mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 11:12:49 +01:00
code-moving and clean-up
* removed use_lz77_ field, and added cache_bits_ one. * use more BackwardRefs params * move code around to organize more logically * reduce memory use on histo ... Change-Id: I833217a1b950189cf486704049e3fe28382ce335
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,7 +29,17 @@ extern "C" {
#define MAX_HUFF_IMAGE_SIZE (32 * 1024 * 1024)
static const int kImageSizeBits = 14;
// TODO(vikas): find a common place between enc and dec for these:
#define IMAGE_SIZE_BITS 14
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Palette
static int CompareColors(const void* p1, const void* p2) {
const uint32_t a = *(const uint32_t*)p1;
@ -103,14 +113,14 @@ static int AnalyzeEntropy(const uint32_t const *argb, int xsize, int ysize,
VP8LHistogramInit(predicted, 0);
VP8LHistogramInit(nonpredicted, 0);
for (i = 1; i < xsize * ysize; ++i) {
uint32_t pix_diff;
if ((argb[i] == argb[i - 1]) ||
(i >= xsize && argb[i] == argb[i - xsize])) {
const uint32_t pix = argb[i];
const uint32_t pix_diff = VP8LSubPixels(pix, argb[i - 1]);
if (pix_diff == 0) continue;
if (i >= xsize && pix == argb[i - xsize]) {
pix_diff = VP8LSubPixels(argb[i], argb[i - 1]);
@ -122,7 +132,7 @@ static int AnalyzeEntropy(const uint32_t const *argb, int xsize, int ysize,
static int VP8LEncAnalyze(VP8LEncoder* const enc) {
const WebPPicture* const pic = enc->pic_;
assert(pic && pic->argb);
assert(pic != NULL && pic->argb != NULL);
enc->use_palette_ =
AnalyzeAndCreatePalette(pic->argb, pic->width * pic->height,
@ -142,28 +152,7 @@ static int VP8LEncAnalyze(VP8LEncoder* const enc) {
return 1;
// Bundles multiple (2, 4 or 8) pixels into a single pixel.
// Returns the new xsize.
static void BundleColorMap(const uint32_t* const argb,
int width, int height, int xbits,
uint32_t* bundled_argb, int xs) {
int x, y;
const int bit_depth = 1 << (3 - xbits);
uint32_t code = 0;
for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
const int mask = (1 << xbits) - 1;
const int xsub = x & mask;
if (xsub == 0) {
code = 0;
// TODO(vikasa): simplify the bundling logic.
code |= (argb[y * width + x] & 0xff00) << (bit_depth * xsub);
bundled_argb[y * xs + (x >> xbits)] = 0xff000000 | code;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TODO(urvang): should be moved to backward_reference.h and used more
// as function parameters.
@ -281,8 +270,7 @@ static void DeleteHistograms(VP8LHistogram** histograms, int size) {
static int GetHistImageSymbols(int xsize, int ysize,
PixOrCopy* backward_refs,
int backward_refs_size,
const VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs,
int quality, int histogram_bits,
int cache_bits,
VP8LHistogram*** histogram_image,
@ -296,7 +284,7 @@ static int GetHistImageSymbols(int xsize, int ysize,
*histogram_image = NULL;
if (!VP8LHistogramBuildImage(xsize, ysize, histogram_bits, cache_bits,
backward_refs, backward_refs_size,
refs->refs, refs->size,
&histogram_image_raw_size)) {
goto Error;
@ -682,7 +670,7 @@ static int StoreHuffmanCode(VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
static void StoreImageToBitMask(
VP8LBitWriter* const bw, int width, int histo_bits,
const PixOrCopy* literals, int literals_size,
const VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs,
const uint32_t* histogram_symbols,
uint8_t** const bitdepths, uint16_t** const bit_symbols) {
// x and y trace the position in the image.
@ -690,21 +678,21 @@ static void StoreImageToBitMask(
int y = 0;
const int histo_xsize = histo_bits ? VP8LSubSampleSize(width, histo_bits) : 1;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < literals_size; ++i) {
const PixOrCopy v = literals[i];
for (i = 0; i < refs->size; ++i) {
const PixOrCopy* const v = &refs->refs[i];
const int histogram_ix = histogram_symbols[histo_bits ?
(y >> histo_bits) * histo_xsize +
(x >> histo_bits) : 0];
if (PixOrCopyIsCacheIdx(&v)) {
const int code = PixOrCopyCacheIdx(&v);
int literal_ix = 256 + kLengthCodes + code;
if (PixOrCopyIsCacheIdx(v)) {
const int code = PixOrCopyCacheIdx(v);
const int literal_ix = 256 + kLengthCodes + code;
VP8LWriteBits(bw, bitdepths[5 * histogram_ix][literal_ix],
bit_symbols[5 * histogram_ix][literal_ix]);
} else if (PixOrCopyIsLiteral(&v)) {
} else if (PixOrCopyIsLiteral(v)) {
static const int order[] = {1, 2, 0, 3};
int k;
for (k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
const int code = PixOrCopyLiteral(&v, order[k]);
const int code = PixOrCopyLiteral(v, order[k]);
VP8LWriteBits(bw, bitdepths[5 * histogram_ix + k][code],
bit_symbols[5 * histogram_ix + k][code]);
@ -712,19 +700,19 @@ static void StoreImageToBitMask(
int bits, n_bits;
int code, distance;
int len_ix;
PrefixEncode(v.len, &code, &n_bits, &bits);
PrefixEncode(v->len, &code, &n_bits, &bits);
len_ix = 256 + code;
VP8LWriteBits(bw, bitdepths[5 * histogram_ix][len_ix],
bit_symbols[5 * histogram_ix][len_ix]);
VP8LWriteBits(bw, n_bits, bits);
distance = PixOrCopyDistance(&v);
distance = PixOrCopyDistance(v);
PrefixEncode(distance, &code, &n_bits, &bits);
VP8LWriteBits(bw, bitdepths[5 * histogram_ix + 4][code],
bit_symbols[5 * histogram_ix + 4][code]);
VP8LWriteBits(bw, n_bits, bits);
x += PixOrCopyLength(&v);
x += PixOrCopyLength(v);
while (x >= width) {
x -= width;
@ -762,7 +750,7 @@ static int EncodeImageInternal(VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
goto Error;
// Build histogram image & symbols from backward references.
if (!GetHistImageSymbols(width, height, refs.refs, refs.size,
if (!GetHistImageSymbols(width, height, &refs,
quality, histogram_bits, cache_bits,
&histogram_image, &histogram_image_size,
histogram_symbols)) {
@ -838,7 +826,7 @@ static int EncodeImageInternal(VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
// Store actual literals.
StoreImageToBitMask(bw, width, histogram_bits, refs.refs, refs.size,
StoreImageToBitMask(bw, width, histogram_bits, &refs,
histogram_symbols, bit_lengths, bit_codes);
ok = 1;
@ -858,51 +846,60 @@ static int EncodeImageInternal(VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
return ok;
static int EvalAndApplySubtractGreen(VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
VP8LEncoder* const enc,
int width, int height) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Transforms
// Check if it would be a good idea to subtract green from red and blue. We
// only impact entropy in red/blue components, don't bother to look at others.
static int EvalAndApplySubtractGreen(const VP8LEncoder* const enc,
int width, int height,
VP8LBitWriter* const bw) {
if (!enc->use_palette_) {
int i;
VP8LHistogram* before = NULL;
// Check if it would be a good idea to subtract green from red and blue.
VP8LHistogram* after = (VP8LHistogram*)malloc(2 * sizeof(*after));
if (after == NULL) return 0;
before = after + 1;
const uint32_t* const argb = enc->argb_;
int bit_cost_before, bit_cost_after;
VP8LHistogram* const histo = (VP8LHistogram*)malloc(sizeof(*histo));
if (histo == NULL) return 0;
VP8LHistogramInit(before, 1);
VP8LHistogramInit(after, 1);
VP8LHistogramInit(histo, 1);
for (i = 0; i < width * height; ++i) {
// We only impact entropy in red and blue components, don't bother
// to look at others.
const uint32_t c = enc->argb_[i];
const int green = (c >> 8) & 0xff;
++(before->red_[(c >> 16) & 0xff]);
++(before->blue_[c & 0xff]);
++(after->red_[((c >> 16) - green) & 0xff]);
++(after->blue_[(c - green) & 0xff]);
const uint32_t c = argb[i];
++histo->red_[(c >> 16) & 0xff];
++histo->blue_[(c >> 0) & 0xff];
bit_cost_before = VP8LHistogramEstimateBits(histo);
VP8LHistogramInit(histo, 1);
for (i = 0; i < width * height; ++i) {
const uint32_t c = argb[i];
const int green = (c >> 8) & 0xff;
++histo->red_[((c >> 16) - green) & 0xff];
++histo->blue_[((c >> 0) - green) & 0xff];
bit_cost_after = VP8LHistogramEstimateBits(histo);
// Check if subtracting green yields low entropy.
if (VP8LHistogramEstimateBits(after) < VP8LHistogramEstimateBits(before)) {
VP8LWriteBits(bw, 1, 1);
VP8LWriteBits(bw, 2, 2);
if (bit_cost_after < bit_cost_before) {
VP8LWriteBits(bw, 2, SUBTRACT_GREEN);
VP8LSubtractGreenFromBlueAndRed(enc->argb_, width * height);
return 1;
static int ApplyPredictFilter(VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
VP8LEncoder* const enc,
int width, int height, int quality) {
static int ApplyPredictFilter(const VP8LEncoder* const enc,
int width, int height, int quality,
VP8LBitWriter* const bw) {
const int pred_bits = enc->transform_bits_;
const int transform_width = VP8LSubSampleSize(width, pred_bits);
const int transform_height = VP8LSubSampleSize(height, pred_bits);
VP8LResidualImage(width, height, pred_bits, enc->argb_, enc->argb_scratch_,
VP8LWriteBits(bw, 1, 1);
VP8LWriteBits(bw, 2, 0);
VP8LWriteBits(bw, 4, pred_bits);
if (!EncodeImageInternal(bw, enc->transform_data_,
transform_width, transform_height, quality, 0, 0)) {
@ -911,9 +908,9 @@ static int ApplyPredictFilter(VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
return 1;
static int ApplyCrossColorFilter(VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
VP8LEncoder* const enc,
int width, int height, int quality) {
static int ApplyCrossColorFilter(const VP8LEncoder* const enc,
int width, int height, int quality,
VP8LBitWriter* const bw) {
const int ccolor_transform_bits = enc->transform_bits_;
const int transform_width = VP8LSubSampleSize(width, ccolor_transform_bits);
const int transform_height = VP8LSubSampleSize(height, ccolor_transform_bits);
@ -921,8 +918,8 @@ static int ApplyCrossColorFilter(VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
VP8LColorSpaceTransform(width, height, ccolor_transform_bits, step,
enc->argb_, enc->transform_data_);
VP8LWriteBits(bw, 1, 1);
VP8LWriteBits(bw, 2, 1);
VP8LWriteBits(bw, 4, ccolor_transform_bits);
if (!EncodeImageInternal(bw, enc->transform_data_,
transform_width, transform_height, quality, 0, 0)) {
@ -931,6 +928,8 @@ static int ApplyCrossColorFilter(VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
return 1;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void PutLE32(uint8_t* const data, uint32_t val) {
data[0] = (val >> 0) & 0xff;
data[1] = (val >> 8) & 0xff;
@ -938,7 +937,7 @@ static void PutLE32(uint8_t* const data, uint32_t val) {
data[3] = (val >> 24) & 0xff;
static WebPEncodingError WriteRiffHeader(VP8LEncoder* const enc,
static WebPEncodingError WriteRiffHeader(const VP8LEncoder* const enc,
size_t riff_size, size_t vp8l_size) {
const WebPPicture* const pic = enc->pic_;
uint8_t riff[HEADER_SIZE + SIGNATURE_SIZE] = {
@ -956,7 +955,17 @@ static WebPEncodingError WriteRiffHeader(VP8LEncoder* const enc,
return VP8_ENC_OK;
static WebPEncodingError WriteImage(VP8LEncoder* const enc,
static void WriteImageSize(VP8LEncoder* const enc, VP8LBitWriter* const bw) {
WebPPicture* const pic = enc->pic_;
const int width = pic->width - 1;
const int height = pic->height -1;
assert(width < WEBP_MAX_DIMENSION && height < WEBP_MAX_DIMENSION);
VP8LWriteBits(bw, IMAGE_SIZE_BITS, width);
VP8LWriteBits(bw, IMAGE_SIZE_BITS, height);
static WebPEncodingError WriteImage(const VP8LEncoder* const enc,
VP8LBitWriter* const bw) {
size_t riff_size, vp8l_size, webpll_size, pad;
const WebPPicture* const pic = enc->pic_;
@ -990,60 +999,12 @@ static WebPEncodingError WriteImage(VP8LEncoder* const enc,
return err;
static int GetHistoBits(const WebPConfig* const config,
const WebPPicture* const pic) {
const int width = pic->width;
const int height = pic->height;
const int hist_size = sizeof(VP8LHistogram);
int histo_bits = 9 - (int)(config->quality / 16.f + .5f);
while (1) {
const size_t huff_image_size = VP8LSubSampleSize(width, histo_bits) *
VP8LSubSampleSize(height, histo_bits) *
if (huff_image_size <= MAX_HUFF_IMAGE_SIZE) break;
return (histo_bits < 3) ? 3 : (histo_bits > 10) ? 10 : histo_bits;
static VP8LEncoder* InitVP8LEncoder(const WebPConfig* const config,
WebPPicture* const picture) {
const int method = config->method;
VP8LEncoder* enc = (VP8LEncoder*)malloc(sizeof(*enc));
if (enc == NULL) {
WebPEncodingSetError(picture, VP8_ENC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
return NULL;
memset(enc, 0, sizeof(*enc));
enc->config_ = config;
enc->pic_ = picture;
enc->use_lz77_ = 1;
enc->transform_bits_ = (method < 4) ? 5 : (method > 4) ? 3 : 4;
enc->histo_bits_ = GetHistoBits(config, picture);
return enc;
static void WriteImageSize(VP8LEncoder* const enc, VP8LBitWriter* const bw) {
WebPPicture* const pic = enc->pic_;
const int width = pic->width - 1;
const int height = pic->height -1;
assert(width < WEBP_MAX_DIMENSION && height < WEBP_MAX_DIMENSION);
VP8LWriteBits(bw, kImageSizeBits, width);
VP8LWriteBits(bw, kImageSizeBits, height);
static void DeleteVP8LEncoder(VP8LEncoder* enc) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Allocates the memory for argb (W x H) buffer, 2 rows of context for
// prediction and transform data.
static WebPEncodingError AllocateTransformBuffer(VP8LEncoder* const enc,
int height, int width) {
int width, int height) {
WebPEncodingError err = VP8_ENC_OK;
const size_t tile_size = 1 << enc->transform_bits_;
const size_t image_size = height * width;
@ -1069,6 +1030,29 @@ static WebPEncodingError AllocateTransformBuffer(VP8LEncoder* const enc,
return err;
// Bundles multiple (2, 4 or 8) pixels into a single pixel.
// Returns the new xsize.
static void BundleColorMap(const uint32_t* const argb,
int width, int height, int xbits,
uint32_t* bundled_argb, int xs) {
int x, y;
const int bit_depth = 1 << (3 - xbits);
uint32_t code = 0;
for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
const int mask = (1 << xbits) - 1;
const int xsub = x & mask;
if (xsub == 0) {
code = 0;
// TODO(vikasa): simplify the bundling logic.
code |= (argb[y * width + x] & 0xff00) << (bit_depth * xsub);
bundled_argb[y * xs + (x >> xbits)] = 0xff000000 | code;
// Note: Expects "enc->palette_" to be set properly.
// Also, "enc->palette_" will be modified after this call and should not be used
// later.
@ -1077,7 +1061,7 @@ static WebPEncodingError ApplyPalette(VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
int width, int height, int quality) {
WebPEncodingError err = VP8_ENC_OK;
int i;
uint32_t* argb = enc->pic_->argb;
uint32_t* const argb = enc->pic_->argb;
uint32_t* const palette = enc->palette_;
const int palette_size = enc->palette_size_;
@ -1094,8 +1078,8 @@ static WebPEncodingError ApplyPalette(VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
// Save palette to bitstream.
VP8LWriteBits(bw, 1, 1);
VP8LWriteBits(bw, 2, 3);
VP8LWriteBits(bw, 8, palette_size - 1);
for (i = palette_size - 1; i >= 1; --i) {
palette[i] = VP8LSubPixels(palette[i], palette[i - 1]);
@ -1113,7 +1097,7 @@ static WebPEncodingError ApplyPalette(VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
} else if (palette_size <= 4) {
xbits = 2;
err = AllocateTransformBuffer(enc, height, VP8LSubSampleSize(width, xbits));
err = AllocateTransformBuffer(enc, VP8LSubSampleSize(width, xbits), height);
if (err != VP8_ENC_OK) goto Error;
BundleColorMap(argb, width, height, xbits, enc->argb_, enc->current_width_);
@ -1122,10 +1106,60 @@ static WebPEncodingError ApplyPalette(VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static int GetHistoBits(const WebPConfig* const config,
const WebPPicture* const pic) {
const int width = pic->width;
const int height = pic->height;
const size_t hist_size = sizeof(VP8LHistogram);
int histo_bits = 9 - (int)(config->quality / 16.f + .5f);
while (1) {
const size_t huff_image_size = VP8LSubSampleSize(width, histo_bits) *
VP8LSubSampleSize(height, histo_bits) *
if (huff_image_size <= MAX_HUFF_IMAGE_SIZE) break;
return (histo_bits < 3) ? 3 : (histo_bits > 10) ? 10 : histo_bits;
static void InitEncParams(VP8LEncoder* const enc) {
const WebPConfig* const config = enc->config_;
const WebPPicture* const picture = enc->pic_;
const int method = config->method;
const float quality = config->quality;
enc->transform_bits_ = (method < 4) ? 5 : (method > 4) ? 3 : 4;
enc->histo_bits_ = GetHistoBits(config, picture);
enc->cache_bits_ = (quality <= 25.f) ? 0 : 7;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// VP8LEncoder
static VP8LEncoder* NewVP8LEncoder(const WebPConfig* const config,
WebPPicture* const picture) {
VP8LEncoder* const enc = (VP8LEncoder*)calloc(1, sizeof(*enc));
if (enc == NULL) {
WebPEncodingSetError(picture, VP8_ENC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
return NULL;
enc->config_ = config;
enc->pic_ = picture;
return enc;
static void DeleteVP8LEncoder(VP8LEncoder* enc) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Main call
int VP8LEncodeImage(const WebPConfig* const config,
WebPPicture* const picture) {
int ok = 0;
int cache_bits = 7; // If equal to 0, don't use color cache.
int width, height, quality;
VP8LEncoder* enc = NULL;
WebPEncodingError err = VP8_ENC_OK;
@ -1138,16 +1172,16 @@ int VP8LEncodeImage(const WebPConfig* const config,
goto Error;
enc = InitVP8LEncoder(config, picture);
enc = NewVP8LEncoder(config, picture);
if (enc == NULL) {
goto Error;
width = picture->width;
height = picture->height;
quality = config->quality;
VP8LBitWriterInit(&bw, (width * height) >> 1);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Analyze image (entropy, num_palettes etc)
@ -1158,18 +1192,19 @@ int VP8LEncodeImage(const WebPConfig* const config,
// Write image size.
VP8LBitWriterInit(&bw, (width * height) >> 1);
WriteImageSize(enc, &bw);
if (enc->use_palette_) {
err = ApplyPalette(&bw, enc, width, height, quality);
if (err != VP8_ENC_OK) goto Error;
cache_bits = 0; // Don't use color cache.
enc->cache_bits_ = 0;
// In case image is not packed.
if (enc->argb_ == NULL) {
const size_t image_size = height * width;
err = AllocateTransformBuffer(enc, height, width);
err = AllocateTransformBuffer(enc, width, height);
if (err != VP8_ENC_OK) goto Error;
memcpy(enc->argb_, picture->argb, image_size * sizeof(*enc->argb_));
enc->current_width_ = width;
@ -1178,40 +1213,36 @@ int VP8LEncodeImage(const WebPConfig* const config,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Apply transforms and write transform data.
if (!EvalAndApplySubtractGreen(&bw, enc, enc->current_width_, height)) {
if (!EvalAndApplySubtractGreen(enc, enc->current_width_, height, &bw)) {
goto Error;
if (enc->use_predict_) {
if (!ApplyPredictFilter(&bw, enc, enc->current_width_, height, quality)) {
if (!ApplyPredictFilter(enc, enc->current_width_, height, quality, &bw)) {
goto Error;
if (enc->use_cross_color_) {
if (!ApplyCrossColorFilter(&bw, enc, enc->current_width_, height,
quality)) {
if (!ApplyCrossColorFilter(enc, enc->current_width_, height, quality,
&bw)) {
goto Error;
VP8LWriteBits(&bw, 1, 0); // No more transforms.
VP8LWriteBits(&bw, 1, !TRANSFORM_PRESENT); // No more transforms.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Estimate the color cache size.
if (cache_bits > 0) {
if (quality > 25) {
if (!VP8LCalculateEstimateForCacheSize(enc->argb_, enc->current_width_,
height, &cache_bits)) {
goto Error;
} else {
cache_bits = 0; // Don't use color cache.
if (enc->cache_bits_ > 0) {
if (!VP8LCalculateEstimateForCacheSize(enc->argb_, enc->current_width_,
height, &enc->cache_bits_)) {
goto Error;
@ -1219,7 +1250,7 @@ int VP8LEncodeImage(const WebPConfig* const config,
// Encode and write the transformed image.
ok = EncodeImageInternal(&bw, enc->argb_, enc->current_width_, height,
quality, cache_bits, enc->histo_bits_);
quality, enc->cache_bits_, enc->histo_bits_);
if (!ok) goto Error;
err = WriteImage(enc, &bw);
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
// Lossless encoder: internal header.
// Author: Vikas Arora(vikaas.arora@gmail.com)
// Author: Vikas Arora (vikaas.arora@gmail.com)
#ifndef WEBP_ENC_VP8LI_H_
#define WEBP_ENC_VP8LI_H_
@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ typedef struct {
int current_width_; // Corresponds to packed image width.
// Encoding parameters derived from quality parameter.
int use_lz77_;
int histo_bits_;
int transform_bits_;
int cache_bits_; // If equal to 0, don't use color cache.
// Encoding parameters derived from image characteristics.
int use_cross_color_;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user