mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 00:02:53 +01:00
Merge "Mux API change:"
This commit is contained in:
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Example#2 (pseudo code): Get image & color profile data from a WebP file.
int copy_data = 0;
// ... (Read data from file).
WebPMux* mux = WebPMuxCreate(&data, copy_data);
WebPMuxGetImage(mux, &image);
WebPMuxGetFrame(mux, 1, &image);
// ... (Consume image; e.g. call WebPDecode() to decode the data).
WebPMuxGetChunk(mux, "ICCP", &icc_profile);
// ... (Consume icc_profile).
@ -142,6 +142,12 @@ static int IsNotCompatible(int count1, int count2) {
return err; \
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) { \
fprintf(stderr, ERR_MSG, FORMAT_STR1, FORMAT_STR2); \
return err; \
do { \
fprintf(stderr, ERR_MSG); \
@ -183,51 +189,36 @@ static WebPMuxError DisplayInfo(const WebPMux* mux) {
if (flag & ALPHA_FLAG) printf(" transparency");
if (flag & ANIMATION_FLAG) {
if ((flag & ANIMATION_FLAG) || (flag & TILE_FLAG)) {
const int is_anim = !!(flag & ANIMATION_FLAG);
const WebPChunkId id = is_anim ? WEBP_CHUNK_FRAME : WEBP_CHUNK_TILE;
const char* const type_str = is_anim ? "frame" : "tile";
int nFrames;
int loop_count;
err = WebPMuxGetLoopCount(mux, &loop_count);
RETURN_IF_ERROR("Failed to retrieve loop count\n");
printf("Loop Count : %d\n", loop_count);
err = WebPMuxNumChunks(mux, WEBP_CHUNK_FRAME, &nFrames);
RETURN_IF_ERROR("Failed to retrieve number of frames\n");
if (is_anim) {
int loop_count;
err = WebPMuxGetLoopCount(mux, &loop_count);
RETURN_IF_ERROR("Failed to retrieve loop count\n");
printf("Loop Count : %d\n", loop_count);
printf("Number of frames: %d\n", nFrames);
err = WebPMuxNumChunks(mux, id, &nFrames);
RETURN_IF_ERROR2("Failed to retrieve number of %ss\n", type_str);
printf("Number of %ss: %d\n", type_str, nFrames);
if (nFrames > 0) {
int i;
printf("No.: x_offset y_offset duration image_size");
printf("No.: x_offset y_offset ");
if (is_anim) printf("duration ");
for (i = 1; i <= nFrames; i++) {
WebPMuxFrameInfo frame;
err = WebPMuxGetFrame(mux, i, &frame);
RETURN_IF_ERROR2("Failed to retrieve frame#%d\n", i);
printf("%3d: %8d %8d %8d %10zu", i, frame.x_offset_, frame.y_offset_,
frame.duration_, frame.bitstream_.size_);
RETURN_IF_ERROR3("Failed to retrieve %s#%d\n", type_str, i);
printf("%3d: %8d %8d ", i, frame.x_offset_, frame.y_offset_);
if (is_anim) printf("%8d ", frame.duration_);
printf("%10zu\n", frame.bitstream_.size_);
if (flag & TILE_FLAG) {
int nTiles;
err = WebPMuxNumChunks(mux, WEBP_CHUNK_TILE, &nTiles);
RETURN_IF_ERROR("Failed to retrieve number of tiles\n");
printf("Number of tiles: %d\n", nTiles);
if (nTiles > 0) {
int i;
printf("No.: x_offset y_offset image_size");
for (i = 1; i <= nTiles; i++) {
WebPMuxFrameInfo tile;
err = WebPMuxGetTile(mux, i, &tile);
RETURN_IF_ERROR2("Failed to retrieve tile#%d\n", i);
printf("%3d: %8d %8d %10zu",
i, tile.x_offset_, tile.y_offset_, tile.bitstream_.size_);
@ -247,10 +238,10 @@ static WebPMuxError DisplayInfo(const WebPMux* mux) {
if ((flag & ALPHA_FLAG) && !(flag & (ANIMATION_FLAG | TILE_FLAG))) {
WebPData bitstream;
err = WebPMuxGetImage(mux, &bitstream);
WebPMuxFrameInfo image;
err = WebPMuxGetFrame(mux, 1, &image);
RETURN_IF_ERROR("Failed to retrieve the image\n");
printf("Size of the image (with alpha): %zu\n", bitstream.size_);
printf("Size of the image (with alpha): %zu\n", image.bitstream_.size_);
return WEBP_MUX_OK;
@ -693,6 +684,7 @@ static int GetFrameTile(const WebPMux* mux,
WebPMux* mux_single = NULL;
long num = 0;
int ok = 1;
const WebPChunkId id = isFrame ? WEBP_CHUNK_FRAME : WEBP_CHUNK_TILE;
WebPMuxFrameInfo info;
@ -701,18 +693,11 @@ static int GetFrameTile(const WebPMux* mux,
ERROR_GOTO1("ERROR: Frame/Tile index must be non-negative.\n", ErrGet);
if (isFrame) {
err = WebPMuxGetFrame(mux, num, &info);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) {
ERROR_GOTO3("ERROR (%s): Could not get frame %ld.\n",
ErrorString(err), num, ErrGet);
} else {
err = WebPMuxGetTile(mux, num, &info);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) {
ERROR_GOTO3("ERROR (%s): Could not get frame %ld.\n",
ErrorString(err), num, ErrGet);
err = WebPMuxGetFrame(mux, num, &info);
if (err == WEBP_MUX_OK && info.id != id) err = WEBP_MUX_NOT_FOUND;
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) {
ERROR_GOTO3("ERROR (%s): Could not get frame %ld.\n",
ErrorString(err), num, ErrGet);
mux_single = WebPMuxNew();
@ -726,6 +711,7 @@ static int GetFrameTile(const WebPMux* mux,
ERROR_GOTO2("ERROR (%s): Could not create single image mux object.\n",
ErrorString(err), ErrGet);
ok = WriteWebP(mux_single, config->output_);
@ -808,6 +794,7 @@ static int Process(const WebPMuxConfig* config) {
ERROR_GOTO1("ERROR: Could not parse frame properties.\n", Err2);
frame.id = WEBP_CHUNK_FRAME;
err = WebPMuxPushFrame(mux, &frame, 1);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) {
@ -836,7 +823,8 @@ static int Process(const WebPMuxConfig* config) {
ERROR_GOTO1("ERROR: Could not parse tile properties.\n", Err2);
err = WebPMuxPushTile(mux, &tile, 1);
tile.id = WEBP_CHUNK_TILE;
err = WebPMuxPushFrame(mux, &tile, 1);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) {
ERROR_GOTO3("ERROR (%s): Could not add a tile at index %d.\n",
@ -205,61 +205,6 @@ static WebPMuxError DeleteLoopCount(WebPMux* const mux) {
// Set API(s).
WebPMuxError WebPMuxSetImage(WebPMux* mux,
const WebPData* bitstream, int copy_data) {
WebPMuxError err;
WebPChunk chunk;
WebPMuxImage wpi;
WebPData image;
WebPData alpha;
int is_lossless;
int image_tag;
if (mux == NULL || bitstream == NULL || bitstream->bytes_ == NULL ||
bitstream->size_ > MAX_CHUNK_PAYLOAD) {
// If given data is for a whole webp file,
// extract only the VP8/VP8L data from it.
err = GetImageData(bitstream, &image, &alpha, &is_lossless);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) return err;
image_tag = is_lossless ? kChunks[IDX_VP8L].tag : kChunks[IDX_VP8].tag;
// Delete the existing images.
if (alpha.bytes_ != NULL) { // Add alpha chunk.
err = ChunkAssignData(&chunk, &alpha, copy_data, kChunks[IDX_ALPHA].tag);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto Err;
err = ChunkSetNth(&chunk, &wpi.alpha_, 1);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto Err;
// Add image chunk.
err = ChunkAssignData(&chunk, &image, copy_data, image_tag);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto Err;
err = ChunkSetNth(&chunk, &wpi.img_, 1);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto Err;
// Add this image to mux.
err = MuxImagePush(&wpi, &mux->images_);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto Err;
// All OK.
return WEBP_MUX_OK;
// Something bad happened.
return err;
WebPMuxError WebPMuxSetChunk(WebPMux* mux, const char fourcc[4],
const WebPData* chunk_data, int copy_data) {
const CHUNK_INDEX idx = ChunkGetIndexFromFourCC(fourcc);
@ -278,105 +223,60 @@ WebPMuxError WebPMuxSetChunk(WebPMux* mux, const char fourcc[4],
return MuxSet(mux, idx, 1, chunk_data, copy_data);
WebPMuxError WebPMuxSetLoopCount(WebPMux* mux, int loop_count) {
// Creates a chunk from given 'data' and sets it as 1st chunk in 'chunk_list'.
static WebPMuxError AddDataToChunkList(
const WebPData* const data, int copy_data, uint32_t tag,
WebPChunk** chunk_list) {
WebPChunk chunk;
WebPMuxError err;
uint8_t* data = NULL;
// Delete the existing LOOP chunk(s).
err = DeleteLoopCount(mux);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK && err != WEBP_MUX_NOT_FOUND) return err;
// Add the given loop count.
data = (uint8_t*)malloc(kChunks[IDX_LOOP].size);
if (data == NULL) return WEBP_MUX_MEMORY_ERROR;
PutLE16(data, loop_count);
err = MuxAddChunk(mux, 1, kChunks[IDX_LOOP].tag, data,
kChunks[IDX_LOOP].size, 1);
err = ChunkAssignData(&chunk, data, copy_data, tag);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto Err;
err = ChunkSetNth(&chunk, chunk_list, 1);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto Err;
return WEBP_MUX_OK;
return err;
static WebPMuxError MuxPushFrameTileInternal(
WebPMux* const mux, const WebPMuxFrameInfo* const frame_tile_info,
int copy_data, uint32_t tag) {
const WebPData* bitstream;
int x_offset, y_offset, duration;
WebPChunk chunk;
WebPData image;
WebPData alpha;
// Extracts image & alpha data from the given bitstream and then sets wpi.alpha_
// and wpi.img_ appropriately.
static WebPMuxError SetAlphaAndImageChunks(
const WebPData* const bitstream, int copy_data, WebPMuxImage* const wpi) {
int is_lossless = 0;
WebPData image, alpha;
WebPMuxError err = GetImageData(bitstream, &image, &alpha, &is_lossless);
const int image_tag =
is_lossless ? kChunks[IDX_VP8L].tag : kChunks[IDX_VP8].tag;
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) return err;
if (alpha.bytes_ != NULL) {
err = AddDataToChunkList(&alpha, copy_data, kChunks[IDX_ALPHA].tag,
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) return err;
return AddDataToChunkList(&image, copy_data, image_tag, &wpi->img_);
WebPMuxError WebPMuxSetImage(WebPMux* mux, const WebPData* bitstream,
int copy_data) {
WebPMuxImage wpi;
WebPMuxError err;
WebPData frame_tile;
const int is_frame = (tag == kChunks[IDX_FRAME].tag) ? 1 : 0;
int is_lossless;
int image_tag;
// Sanity checks.
if (mux == NULL || frame_tile_info == NULL) {
if (mux == NULL || bitstream == NULL || bitstream->bytes_ == NULL ||
bitstream->size_ > MAX_CHUNK_PAYLOAD) {
bitstream = &frame_tile_info->bitstream_;
x_offset = frame_tile_info->x_offset_;
y_offset = frame_tile_info->y_offset_;
duration = is_frame ? frame_tile_info->duration_ : 1 /* unused */;
if (bitstream->bytes_ == NULL || bitstream->size_ > MAX_CHUNK_PAYLOAD) {
if (x_offset < 0 || x_offset >= MAX_POSITION_OFFSET ||
y_offset < 0 || y_offset >= MAX_POSITION_OFFSET ||
(is_frame && (duration <= 0 || duration > MAX_DURATION))) {
if (mux->images_ != NULL) {
// Only one 'simple image' can be added in mux. So, remove present images.
// Snap offsets to even positions.
x_offset &= ~1;
y_offset &= ~1;
// If given data is for a whole webp file,
// extract only the VP8/VP8L data from it.
err = GetImageData(bitstream, &image, &alpha, &is_lossless);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) return err;
image_tag = is_lossless ? kChunks[IDX_VP8L].tag : kChunks[IDX_VP8].tag;
if (alpha.bytes_ != NULL) {
// Add alpha chunk.
err = ChunkAssignData(&chunk, &alpha, copy_data, kChunks[IDX_ALPHA].tag);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto Err;
err = ChunkSetNth(&chunk, &wpi.alpha_, 1);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto Err;
ChunkInit(&chunk); // chunk owned by wpi.alpha_ now.
// Add image chunk.
err = ChunkAssignData(&chunk, &image, copy_data, image_tag);
err = SetAlphaAndImageChunks(bitstream, copy_data, &wpi);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto Err;
err = ChunkSetNth(&chunk, &wpi.img_, 1);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto Err;
ChunkInit(&chunk); // chunk owned by wpi.img_ now.
// Create frame/tile data.
err = CreateFrameTileData(&image, x_offset, y_offset, duration, is_lossless,
is_frame, &frame_tile);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto Err;
// Add frame/tile chunk (with copy_data = 1).
err = ChunkAssignData(&chunk, &frame_tile, 1, tag);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto Err;
err = ChunkSetNth(&chunk, &wpi.header_, 1);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto Err;
ChunkInit(&chunk); // chunk owned by wpi.header_ now.
// Add this WebPMuxImage to mux.
err = MuxImagePush(&wpi, &mux->images_);
@ -386,61 +286,103 @@ static WebPMuxError MuxPushFrameTileInternal(
return WEBP_MUX_OK;
Err: // Something bad happened.
return err;
WebPMuxError WebPMuxPushFrame(WebPMux* mux,
const WebPMuxFrameInfo* frame,
WebPMuxError WebPMuxPushFrame(WebPMux* mux, const WebPMuxFrameInfo* frame,
int copy_data) {
return MuxPushFrameTileInternal(mux, frame, copy_data,
WebPMuxImage wpi;
WebPMuxError err;
int is_frame;
const WebPData* const bitstream = &frame->bitstream_;
// Sanity checks.
if (mux == NULL || frame == NULL) return WEBP_MUX_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
is_frame = (frame->id == WEBP_CHUNK_FRAME);
if (!(is_frame || (frame->id == WEBP_CHUNK_TILE))) {
if (bitstream->bytes_ == NULL || bitstream->size_ > MAX_CHUNK_PAYLOAD) {
if (mux->images_ != NULL) {
const WebPMuxImage* const image = mux->images_;
const uint32_t image_id = (image->header_ != NULL) ?
ChunkGetIdFromTag(image->header_->tag_) : WEBP_CHUNK_IMAGE;
if (image_id != frame->id) {
return WEBP_MUX_INVALID_ARGUMENT; // Conflicting frame types.
err = SetAlphaAndImageChunks(bitstream, copy_data, &wpi);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto Err;
assert(wpi.img_ != NULL); // As SetAlphaAndImageChunks() was successful.
const int is_lossless = (wpi.img_->tag_ == kChunks[IDX_VP8L].tag);
const int x_offset = frame->x_offset_ & ~1; // Snap offsets to even.
const int y_offset = frame->y_offset_ & ~1;
const int duration = is_frame ? frame->duration_ : 1 /* unused */;
const uint32_t tag = kChunks[is_frame ? IDX_FRAME : IDX_TILE].tag;
WebPData frame_tile;
if (x_offset < 0 || x_offset >= MAX_POSITION_OFFSET ||
y_offset < 0 || y_offset >= MAX_POSITION_OFFSET ||
(duration <= 0 || duration > MAX_DURATION)) {
goto Err;
err = CreateFrameTileData(&wpi.img_->data_, x_offset, y_offset, duration,
is_lossless, is_frame, &frame_tile);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto Err;
// Add frame/tile chunk (with copy_data = 1).
err = AddDataToChunkList(&frame_tile, 1, tag, &wpi.header_);
WebPDataClear(&frame_tile); // frame_tile owned by wpi.header_ now.
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto Err;
// Add this WebPMuxImage to mux.
err = MuxImagePush(&wpi, &mux->images_);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto Err;
// All is well.
return WEBP_MUX_OK;
Err: // Something bad happened.
return err;
WebPMuxError WebPMuxPushTile(WebPMux* mux,
const WebPMuxFrameInfo* tile,
int copy_data) {
return MuxPushFrameTileInternal(mux, tile /*unused duration*/, copy_data,
WebPMuxError WebPMuxSetLoopCount(WebPMux* mux, int loop_count) {
WebPMuxError err;
uint8_t data[LOOP_CHUNK_SIZE];
// Delete the existing LOOP chunk(s).
err = DeleteLoopCount(mux);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK && err != WEBP_MUX_NOT_FOUND) return err;
// Add the given loop count.
PutLE16(data, loop_count);
return MuxAddChunk(mux, 1, kChunks[IDX_LOOP].tag, data, sizeof(data), 1);
// Delete API(s).
WebPMuxError WebPMuxDeleteImage(WebPMux* mux) {
WebPMuxError err;
err = MuxValidateForImage(mux);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) return err;
// All well, delete image.
return WEBP_MUX_OK;
WebPMuxError WebPMuxDeleteChunk(WebPMux* mux, const char fourcc[4]) {
return MuxDeleteAllNamedData(mux, ChunkGetTagFromFourCC(fourcc));
static WebPMuxError DeleteFrameTileInternal(WebPMux* const mux, uint32_t nth,
const WebPChunkId id = kChunks[idx].id;
assert(idx == IDX_FRAME || idx == IDX_TILE);
return MuxImageDeleteNth(&mux->images_, nth, id);
WebPMuxError WebPMuxDeleteFrame(WebPMux* mux, uint32_t nth) {
return DeleteFrameTileInternal(mux, nth, IDX_FRAME);
WebPMuxError WebPMuxDeleteTile(WebPMux* mux, uint32_t nth) {
return DeleteFrameTileInternal(mux, nth, IDX_TILE);
return MuxImageDeleteNth(&mux->images_, nth);
@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ WebPMuxImage* MuxImageDelete(WebPMuxImage* const wpi);
void MuxImageDeleteAll(WebPMuxImage** const wpi_list);
// Count number of images matching the given tag id in the 'wpi_list'.
// If id == WEBP_CHUNK_NIL, all images will be matched.
int MuxImageCount(const WebPMuxImage* wpi_list, WebPChunkId id);
// Check if given ID corresponds to an image related chunk.
@ -228,13 +229,12 @@ static WEBP_INLINE WebPChunk** MuxImageGetListFromId(
// Pushes 'wpi' at the end of 'wpi_list'.
WebPMuxError MuxImagePush(const WebPMuxImage* wpi, WebPMuxImage** wpi_list);
// Delete nth image in the image list with given tag id.
WebPMuxError MuxImageDeleteNth(WebPMuxImage** wpi_list, uint32_t nth,
WebPChunkId id);
// Delete nth image in the image list.
WebPMuxError MuxImageDeleteNth(WebPMuxImage** wpi_list, uint32_t nth);
// Get nth image in the image list with given tag id.
// Get nth image in the image list.
WebPMuxError MuxImageGetNth(const WebPMuxImage** wpi_list, uint32_t nth,
WebPChunkId id, WebPMuxImage** wpi);
WebPMuxImage** wpi);
// Total size of the given image.
size_t MuxImageDiskSize(const WebPMuxImage* const wpi);
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ WebPChunk* ChunkSearchList(WebPChunk* first, uint32_t nth, uint32_t tag) {
// Outputs a pointer to 'prev_chunk->next_',
// where 'prev_chunk' is the pointer to the chunk at position (nth - 1).
// Returns 1 if nth chunk was found, 0 otherwise.
// Returns true if nth chunk was found.
static int ChunkSearchListToSet(WebPChunk** chunk_list, uint32_t nth,
WebPChunk*** const location) {
uint32_t count = 0;
@ -275,10 +275,14 @@ int MuxImageCount(const WebPMuxImage* wpi_list, WebPChunkId id) {
int count = 0;
const WebPMuxImage* current;
for (current = wpi_list; current != NULL; current = current->next_) {
const WebPChunk* const wpi_chunk = *MuxImageGetListFromId(current, id);
if (wpi_chunk != NULL) {
const WebPChunkId wpi_chunk_id = ChunkGetIdFromTag(wpi_chunk->tag_);
if (wpi_chunk_id == id) ++count;
if (id == WEBP_CHUNK_NIL) {
++count; // Special case: count all images.
} else {
const WebPChunk* const wpi_chunk = *MuxImageGetListFromId(current, id);
if (wpi_chunk != NULL) {
const WebPChunkId wpi_chunk_id = ChunkGetIdFromTag(wpi_chunk->tag_);
if (wpi_chunk_id == id) ++count; // Count images with a matching 'id'.
return count;
@ -286,34 +290,22 @@ int MuxImageCount(const WebPMuxImage* wpi_list, WebPChunkId id) {
// Outputs a pointer to 'prev_wpi->next_',
// where 'prev_wpi' is the pointer to the image at position (nth - 1).
// Returns 1 if nth image with given id was found, 0 otherwise.
// Returns true if nth image was found.
static int SearchImageToGetOrDelete(WebPMuxImage** wpi_list, uint32_t nth,
WebPChunkId id,
WebPMuxImage*** const location) {
uint32_t count = 0;
*location = wpi_list;
// Search makes sense only for the following.
assert(id == WEBP_CHUNK_FRAME || id == WEBP_CHUNK_TILE ||
assert(id != WEBP_CHUNK_IMAGE || nth == 1);
if (nth == 0) {
nth = MuxImageCount(*wpi_list, id);
nth = MuxImageCount(*wpi_list, WEBP_CHUNK_NIL);
if (nth == 0) return 0; // Not found.
while (*wpi_list) {
WebPMuxImage* const cur_wpi = *wpi_list;
const WebPChunk* const wpi_chunk = *MuxImageGetListFromId(cur_wpi, id);
if (wpi_chunk != NULL) {
const WebPChunkId wpi_chunk_id = ChunkGetIdFromTag(wpi_chunk->tag_);
if (wpi_chunk_id == id) {
if (count == nth) return 1; // Found.
if (count == nth) return 1; // Found.
wpi_list = &cur_wpi->next_;
*location = wpi_list;
@ -361,10 +353,9 @@ void MuxImageDeleteAll(WebPMuxImage** const wpi_list) {
WebPMuxError MuxImageDeleteNth(WebPMuxImage** wpi_list, uint32_t nth,
WebPChunkId id) {
WebPMuxError MuxImageDeleteNth(WebPMuxImage** wpi_list, uint32_t nth) {
if (!SearchImageToGetOrDelete(wpi_list, nth, id, &wpi_list)) {
if (!SearchImageToGetOrDelete(wpi_list, nth, &wpi_list)) {
*wpi_list = MuxImageDelete(*wpi_list);
@ -375,10 +366,10 @@ WebPMuxError MuxImageDeleteNth(WebPMuxImage** wpi_list, uint32_t nth,
// MuxImage reader methods.
WebPMuxError MuxImageGetNth(const WebPMuxImage** wpi_list, uint32_t nth,
WebPChunkId id, WebPMuxImage** wpi) {
WebPMuxImage** wpi) {
if (!SearchImageToGetOrDelete((WebPMuxImage**)wpi_list, nth, id,
if (!SearchImageToGetOrDelete((WebPMuxImage**)wpi_list, nth,
(WebPMuxImage***)&wpi_list)) {
@ -190,6 +190,8 @@ WebPMux* WebPMuxCreateInternal(const WebPData* bitstream, int copy_data,
// Get API(s).
// TODO(urvang): Change the behavior of this to return ALPHA_FLAG when the mux
// doesn't contain a VP8X chunk, but does contain a VP8L chunk with real alpha.
WebPMuxError WebPMuxGetFeatures(const WebPMux* mux, uint32_t* flags) {
WebPData data;
WebPMuxError err;
@ -200,10 +202,7 @@ WebPMuxError WebPMuxGetFeatures(const WebPMux* mux, uint32_t* flags) {
// Check if VP8X chunk is present.
err = MuxGet(mux, IDX_VP8X, 1, &data);
if (err == WEBP_MUX_NOT_FOUND) {
// Check if VP8/VP8L chunk is present.
err = WebPMuxGetImage(mux, &data);
return err;
return MuxValidateForImage(mux); // Check if a single image is present.
} else if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) {
return err;
@ -230,7 +229,7 @@ static uint8_t* EmitVP8XChunk(uint8_t* const dst, int width,
// Assemble a single image WebP bitstream from 'wpi'.
static WebPMuxError SynthesizeBitstream(WebPMuxImage* const wpi,
static WebPMuxError SynthesizeBitstream(const WebPMuxImage* const wpi,
WebPData* const bitstream) {
uint8_t* dst;
@ -270,25 +269,6 @@ static WebPMuxError SynthesizeBitstream(WebPMuxImage* const wpi,
return WEBP_MUX_OK;
WebPMuxError WebPMuxGetImage(const WebPMux* mux, WebPData* bitstream) {
WebPMuxError err;
WebPMuxImage* wpi = NULL;
if (mux == NULL || bitstream == NULL) {
err = MuxValidateForImage(mux);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) return err;
// All well. Get the image.
err = MuxImageGetNth((const WebPMuxImage**)&mux->images_, 1, WEBP_CHUNK_IMAGE,
assert(err == WEBP_MUX_OK); // Already tested above.
return SynthesizeBitstream(wpi, bitstream);
WebPMuxError WebPMuxGetChunk(const WebPMux* mux, const char fourcc[4],
WebPData* chunk_data) {
const CHUNK_INDEX idx = ChunkGetIndexFromFourCC(fourcc);
@ -306,6 +286,56 @@ WebPMuxError WebPMuxGetChunk(const WebPMux* mux, const char fourcc[4],
static WebPMuxError MuxGetImageInternal(const WebPMuxImage* const wpi,
WebPMuxFrameInfo* const info) {
// Set some defaults for unrelated fields.
info->x_offset_ = 0;
info->y_offset_ = 0;
info->duration_ = 1;
// Extract data for related fields.
info->id = ChunkGetIdFromTag(wpi->img_->tag_);
return SynthesizeBitstream(wpi, &info->bitstream_);
static WebPMuxError MuxGetFrameTileInternal(const WebPMuxImage* const wpi,
WebPMuxFrameInfo* const frame) {
const int is_frame = (wpi->header_->tag_ == kChunks[IDX_FRAME].tag);
const CHUNK_INDEX idx = is_frame ? IDX_FRAME : IDX_TILE;
const WebPData* frame_tile_data;
assert(wpi->header_ != NULL); // Already checked by WebPMuxGetFrame().
// Get frame/tile chunk.
frame_tile_data = &wpi->header_->data_;
if (frame_tile_data->size_ < kChunks[idx].size) return WEBP_MUX_BAD_DATA;
// Extract info.
frame->x_offset_ = 2 * GetLE24(frame_tile_data->bytes_ + 0);
frame->y_offset_ = 2 * GetLE24(frame_tile_data->bytes_ + 3);
frame->duration_ = is_frame ? 1 + GetLE24(frame_tile_data->bytes_ + 12) : 1;
frame->id = ChunkGetIdFromTag(wpi->header_->tag_);
return SynthesizeBitstream(wpi, &frame->bitstream_);
WebPMuxError WebPMuxGetFrame(
const WebPMux* mux, uint32_t nth, WebPMuxFrameInfo* frame) {
WebPMuxError err;
WebPMuxImage* wpi;
// Sanity checks.
if (mux == NULL || frame == NULL) {
// Get the nth WebPMuxImage.
err = MuxImageGetNth((const WebPMuxImage**)&mux->images_, nth, &wpi);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) return err;
// Get frame info.
if (wpi->header_ == NULL) {
return MuxGetImageInternal(wpi, frame);
} else {
return MuxGetFrameTileInternal(wpi, frame);
WebPMuxError WebPMuxGetLoopCount(const WebPMux* mux, int* loop_count) {
WebPData image;
WebPMuxError err;
@ -320,49 +350,6 @@ WebPMuxError WebPMuxGetLoopCount(const WebPMux* mux, int* loop_count) {
return WEBP_MUX_OK;
static WebPMuxError MuxGetFrameTileInternal(
const WebPMux* const mux, uint32_t nth,
WebPMuxFrameInfo* const frame_tile_info, uint32_t tag) {
const WebPData* frame_tile_data;
WebPMuxError err;
WebPMuxImage* wpi;
const int is_frame = (tag == kChunks[WEBP_CHUNK_FRAME].tag) ? 1 : 0;
const CHUNK_INDEX idx = is_frame ? IDX_FRAME : IDX_TILE;
const WebPChunkId id = kChunks[idx].id;
if (mux == NULL || frame_tile_info == NULL) {
// Get the nth WebPMuxImage.
err = MuxImageGetNth((const WebPMuxImage**)&mux->images_, nth, id, &wpi);
if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) return err;
// Get frame chunk.
assert(wpi->header_ != NULL); // As MuxImageGetNth() already checked header_.
frame_tile_data = &wpi->header_->data_;
if (frame_tile_data->size_ < kChunks[idx].size) return WEBP_MUX_BAD_DATA;
frame_tile_info->x_offset_ = 2 * GetLE24(frame_tile_data->bytes_ + 0);
frame_tile_info->y_offset_ = 2 * GetLE24(frame_tile_data->bytes_ + 3);
if (is_frame) {
frame_tile_info->duration_ = 1 + GetLE24(frame_tile_data->bytes_ + 12);
return SynthesizeBitstream(wpi, &frame_tile_info->bitstream_);
WebPMuxError WebPMuxGetFrame(const WebPMux* mux, uint32_t nth,
WebPMuxFrameInfo* frame) {
return MuxGetFrameTileInternal(mux, nth, frame, kChunks[IDX_FRAME].tag);
WebPMuxError WebPMuxGetTile(const WebPMux* mux, uint32_t nth,
WebPMuxFrameInfo* tile) {
return MuxGetFrameTileInternal(mux, nth, tile, kChunks[IDX_TILE].tag);
// Get chunk index from chunk id. Returns IDX_NIL if not found.
static CHUNK_INDEX ChunkGetIndexFromId(WebPChunkId id) {
int i;
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
// int copy_data = 0;
// // ... (Read data from file).
// WebPMux* mux = WebPMuxCreate(&data, copy_data);
// WebPMuxGetImage(mux, &image);
// WebPMuxGetFrame(mux, 1, &image);
// // ... (Consume image; e.g. call WebPDecode() to decode the data).
// WebPMuxGetChunk(mux, "ICCP", &icc_profile);
// // ... (Consume icc_data).
@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ WEBP_EXTERN(WebPMux*) WebPMuxCreateInternal(const WebPData*, int, int);
// Creates a mux object from raw data given in WebP RIFF format.
// Parameters:
// bitstream - (in) the bitstream data in WebP RIFF format
// copy_data - (in) value 1 indicates given data WILL copied to the mux, and
// value 0 indicates data will NOT be copied.
// copy_data - (in) value 1 indicates given data WILL be copied to the mux
// and value 0 indicates data will NOT be copied.
// Returns:
// A pointer to the mux object created from given data - on success.
// NULL - In case of invalid data or memory error.
@ -162,54 +162,12 @@ static WEBP_INLINE WebPMux* WebPMuxCreate(const WebPData* bitstream,
// Single Image.
// Sets the image in the mux object. Any existing images (including frame/tile)
// will be removed.
// Parameters:
// mux - (in/out) object in which the image is to be set
// bitstream - (in) can either be a raw VP8/VP8L bitstream or a single-image
// WebP file (non-animated and non-tiled)
// copy_data - (in) value 1 indicates given data WILL copied to the mux, and
// value 0 indicates data will NOT be copied.
// Returns:
// WEBP_MUX_INVALID_ARGUMENT - if mux is NULL or bitstream is NULL.
// WEBP_MUX_MEMORY_ERROR - on memory allocation error.
// WEBP_MUX_OK - on success.
WEBP_EXTERN(WebPMuxError) WebPMuxSetImage(WebPMux* mux,
const WebPData* bitstream,
int copy_data);
// Gets image data from the mux object.
// The content of 'bitstream' is allocated using malloc(), and NOT
// owned by the 'mux' object. It MUST be deallocated by the caller by calling
// WebPDataClear().
// Parameters:
// mux - (in) object from which the image is to be fetched
// bitstream - (out) the image data
// Returns:
// WEBP_MUX_INVALID_ARGUMENT - if either mux or bitstream is NULL
// or if mux contains animation/tiling.
// WEBP_MUX_NOT_FOUND - if image is not present in mux object.
// WEBP_MUX_OK - on success.
WEBP_EXTERN(WebPMuxError) WebPMuxGetImage(const WebPMux* mux,
WebPData* bitstream);
// Deletes the image in the mux object.
// Parameters:
// mux - (in/out) object from which the image is to be deleted
// Returns:
// or if mux contains animation/tiling.
// WEBP_MUX_NOT_FOUND - if image is not present in mux object.
// WEBP_MUX_OK - on success.
WEBP_EXTERN(WebPMuxError) WebPMuxDeleteImage(WebPMux* mux);
// Chunks.
// Non-image chunks.
// Note: Only non-image related chunks should be managed through chunk APIs.
// (Image related chunks are: "FRM ", "TILE", "VP8 ", "VP8L" and "ALPH").
// To add, get and delete images, use APIs WebPMuxSetImage(),
// WebPMuxPushFrame(), WebPMuxGetFrame() and WebPMuxDeleteFrame().
// Adds a chunk with id 'fourcc' and data 'chunk_data' in the mux object.
// Any existing chunk(s) with the same id will be removed.
@ -218,8 +176,8 @@ WEBP_EXTERN(WebPMuxError) WebPMuxDeleteImage(WebPMux* mux);
// fourcc - (in) a character array containing the fourcc of the given chunk;
// e.g., "ICCP", "META" etc.
// chunk_data - (in) the chunk data to be added
// copy_data - (in) value 1 indicates given data WILL copied to the mux, and
// value 0 indicates data will NOT be copied.
// copy_data - (in) value 1 indicates given data WILL be copied to the mux
// and value 0 indicates data will NOT be copied.
// Returns:
// WEBP_MUX_INVALID_ARGUMENT - if mux or chunk_data is NULL
// or if fourcc corresponds to an image chunk.
@ -258,26 +216,48 @@ WEBP_EXTERN(WebPMuxError) WebPMuxDeleteChunk(
WebPMux* mux, const char fourcc[4]);
// Animation.
// Images.
// Encapsulates data about a single frame/tile.
struct WebPMuxFrameInfo {
WebPData bitstream_; // image data: can either be a raw VP8/VP8L bitstream
// or a single-image WebP file.
int x_offset_; // x-offset of the frame.
int y_offset_; // y-offset of the frame.
int duration_; // duration of the frame (in milliseconds).
uint32_t pad[3]; // padding for later use
WebPData bitstream_; // image data: can either be a raw VP8/VP8L bitstream
// or a single-image WebP file.
int x_offset_; // x-offset of the frame.
int y_offset_; // y-offset of the frame.
int duration_; // duration of the frame (in milliseconds).
WebPChunkId id; // frame type: should be one of WEBP_CHUNK_FRAME,
uint32_t pad[3]; // padding for later use
// Adds an animation frame at the end of the mux object.
// Note: as WebP only supports even offsets, any odd offset will be snapped to
// an even location using: offset &= ~1
// Sets the (non-animated and non-tiled) image in the mux object.
// Note: Any existing images (including frames/tiles) will be removed.
// Parameters:
// mux - (in/out) object to which an animation frame is to be added
// mux - (in/out) object in which the image is to be set
// bitstream - (in) can either be a raw VP8/VP8L bitstream or a single-image
// WebP file (non-animated and non-tiled)
// copy_data - (in) value 1 indicates given data WILL be copied to the mux
// and value 0 indicates data will NOT be copied.
// Returns:
// WEBP_MUX_INVALID_ARGUMENT - if mux is NULL or bitstream is NULL.
// WEBP_MUX_MEMORY_ERROR - on memory allocation error.
// WEBP_MUX_OK - on success.
WEBP_EXTERN(WebPMuxError) WebPMuxSetImage(
WebPMux* mux, const WebPData* bitstream, int copy_data);
// Adds a frame at the end of the mux object.
// Notes: (1) frame.id should be one of WEBP_CHUNK_FRAME or WEBP_CHUNK_TILE
// (2) For setting a non-animated non-tiled image, use WebPMuxSetImage()
// instead.
// (3) Type of frame being pushed must be same as the frames in mux.
// (4) As WebP only supports even offsets, any odd offset will be snapped
// to an even location using: offset &= ~1
// Parameters:
// mux - (in/out) object to which the frame is to be added
// frame - (in) frame data.
// copy_data - (in) value 1 indicates given data WILL copied to the mux, and
// value 0 indicates data will NOT be copied.
// copy_data - (in) value 1 indicates given data WILL be copied to the mux
// and value 0 indicates data will NOT be copied.
// Returns:
// WEBP_MUX_INVALID_ARGUMENT - if mux or frame is NULL
// or if content of 'frame' is invalid.
@ -286,7 +266,7 @@ struct WebPMuxFrameInfo {
WEBP_EXTERN(WebPMuxError) WebPMuxPushFrame(
WebPMux* mux, const WebPMuxFrameInfo* frame, int copy_data);
// Gets the nth animation frame from the mux object.
// Gets the nth frame from the mux object.
// The content of 'frame->bitstream_' is allocated using malloc(), and NOT
// owned by the 'mux' object. It MUST be deallocated by the caller by calling
// WebPDataClear().
@ -296,25 +276,28 @@ WEBP_EXTERN(WebPMuxError) WebPMuxPushFrame(
// nth - (in) index of the frame in the mux object
// frame - (out) data of the returned frame
// Returns:
// WEBP_MUX_INVALID_ARGUMENT - if mux or frame is NULL
// WEBP_MUX_INVALID_ARGUMENT - if mux or frame is NULL.
// WEBP_MUX_NOT_FOUND - if there are less than nth frames in the mux object.
// WEBP_MUX_BAD_DATA - if nth frame chunk in mux is invalid.
// WEBP_MUX_OK - on success.
WEBP_EXTERN(WebPMuxError) WebPMuxGetFrame(
const WebPMux* mux, uint32_t nth, WebPMuxFrameInfo* frame);
// Deletes an animation frame from the mux object.
// Deletes a frame from the mux object.
// nth=0 has a special meaning - last position.
// Parameters:
// mux - (in/out) object from which a frame is to be deleted
// nth - (in) The position from which the frame is to be deleted
// Returns:
// WEBP_MUX_NOT_FOUND - If there are less than nth frames in the mux object
// before deletion.
// WEBP_MUX_OK - on success.
WEBP_EXTERN(WebPMuxError) WebPMuxDeleteFrame(WebPMux* mux, uint32_t nth);
// Animation.
// Sets the animation loop count in the mux object. Any existing loop count
// value(s) will be removed.
// Parameters:
@ -338,54 +321,6 @@ WEBP_EXTERN(WebPMuxError) WebPMuxSetLoopCount(WebPMux* mux, int loop_count);
WEBP_EXTERN(WebPMuxError) WebPMuxGetLoopCount(const WebPMux* mux,
int* loop_count);
// Tiling.
// Adds a tile at the end of the mux object.
// Note: as WebP only supports even offsets, any odd offset will be snapped to
// an even location using: offset &= ~1
// Parameters:
// mux - (in/out) object to which a tile is to be added.
// tile - (in) tile data.
// copy_data - (in) value 1 indicates given data WILL copied to the mux, and
// value 0 indicates data will NOT be copied.
// Returns:
// WEBP_MUX_INVALID_ARGUMENT - if mux or tile is NULL
// or if content of 'tile' is invalid.
// WEBP_MUX_MEMORY_ERROR - on memory allocation error.
// WEBP_MUX_OK - on success.
WEBP_EXTERN(WebPMuxError) WebPMuxPushTile(
WebPMux* mux, const WebPMuxFrameInfo* tile, int copy_data);
// Gets the nth tile from the mux object.
// The content of 'tile->bitstream_' is allocated using malloc(), and NOT
// owned by the 'mux' object. It MUST be deallocated by the caller by calling
// WebPDataClear().
// nth=0 has a special meaning - last position.
// Parameters:
// mux - (in) object from which the info is to be fetched
// nth - (in) index of the tile in the mux object
// tile - (out) data of the returned tile
// Returns:
// WEBP_MUX_INVALID_ARGUMENT - if either mux or tile is NULL
// WEBP_MUX_NOT_FOUND - if there are less than nth tiles in the mux object.
// WEBP_MUX_BAD_DATA - if nth tile chunk in mux is invalid.
// WEBP_MUX_OK - on success.
WEBP_EXTERN(WebPMuxError) WebPMuxGetTile(
const WebPMux* mux, uint32_t nth, WebPMuxFrameInfo* tile);
// Deletes a tile from the mux object.
// nth=0 has a special meaning - last position
// Parameters:
// mux - (in/out) object from which a tile is to be deleted
// nth - (in) The position from which the tile is to be deleted
// Returns:
// WEBP_MUX_NOT_FOUND - If there are less than nth tiles in the mux object
// before deletion.
// WEBP_MUX_OK - on success.
WEBP_EXTERN(WebPMuxError) WebPMuxDeleteTile(WebPMux* mux, uint32_t nth);
// Misc Utilities.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user