mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 00:02:53 +01:00
mux struct naming
members of public structs should not have a trailing underscore. Change-Id: Ieef42e1da115bf42b0ea42159701e32bed7b9f60
This commit is contained in:
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ profile & XMP metadata.
// Get data from mux in WebP RIFF format.
WebPMuxAssemble(mux, &output_data);
// ... (Consume output_data; e.g. write output_data.bytes_ to file).
// ... (Consume output_data; e.g. write output_data.bytes to file).
@ -178,17 +178,17 @@ static int Decode(int* const duration) {
int ok = 0;
if (iter->x_offset_ != 0 || iter->y_offset_ != 0) {
if (iter->x_offset != 0 || iter->y_offset != 0) {
"Frame offsets not yet supported! Forcing offset to 0,0\n");
output_buffer->colorspace = MODE_RGBA;
ok = (WebPDecode(iter->tile_.bytes_, iter->tile_.size_,
ok = (WebPDecode(iter->tile.bytes, iter->tile.size,
config) == VP8_STATUS_OK);
if (!ok) {
fprintf(stderr, "Decoding of frame #%d failed!\n", iter->frame_num_);
fprintf(stderr, "Decoding of frame #%d failed!\n", iter->frame_num);
} else {
*duration = iter->duration_;
*duration = iter->duration;
kParams.pic = output_buffer;
return ok;
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (!ExUtilReadFile(kParams.file_name,
&kParams.data.bytes_, &kParams.data.size_)) {
&kParams.data.bytes, &kParams.data.size)) {
goto Error;
@ -305,10 +305,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (!WebPDemuxGetFrame(kParams.dmux, 1, &kParams.frameiter)) goto Error;
kParams.has_animation = (kParams.frameiter.num_frames_ > 1);
kParams.has_animation = (kParams.frameiter.num_frames > 1);
kParams.loop_count = (int)WebPDemuxGetI(kParams.dmux, WEBP_FF_LOOP_COUNT);
printf("VP8X: Found %d images in file (loop count = %d)\n",
kParams.frameiter.num_frames_, kParams.loop_count);
kParams.frameiter.num_frames, kParams.loop_count);
// Decode first frame
@ -215,10 +215,10 @@ static WebPMuxError DisplayInfo(const WebPMux* mux) {
WebPMuxFrameInfo frame;
err = WebPMuxGetFrame(mux, i, &frame);
RETURN_IF_ERROR3("Failed to retrieve %s#%d\n", type_str, i);
printf("%3d: %8d %8d ", i, frame.x_offset_, frame.y_offset_);
if (is_anim) printf("%8d ", frame.duration_);
printf("%10zu\n", frame.bitstream_.size_);
printf("%3d: %8d %8d ", i, frame.x_offset, frame.y_offset);
if (is_anim) printf("%8d ", frame.duration);
printf("%10zu\n", frame.bitstream.size);
@ -227,21 +227,21 @@ static WebPMuxError DisplayInfo(const WebPMux* mux) {
WebPData icc_profile;
err = WebPMuxGetChunk(mux, "ICCP", &icc_profile);
RETURN_IF_ERROR("Failed to retrieve the color profile\n");
printf("Size of the color profile data: %zu\n", icc_profile.size_);
printf("Size of the color profile data: %zu\n", icc_profile.size);
if (flag & META_FLAG) {
WebPData metadata;
err = WebPMuxGetChunk(mux, "META", &metadata);
RETURN_IF_ERROR("Failed to retrieve the metadata\n");
printf("Size of the metadata: %zu\n", metadata.size_);
printf("Size of the metadata: %zu\n", metadata.size);
if ((flag & ALPHA_FLAG) && !(flag & (ANIMATION_FLAG | TILE_FLAG))) {
WebPMuxFrameInfo image;
err = WebPMuxGetFrame(mux, 1, &image);
RETURN_IF_ERROR("Failed to retrieve the image\n");
printf("Size of the image (with alpha): %zu\n", image.bitstream_.size_);
printf("Size of the image (with alpha): %zu\n", image.bitstream.size);
return WEBP_MUX_OK;
@ -302,8 +302,8 @@ static int ReadFileToWebPData(const char* const filename,
const uint8_t* data;
size_t size;
if (!ExUtilReadFile(filename, &data, &size)) return 0;
webp_data->bytes_ = data;
webp_data->size_ = size;
webp_data->bytes = data;
webp_data->size = size;
return 1;
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ static int CreateMux(const char* const filename, WebPMux** mux) {
assert(mux != NULL);
if (!ReadFileToWebPData(filename, &bitstream)) return 0;
*mux = WebPMuxCreate(&bitstream, 1);
if (*mux != NULL) return 1;
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create mux object from file %s.\n", filename);
return 0;
@ -325,10 +325,10 @@ static int WriteData(const char* filename, const WebPData* const webpdata) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening output WebP file %s!\n", filename);
return 0;
if (fwrite(webpdata->bytes_, webpdata->size_, 1, fout) != 1) {
if (fwrite(webpdata->bytes, webpdata->size, 1, fout) != 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error writing file %s!\n", filename);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Saved file %s (%zu bytes)\n", filename, webpdata->size_);
fprintf(stderr, "Saved file %s (%zu bytes)\n", filename, webpdata->size);
ok = 1;
if (fout != stdout) fclose(fout);
@ -350,11 +350,11 @@ static int WriteWebP(WebPMux* const mux, const char* filename) {
static int ParseFrameArgs(const char* args, WebPMuxFrameInfo* const info) {
return (sscanf(args, "+%d+%d+%d",
&info->x_offset_, &info->y_offset_, &info->duration_) == 3);
&info->x_offset, &info->y_offset, &info->duration) == 3);
static int ParseTileArgs(const char* args, WebPMuxFrameInfo* const info) {
return (sscanf(args, "+%d+%d", &info->x_offset_, &info->y_offset_) == 2);
return (sscanf(args, "+%d+%d", &info->x_offset, &info->y_offset) == 2);
@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ static int GetFrameTile(const WebPMux* mux,
int ok = 1;
const WebPChunkId id = isFrame ? WEBP_CHUNK_ANMF : WEBP_CHUNK_FRGM;
WebPMuxFrameInfo info;
num = strtol(config->feature_.args_[0].params_, NULL, 10);
if (num < 0) {
@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ static int GetFrameTile(const WebPMux* mux,
ERROR_GOTO2("ERROR (%s): Could not allocate a mux object.\n",
ErrorString(err), ErrGet);
err = WebPMuxSetImage(mux_single, &info.bitstream_, 1);
err = WebPMuxSetImage(mux_single, &info.bitstream, 1);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) {
ERROR_GOTO2("ERROR (%s): Could not create single image mux object.\n",
ErrorString(err), ErrGet);
@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ static int GetFrameTile(const WebPMux* mux,
ok = WriteWebP(mux_single, config->output_);
return ok;
@ -787,16 +787,16 @@ static int Process(const WebPMuxConfig* config) {
} else if (feature->args_[index].subtype_ == SUBTYPE_FRM) {
WebPMuxFrameInfo frame;
ok = ReadFileToWebPData(feature->args_[index].filename_,
if (!ok) goto Err2;
ok = ParseFrameArgs(feature->args_[index].params_, &frame);
if (!ok) {
ERROR_GOTO1("ERROR: Could not parse frame properties.\n", Err2);
frame.id = WEBP_CHUNK_ANMF;
err = WebPMuxPushFrame(mux, &frame, 1);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) {
ERROR_GOTO3("ERROR (%s): Could not add a frame at index %d.\n",
ErrorString(err), index, Err2);
@ -816,16 +816,16 @@ static int Process(const WebPMuxConfig* config) {
for (index = 0; index < feature->arg_count_; ++index) {
WebPMuxFrameInfo tile;
ok = ReadFileToWebPData(feature->args_[index].filename_,
if (!ok) goto Err2;
ok = ParseTileArgs(feature->args_[index].params_, &tile);
if (!ok) {
ERROR_GOTO1("ERROR: Could not parse tile properties.\n", Err2);
tile.id = WEBP_CHUNK_FRGM;
err = WebPMuxPushFrame(mux, &tile, 1);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) {
ERROR_GOTO3("ERROR (%s): Could not add a tile at index %d.\n",
ErrorString(err), index, Err2);
@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ static int Process(const WebPMuxConfig* config) {
ok = ReadFileToWebPData(feature->args_[0].filename_, &color_profile);
if (!ok) goto Err2;
err = WebPMuxSetChunk(mux, "ICCP", &color_profile, 1);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) {
ERROR_GOTO2("ERROR (%s): Could not set color profile.\n",
ErrorString(err), Err2);
@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ static int Process(const WebPMuxConfig* config) {
ok = ReadFileToWebPData(feature->args_[0].filename_, &metadata);
if (!ok) goto Err2;
err = WebPMuxSetChunk(mux, "META", &metadata, 1);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) {
ERROR_GOTO2("ERROR (%s): Could not set the metadata.\n",
ErrorString(err), Err2);
@ -632,9 +632,9 @@ WebPDemuxer* WebPDemuxInternal(const WebPData* data, int allow_partial,
WebPDemuxer* dmux;
if (data == NULL || data->bytes_ == NULL || data->size_ == 0) return NULL;
if (data == NULL || data->bytes == NULL || data->size == 0) return NULL;
if (!InitMemBuffer(&mem, data->bytes_, data->size_)) return NULL;
if (!InitMemBuffer(&mem, data->bytes, data->size)) return NULL;
if (!ReadHeader(&mem)) return NULL;
partial = (mem.buf_size_ < mem.riff_end_);
@ -755,18 +755,18 @@ static int SynthesizeFrame(const WebPDemuxer* const dmux,
const uint8_t* const payload = GetFramePayload(mem_buf, tile, &payload_size);
if (payload == NULL) return 0;
iter->frame_num_ = first_frame->frame_num_;
iter->num_frames_ = dmux->num_frames_;
iter->tile_num_ = tile_num;
iter->num_tiles_ = num_tiles;
iter->x_offset_ = tile->x_offset_;
iter->y_offset_ = tile->y_offset_;
iter->width_ = tile->width_;
iter->height_ = tile->height_;
iter->duration_ = tile->duration_;
iter->complete_ = tile->complete_;
iter->tile_.bytes_ = payload;
iter->tile_.size_ = payload_size;
iter->frame_num = first_frame->frame_num_;
iter->num_frames = dmux->num_frames_;
iter->tile_num = tile_num;
iter->num_tiles = num_tiles;
iter->x_offset = tile->x_offset_;
iter->y_offset = tile->y_offset_;
iter->width = tile->width_;
iter->height = tile->height_;
iter->duration = tile->duration_;
iter->complete = tile->complete_;
iter->tile.bytes = payload;
iter->tile.size = payload_size;
// TODO(jzern): adjust offsets for 'FRGM's embedded in 'ANMF's
return 1;
@ -792,19 +792,19 @@ int WebPDemuxGetFrame(const WebPDemuxer* dmux, int frame, WebPIterator* iter) {
int WebPDemuxNextFrame(WebPIterator* iter) {
if (iter == NULL) return 0;
return SetFrame(iter->frame_num_ + 1, iter);
return SetFrame(iter->frame_num + 1, iter);
int WebPDemuxPrevFrame(WebPIterator* iter) {
if (iter == NULL) return 0;
if (iter->frame_num_ <= 1) return 0;
return SetFrame(iter->frame_num_ - 1, iter);
if (iter->frame_num <= 1) return 0;
return SetFrame(iter->frame_num - 1, iter);
int WebPDemuxSelectTile(WebPIterator* iter, int tile) {
if (iter != NULL && iter->private_ != NULL && tile > 0) {
const WebPDemuxer* const dmux = (WebPDemuxer*)iter->private_;
const Frame* const frame = GetFrame(dmux, iter->frame_num_);
const Frame* const frame = GetFrame(dmux, iter->frame_num);
if (frame == NULL) return 0;
return SynthesizeFrame(dmux, frame, tile, iter);
@ -856,10 +856,10 @@ static int SetChunk(const char fourcc[4], int chunk_num,
if (chunk_num <= count) {
const uint8_t* const mem_buf = dmux->mem_.buf_;
const Chunk* const chunk = GetChunk(dmux, fourcc, chunk_num);
iter->chunk_.bytes_ = mem_buf + chunk->data_.offset_ + CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
iter->chunk_.size_ = chunk->data_.size_ - CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
iter->num_chunks_ = count;
iter->chunk_num_ = chunk_num;
iter->chunk.bytes = mem_buf + chunk->data_.offset_ + CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
iter->chunk.size = chunk->data_.size_ - CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
iter->num_chunks = count;
iter->chunk_num = chunk_num;
return 1;
return 0;
@ -878,17 +878,17 @@ int WebPDemuxGetChunk(const WebPDemuxer* dmux,
int WebPDemuxNextChunk(WebPChunkIterator* iter) {
if (iter != NULL) {
const char* const fourcc =
(const char*)iter->chunk_.bytes_ - CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
return SetChunk(fourcc, iter->chunk_num_ + 1, iter);
(const char*)iter->chunk.bytes - CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
return SetChunk(fourcc, iter->chunk_num + 1, iter);
return 0;
int WebPDemuxPrevChunk(WebPChunkIterator* iter) {
if (iter != NULL && iter->chunk_num_ > 1) {
if (iter != NULL && iter->chunk_num > 1) {
const char* const fourcc =
(const char*)iter->chunk_.bytes_ - CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
return SetChunk(fourcc, iter->chunk_num_ - 1, iter);
(const char*)iter->chunk.bytes - CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
return SetChunk(fourcc, iter->chunk_num - 1, iter);
return 0;
@ -83,11 +83,11 @@ static WebPMuxError MuxSet(WebPMux* const mux, CHUNK_INDEX idx, uint32_t nth,
SWITCH_ID_LIST(IDX_ICCP, &mux->iccp_);
SWITCH_ID_LIST(IDX_LOOP, &mux->loop_);
SWITCH_ID_LIST(IDX_META, &mux->meta_);
if (idx == IDX_UNKNOWN && data->size_ > TAG_SIZE) {
if (idx == IDX_UNKNOWN && data->size > TAG_SIZE) {
// For raw-data unknown chunk, the first four bytes should be the tag to be
// used for the chunk.
const WebPData tmp = { data->bytes_ + TAG_SIZE, data->size_ - TAG_SIZE };
err = ChunkAssignData(&chunk, &tmp, copy_data, GetLE32(data->bytes_ + 0));
const WebPData tmp = { data->bytes + TAG_SIZE, data->size - TAG_SIZE };
err = ChunkAssignData(&chunk, &tmp, copy_data, GetLE32(data->bytes + 0));
if (err == WEBP_MUX_OK)
err = ChunkSetNth(&chunk, &mux->unknown_, nth);
@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ static WebPMuxError CreateFrameTileData(const WebPData* const image,
const size_t frame_tile_size = kChunks[is_frame ? IDX_ANMF : IDX_FRGM].size;
const int ok = is_lossless ?
VP8LGetInfo(image->bytes_, image->size_, &width, &height, NULL) :
VP8GetInfo(image->bytes_, image->size_, image->size_, &width, &height);
VP8LGetInfo(image->bytes, image->size, &width, &height, NULL) :
VP8GetInfo(image->bytes, image->size, image->size, &width, &height);
assert(width > 0 && height > 0 && duration > 0);
@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ static WebPMuxError CreateFrameTileData(const WebPData* const image,
PutLE24(frame_tile_bytes + 12, duration - 1);
frame_tile->bytes_ = frame_tile_bytes;
frame_tile->size_ = frame_tile_size;
frame_tile->bytes = frame_tile_bytes;
frame_tile->size = frame_tile_size;
return WEBP_MUX_OK;
@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ static WebPMuxError GetImageData(const WebPData* const bitstream,
WebPData* const image, WebPData* const alpha,
int* const is_lossless) {
WebPDataInit(alpha); // Default: no alpha.
if (bitstream->size_ < TAG_SIZE ||
memcmp(bitstream->bytes_, "RIFF", TAG_SIZE)) {
if (bitstream->size < TAG_SIZE ||
memcmp(bitstream->bytes, "RIFF", TAG_SIZE)) {
// It is NOT webp file data. Return input data as is.
*image = *bitstream;
} else {
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ static WebPMuxError GetImageData(const WebPData* const bitstream,
*is_lossless = VP8LCheckSignature(image->bytes_, image->size_);
*is_lossless = VP8LCheckSignature(image->bytes, image->size);
return WEBP_MUX_OK;
@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ WebPMuxError WebPMuxSetChunk(WebPMux* mux, const char fourcc[4],
const CHUNK_INDEX idx = ChunkGetIndexFromFourCC(fourcc);
const uint32_t tag = ChunkGetTagFromFourCC(fourcc);
WebPMuxError err;
if (mux == NULL || chunk_data == NULL || chunk_data->bytes_ == NULL ||
chunk_data->size_ > MAX_CHUNK_PAYLOAD) {
if (mux == NULL || chunk_data == NULL || chunk_data->bytes == NULL ||
chunk_data->size > MAX_CHUNK_PAYLOAD) {
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ static WebPMuxError SetAlphaAndImageChunks(
const int image_tag =
is_lossless ? kChunks[IDX_VP8L].tag : kChunks[IDX_VP8].tag;
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) return err;
if (alpha.bytes_ != NULL) {
if (alpha.bytes != NULL) {
err = AddDataToChunkList(&alpha, copy_data, kChunks[IDX_ALPHA].tag,
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) return err;
@ -264,8 +264,8 @@ WebPMuxError WebPMuxSetImage(WebPMux* mux, const WebPData* bitstream,
WebPMuxError err;
// Sanity checks.
if (mux == NULL || bitstream == NULL || bitstream->bytes_ == NULL ||
bitstream->size_ > MAX_CHUNK_PAYLOAD) {
if (mux == NULL || bitstream == NULL || bitstream->bytes == NULL ||
bitstream->size > MAX_CHUNK_PAYLOAD) {
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ WebPMuxError WebPMuxPushFrame(WebPMux* mux, const WebPMuxFrameInfo* frame,
WebPMuxImage wpi;
WebPMuxError err;
int is_frame;
const WebPData* const bitstream = &frame->bitstream_;
const WebPData* const bitstream = &frame->bitstream;
// Sanity checks.
if (mux == NULL || frame == NULL) return WEBP_MUX_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ WebPMuxError WebPMuxPushFrame(WebPMux* mux, const WebPMuxFrameInfo* frame,
if (bitstream->bytes_ == NULL || bitstream->size_ > MAX_CHUNK_PAYLOAD) {
if (bitstream->bytes == NULL || bitstream->size > MAX_CHUNK_PAYLOAD) {
@ -325,9 +325,9 @@ WebPMuxError WebPMuxPushFrame(WebPMux* mux, const WebPMuxFrameInfo* frame,
const int is_lossless = (wpi.img_->tag_ == kChunks[IDX_VP8L].tag);
const int x_offset = frame->x_offset_ & ~1; // Snap offsets to even.
const int y_offset = frame->y_offset_ & ~1;
const int duration = is_frame ? frame->duration_ : 1 /* unused */;
const int x_offset = frame->x_offset & ~1; // Snap offsets to even.
const int y_offset = frame->y_offset & ~1;
const int duration = is_frame ? frame->duration : 1 /* unused */;
const uint32_t tag = kChunks[is_frame ? IDX_ANMF : IDX_FRGM].tag;
WebPData frame_tile;
if (x_offset < 0 || x_offset >= MAX_POSITION_OFFSET ||
@ -398,11 +398,11 @@ static WebPMuxError GetFrameTileInfo(const WebPChunk* const frame_tile_chunk,
assert(frame_tile_chunk != NULL);
assert(tag == kChunks[IDX_ANMF].tag || tag == kChunks[IDX_FRGM].tag);
if (data->size_ != expected_data_size) return WEBP_MUX_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
if (data->size != expected_data_size) return WEBP_MUX_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
*x_offset = 2 * GetLE24(data->bytes_ + 0);
*y_offset = 2 * GetLE24(data->bytes_ + 3);
if (is_frame) *duration = 1 + GetLE24(data->bytes_ + 12);
*x_offset = 2 * GetLE24(data->bytes + 0);
*y_offset = 2 * GetLE24(data->bytes + 3);
if (is_frame) *duration = 1 + GetLE24(data->bytes + 12);
return WEBP_MUX_OK;
@ -415,8 +415,8 @@ WebPMuxError MuxGetImageWidthHeight(const WebPChunk* const image_chunk,
assert(image_chunk != NULL);
assert(tag == kChunks[IDX_VP8].tag || tag == kChunks[IDX_VP8L].tag);
ok = (tag == kChunks[IDX_VP8].tag) ?
VP8GetInfo(data->bytes_, data->size_, data->size_, &w, &h) :
VP8LGetInfo(data->bytes_, data->size_, &w, &h, NULL);
VP8GetInfo(data->bytes, data->size, data->size, &w, &h) :
VP8LGetInfo(data->bytes, data->size, &w, &h, NULL);
if (ok) {
*width = w;
*height = h;
@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ static WebPMuxError CreateVP8XChunk(WebPMux* const mux) {
assert(mux != NULL);
images = mux->images_; // First image.
if (images == NULL || images->img_ == NULL ||
images->img_->data_.bytes_ == NULL) {
images->img_->data_.bytes == NULL) {
@ -522,11 +522,11 @@ static WebPMuxError CreateVP8XChunk(WebPMux* const mux) {
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK && err != WEBP_MUX_NOT_FOUND) return err;
// Set flags.
if (mux->iccp_ != NULL && mux->iccp_->data_.bytes_ != NULL) {
if (mux->iccp_ != NULL && mux->iccp_->data_.bytes != NULL) {
flags |= ICCP_FLAG;
if (mux->meta_ != NULL && mux->meta_->data_.bytes_ != NULL) {
if (mux->meta_ != NULL && mux->meta_->data_.bytes != NULL) {
flags |= META_FLAG;
@ -631,8 +631,8 @@ WebPMuxError WebPMuxAssemble(WebPMux* mux, WebPData* assembled_data) {
// Finalize.
assembled_data->bytes_ = data;
assembled_data->size_ = size;
assembled_data->bytes = data;
assembled_data->size = size;
return err;
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ WebPChunk* ChunkDelete(WebPChunk* const chunk);
// Size of a chunk including header and padding.
static WEBP_INLINE size_t ChunkDiskSize(const WebPChunk* chunk) {
const size_t data_size = chunk->data_.size_;
const size_t data_size = chunk->data_.size;
assert(data_size < MAX_CHUNK_PAYLOAD);
return SizeWithPadding(data_size);
@ -143,10 +143,10 @@ WebPMuxError ChunkAssignData(WebPChunk* chunk, const WebPData* const data,
if (data != NULL) {
if (copy_data) {
// Copy data.
chunk->data_.bytes_ = (uint8_t*)malloc(data->size_);
if (chunk->data_.bytes_ == NULL) return WEBP_MUX_MEMORY_ERROR;
memcpy((uint8_t*)chunk->data_.bytes_, data->bytes_, data->size_);
chunk->data_.size_ = data->size_;
chunk->data_.bytes = (uint8_t*)malloc(data->size);
if (chunk->data_.bytes == NULL) return WEBP_MUX_MEMORY_ERROR;
memcpy((uint8_t*)chunk->data_.bytes, data->bytes, data->size);
chunk->data_.size = data->size;
// Chunk is owner of data.
chunk->owner_ = 1;
@ -199,13 +199,13 @@ size_t ChunksListDiskSize(const WebPChunk* chunk_list) {
static uint8_t* ChunkEmit(const WebPChunk* const chunk, uint8_t* dst) {
const size_t chunk_size = chunk->data_.size_;
const size_t chunk_size = chunk->data_.size;
assert(chunk->tag_ != NIL_TAG);
PutLE32(dst + 0, chunk->tag_);
PutLE32(dst + TAG_SIZE, (uint32_t)chunk_size);
assert(chunk_size == (uint32_t)chunk_size);
memcpy(dst + CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE, chunk->data_.bytes_, chunk_size);
memcpy(dst + CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE, chunk->data_.bytes, chunk_size);
if (chunk_size & 1)
dst[CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE + chunk_size] = 0; // Add padding.
return dst + ChunkDiskSize(chunk);
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ void WebPDataInit(WebPData* webp_data) {
void WebPDataClear(WebPData* webp_data) {
if (webp_data != NULL) {
@ -239,11 +239,11 @@ int WebPDataCopy(const WebPData* src, WebPData* dst) {
if (src == NULL || dst == NULL) return 0;
if (src->bytes_ != NULL && src->size_ != 0) {
dst->bytes_ = (uint8_t*)malloc(src->size_);
if (dst->bytes_ == NULL) return 0;
memcpy((void*)dst->bytes_, src->bytes_, src->size_);
dst->size_ = src->size_;
if (src->bytes != NULL && src->size != 0) {
dst->bytes = (uint8_t*)malloc(src->size);
if (dst->bytes == NULL) return 0;
memcpy((void*)dst->bytes, src->bytes, src->size);
dst->size = src->size;
return 1;
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ static WebPMuxError ChunkVerifyAndAssignData(WebPChunk* chunk,
// Data assignment.
chunk_data.bytes_ = data + CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
chunk_data.size_ = chunk_size;
chunk_data.bytes = data + CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
chunk_data.size = chunk_size;
return ChunkAssignData(chunk, &chunk_data, copy_data, GetLE32(data + 0));
@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ WebPMux* WebPMuxCreateInternal(const WebPData* bitstream, int copy_data,
if (bitstream == NULL) return NULL;
data = bitstream->bytes_;
size = bitstream->size_;
data = bitstream->bytes;
size = bitstream->size;
if (data == NULL) return NULL;
if (size < RIFF_HEADER_SIZE) return NULL;
@ -207,10 +207,10 @@ WebPMuxError WebPMuxGetFeatures(const WebPMux* mux, uint32_t* flags) {
return err;
if (data.size_ < CHUNK_SIZE_BYTES) return WEBP_MUX_BAD_DATA;
if (data.size < CHUNK_SIZE_BYTES) return WEBP_MUX_BAD_DATA;
// All OK. Fill up flags.
*flags = GetLE32(data.bytes_);
*flags = GetLE32(data.bytes);
return WEBP_MUX_OK;
@ -264,8 +264,8 @@ static WebPMuxError SynthesizeBitstream(const WebPMuxImage* const wpi,
assert(dst == data + size);
// Output.
bitstream->bytes_ = data;
bitstream->size_ = size;
bitstream->bytes = data;
bitstream->size = size;
return WEBP_MUX_OK;
@ -289,12 +289,12 @@ WebPMuxError WebPMuxGetChunk(const WebPMux* mux, const char fourcc[4],
static WebPMuxError MuxGetImageInternal(const WebPMuxImage* const wpi,
WebPMuxFrameInfo* const info) {
// Set some defaults for unrelated fields.
info->x_offset_ = 0;
info->y_offset_ = 0;
info->duration_ = 1;
info->x_offset = 0;
info->y_offset = 0;
info->duration = 1;
// Extract data for related fields.
info->id = ChunkGetIdFromTag(wpi->img_->tag_);
return SynthesizeBitstream(wpi, &info->bitstream_);
return SynthesizeBitstream(wpi, &info->bitstream);
static WebPMuxError MuxGetFrameTileInternal(const WebPMuxImage* const wpi,
@ -305,13 +305,13 @@ static WebPMuxError MuxGetFrameTileInternal(const WebPMuxImage* const wpi,
assert(wpi->header_ != NULL); // Already checked by WebPMuxGetFrame().
// Get frame/tile chunk.
frame_tile_data = &wpi->header_->data_;
if (frame_tile_data->size_ < kChunks[idx].size) return WEBP_MUX_BAD_DATA;
if (frame_tile_data->size < kChunks[idx].size) return WEBP_MUX_BAD_DATA;
// Extract info.
frame->x_offset_ = 2 * GetLE24(frame_tile_data->bytes_ + 0);
frame->y_offset_ = 2 * GetLE24(frame_tile_data->bytes_ + 3);
frame->duration_ = is_frame ? 1 + GetLE24(frame_tile_data->bytes_ + 12) : 1;
frame->x_offset = 2 * GetLE24(frame_tile_data->bytes + 0);
frame->y_offset = 2 * GetLE24(frame_tile_data->bytes + 3);
frame->duration = is_frame ? 1 + GetLE24(frame_tile_data->bytes + 12) : 1;
frame->id = ChunkGetIdFromTag(wpi->header_->tag_);
return SynthesizeBitstream(wpi, &frame->bitstream_);
return SynthesizeBitstream(wpi, &frame->bitstream);
WebPMuxError WebPMuxGetFrame(
@ -344,8 +344,8 @@ WebPMuxError WebPMuxGetLoopCount(const WebPMux* mux, int* loop_count) {
err = MuxGet(mux, IDX_LOOP, 1, &image);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) return err;
if (image.size_ < kChunks[WEBP_CHUNK_LOOP].size) return WEBP_MUX_BAD_DATA;
*loop_count = GetLE16(image.bytes_);
if (image.size < kChunks[WEBP_CHUNK_LOOP].size) return WEBP_MUX_BAD_DATA;
*loop_count = GetLE16(image.bytes);
return WEBP_MUX_OK;
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
// // Get data from mux in WebP RIFF format.
// WebPMuxAssemble(mux, &output_data);
// WebPMuxDelete(mux);
// // ... (Consume output_data; e.g. write output_data.bytes_ to file).
// // ... (Consume output_data; e.g. write output_data.bytes to file).
// WebPDataClear(&output_data);
// Code Example#2: Get image and color profile data from a WebP file.
@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ enum WebPChunkId {
// Data type used to describe 'raw' data, e.g., chunk data
// (ICC profile, metadata) and WebP compressed image data.
struct WebPData {
const uint8_t* bytes_;
size_t size_;
const uint8_t* bytes;
size_t size;
@ -220,15 +220,15 @@ WEBP_EXTERN(WebPMuxError) WebPMuxDeleteChunk(
// Encapsulates data about a single frame/tile.
struct WebPMuxFrameInfo {
WebPData bitstream_; // image data: can either be a raw VP8/VP8L bitstream
// or a single-image WebP file.
int x_offset_; // x-offset of the frame.
int y_offset_; // y-offset of the frame.
int duration_; // duration of the frame (in milliseconds).
WebPData bitstream; // image data: can either be a raw VP8/VP8L bitstream
// or a single-image WebP file.
int x_offset; // x-offset of the frame.
int y_offset; // y-offset of the frame.
int duration; // duration of the frame (in milliseconds).
WebPChunkId id; // frame type: should be one of WEBP_CHUNK_ANMF,
uint32_t pad[3]; // padding for later use
WebPChunkId id; // frame type: should be one of WEBP_CHUNK_ANMF,
uint32_t pad[3]; // padding for later use
// Sets the (non-animated and non-tiled) image in the mux object.
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ WEBP_EXTERN(WebPMuxError) WebPMuxPushFrame(
WebPMux* mux, const WebPMuxFrameInfo* frame, int copy_data);
// Gets the nth frame from the mux object.
// The content of 'frame->bitstream_' is allocated using malloc(), and NOT
// The content of 'frame->bitstream' is allocated using malloc(), and NOT
// owned by the 'mux' object. It MUST be deallocated by the caller by calling
// WebPDataClear().
// nth=0 has a special meaning - last position.
@ -424,19 +424,19 @@ WEBP_EXTERN(uint32_t) WebPDemuxGetI(
// Frame iteration.
struct WebPIterator {
int frame_num_;
int num_frames_;
int tile_num_;
int num_tiles_;
int x_offset_, y_offset_; // offset relative to the canvas.
int width_, height_; // dimensions of this frame or tile.
int duration_; // display duration in milliseconds.
int complete_; // true if 'tile_' contains a full frame. partial images may
// still be decoded with the WebP incremental decoder.
WebPData tile_; // The frame or tile given by 'frame_num_' and 'tile_num_'.
int frame_num;
int num_frames;
int tile_num;
int num_tiles;
int x_offset, y_offset; // offset relative to the canvas.
int width, height; // dimensions of this frame or tile.
int duration; // display duration in milliseconds.
int complete; // true if 'tile_' contains a full frame. partial images may
// still be decoded with the WebP incremental decoder.
WebPData tile; // The frame or tile given by 'frame_num_' and 'tile_num_'.
uint32_t pad[4]; // padding for later use
void* private_;
void* private_; // for internal use only.
// Retrieves frame 'frame_number' from 'dmux'.
@ -470,11 +470,11 @@ WEBP_EXTERN(void) WebPDemuxReleaseIterator(WebPIterator* iter);
struct WebPChunkIterator {
// The current and total number of chunks with the fourcc given to
// WebPDemuxGetChunk().
int chunk_num_;
int num_chunks_;
WebPData chunk_; // The payload of the chunk.
int chunk_num;
int num_chunks;
WebPData chunk; // The payload of the chunk.
uint32_t pad[6]; // padding for later use
uint32_t pad[6]; // padding for later use
void* private_;
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