);
lua_pushcclosure(L, global_calltable, 2);
lua_setglobal(L, global[i]);
@ -1583,7 +1661,7 @@ static p_sock push_clienttable(lua_State *L, p_tags tags)
if (!sock) return NULL;
lua_settag(L, tags->client);
lua_settable(L, -3);
sock->sock = -1;
sock->sock = INVALID_SOCKET;
sock->is_connected = 0;
sock->tm_block = -1;
sock->tm_return = -1;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user