mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 08:02:47 +01:00
Rewritten to comply to LTN7 (Modules & Packages).
As a result, there have been some API changes. Parameter and return values are now passed inside tables. Automatic redirection and automatic authentication are better controlled, with loop detection. Implementation is more RFCish, conforming to RFC2616. URL parsing has been moved to an external library, to be shared with FTP.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,22 +1,32 @@
-- Full HTTP/1.1 client support for the Lua language using the
-- LuaSocket 1.2 toolkit.
-- LuaSocket 1.4a toolkit.
-- Author: Diego Nehab
-- Date: 26/12/2000
-- Conforming to: RFC 2068
local Public, Private = {}, {}
HTTP = Public
-- Program constants
-- connection timeout in seconds
local TIMEOUT = 60
Private.TIMEOUT = 60
-- default port for document retrieval
local PORT = 80
Private.PORT = 80
-- user agent field sent in request
local USERAGENT = "LuaSocket 1.3b HTTP 1.1"
Private.USERAGENT = "LuaSocket 1.4a"
-- block size used in transfers
local BLOCKSIZE = 8192
Private.BLOCKSIZE = 8192
-- Required libraries
dofile "buffer.lua"
dofile "url.lua"
dofile "encode.lua"
-- Tries to get a pattern from the server and closes socket on error
@ -26,9 +36,9 @@ local BLOCKSIZE = 8192
-- data: line received or nil in case of error
-- err: error message if any
local try_get = function(...)
function Private.try_receive(...)
local sock = arg[1]
local data, err = call(sock.receive, arg)
local data, err = call(sock.receive, arg)
if err then
return nil, err
@ -43,8 +53,8 @@ end
-- Returns
-- err: error message if any, nil if successfull
local try_send = function(sock, data)
err = sock:send(data)
function Private.try_send(sock, data)
local err = sock:send(data)
if err then sock:close() end
return err
@ -56,13 +66,14 @@ end
-- Returns
-- code: integer with status code
local get_statuscode = function(line)
local _,_, code = strfind(line, " (%d%d%d) ")
function Private.get_statuscode(line)
local code, _
_, _, code = strfind(line, "HTTP/%d*%.%d* (%d%d%d)")
return tonumber(code)
-- Receive server reply messages
-- Receive server reply messages, parsing status code
-- Input
-- sock: socket connected to the server
-- Returns
@ -70,29 +81,29 @@ end
-- line: full http status line
-- err: error message if any
local get_status = function(sock)
function Private.receive_status(sock)
local line, err
line, err = %try_get(sock)
if not err then return %get_statuscode(line), line
line, err = %Private.try_receive(sock)
if not err then return %Private.get_statuscode(line), line
else return nil, nil, err end
-- Receive and parse responce header fields
-- Receive and parse response header fields
-- Input
-- sock: socket connected to the server
-- hdrs: a table that might already contain headers
-- headers: a table that might already contain headers
-- Returns
-- hdrs: a table with all headers fields in the form
-- headers: a table with all headers fields in the form
-- {name_1 = "value_1", name_2 = "value_2" ... name_n = "value_n"}
-- all name_i are lowercase
-- nil and error message in case of error
local get_hdrs = function(sock, hdrs)
function Private.receive_headers(sock, headers)
local line, err
local name, value
local name, value, _
-- get first line
line, err = %try_get(sock)
line, err = %Private.try_receive(sock)
if err then return nil, err end
-- headers go until a blank line is found
while line ~= "" do
@ -104,34 +115,35 @@ local get_hdrs = function(sock, hdrs)
name = strlower(name)
-- get next line (value might be folded)
line, err = %try_get(sock)
line, err = %Private.try_receive(sock)
if err then return nil, err end
-- unfold any folded values
while not err and strfind(line, "^%s") do
value = value .. line
line, err = %try_get(sock)
line, err = %Private.try_receive(sock)
if err then return nil, err end
-- save pair in table
if hdrs[name] then hdrs[name] = hdrs[name] .. ", " .. value
else hdrs[name] = value end
if headers[name] then headers[name] = headers[name] .. ", " .. value
else headers[name] = value end
return hdrs
return headers
-- Receives a chunked message body
-- Input
-- sock: socket connected to the server
-- headers: header set in which to include trailer headers
-- receive_cb: function to receive chunks
-- Returns
-- nil if successfull or an error message in case of error
local try_getchunked = function(sock, receive_cb)
function Private.receivebody_bychunks(sock, headers, receive_cb)
local chunk, size, line, err, go, uerr, _
while 1 do
-- get chunk size, skip extention
line, err = %try_get(sock)
line, err = %Private.try_receive(sock)
if err then
local _, uerr = receive_cb(nil, err)
return uerr or err
@ -143,8 +155,10 @@ local try_getchunked = function(sock, receive_cb)
_, uerr = receive_cb(nil, err)
return uerr or err
-- was it the last chunk?
if size <= 0 then break end
-- get chunk
chunk, err = %try_get(sock, size)
chunk, err = %Private.try_receive(sock, size)
if err then
_, uerr = receive_cb(nil, err)
return uerr or err
@ -155,13 +169,21 @@ local try_getchunked = function(sock, receive_cb)
return uerr or "aborted by callback"
-- skip blank line
_, err = %try_get(sock)
-- skip CRLF on end of chunk
_, err = %Private.try_receive(sock)
if err then
_, uerr = receive_cb(nil, err)
return uerr or err
until size <= 0
-- the server should not send trailer headers because we didn't send a
-- header informing it we know how to deal with them. we do not risk
-- being caught unprepaired.
headers, err = %Private.receive_headers(sock, headers)
if err then
_, uerr = receive_cb(nil, err)
return uerr or err
-- let callback know we are done
_, uerr = receive_cb("")
return uerr
@ -175,10 +197,10 @@ end
-- Returns
-- nil if successfull or an error message in case of error
local try_getbylength = function(sock, length, receive_cb)
function Private.receivebody_bylength(sock, length, receive_cb)
local uerr, go
while length > 0 do
local size = min(%BLOCKSIZE, length)
local size = min(%Private.BLOCKSIZE, length)
local chunk, err = sock:receive(size)
if err then
go, uerr = receive_cb(nil, err)
@ -203,10 +225,10 @@ end
-- Returns
-- nil if successfull or an error message in case of error
local try_getuntilclosed = function(sock, receive_cb)
function Private.receivebody_untilclosed(sock, receive_cb)
local err, go, uerr
while 1 do
local chunk, err = sock:receive(%BLOCKSIZE)
local chunk, err = sock:receive(%Private.BLOCKSIZE)
if err == "closed" or not err then
go, uerr = receive_cb(chunk)
if not go then
@ -227,62 +249,36 @@ end
-- Receives http response body
-- Input
-- sock: socket connected to the server
-- resp_hdrs: response header fields
-- headers: response header fields
-- receive_cb: function to receive chunks
-- Returns
-- nil if successfull or an error message in case of error
local try_getbody = function(sock, resp_hdrs, receive_cb)
local err
if resp_hdrs["transfer-encoding"] == "chunked" then
function Private.receive_body(sock, headers, receive_cb)
local te = headers["transfer-encoding"]
if te and te ~= "identity" then
-- get by chunked transfer-coding of message body
return %try_getchunked(sock, receive_cb)
elseif tonumber(resp_hdrs["content-length"]) then
return %Private.receivebody_bychunks(sock, headers, receive_cb)
elseif tonumber(headers["content-length"]) then
-- get by content-length
local length = tonumber(resp_hdrs["content-length"])
return %try_getbylength(sock, length, receive_cb)
local length = tonumber(headers["content-length"])
return %Private.receivebody_bylength(sock, length, receive_cb)
-- get it all until connection closes
return %try_getuntilclosed(sock, receive_cb)
return %Private.receivebody_untilclosed(sock, receive_cb)
-- Parses a url and returns its scheme, user, password, host, port
-- and path components, according to RFC 1738
-- Drop http response body
-- Input
-- url: uniform resource locator of request
-- default: table containing default values to be returned
-- sock: socket connected to the server
-- headers: response header fields
-- Returns
-- table with the following fields:
-- host: host to connect
-- path: url path
-- port: host port to connect
-- user: user name
-- pass: password
-- scheme: protocol
-- nil if successfull or an error message in case of error
local split_url = function(url, default)
-- initialize default parameters
local parsed = default or {}
-- get scheme
url = gsub(url, "^(.+)://", function (s) %parsed.scheme = s end)
-- get user name and password. both can be empty!
-- moreover, password can be ommited
url = gsub(url, "^([^@:/]*)(:?)([^:@/]-)@", function (u, c, p)
%parsed.user = u
-- there can be an empty password, but the ':' has to be there
-- or else there is no password
%parsed.pass = nil -- kill default password
if c == ":" then %parsed.pass = p end
-- get host
url = gsub(url, "^([%w%.%-]+)", function (h) %parsed.host = h end)
-- get port if any
url = gsub(url, "^:(%d+)", function (p) %parsed.port = p end)
-- whatever is left is the path
if url ~= "" then parsed.path = url end
return parsed
function Private.drop_body(sock, headers)
return %Private.receive_body(sock, headers, function (c, e) return 1 end)
@ -294,20 +290,20 @@ end
-- Returns
-- nil if successfull, or an error message in case of error
local try_sendindirect = function(data, send_cb, chunk, size)
function Private.send_indirect(data, send_cb, chunk, size)
local sent, err
sent = 0
while 1 do
if type(chunk) ~= "string" or type(size) ~= "number" then
if not chunk and type(size) == "string" then return size
else return "invalid callback return" end
err = data:send(chunk)
if err then
return err
return err
sent = sent + strlen(chunk)
if sent >= size then break end
chunk, size = send_cb()
@ -320,243 +316,313 @@ end
-- sock: socket connected to the server
-- method: request method to be used
-- path: url path
-- req_hdrs: request headers to be sent
-- req_body_cb: callback to send request message body
-- headers: request headers to be sent
-- body_cb: callback to send request message body
-- Returns
-- err: nil in case of success, error message otherwise
local send_request = function(sock, method, path, req_hdrs, req_body_cb)
function Private.send_request(sock, method, path, headers, body_cb)
local chunk, size, done, err
-- send request line
err = %try_send(sock, method .. " " .. path .. " HTTP/1.1\r\n")
err = %Private.try_send(sock, method .. " " .. path .. " HTTP/1.1\r\n")
if err then return err end
-- if there is a request message body, add content-length header
if req_body_cb then
chunk, size = req_body_cb()
if body_cb then
chunk, size = body_cb()
if type(chunk) == "string" and type(size) == "number" then
req_hdrs["content-length"] = tostring(size)
headers["content-length"] = tostring(size)
if not chunk and type(size) == "string" then return size
else return "invalid callback return" end
if not chunk and type(size) == "string" then return size
else return "invalid callback return" end
-- send request headers
for i, v in req_hdrs do
err = %try_send(sock, i .. ": " .. v .. "\r\n")
for i, v in headers do
err = %Private.try_send(sock, i .. ": " .. v .. "\r\n")
if err then return err end
-- mark end of request headers
err = %try_send(sock, "\r\n")
err = %Private.try_send(sock, "\r\n")
if err then return err end
-- send request message body, if any
if req_body_cb then
return %try_sendindirect(sock, req_body_cb, chunk, size)
if body_cb then
return %Private.send_indirect(sock, body_cb, chunk, size)
-- Determines if we should read a message body from the server response
-- Input
-- method: method used in request
-- code: server response status code
-- request: a table with the original request information
-- response: a table with the server response information
-- Returns
-- 1 if a message body should be processed, nil otherwise
function has_respbody(method, code)
if method == "HEAD" then return nil end
if code == 204 or code == 304 then return nil end
if code >= 100 and code < 200 then return nil end
function Private.has_body(request, response)
if request.method == "HEAD" then return nil end
if response.code == 204 or response.code == 304 then return nil end
if response.code >= 100 and response.code < 200 then return nil end
return 1
-- We need base64 convertion routines for Basic Authentication Scheme
-- Converts field names to lowercase and adds a few needed headers
-- Input
-- hdrs: request header fields
-- headers: request header fields
-- parsed: parsed url components
-- Returns
-- lower: a table with the same headers, but with lowercase field names
local fill_hdrs = function(hdrs, parsed)
function Private.fill_headers(headers, parsed)
local lower = {}
hdrs = hdrs or {}
for i,v in hdrs do
headers = headers or {}
-- set default headers
lower["user-agent"] = %Private.USERAGENT
lower["host"] = parsed.host
-- override with user values
for i,v in headers do
lower[strlower(i)] = v
-- this cannot be overriden
lower["connection"] = "close"
lower["host"] = parsed.host
lower["user-agent"] = %USERAGENT
if parsed.user and parsed.pass then -- Basic Authentication
lower["authorization"] = "Basic "..
base64(parsed.user .. ":" .. parsed.pass)
return lower
-- Decides wether we should follow retry with authorization formation
-- Input
-- request: a table with the original request information
-- parsed: parsed request url
-- response: a table with the server response information
-- Returns
-- 1 if we should retry, nil otherwise
function Private.should_authorize(request, parsed, response)
-- if there has been an authorization attempt, it must have failed
if request.headers["authorization"] then return nil end
-- if we don't have authorization information, we can't retry
if parsed.user and parsed.password then return 1
else return nil end
-- Returns the result of retrying a request with authorization information
-- Input
-- request: a table with the original request information
-- parsed: parsed request url
-- response: a table with the server response information
-- Returns
-- response: result of target redirection
function Private.authorize(request, parsed, response)
request.headers["authorization"] = "Basic " ..
base64(parsed.user .. ":" .. parsed.password)
local authorize = {
redirects = request.redirects,
method = request.method,
url = request.url,
body_cb = request.body_cb,
headers = request.headers
return %Public.request_indirect(authorize, response)
-- Decides wether we should follow a server redirect message
-- Input
-- request: a table with the original request information
-- response: a table with the server response information
-- Returns
-- 1 if we should redirect, nil otherwise
function Private.should_redirect(request, response)
local follow = not request.stay
follow = follow and (response.code == 301 or response.code == 302)
follow = follow and (request.method == "GET" or request.method == "HEAD")
follow = follow and not (request.redirects and request.redirects >= 5)
return follow
-- Returns the result of a request following a server redirect message.
-- Input
-- request: a table with the original request information
-- response: a table with the following fields:
-- body_cb: response method body receive-callback
-- Returns
-- response: result of target redirection
function Private.redirect(request, response)
local redirects = request.redirects or 0
redirects = redirects + 1
local redirect = {
redirects = redirects,
method = request.method,
-- the RFC says the redirect url has to be absolute, but some
-- servers do not respect that
url = URL.build_absolute(request.url,response.headers["location"]),
body_cb = request.body_cb,
headers = request.headers
return %Public.request_indirect(redirect, response)
-- Computes the request URI from the given URL
-- Input
-- parsed: parsed url
-- Returns
-- uri: request URI for parsed URL
function Private.request_uri(parsed)
local uri = ""
if parsed.path then uri = uri .. parsed.path end
if parsed.params then uri = uri .. ";" .. parsed.params end
if parsed.query then uri = uri .. "?" .. parsed.query end
if parsed.fragment then uri = uri .. "#" .. parsed.fragment end
return uri
-- Sends a HTTP request and retrieves the server reply using callbacks to
-- send the request body and receive the response body
-- Input
-- method: "GET", "PUT", "POST" etc
-- url: target uniform resource locator
-- resp_body_cb: response message body receive callback
-- req_hdrs: request headers to send, or nil if none
-- req_body_cb: request message body send callback, or nil if none
-- stay: should we refrain from following a server redirect message?
-- request: a table with the following fields
-- method: "GET", "PUT", "POST" etc (defaults to "GET")
-- url: target uniform resource locator
-- user, password: authentication information
-- headers: request headers to send, or nil if none
-- body_cb: request message body send-callback, or nil if none
-- stay: should we refrain from following a server redirect message?
-- response: a table with the following fields:
-- body_cb: response method body receive-callback
-- Returns
-- resp_hdrs: response header fields received, or nil if failed
-- resp_line: server response status line, or nil if failed
-- err: error message, or nil if successfull
-- response: a table with the following fields:
-- headers: response header fields received, or nil if failed
-- status: server response status line, or nil if failed
-- code: server status code, or nil if failed
-- error: error message, or nil if successfull
function http_requestindirect(method, url, resp_body_cb, req_hdrs,
req_body_cb, stay)
local sock, err
local resp_hdrs
local resp_line, resp_code
function Public.request_indirect(request, response)
-- get url components
local parsed = %split_url(url, {port = %PORT, path ="/"})
-- methods are case sensitive
method = strupper(method)
local parsed = URL.parse(request.url, {port = %Private.PORT, path ="/"})
-- explicit authentication info overrides that given by the url
parsed.user = request.user or parsed.user
parsed.password = request.password or parsed.password
-- default method
request.method = request.method or "GET"
-- fill default headers
req_hdrs = %fill_hdrs(req_hdrs, parsed)
-- try connection
sock, err = connect(parsed.host, parsed.port)
if not sock then return nil, nil, err end
-- set connection timeout
-- send request
err = %send_request(sock, method, parsed.path, req_hdrs, req_body_cb)
if err then return nil, nil, err end
-- get server message
resp_code, resp_line, err = %get_status(sock)
if err then return nil, nil, err end
-- deal with reply
resp_hdrs, err = %get_hdrs(sock, {})
if err then return nil, line, err end
-- did we get a redirect? should we automatically retry?
if not stay and (resp_code == 301 or resp_code == 302) and
(method == "GET" or method == "HEAD") then
request.headers = %Private.fill_headers(request.headers, parsed)
-- try to connect to server
local sock
sock, response.error = connect(parsed.host, parsed.port)
if not sock then return response end
-- set connection timeout so that we do not hang forever
-- send request message
response.error = %Private.send_request(sock, request.method,
%Private.request_uri(parsed), request.headers, request.body_cb)
if response.error then return response end
-- get server response message
response.code, response.status, response.error =
if response.error then return response end
-- receive all headers
response.headers, response.error = %Private.receive_headers(sock, {})
if response.error then return response end
-- decide what to do based on request and response parameters
if %Private.should_redirect(request, response) then
%Private.drop_body(sock, response.headers)
return http_requestindirect(method, resp_hdrs["location"],
resp_body_cb, req_hdrs, req_body_cb, stay)
-- get response message body if status and method combination allow one
if has_respbody(method, resp_code) then
err = %try_getbody(sock, resp_hdrs, resp_body_cb)
if err then return resp_hdrs, resp_line, err end
return %Private.redirect(request, response)
elseif %Private.should_authorize(request, parsed, response) then
%Private.drop_body(sock, response.headers)
return %Private.authorize(request, parsed, response)
elseif %Private.has_body(request, response) then
response.error = %Private.receive_body(sock, response.headers,
if response.error then return response end
return response
return resp_hdrs, resp_line
-- We need fast concatenation routines for direct requests
-- Sends a HTTP request and retrieves the server reply
-- Input
-- method: "GET", "PUT", "POST" etc
-- url: target uniform resource locator
-- req_hdrs: request headers to send, or nil if none
-- req_body: request message body as a string, or nil if none
-- stay: should we refrain from following a server redirect message?
-- request: a table with the following fields
-- method: "GET", "PUT", "POST" etc (defaults to "GET")
-- url: target url, i.e. the document to be retrieved
-- user, password: authentication information
-- headers: request header fields, or nil if none
-- body: request message body as a string, or nil if none
-- stay: should we refrain from following a server redirect message?
-- Returns
-- resp_body: response message body, or nil if failed
-- resp_hdrs: response header fields received, or nil if failed
-- resp_line: server response status line, or nil if failed
-- err: error message, or nil if successfull
-- response: a table with the following fields:
-- body: response message body, or nil if failed
-- headers: response header fields, or nil if failed
-- status: server response status line, or nil if failed
-- code: server response status code, or nil if failed
-- error: error message if any
function http_request(method, url, req_hdrs, req_body, stay)
local resp_hdrs, resp_line, err
local req_body_cb = function()
return %req_body, strlen(%req_body)
function Public.request(request)
local response = {}
if request.body then
request.body_cb = function()
return %request.body, strlen(%request.body)
local resp_body = { buf = buf_create() }
local resp_body_cb = function(chunk, err)
if not chunk then %resp_body.buf = nil end
buf_addstring(%resp_body.buf, chunk)
local auxiliar = { buf = buf_create() }
response.body_cb = function(chunk, err)
if not chunk then %auxiliar.buf = nil end
buf_addstring(%auxiliar.buf, chunk)
return 1
if not req_body then req_body_cb = nil end
resp_hdrs, resp_line, err = http_requestindirect(method, url, resp_body_cb,
req_hdrs, req_body_cb, stay)
return buf_getresult(resp_body.buf), resp_hdrs, resp_line, err
%Public.request_indirect(request, response)
response.body = buf_getresult(auxiliar.buf)
response.body_cb = nil
return response
-- Retrieves a URL by the method "GET"
-- Input
-- url: target uniform resource locator
-- req_hdrs: request headers to send, or nil if none
-- stay: should we refrain from following a server redirect message?
-- url: target url, i.e. the document to be retrieved
-- Returns
-- resp_body: response message body, or nil if failed
-- resp_hdrs: response header fields received, or nil if failed
-- resp_line: server response status line, or nil if failed
-- err: error message, or nil if successfull
-- body: response message body, or nil if failed
-- headers: response header fields received, or nil if failed
-- status: server response status line, or nil if failed
-- error: error message if any
function http_get(url, req_hdrs, stay)
return http_request("GET", url, req_hdrs, stay)
-- Retrieves a URL by the method "GET"
-- Input
-- url: target uniform resource locator
-- resp_body_cb: response message body receive callback
-- req_hdrs: request headers to send, or nil if none
-- stay: should we refrain from following a server redirect message?
-- Returns
-- resp_body: response message body, or nil if failed
-- resp_hdrs: response header fields received, or nil if failed
-- resp_line: server response status line, or nil if failed
-- err: error message, or nil if successfull
function http_getindirect(url, resp_body_cb, req_hdrs, stay)
return http_requestindirect("GET", url, resp_body_cb, req_hdrs, nil, stay)
function Public.get(url)
local response = %Public.request {
method = "GET",
url = url
return response.body, response.headers,
response.status, response.error
-- Retrieves a URL by the method "POST"
-- Input
-- method: "GET", "PUT", "POST" etc
-- url: target uniform resource locator
-- req_hdrs: request headers to send, or nil if none
-- req_body: request message body, or nil if none
-- stay: should we refrain from following a server redirect message?
-- url: target url, i.e. the document to be retrieved
-- body: request message body, or nil if none
-- Returns
-- resp_body: response message body, or nil if failed
-- resp_hdrs: response header fields received, or nil if failed
-- resp_line: server response status line, or nil if failed
-- err: error message, or nil if successfull
-- body: response message body, or nil if failed
-- headers: response header fields received, or nil if failed
-- status: server response status line, or nil if failed
-- error: error message, or nil if successfull
function http_post(url, req_body, req_hdrs, stay)
return http_request("POST", url, req_hdrs, req_body, stay)
-- Retrieves a URL by the method "POST"
-- Input
-- url: target uniform resource locator
-- resp_body_cb: response message body receive callback
-- req_body_cb: request message body send callback
-- req_hdrs: request headers to send, or nil if none
-- stay: should we refrain from following a server redirect message?
-- Returns
-- resp_body: response message body, or nil if failed
-- resp_hdrs: response header fields received, or nil if failed
-- resp_line: server response status line, or nil if failed
-- err: error message, or nil if successfull
function http_getindirect(url, resp_body_cb, req_body_cb, req_hdrs, stay)
return http_requestindirect("GET", url, resp_body_cb, req_hdrs,
req_body_cb, stay)
function Public.post(url, body)
local response = %Public.request {
method = "POST",
url = url,
body = body
return response.body, response.headers,
response.status, response.error
Reference in New Issue
Block a user