Few adjustments for windows.

This commit is contained in:
Diego Nehab 2003-06-26 21:14:17 +00:00
parent 71f6bb60bf
commit bd54cd42d4
3 changed files with 6 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -63,13 +63,13 @@ end
-- kind of copied from luasocket's manual callback examples
function receive2disk(file, size)
local aux = {
start = socket._time(),
start = socket.time(),
got = 0,
file = io.open(file, "wb"),
size = size
local receive_cb = function(chunk, err)
local dt = socket._time() - aux.start -- elapsed time since start
local dt = socket.time() - aux.start -- elapsed time since start
if not chunk or chunk == "" then

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@ -84,19 +84,19 @@ function reconnect()
remote [[
if data then data:close() data = nil end
data = server:accept()
data:setoption("nodelay", true)
-- data:setoption("nodelay", true)
data, err = socket.connect(host, port)
if not data then fail(err)
else pass("connected!") end
data:setoption("nodelay", true)
-- data:setoption("nodelay", true)
pass("attempting control connection...")
control, err = socket.connect(host, port)
if err then fail(err)
else pass("connected!") end
control:setoption("nodelay", true)
-- control:setoption("nodelay", true)
test("method registration")

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ ack = "\n"
while 1 do
print("server: waiting for client connection...");
control = server:accept()
control:setoption("nodelay", true)
-- control:setoption("nodelay", true)
while 1 do
command, error = control:receive()
if error then