2021-03-31 23:09:40 +02:00
( function ( ) { var e , t , n ; n = class n extends this . OS . application . BaseApplication { constructor ( e ) { super ( "OpenPage" , e ) } main ( ) { return this . eventSubscriptions = new core . EventSubscriptions , this . initToolbox ( ) , this . userid = ` ${ this . systemsetting . user . username } @ ${ this . pid } ` , this . currentStyle = "" , this . args && this . args . length > 0 ? this . open ( this . args [ 0 ] . path ) : this . newdoc ( ) , this . resource = { fonts : [ ] , formats : [ ] } , this . bindKey ( "ALT-N" , ( ) => this . actionFile ( this . name + "-New" ) ) , this . bindKey ( "ALT-O" , ( ) => this . actionFile ( this . name + "-Open" ) ) , this . bindKey ( "CTRL-S" , ( ) => this . actionFile ( this . name + "-Save" ) ) , this . bindKey ( "ALT-W" , ( ) => this . actionFile ( this . name + "-Saveas" ) ) } menu ( ) { return [ { text : "__(File)" , nodes : [ { text : "__(New)" , dataid : this . name + "-New" , shortcut : "A-N" } , { text : "__(Open)" , dataid : this . name + "-Open" , shortcut : "A-O" } , { text : "__(Save)" , dataid : this . name + "-Save" , shortcut : "C-S" } , { text : "__(Save as)" , dataid : this . name + "-Saveas" , shortcut : "A-W" } ] , onchildselect : e => this . actionFile ( e . data . item . data . dataid ) } ] } actionFile ( e ) { var t ; switch ( t = ( ) => this . openDialog ( "FileDialog" , { title : _ _ ( "Save as" ) , file : this . currfile } ) . then ( e => { var t ; return t = e . file . path . asFileHandle ( ) , "file" === e . file . type && ( t = t . parent ( ) ) , this . currfile . setPath ( ` ${ t . path } / ${ e . name } ` ) , this . save ( ) } ) , e ) { case this . name + "-Open" : return this . openDialog ( "FileDialog" , { title : _ _ ( "Open file" ) , mimes : this . meta ( ) . mimes } ) . then ( e => this . open ( e . file . path ) ) ; case this . name + "-Save" : return this . currfile . basename ? this . save ( ) : t ( ) ; case this . name + "-Saveas" : return t ( ) ; case this . name + "-New" : return this . newdoc ( ) } } newdoc ( ) { var e ; return e = this . meta ( ) . path + "/blank.odt" , this . open ( e , ! 0 ) } open ( e , t ) { return this . pathAsDataURL ( e ) . then ( n => ( this . editorSession && this . closeDocument ( ) , this . initCanvas ( ) , new odf . OdfContainer ( n . data , n => ( this . canvas . setOdfContainer ( n , ! 1 ) , t ? this . currfile = "Untitled" . asFileHandle ( ) : ( this . currfile ? this . currfile . setPath ( e ) : this . currfile = e . asFileHandle ( ) , this . scheme . apptitle = this . currfile . basename , this . notify ( _ _ ( "File {0} opened" , e ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . catch ( e => this . error ( _ _ ( "Problem read file {0}" , e . toString ( ) ) , e ) ) } save ( ) { var e ; if ( this . editorSession ) return ( e = this . canvas . odfContainer ( ) ) ? e . createByteArray ( e => ( this . currfile . cache = new Blob ( [ e ] , { type : "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" } ) , this . currfile . write ( "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" ) . then ( e => ( this . notify ( _ _ ( "File {0} saved" , this . currfile . basename ) ) , this . scheme . apptitle = this . currfile . basename , this . currfile . dirty = ! 1 , this . editorFocus ( ) ) ) . catch ( e => this . error ( _ _ ( "Cannot save file: {0}" , e . toString ( ) ) , e ) ) ) , e => this . error ( _ _ ( "Cannot create byte array from container: {0}" , e . toString ( ) || "" ) , e ) ) : this . error ( _ _ ( "No document container found" ) ) } initToolbox ( ) { var e , t , n ; for ( t in this . basictool = { undo : this . find ( "btundo" ) , redo : this . find ( "btredo" ) , bold : this . find ( "btbold" ) , italic : this . find ( "btitalic" ) , underline : this . find ( "btunderline" ) , strike : this . find ( "btstrike" ) , note : this . find ( "btnote" ) , link : this . find ( "btlink" ) , unlink : this . find ( "btunlink" ) , image : this . find ( "btimage" ) , ac : this . find ( "btac" ) , al : this . find ( "btal" ) , ar : this . find ( "btar" ) , aj : this . find ( "btaj" ) , indent : this . find ( "btindent" ) , outdent : this . find ( "btoutdent" ) , fonts : this . find ( "font-list" ) , fontsize : this . find ( "font-size" ) , styles : this . find ( "format-list" ) , zoom : this . find ( "slzoom" ) , format : this . find ( "btformat" ) } , e = ( e , t ) => t [ "fonts" === e || "styles" === e ? "onlistselect" : "fontsize" === e || "zoom" === e ? "onvaluechange" : "onbtclick" ] = t => { if ( this . directFormattingCtl && this [ e ] ) return this [ e ] ( t ) , this . editorFocus ( ) } , n = this . basictool ) e ( t , n [ t ] ) ; return this . find ( "btzoomfix" ) . onbtclick = e => this . zoom ( { data : 100 } ) , this . basictool . zoom . onvaluechanging = e => this . find ( "lbzoom" ) . text = Math . floor ( e . data ) + "%" } initCanvas ( ) { var e ; return ( e = this . find ( "odfcanvas" ) ) . setAttribute ( "translate" , "no" ) , e . classList . add ( "notranslate" ) , this . canvas = new odf . OdfCanvas ( e ) , this . documentChanged = e => { if ( ! this . currfile . dirty ) return this . currfile . dirty = ! 0 , this . scheme . apptitle = this . currfile . basename + "*" } , this . metaChanged = e => { if ( ! this . currfile . dirty ) return this . currfile . dirty = ! 0 , this . scheme . apptitle = this . currfile . basename + "*" } , this . textStylingChanged = e => this . updateToolbar ( e ) , this . paragrahStyleChanged = e => { var t , n , i , o , r ; if ( "style" ==
2018-09-29 09:19:26 +00:00
/ *
This is a generated file . DO NOT EDIT .
Copyright ( C ) 2010 - 2015 KO GmbH < copyright @ kogmbh . com >
@ licstart
The code in this file is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License ( GNU AGPL )
as published by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of
the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
The code in this file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with WebODF . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
As additional permission under GNU AGPL version 3 section 7 , you
may distribute UNMODIFIED VERSIONS OF THIS file without the copy of the GNU AGPL normally
required by section 4 , provided you include this license notice and a URL
through which recipients can access the Corresponding Source .
As a special exception to the AGPL , any HTML file which merely makes function
calls to this code , and for that purpose includes it in unmodified form by reference or in - line shall be
deemed a separate work for copyright law purposes . In addition , the copyright
holders of this code give you permission to combine this code with free
software libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL . You may copy and
distribute such a system following the terms of the GNU AGPL for this code
and the LGPL for the libraries . If you modify this code , you may extend this
exception to your version of the code , but you are not obligated to do so .
If you do not wish to do so , delete this exception statement from your
version .
This license applies to this entire compilation .
@ licend
@ source : http : //www.webodf.org/
@ source : https : //github.com/kogmbh/WebODF/
* /
2020-06-25 16:23:33 +00:00
var webodf _version = "0.5.9" ; function Runtime ( ) { } Runtime . prototype . getVariable = function ( e ) { } , Runtime . prototype . toJson = function ( e ) { } , Runtime . prototype . fromJson = function ( e ) { } , Runtime . prototype . byteArrayFromString = function ( e , t ) { } , Runtime . prototype . byteArrayToString = function ( e , t ) { } , Runtime . prototype . read = function ( e , t , n , i ) { } , Runtime . prototype . readFile = function ( e , t , n ) { } , Runtime . prototype . readFileSync = function ( e , t ) { } , Runtime . prototype . loadXML = function ( e , t ) { } , Runtime . prototype . writeFile = function ( e , t , n ) { } , Runtime . prototype . deleteFile = function ( e , t ) { } , Runtime . prototype . log = function ( e , t ) { } , Runtime . prototype . setTimeout = function ( e , t ) { } , Runtime . prototype . clearTimeout = function ( e ) { } , Runtime . prototype . libraryPaths = function ( ) { } , Runtime . prototype . currentDirectory = function ( ) { } , Runtime . prototype . setCurrentDirectory = function ( e ) { } , Runtime . prototype . type = function ( ) { } , Runtime . prototype . getDOMImplementation = function ( ) { } , Runtime . prototype . parseXML = function ( e ) { } , Runtime . prototype . exit = function ( e ) { } , Runtime . prototype . getWindow = function ( ) { } , Runtime . prototype . requestAnimationFrame = function ( e ) { } , Runtime . prototype . cancelAnimationFrame = function ( e ) { } , Runtime . prototype . assert = function ( e , t ) { } ; var IS _COMPILED _CODE = ! 0 ; function BrowserRuntime ( ) { function e ( e ) { var t , n , i = e . length , o = 0 ; for ( t = 0 ; t < i ; t += 1 ) o += 1 + ( 128 < ( n = e . charCodeAt ( t ) ) ) + ( 2048 < n ) , 55040 < n && 57344 > n && ( o += 1 , t += 1 ) ; return o } function t ( e , t , n ) { var i , o , r = e . length ; for ( t = new Uint8Array ( new ArrayBuffer ( t ) ) , n ? ( t [ 0 ] = 239 , t [ 1 ] = 187 , t [ 2 ] = 191 , o = 3 ) : o = 0 , n = 0 ; n < r ; n += 1 ) 128 > ( i = e . charCodeAt ( n ) ) ? ( t [ o ] = i , o += 1 ) : 2048 > i ? ( t [ o ] = 192 | i >>> 6 , t [ o + 1 ] = 128 | 63 & i , o += 2 ) : 55040 >= i || 57344 <= i ? ( t [ o ] = 224 | i >>> 12 & 15 , t [ o + 1 ] = 128 | i >>> 6 & 63 , t [ o + 2 ] = 128 | 63 & i , o += 3 ) : ( n += 1 , i = 65536 + ( i - 55296 << 10 | e . charCodeAt ( n ) - 56320 ) , t [ o ] = 240 | i >>> 18 & 7 , t [ o + 1 ] = 128 | i >>> 12 & 63 , t [ o + 2 ] = 128 | i >>> 6 & 63 , t [ o + 3 ] = 128 | 63 & i , o += 4 ) ; return t } function n ( e ) { var t , n = e . length , i = new Uint8Array ( new ArrayBuffer ( n ) ) ; for ( t = 0 ; t < n ; t += 1 ) i [ t ] = 255 & e . charCodeAt ( t ) ; return i } function i ( e , t ) { var n ; void 0 !== t ? n = e : t = e , console . log ( t ) , s . enableAlerts && "alert" === n && alert ( t ) } function o ( i , o , r ) { if ( 0 !== r . status || r . responseText ) if ( 200 === r . status || 0 === r . status ) { if ( r . response && "string" != typeof r . response ) "binary" === o ? ( r = r . response , r = new Uint8Array ( r ) ) : r = String ( r . response ) ; else if ( "binary" === o ) if ( null !== r . responseBody && "undefined" !== String ( typeof VBArray ) ) { var a = ( r = new VBArray ( r . responseBody ) . toArray ( ) ) . length ; for ( o = new Uint8Array ( new ArrayBuffer ( a ) ) , i = 0 ; i < a ; i += 1 ) o [ i ] = r [ i ] ; r = o } else { if ( ( i = r . getResponseHeader ( "Content-Length" ) ) && ( i = parseInt ( i , 10 ) ) , i && i !== r . responseText . length ) e : { o = ! 1 ; var s = e ( a = r . responseText ) ; if ( "number" == typeof i ) { if ( i !== s && i !== s + 3 ) { a = void 0 ; break e } o = s + 3 === i , s = i } a = t ( a , s , o ) } void 0 === a && ( a = n ( r . responseText ) ) , r = a } else r = r . responseText ; r = { err : null , data : r } } else r = { err : r . responseText || r . statusText , data : null } ; else r = { err : "File " + i + " is empty." , data : null } ; return r } function r ( e , t , n ) { var i = new XMLHttpRequest ; return i . open ( "GET" , e , n ) , i . overrideMimeType && ( "binary" !== t ? i . overrideMimeType ( "text/plain; charset=" + t ) : i . overrideMimeType ( "text/plain; charset=x-user-defined" ) ) , i } function a ( e , t , n ) { var i = r ( e , t , ! 0 ) ; i . onreadystatechange = function ( ) { var r ; 4 === i . readyState && ( r = o ( e , t , i ) , n ( r . err , r . data ) ) } ; try { i . send ( null ) } catch ( e ) { n ( e . message , null ) } } var s = this ; this . byteArrayFromString = function ( i , o ) { var r ; return "utf8" === o ? r = t ( i , e ( i ) , ! 1 ) : ( "binary" !== o && s . log ( "unknown encoding: " + o ) , r = n ( i ) ) , r } , this . byteArrayToString = Runtime . byteArrayToString , this . getVariable = Runtime . getVariable , this . fromJson = Runtime . fromJson , this . toJson = Runtime . toJson , this . readFile = a , this . read = function ( e , t , n , i ) { a ( e , "binary" , ( function ( e , o ) { var r = null ; if ( o ) { if ( "string" == typeof o ) throw "This should not happen." ; r = o . subarray ( t , t + n ) } i ( e , r ) } ) ) } , this . readFileSync = function ( e , t ) { var n , i = r ( e , t , ! 1 ) ; try { if ( i . send ( null ) , ( n = o ( e , t , i ) ) . err ) throw n . err ; if ( null === n . data ) throw "No data read from " + e + "." } catch ( e ) { throw e } return n . data } , this . writeFile = function ( e , t , n ) { var i , o = new XMLHttpRequest ; o . open ( "PUT" , e , ! 0 ) , o . onreadystatechange = function ( ) { 4 === o . readyState && ( 0 !== o . status || o . responseText ? 200 <= o . status && 300 > o . status || 0 === o . status ? n ( null ) : n ( "Status " + String ( o . status ) + ": " + o . responseText || o . statusText ) : n (
/ *
2018-09-29 09:19:26 +00:00
@ licstart
JSZip - A Javascript class for generating and reading zip files
< http : //stuartk.com/jszip>
( c ) 2009 - 2014 Stuart Knightley < stuart [ at ] stuartk . com >
Dual licenced under the MIT license or GPLv3 . See https : //raw.github.com/Stuk/jszip/master/LICENSE.markdown.
JSZip uses the library pako released under the MIT license :
https : //github.com/nodeca/pako/blob/master/LICENSE
@ licend
2020-06-25 16:23:33 +00:00
* /globalScope="undefined"!=typeof window?window:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:{},(globalScope.externs||(globalScope.externs={})).JSZip=function e(t,n,i){function o(a,s){if(!n[a]){if(!t[a]){var l="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!s&&l)return l(a,!0);if(r)return r(a,!0);throw new Error("Cannot find module '"+a+"'")}var u=n[a]={exports:{}};t[a][0].call(u.exports,(function(e){return o(t[a][1][e]||e)}),u,u.exports,e,t,n,i)}return n[a].exports}for(var r="function"==typeof require&&require,a=0;a<i.length;a++)o(i[a]);return o}({1:[function(e,t,n){var i="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";n.encode=function(e,t){for(var n,o,r,a,s,l,u,d="",c=0;c<e.length;)a=(n=e.charCodeAt(c++))>>2,s=(3&n)<<4|(o=e.charCodeAt(c++))>>4,l=(15&o)<<2|(r=e.charCodeAt(c++))>>6,u=63&r,isNaN(o)?l=u=64:isNaN(r)&&(u=64),d=d+i.charAt(a)+i.charAt(s)+i.charAt(l)+i.charAt(u);return d},n.decode=function(e,t){var n,o,r,a,s,l,u="",d=0;for(e=e.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g , "" ) ; d < e . length ; ) n = i . indexOf ( e . charAt ( d ++ ) ) << 2 | ( a = i . indexOf ( e . charAt ( d ++ ) ) ) >> 4 , o = ( 15 & a ) << 4 | ( s = i . indexOf ( e . charAt ( d ++ ) ) ) >> 2 , r = ( 3 & s ) << 6 | ( l = i . indexOf ( e . charAt ( d ++ ) ) ) , u += String . fromCharCode ( n ) , 64 != s && ( u += String . fromCharCode ( o ) ) , 64 != l && ( u += String . fromCharCode ( r ) ) ; return u } } , { } ] , 2 : [ function ( e , t , n ) { function i ( ) { this . compressedSize = 0 , this . uncompressedSize = 0 , this . crc32 = 0 , this . compressionMethod = null , this . compressedContent = null } i . prototype = { getContent : function ( ) { return null } , getCompressedContent : function ( ) { return null } } , t . exports = i } , { } ] , 3 : [ function ( e , t , n ) { n . STORE = { magic : "\0\0" , compress : function ( e ) { return e } , uncompress : function ( e ) { return e } , compressInputType : null , uncompressInputType : null } , n . DEFLATE = e ( "./flate" ) } , { "./flate" : 8 } ] , 4 : [ function ( e , t , n ) { var i = e ( "./utils" ) , o = [ 0 , 1996959894 , 3993919788 , 2567524794 , 124634137 , 1886057615 , 3915621685 , 2657392035 , 249268274 , 2044508324 , 3772115230 , 2547177864 , 162941995 , 2125561021 , 3887607047 , 2428444049 , 498536548 , 1789927666 , 4089016648 , 2227061214 , 450548861 , 1843258603 , 4107580753 , 2211677639 , 325883990 , 1684777152 , 4251122042 , 2321926636 , 335633487 , 1661365465 , 4195302755 , 2366115317 , 997073096 , 1281953886 , 3579855332 , 2724688242 , 1006888145 , 1258607687 , 3524101629 , 2768942443 , 901097722 , 1119000684 , 3686517206 , 2898065728 , 853044451 , 1172266101 , 3705015759 , 2882616665 , 651767980 , 1373503546 , 3369554304 , 3218104598 , 565507253 , 1454621731 , 3485111705 , 3099436303 , 671266974 , 1594198024 , 3322730930 , 2970347812 , 795835527 , 1483230225 , 3244367275 , 3060149565 , 1994146192 , 31158534 , 2563907772 , 4023717930 , 1907459465 , 112637215 , 2680153253 , 3904427059 , 2013776290 , 251722036 , 2517215374 , 3775830040 , 2137656763 , 141376813 , 2439277719 , 3865271297 , 1802195444 , 476864866 , 2238001368 , 4066508878 , 1812370925 , 453092731 , 2181625025 , 4111451223 , 1706088902 , 314042704 , 2344532202 , 4240017532 , 1658658271 , 366619977 , 2362670323 , 4224994405 , 1303535960 , 984961486 , 2747007092 , 3569037538 , 1256170817 , 1037604311 , 2765210733 , 3554079995 , 1131014506 , 879679996 , 2909243462 , 3663771856 , 1141124467 , 855842277 , 2852801631 , 3708648649 , 1342533948 , 654459306 , 3188396048 , 3373015174 , 1466479909 , 544179635 , 3110523913 , 3462522015 , 1591671054 , 702138776 , 2966460450 , 3352799412 , 1504918807 , 783551873 , 3082640443 , 3233442989 , 3988292384 , 2596254646 , 62317068 , 1957810842 , 3939845945 , 2647816111 , 81470997 , 1943803523 , 3814918930 , 2489596804 , 225274430 , 2053790376 , 3826175755 , 2466906013 , 167816743 , 2097651377 , 4027552580 , 2265490386 , 503444072 , 1762050814 , 4150417245 , 2154129355 , 426522225 , 1852507879 , 4275313526 , 2312317920 , 282753626 , 1742555852 , 4189708143 , 2394877945 , 397917763 , 1622183637 , 3604390888 , 2714866558 , 953729732 , 1340076626 , 3518719985 , 2797360999 , 1068828381 , 1219638859 , 3624741850 , 2936675148 , 906185462 , 1090812512 , 3747672003 , 2825379669 , 829329135 , 1181335161 , 3412177804 , 3160834842 , 628085408 , 1382605366 , 3423369109 , 3138078467 , 570562233 , 1426400815 , 3317316542 , 2998733608 , 733239954 , 1555261956 , 3268935591 , 3050360625 , 752459403 , 1541320221 , 2607071920 , 3965973030 , 1969922972 , 40735498 , 2617837225 , 3943577151 , 1913087877 , 83908371 , 2512341634 , 3803740692 , 2075208622 , 213261112 , 2463272603 , 3855990285 , 2094854071 , 198958881 , 2262029012 , 4057260610 , 1759359992 , 534414190 , 2176718541 , 4139329115 , 1873836001 , 414664567 , 2282248934 , 4279200368 , 1711684554 , 28
2018-09-29 09:19:26 +00:00
/ * *
* Copyright ( C ) 2013 KO GmbH < copyright @ kogmbh . com >
* @ licstart
* This file is part of WebODF .
* WebODF is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License ( GNU AGPL )
* as published by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of
* the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* WebODF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with WebODF . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @ licend
* @ source : http : //www.webodf.org/
* @ source : https : //github.com/kogmbh/WebODF/
* /
2020-06-25 16:23:33 +00:00
this . OS . application . OpenPage . EditorSession = function ( e ) { "use strict" ; runtime . loadClass ( "core.Async" ) , runtime . loadClass ( "core.DomUtils" ) , runtime . loadClass ( "odf.OdfUtils" ) , runtime . loadClass ( "ops.OdtDocument" ) , runtime . loadClass ( "ops.OdtStepsTranslator" ) , runtime . loadClass ( "ops.Session" ) , runtime . loadClass ( "odf.Namespaces" ) , runtime . loadClass ( "odf.OdfCanvas" ) , runtime . loadClass ( "odf.OdfUtils" ) , runtime . loadClass ( "gui.CaretManager" ) , runtime . loadClass ( "gui.Caret" ) , runtime . loadClass ( "gui.OdfFieldView" ) , runtime . loadClass ( "gui.SessionController" ) , runtime . loadClass ( "gui.SessionView" ) , runtime . loadClass ( "gui.HyperlinkTooltipView" ) , runtime . loadClass ( "gui.TrivialUndoManager" ) , runtime . loadClass ( "gui.SvgSelectionView" ) , runtime . loadClass ( "gui.SelectionViewManager" ) , runtime . loadClass ( "core.EventNotifier" ) , runtime . loadClass ( "gui.ShadowCursor" ) , runtime . loadClass ( "gui.CommonConstraints" ) ; var t = function e ( t , n , i ) { var o , r , a , s , l , u , d , c , f = this , p = null , h = null , m = null , g = t . getOdtDocument ( ) , b = odf . Namespaces . textns , y = document . createElement ( "style" ) , v = g . getFormatting ( ) , S = core . DomUtils , C = odf . OdfUtils , N = new core . EventNotifier ( [ e . signalMemberAdded , e . signalMemberUpdated , e . signalMemberRemoved , e . signalCursorAdded , e . signalCursorMoved , e . signalCursorRemoved , e . signalParagraphChanged , e . signalCommonStyleCreated , e . signalCommonStyleDeleted , e . signalParagraphStyleModified , e . signalUndoStackChanged ] ) , x = new gui . ShadowCursor ( g ) , w = core . StepDirection . NEXT ; function E ( ) { var t , n ; if ( ( t = p . getAttributeNS ( b , "style-name" ) ) !== m ) { if ( m = t , ! ( n = v . getFirstCommonParentStyleNameOrSelf ( t ) ) ) return h = t = m = "" , void f . emit ( e . signalParagraphChanged , { type : "style" , node : p , styleName : h } ) ; n !== h && ( h = n , f . emit ( e . signalParagraphChanged , { type : "style" , node : p , styleName : h } ) ) } } function T ( e ) { var t , n , i = "" ; for ( n = 0 ; n < e . length ; n += 1 ) null !== ( t = e [ n ] ) . match ( /[a-zA-Z0-9.-_]/ ) ? i += t : i += "_" + t . charCodeAt ( 0 ) . toString ( 16 ) + "_" ; return null === i . match ( /^[a-zA-Z_]/ ) && ( i = "_" + i ) , i } function O ( e ) { var t ; ( t = C . getParagraphElement ( e . getNode ( ) ) ) && ( p = t , E ( ) ) } function A ( t ) { var i = g . getCursor ( n ) , o = i && i . getSelectedRange ( ) , r = g . getDOMDocument ( ) . createRange ( ) ; r . selectNode ( t . paragraphElement ) , ( o && S . rangesIntersect ( o , r ) || t . paragraphElement === p ) && ( f . emit ( e . signalParagraphChanged , t ) , E ( ) ) , r . detach ( ) } function R ( t ) { f . emit ( e . signalMemberAdded , t . getMemberId ( ) ) } function _ ( t ) { f . emit ( e . signalMemberUpdated , t . getMemberId ( ) ) } function P ( t ) { f . emit ( e . signalMemberRemoved , t ) } function D ( t ) { f . emit ( e . signalCursorAdded , t . getMemberId ( ) ) , O ( t ) } function k ( t ) { f . emit ( e . signalCursorRemoved , t ) } function I ( t ) { t . getMemberId ( ) === n && ( f . emit ( e . signalCursorMoved , t ) , O ( t ) ) } function F ( t ) { f . emit ( e . signalCommonStyleCreated , t ) } function M ( t ) { f . emit ( e . signalCommonStyleDeleted , t ) } function B ( t ) { f . emit ( e . signalParagraphStyleModified , t ) } function U ( e ) { return "" === e ? v . getDefaultStyleElement ( "paragraph" ) : v . getStyleElement ( e , "paragraph" ) } function L ( t ) { f . emit ( e . signalUndoStackChanged , t ) } function z ( e ) { var t = document . getElementsByTagName ( "head" ) [ 0 ] , n = f . sessionController . getEventManager ( ) ; t . removeChild ( y ) , g . unsubscribe ( ops . Document . signalMemberAdded , R ) , g . unsubscribe ( ops . Document . signalMemberUpdated , _ ) , g . unsubscribe ( ops . Document . signalMemberRemoved , P ) , g . unsubscribe ( ops . Document . signalCursorAdded , D ) , g . unsubscribe ( ops . Document . signalCursorRemoved , k ) , g . unsubscribe ( ops . Document . signalCursorMoved , I ) , g . unsubscribe ( ops . OdtDocument . signalCommonStyleCreated , F ) , g . unsubscribe ( ops . OdtDocument . signalCommonStyleDeleted , M ) , g . unsubscribe ( ops . OdtDocument . signalParagraphStyleModified , B ) , g . unsubscribe ( ops . OdtDocument . signalParagraphChanged , A ) , g . unsubscribe ( ops . OdtDocument . signalUndoStackChanged , L ) , n . unsubscribe ( "mousemove" , a . showTooltip ) , n . unsubscribe ( "mouseout" , a . hideTooltip ) , delete f . sessionView , delete f . sessionController , e ( ) } this . emit = function ( e , t ) { N . emit ( e , t ) } , this . subscribe = function ( e , t ) { N . subscribe ( e , t ) } , this . unsubscribe = function ( e , t ) { N . unsubscribe ( e , t ) } , this . getCursorPosition = function ( ) { return g . getCursorPosition ( n ) } , this . getCursorSelection = function ( ) { return g . getCursorSelection ( n ) } , this . getOdfCanvas = function ( ) { return g . getOdfCanvas ( ) } , this . getCurrentParagraph = function ( ) { return p } , this . getAvailableParagraphStyles = function ( ) { return