mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 21:02:49 +01:00
Add OpenPage release
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,4 +11,8 @@
* Save documents as ODF format so that it can be compatible with desktop applications like Open Office
OpenPage is heavily based on the WebODF javascript library: https://webodf.org
OpenPage is heavily based on the WebODF javascript library: https://webodf.org
## Change logs
- v.0.1.3-a adapt the code to the new AntOS API
Binary file not shown.
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
<afx-button data-width = "25" data-id="btformat" iconclass = "fa fa-paint-brush"></afx-button>
<afx-list-view dropdown = "true" data-width="100" data-id="format-list"></afx-list-view>
<div data-width="5"></div>
<afx-nspinner data-width = "50" data-id="font-size" ></afx-nspinner>
<afx-nspinner data-width = "50" data-id="font-size" value = "12" ></afx-nspinner>
<div data-width="5"></div>
<afx-list-view dropdown = "true" data-width="150" data-id="font-list"></afx-list-view>
<div data-width="5"></div>
Binary file not shown.
@ -8,10 +8,16 @@ afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] div[data-id="container"]
padding-top: 10px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
text-align: center;
background-color: #f2f1f0;
/*background-color: #f2f1f0;*/
/*position: relative;*/
afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] office|body, office|document {
background-color: white;
color: black;
background-image: none;
user-select: text;
overflow: visible;
@media screen, print, handheld, projection
@ -37,7 +43,8 @@ afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] div[data-id="odfcanvas"]
cursor: text;
box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px 3px #9f9F9F;
/*box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px 3px #9f9F9F;*/
border: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
transform-origin: top center;
-webkit-transform-origin: top center;
@ -48,24 +55,28 @@ afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] div[data-id="odfcanvas"]
afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] afx-hbox[data-id="toolbox"]
background-color: #f5f5f5;
/*background-color: #f5f5f5;
border: 1px solid #eaeaea;
box-shadow: 3px 3px 3px #9f9F9F;
box-shadow: 3px 3px 3px #9f9F9F;*/
afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] afx-hbox[data-id="status-bar"]
background-color: #f5f5f5;
/*background-color: #f5f5f5;
border: 1px solid #eaeaea;
box-shadow: -3px -3px 3px #9f9F9F;
box-shadow: -3px -3px 3px #9f9F9F;*/
afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] afx-hbox[data-id="toolbox"] afx-button button, afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] afx-button[data-id="btzoomfix"] button
border: 1px solid #f5f5f5;
background-color: transparent;
/*border: 1px solid #f5f5f5;
background-color: transparent;*/
height: 100%;
afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] button.selected {
afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] afx-hbox[data-id="toolbox"] afx-button button:hover, afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] afx-hbox[data-id="toolbox"] afx-button button.btactive, afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] afx-button[data-id="btzoomfix"] button:hover
border: 1px solid #759DC0;
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"author": "Xuan Sang LE",
"email": "xsang.le@gmail.com"
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
<afx-button data-width = "25" data-id="btformat" iconclass = "fa fa-paint-brush"></afx-button>
<afx-list-view dropdown = "true" data-width="100" data-id="format-list"></afx-list-view>
<div data-width="5"></div>
<afx-nspinner data-width = "50" data-id="font-size" ></afx-nspinner>
<afx-nspinner data-width = "50" data-id="font-size" value = "12" ></afx-nspinner>
<div data-width="5"></div>
<afx-list-view dropdown = "true" data-width="150" data-id="font-list"></afx-list-view>
<div data-width="5"></div>
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,43 +1,60 @@
class HyperLinkDialog extends this.OS.GUI.BasicDialog
constructor: () ->
super "HyperLinkDialog", {
tags: [
{ tag: "afx-label", att: 'text="__(Text)" data-height="23" class="header"' },
{ tag: "input", att: 'data-height="30"' },
{ tag: "afx-label", att: 'text="__(Link)" data-height="23" class="header"' },
{ tag: "input", att: 'data-height="30"' },
{ tag: "div", att: ' data-height="5"' }
width: 350,
height: 150,
resizable: false,
buttons: [
label: "Ok", onclick: (d) ->
data =
text: (d.find "content1").value,
link: (d.find "content3").value,
readonly: d.data.readonly,
action: d.data.action
d.handler data if d.handler
{ label: "__(Cancel)", onclick: (d) -> d.quit() }
filldata: (d) ->
return unless d.data
(d.find "content1").value = d.data.text
(d.find "content3").value = d.data.link
$(d.find "content1").prop('disabled', d.data.readonly)
class FormatDialog extends this.OS.GUI.BaseDialog
constructor: () ->
super "FormatDialog"
init: () ->
@_gui.htmlToScheme FormatDialog.scheme, @, @host
super "HyperLinkDialog", HyperLinkDialog.scheme
main: () ->
txtText = @find "txtText"
txtLink = @find "txtLink"
if @data and @data.data
txtText.value = @data.data.text
txtLink.value = @data.data.link
$(txtText).prop('disabled', @data.data.readonly)
@find("btnCancel").onbtclick = (e) =>
@find("btnOk").onbtclick = (e) =>
data =
text: txtText.value,
link: txtLink.value,
readonly: @data.data.readonly,
action: @data.data.action
@handle data if @handle
HyperLinkDialog.scheme = """
<afx-app-window width='350' height='150' apptitle = "Hyperlink">
<div data-width = "10" />
<div data-height="10" />
<afx-label class="header" text = "__(Text)" data-height="23" />
<input data-height = "30" data-id = "txtText" />
<afx-label class="header" text = "__(Link)" data-height="23" />
<input data-height = "30" data-id = "txtLink" />
<div data-height="10" />
<afx-hbox data-height="30">
<div />
<afx-button data-id = "btnOk" text = "__(Ok)" data-width = "40" />
<afx-button data-id = "btnCancel" text = "__(Cancel)" data-width = "40" />
<div data-width = "10" />
<div data-width = "10" />
class FormatDialog extends this.OS.GUI.BasicDialog
constructor: () ->
super "FormatDialog", FormatDialog.scheme
main: () ->
@ui =
@ -99,64 +116,68 @@ class FormatDialog extends this.OS.GUI.BaseDialog
size: 12
initUIEvent: () ->
me = @
set = (e, o, k ,f) ->
me.ui[o][k].set e, (r) ->
set = (e, o, k ,f) =>
@ui[o][k][e] = (r) =>
v = r
v = f r if f
me.currentStyle[o][k] = v
@currentStyle[o][k] = v
for k,v of @ui.aligment
set "onchange", "aligment", k, ((e) -> e.data)
set "onswchange", "aligment", k, ((e) => e.data)
for k,v of @ui.spacing
set "onchange", "spacing", k
set "onvaluechange", "spacing", k, ((e) => e.data)
for k,v of @ui.padding
set "onchange", "padding", k
set "onvaluechange", "padding", k, ((e) => e.data)
for k,v of @ui.style
set "onchange", "style", k, ((e) -> e.data) if k isnt "color" and k isnt "bgcolor"
set "onchange", "font", "size"
$(@ui.style.color).click (e) ->
me.openDialog "ColorPickerDialog", (d) ->
me.currentStyle.style.color = d
$(@ui.style.bgcolor).click (e) ->
me.openDialog "ColorPickerDialog", (d) ->
me.currentStyle.style.bgcolor = d
set "onswchange", "style", k, ((e) => e.data) if k isnt "color" and k isnt "bgcolor"
set "onvaluechange", "font", "size"
$(@ui.style.color).click (e) =>
@openDialog "ColorPickerDialog"
.then (d) =>
@currentStyle.style.color = d
$(@ui.style.bgcolor).click (e) =>
@openDialog "ColorPickerDialog"
.then (d) =>
@currentStyle.style.bgcolor = d
@ui.font.family.set "items", @data.fonts if @data and @data.fonts
set "onlistselect", "font", "family", ( (e) -> e.data)
@ui.font.family.data = @data.data.fonts if @data.data and @data.data.fonts
set "onlistselect", "font", "family", ( (e) => e.data.item.data)
#format list
@ui.formats.set "selected", -1
@ui.formats.set "items", @data.formats if @data and @data.formats
@ui.formats.set "onlistselect", (e) ->
me.fromODFStyleFormat e.data
@ui.formats.set "selected", 0
(@find "btok").set "onbtclick", (e) ->
@ui.formats.selected = -1
@ui.formats.data = @data.data.formats if @data.data and @data.data.formats
@ui.formats.onlistselect = (e) =>
@fromODFStyleFormat e.data.item.data
@ui.formats.selected = 0
(@find "btok").onbtclick = (e) =>
(@find "btx").set "onbtclick", (e) ->
(@find "btx").onbtclick = (e) =>
(@find "bt-clone").set "onbtclick", (e) ->
(@find "bt-clone").onbtclick = (e) =>
clone: ()->
me = @
selected = @ui.formats.get "selected"
selected = @ui.formats.selectedItem
return unless selected
@openDialog "PromptDialog", (d) ->
return me.notify __("Abort: no style name is specified") unless d and d.trim() isnt ""
newstyle = me.parent.editorSession.cloneParagraphStyle selected.name, d
me.ui.formats.push { text:d, name: newstyle }
me.ui.formats.set "selected", ((me.ui.formats.get 'count') - 1)
me.notify __("New style: {0} added", newstyle)
, __("Clone style: {0}", selected.text), { label: __("New style name:") }
selected = selected.data
@openDialog "PromptDialog", { title: __("Clone style: {0}", selected.text), label: __("New style name:") }
.then (d) =>
return @notify __("Abort: no style name is specified") unless d and d.trim() isnt ""
newstyle = @parent.editorSession.cloneParagraphStyle selected.name, d
@ui.formats.push { text:d, name: newstyle }
@ui.formats.selected = (@ui.formats.data.length - 1)
@notify __("New style: {0} added", newstyle)
saveCurrentStyle: () ->
selected = @ui.formats.get "selected"
selected = @ui.formats.selectedItem
return unless selected
selected = selected.data
odfs =
"fo:margin-top": @currentStyle.spacing.top + "mm"
@ -181,11 +202,11 @@ class FormatDialog extends this.OS.GUI.BaseDialog
@notify __("Paragraph format [{0}] is saved", selected.text)
fromODFStyleFormat: (odfs) ->
me = @
cssUnits = new core.CSSUnits()
findFont = (name) ->
items = me.ui.font.family.get "items"
findFont = (name) =>
items = @ui.font.family.data
item = v for v in items when v.text is name
return undefined unless item
return item
@ -216,34 +237,34 @@ class FormatDialog extends this.OS.GUI.BaseDialog
previewStyle: () ->
#console.log "previewing"
# reset ui
@ui.aligment.left.set "swon", @currentStyle.aligment.left
@ui.aligment.right.set "swon", @currentStyle.aligment.right
@ui.aligment.center.set "swon", @currentStyle.aligment.center
@ui.aligment.justify.set "swon", @currentStyle.aligment.justify
@ui.spacing.left.set "value", @currentStyle.spacing.left
@ui.spacing.right.set "value", @currentStyle.spacing.right
@ui.spacing.top.set "value", @currentStyle.spacing.top
@ui.spacing.bottom.set "value", @currentStyle.spacing.bottom
@ui.spacing.lineheight.set "value", @currentStyle.spacing.lineheight
@ui.aligment.left.swon = @currentStyle.aligment.left
@ui.aligment.right.swon = @currentStyle.aligment.right
@ui.aligment.center.swon = @currentStyle.aligment.center
@ui.aligment.justify.swon = @currentStyle.aligment.justify
@ui.spacing.left.value = @currentStyle.spacing.left
@ui.spacing.right.value = @currentStyle.spacing.right
@ui.spacing.top.value = @currentStyle.spacing.top
@ui.spacing.bottom.value = @currentStyle.spacing.bottom
@ui.spacing.lineheight.value = @currentStyle.spacing.lineheight
@ui.padding.left.set "value", @currentStyle.padding.left
@ui.padding.right.set "value", @currentStyle.padding.right
@ui.padding.top.set "value", @currentStyle.padding.top
@ui.padding.bottom.set "value", @currentStyle.padding.bottom
@ui.padding.left.value = @currentStyle.padding.left
@ui.padding.right.value = @currentStyle.padding.right
@ui.padding.top.value = @currentStyle.padding.top
@ui.padding.bottom.value = @currentStyle.padding.bottom
@ui.style.bold.set "swon", @currentStyle.style.bold
@ui.style.italic.set "swon", @currentStyle.style.italic
@ui.style.underline.set "swon", @currentStyle.style.underline
@ui.font.size.set "value", @currentStyle.font.size
@ui.style.bold.swon = @currentStyle.style.bold
@ui.style.italic.swon = @currentStyle.style.italic
@ui.style.underline.swon = @currentStyle.style.underline
@ui.font.size.value = @currentStyle.font.size
#console.log @currentStyle
if @currentStyle.font.family
items = @ui.font.family.get "items"
items = @ui.font.family.data
item = i for v, i in items when v.text is @currentStyle.font.family.text
@ui.font.family.set "selected", item if item >= 0
@ui.font.family.selected = item if item >= 0
$(@ui.style.color).css "background-color", if @currentStyle.style.color then @currentStyle.style.color.hex else "#000000"
$(@ui.style.bgcolor).css "background-color", if @currentStyle.style.bgcolor then @currentStyle.style.bgcolor.hex else "white"
$(@ui.style.bgcolor).css "background-color", if @currentStyle.style.bgcolor then @currentStyle.style.bgcolor.hex else "transparent"
# set the preview css
el = $ @preview
el.css "text-align", if @currentStyle.aligment.selected then @currentStyle.aligment.selected else "left"
@ -301,16 +322,16 @@ FormatDialog.scheme = """
<afx-hbox data-height="23" data-id="spacingbox">
<div ></div>
<afx-label data-width="50" text="__(Left:)"></afx-label>
<afx-nspinner data-width="50" data-id="spnleft" step="0.5"></afx-nspinner>
<afx-nspinner data-width="50" data-id="spnleft" value = "0" step="0.5"></afx-nspinner>
<afx-label data-width="50" text="__(Right:)"></afx-label>
<afx-nspinner data-width="50" data-id="spnright" step="0.5"></afx-nspinner>
<afx-nspinner data-width="50" data-id="spnright" value = "0" step="0.5"></afx-nspinner>
<afx-label data-width="50" text="__(Top:)"></afx-label>
<afx-nspinner data-width="50" data-id="spntop" step="0.5"></afx-nspinner>
<afx-nspinner data-width="50" data-id="spntop" value = "0" step="0.5"></afx-nspinner>
<afx-label data-width="50" text="__(Bottom:)"></afx-label>
<afx-nspinner data-width="50" data-id="spnbottom" step="0.5"></afx-nspinner>
<afx-nspinner data-width="50" data-id="spnbottom" value = "0" step="0.5"></afx-nspinner>
<div ></div>
<div data-height="5"></div>
@ -319,16 +340,16 @@ FormatDialog.scheme = """
<afx-hbox data-height="23" data-id="spacingbox">
<div ></div>
<afx-label data-width="50" text="__(Left:)"></afx-label>
<afx-nspinner data-width="50" data-id="pspnleft" step="0.5"></afx-nspinner>
<afx-nspinner data-width="50" data-id="pspnleft" value = "0" step="0.5"></afx-nspinner>
<afx-label data-width="50" text="__(Right:)"></afx-label>
<afx-nspinner data-width="50" data-id="pspnright" step="0.5"></afx-nspinner>
<afx-nspinner data-width="50" value = "0" data-id="pspnright" step="0.5"></afx-nspinner>
<afx-label data-width="50" text="__(Top:)"></afx-label>
<afx-nspinner data-width="50" data-id="pspntop" step="0.5"></afx-nspinner>
<afx-nspinner data-width="50" value = "0" data-id="pspntop" step="0.5"></afx-nspinner>
<afx-label data-width="50" text="__(Bottom:)"></afx-label>
<afx-nspinner data-width="50" data-id="pspnbottom" step="0.5"></afx-nspinner>
<afx-nspinner data-width="50" value = "0" data-id="pspnbottom" step="0.5"></afx-nspinner>
<div ></div>
@ -358,7 +379,7 @@ FormatDialog.scheme = """
<afx-list-view data-id="lstfont" dropdown = "true"></afx-list-view>
<div data-width="5" ></div>
<afx-label data-width="35" text="__(Size:)"></afx-label>
<afx-nspinner data-width="50" data-id="spnfsize"></afx-nspinner>
<afx-nspinner data-width="50" value = "12" data-id="spnfsize"></afx-nspinner>
<div data-width="5" ></div>
<afx-label data-width="80" text="__(Line Height:)"></afx-label>
<afx-nspinner data-width="50" data-id="spnlheight" value="4.2" step="0.2"></afx-nspinner>
@ -369,7 +390,7 @@ FormatDialog.scheme = """
<div data-height="5"></div>
<div data-width="5"></div>
<div data-id="preview">
<div data-id="preview" style="background-color: white;">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce laoreet diam vestibulum massa malesuada quis dignissim libero blandit. Duis sit amet volutpat nisl.</p>
<div data-width="5"></div>
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
class OpenPage extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication
class OpenPage extends this.OS.application.BaseApplication
constructor: ( args ) ->
super "OpenPage", args
@ -7,52 +7,55 @@ class OpenPage extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication
#if not OpenPage.EditorSession
# require ["webodf/editor/EditorSession"], (ES) ->
# OpenPage.EditorSession = ES
me =@
@eventSubscriptions = new core.EventSubscriptions()
@userid = "#{@systemsetting.user.username}@#{@pid}"
#file = "home://welcome.odt"
#file = "home://welco@odt"
#file = "#{@_api.handler.get}/home://welcome.odt"
#@canvas.load file
#odfContainer = new odf.OdfContainer file, (c) ->
# me.canvas.setOdfContainer c, false
# @canvas.setOdfContainer c, false
@currentStyle = ""
if @args and @args.length > 0 then @open @args[0] else @newdoc()
if @args and @args.length > 0 then @open @args[0].path else @newdoc()
@resource =
fonts: []
formats: []
@bindKey "ALT-N", () -> me.actionFile "#{me.name}-New"
@bindKey "ALT-O", () -> me.actionFile "#{me.name}-Open"
@bindKey "CTRL-S", () -> me.actionFile "#{me.name}-Save"
@bindKey "ALT-W", () -> me.actionFile "#{me.name}-Saveas"
@bindKey "ALT-N", () => @actionFile "#{@name}-New"
@bindKey "ALT-O", () => @actionFile "#{@name}-Open"
@bindKey "CTRL-S", () => @actionFile "#{@name}-Save"
@bindKey "ALT-W", () => @actionFile "#{@name}-Saveas"
menu: () ->
me = @
menu = [{
text: "__(File)",
child: [
nodes: [
{ text: "__(New)", dataid: "#{@name}-New", shortcut: "A-N" },
{ text: "__(Open)", dataid: "#{@name}-Open", shortcut: "A-O" },
{ text: "__(Save)", dataid: "#{@name}-Save", shortcut: "C-S" },
{ text: "__(Save as)", dataid: "#{@name}-Saveas", shortcut: "A-W" }
onmenuselect: (e) -> me.actionFile e.item.data.dataid
onchildselect: (e) => @actionFile e.data.item.data.dataid
actionFile: (e) ->
me = @
saveas = () ->
me.openDialog "FileDiaLog", (d, n, p) ->
me.currfile.setPath "#{d}/#{n}"
, __("Save as"), { file: me.currfile }
saveas = () =>
@openDialog "FileDialog", { title: __("Save as"), file: @currfile }
.then (f) =>
d = f.file.path.asFileHandle()
d = d.parent() if f.file.type is "file"
@currfile.setPath "#{d.path}/#{f.name}"
switch e
when "#{@name}-Open"
@openDialog "FileDiaLog", ( d, f , p) ->
me.open p
, __("Open file"), { mimes: me.meta().mimes }
@openDialog "FileDialog", { title: __("Open file"), mimes: @meta().mimes }
.then (f) =>
@open f.file.path
when "#{@name}-Save"
#@currfile.cache = @editor.value()
return @save() if @currfile.basename
@ -68,39 +71,41 @@ class OpenPage extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication
@open blank, true
open: (p,b) ->
me = @
.then (r) ->
me.closeDocument() if me.editorSession
OdfContainer = new odf.OdfContainer r.data, (c) ->
me.canvas.setOdfContainer c, false
return me.currfile = "Untitled".asFileHandler() if b
if me.currfile then me.currfile.setPath p else me.currfile = p.asFileHandler()
me.scheme.set "apptitle", me.currfile.basename
me.notify __("File {0} opened", p)
.catch (e) ->
me.error __("Problem read file {0}", e)
.then (r) =>
@closeDocument() if @editorSession
OdfContainer = new odf.OdfContainer r.data, (c) =>
@canvas.setOdfContainer c, false
return @currfile = "Untitled".asFileHandle() if b
if @currfile then @currfile.setPath p else @currfile = p.asFileHandle()
@scheme.apptitle = @currfile.basename
@notify __("File {0} opened", p)
.catch (e) =>
@error __("Problem read file {0}", e.toString()), e
save: () ->
me = @
return unless @editorSession
container = @canvas.odfContainer()
return @error __("No document container found") unless container
container.createByteArray (ba) ->
container.createByteArray (ba) =>
# create blob
me.currfile.cache = new Blob [ba], { type: "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" }
me.currfile.write "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text", (r) ->
return me.error __("Cannot save file: {0}", r.error) if r.error
me.notify __("File {0} saved", me.currfile.basename)
me.scheme.set "apptitle", me.currfile.basename
me.currfile.dirty = false
, (err) ->
@error __("Cannot create byte array from container: {0}", err|| "")
@currfile.cache = new Blob [ba], { type: "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" }
@currfile.write "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text"
.then (r) =>
@notify __("File {0} saved", @currfile.basename)
@scheme.apptitle = @currfile.basename
@currfile.dirty = false
.catch (e) =>
@error __("Cannot save file: {0}", e.toString()), e
, (err) =>
@error __("Cannot create byte array from container: {0}", err.toString() || ""), err
initToolbox: () ->
me = @
@basictool =
undo: @find("btundo"),
redo: @find("btredo"),
@ -124,76 +129,77 @@ class OpenPage extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication
zoom: @find("slzoom")
format: @find("btformat")
fn = (name, el) ->
fn = (name, el) =>
if name is "fonts" or name is "styles"
act = "onlistselect"
else if name is "fontsize" or name is "zoom"
act = "onchange"
act = "onvaluechange"
act = "onbtclick"
el.set act, (e) ->
return unless me.directFormattingCtl
return unless me[name]
el[act] = (e) =>
return unless @directFormattingCtl
return unless @[name]
for name, el of @basictool
fn name, el
(@find "btzoomfix").set "onbtclick", (e) -> me.zoom 100
@basictool.zoom.set "onchanging", (e) ->
zlb = me.find "lbzoom"
zlb.set "text", Math.floor(e) + "%"
(@find "btzoomfix").onbtclick = (e) => @zoom { data: 100 }
@basictool.zoom.onvaluechanging = (e) =>
zlb = @find "lbzoom"
zlb.text = Math.floor(e.data) + "%"
initCanvas: () ->
el = @find "odfcanvas"
me = @
el.setAttribute "translate", "no"
el.classList.add "notranslate"
@canvas = new odf.OdfCanvas(el)
@documentChanged = (e) ->
return if me.currfile.dirty
me.currfile.dirty = true
me.scheme.set "apptitle", me.currfile.basename + "*"
@documentChanged = (e) =>
return if @currfile.dirty
@currfile.dirty = true
@scheme.apptitle = @currfile.basename + "*"
#console.log e
@metaChanged = (e) ->
return if me.currfile.dirty
me.currfile.dirty = true
me.scheme.set "apptitle", me.currfile.basename + "*"
@metaChanged = (e) =>
return if @currfile.dirty
@currfile.dirty = true
@scheme.apptitle = @currfile.basename + "*"
#console.log e
@textStylingChanged = (e) ->
me.updateToolbar e
@paragrahStyleChanged = (e) ->
@textStylingChanged = (e) =>
@updateToolbar e
@paragrahStyleChanged = (e) =>
return unless e.type is "style"
items = me.basictool.styles.get "items"
items = @basictool.styles.data
item = i for v, i in items when v.name is e.styleName
me.currentStyle = e.styleName
me.basictool.styles.set "selected", item
return unless item isnt undefined
@currentStyle = e.styleName
@basictool.styles.selected = item
@styleAdded = (e) ->
@styleAdded = (e) =>
return unless e.family is 'paragraph'
items = me.basictool.styles.get "items"
items = @basictool.styles.data
item = v for v in items when v.name is e.name
return if item
stylens = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0"
el = me.editorSession.getParagraphStyleElement e.name
el = @editorSession.getParagraphStyleElement e.name
dtext = el.getAttributeNS stylens, 'display-name'
me.basictool.styles.push { text: dtext , name: e.name }, true
#me.resource.formats.push {text: dtext, name:e.name}
@basictool.styles.push { text: dtext , name: e.name }, true
#@resource.formats.push {text: dtext, name:e.name}
@updateSlider = (v) ->
@updateSlider = (v) =>
value = Math.floor v*100
me.basictool.zoom.set "value", value
zlb = me.find "lbzoom"
zlb.set "text", value+"%"
#me.canvas.enableAnnotations true, true
@canvas.addListener "statereadychange", ()->
me.session = new ops.Session(me.canvas)
@basictool.zoom.value = value
zlb = @find "lbzoom"
zlb.text = value + "%"
@canvas.enableAnnotations true, true
@canvas.addListener "statereadychange", ()=>
@session = new ops.Session(@canvas)
viewOptions =
editInfoMarkersInitiallyVisible: false,
caretAvatarsInitiallyVisible: false,
caretBlinksOnRangeSelect: true
me.editorSession = new OpenPage.EditorSession(me.session,me.userid, {
@editorSession = new OpenPage.EditorSession(@session,@userid, {
viewOptions: viewOptions,
directTextStylingEnabled: true,
directParagraphStylingEnabled: true,
@ -205,112 +211,121 @@ class OpenPage extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication
zoomingEnabled: true,
reviewModeEnabled: false
me.initFontList me.editorSession.getDeclaredFonts()
me.initStyles me.editorSession.getAvailableParagraphStyles()
@initFontList @editorSession.getDeclaredFonts()
@initStyles @editorSession.getAvailableParagraphStyles()
#fix annotation problem on canvas
#console.log $("office:body").css "background-color", "red"
# basic format
me.directFormattingCtl = me.editorSession.sessionController.getDirectFormattingController()
me.directFormattingCtl.subscribe gui.DirectFormattingController.textStylingChanged, me.textStylingChanged
me.directFormattingCtl.subscribe gui.DirectFormattingController.paragraphStylingChanged, me.textStylingChanged
me.editorSession.subscribe OpenPage.EditorSession.signalParagraphChanged, me.paragrahStyleChanged
@directFormattingCtl = @editorSession.sessionController.getDirectFormattingController()
@directFormattingCtl.subscribe gui.DirectFormattingController.textStylingChanged, @textStylingChanged
@directFormattingCtl.subscribe gui.DirectFormattingController.paragraphStylingChanged, @textStylingChanged
@editorSession.subscribe OpenPage.EditorSession.signalParagraphChanged, @paragrahStyleChanged
# hyper link controller
me.hyperlinkController = me.editorSession.sessionController.getHyperlinkController()
me.eventSubscriptions.addFrameSubscription me.editorSession, OpenPage.EditorSession.signalCursorMoved, ()-> me.updateHyperlinkButtons()
me.eventSubscriptions.addFrameSubscription me.editorSession, OpenPage.EditorSession.signalParagraphChanged, ()-> me.updateHyperlinkButtons()
me.eventSubscriptions.addFrameSubscription me.editorSession, OpenPage.EditorSession.signalParagraphStyleModified, ()-> me.updateHyperlinkButtons()
@hyperlinkController = @editorSession.sessionController.getHyperlinkController()
@eventSubscriptions.addFrameSubscription @editorSession, OpenPage.EditorSession.signalCursorMoved, ()=> @updateHyperlinkButtons()
@eventSubscriptions.addFrameSubscription @editorSession, OpenPage.EditorSession.signalParagraphChanged, ()=> @updateHyperlinkButtons()
@eventSubscriptions.addFrameSubscription @editorSession, OpenPage.EditorSession.signalParagraphStyleModified, ()=> @updateHyperlinkButtons()
#annotation controller
me.annotationController = me.editorSession.sessionController.getAnnotationController()
@annotationController = @editorSession.sessionController.getAnnotationController()
#image controller
me.imageController = me.editorSession.sessionController.getImageController()
@imageController = @editorSession.sessionController.getImageController()
#imageController.subscribe(gui.ImageController.enabledChanged, enableButtons)
#text controller
me.textController = me.editorSession.sessionController.getTextController()
@textController = @editorSession.sessionController.getTextController()
# zoom controller
me.zoomHelper = me.editorSession.getOdfCanvas().getZoomHelper()
me.zoomHelper.subscribe gui.ZoomHelper.signalZoomChanged, me.updateSlider
me.updateSlider me.zoomHelper.getZoomLevel()
@zoomHelper = @editorSession.getOdfCanvas().getZoomHelper()
@zoomHelper.subscribe gui.ZoomHelper.signalZoomChanged, @updateSlider
@updateSlider @zoomHelper.getZoomLevel()
# format controller
me.editorSession.subscribe OpenPage.EditorSession.signalCommonStyleCreated, me.styleAdded
@editorSession.subscribe OpenPage.EditorSession.signalCommonStyleCreated, @styleAdded
me.editorSession.sessionController.setUndoManager new gui.TrivialUndoManager()
me.editorSession.sessionController.getUndoManager().subscribe gui.UndoManager.signalDocumentModifiedChanged, me.documentChanged
me.editorSession.sessionController.getMetadataController().subscribe gui.MetadataController.signalMetadataChanged, me.metaChanged
@editorSession.sessionController.setUndoManager new gui.TrivialUndoManager()
@editorSession.sessionController.getUndoManager().subscribe gui.UndoManager.signalDocumentModifiedChanged, @documentChanged
@editorSession.sessionController.getMetadataController().subscribe gui.MetadataController.signalMetadataChanged, @metaChanged
op = new ops.OpAddMember()
op.init {
memberid: me.userid,
memberid: @userid,
"fullName": me.userid,
"fullName": @userid,
"color": "blue"
#console.log me.editorSession.getDeclaredFonts()
@fontsize {data: @basictool.fontsize.value}
#console.log @editorSession.getDeclaredFonts()
initFontList: (list) ->
v.text = v.name for v in list
@resource.fonts = []
@resource.fonts.push { text: v.text, name: v.family } for v in list
@basictool.fonts.set "items", list
@basictool.fonts.data = list
initStyles: (list) ->
list.unshift {name:"", displayName: 'Default style' }
v.text = v.displayName for v in list
@resource.formats.push { text: v.text, name: v.name } for v in list
@basictool.styles.set "items", list
@basictool.styles.data = list
updateToolbar: (changes) ->
# basic style
(@basictool.bold.set "selected", changes.isBold) if changes.hasOwnProperty 'isBold'
(@basictool.italic.set "selected", changes.isItalic) if changes.hasOwnProperty 'isItalic'
(@basictool.underline.set "selected", changes.hasUnderline) if changes.hasOwnProperty 'hasUnderline'
(@basictool.strike.set "selected", changes.hasStrikeThrough) if changes.hasOwnProperty 'hasStrikeThrough'
(@basictool.fontsize.set "value", changes.fontSize) if changes.hasOwnProperty "fontSize"
(@basictool.bold.selected = changes.isBold) if changes.hasOwnProperty 'isBold'
(@basictool.italic.selected = changes.isItalic) if changes.hasOwnProperty 'isItalic'
(@basictool.underline.selected = changes.hasUnderline) if changes.hasOwnProperty 'hasUnderline'
(@basictool.strike.selected = changes.hasStrikeThrough) if changes.hasOwnProperty 'hasStrikeThrough'
if changes.hasOwnProperty "fontSize"
size = changes.fontSize
size = 12 if size is undefined
if @basictool.fontsize.value isnt size
@basictool.fontsize.value = size
@selectFont changes.fontName if changes.hasOwnProperty "fontName"
#pharagraph style
@basictool.al.set "selected", changes.isAlignedLeft if changes.hasOwnProperty "isAlignedLeft"
@basictool.ar.set "selected", changes.isAlignedRight if changes.hasOwnProperty "isAlignedRight"
@basictool.ac.set "selected", changes.isAlignedCenter if changes.hasOwnProperty "isAlignedCenter"
@basictool.aj.set "selected", changes.isAlignedJustified if changes.hasOwnProperty "isAlignedJustified"
@basictool.al.selected = changes.isAlignedLeft if changes.hasOwnProperty "isAlignedLeft"
@basictool.ar.selected = changes.isAlignedRight if changes.hasOwnProperty "isAlignedRight"
@basictool.ac.selected = changes.isAlignedCenter if changes.hasOwnProperty "isAlignedCenter"
@basictool.aj.selected = changes.isAlignedJustified if changes.hasOwnProperty "isAlignedJustified"
updateHyperlinkButtons: (e) ->
selectedLinks = @editorSession.getSelectedHyperlinks()
@basictool.unlink.set "enable", selectedLinks.length > 0
@basictool.unlink.enable = selectedLinks.length > 0
selectFont: (name) ->
items = @basictool.fonts.get "items"
items = @basictool.fonts.data
item = i for v, i in items when v.name is name
@basictool.fonts.set "selected", item
return unless item isnt undefined
@basictool.fonts.selected = item
editorFocus: () ->
bold: (e) ->
#console.log @, e
@directFormattingCtl.setBold (not @basictool.bold.get "selected")
@directFormattingCtl.setBold (not @basictool.bold.selected)
italic: (e) ->
@directFormattingCtl.setItalic (not @basictool.italic.get "selected")
@directFormattingCtl.setItalic (not @basictool.italic.selected)
underline: (e) ->
@directFormattingCtl.setHasUnderline (not @basictool.underline.get "selected")
@directFormattingCtl.setHasUnderline (not @basictool.underline.selected)
strike: (e) ->
@directFormattingCtl.setHasStrikethrough (not @basictool.strike.get "selected")
@directFormattingCtl.setHasStrikethrough (not @basictool.strike.selected)
fonts: (e) ->
@directFormattingCtl.setFontName e.data.name
@directFormattingCtl.setFontName e.data.item.data.name
fontsize: (e) ->
@directFormattingCtl.setFontSize e
# present the value change from enter infinity loop
@directFormattingCtl.setFontSize e.data
al: (e) ->
@ -335,7 +350,7 @@ class OpenPage extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication
link: (e) ->
# get the link first
me = @
textSerializer = new odf.TextSerializer()
selection = @editorSession.getSelectedRange()
linksInSelection = @editorSession.getSelectedHyperlinks()
@ -356,23 +371,23 @@ class OpenPage extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication
data.text = textSerializer.writeToString selection.cloneContents()
data.readonly = false
@openDialog new HyperLinkDialog(), (d) ->
selectionController = me.editorSession.sessionController.getSelectionController()
@openDialog new HyperLinkDialog(), {title: "__(Insert/edit link)", data: data}
.then (d) =>
selectionController = @editorSession.sessionController.getSelectionController()
if d.readonly
# edit the existing link
if d.action is "edit"
selectedLinkRange = selection.cloneRange()
selectionController.selectRange(selectedLinkRange, true)
me.hyperlinkController.addHyperlink d.link
@hyperlinkController.addHyperlink d.link
me.hyperlinkController.addHyperlink d.link, d.text
linksInSelection = me.editorSession.getSelectedHyperlinks()
@hyperlinkController.addHyperlink d.link, d.text
linksInSelection = @editorSession.getSelectedHyperlinks()
selectedLinkRange = selection.cloneRange()
selectionController.selectRange(selectedLinkRange, true)
, "__(Insert/edit link)", data
unlink: (e) ->
@ -384,21 +399,22 @@ class OpenPage extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication
pathAsDataURL: (p) ->
return new Promise (resolve, error) ->
fp = p.asFileHandler()
fp.read (data) ->
return new Promise (resolve, error) =>
fp = p.asFileHandle()
fp.read("binary").then (data) =>
blob = new Blob [data], { type: fp.info.mime }
reader = new FileReader()
reader.onloadend = () ->
return error(p) if reader.readyState isnt 2
reader.onloadend = () =>
return error(@throwe __("Unable to load file {0}", p)) if reader.readyState isnt 2
resolve {data: reader.result, fp: fp }
reader.readAsDataURL blob
, "binary"
.catch (e) => error __e e
if not isText
fp.read (data) ->
fp.read (data) =>
# convert to base64
b64 = btoa data
dataurl = "data:#{fp.info.mime};base64," + b64
@ -406,43 +422,44 @@ class OpenPage extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication
image: (e) ->
me = @
@openDialog "FileDiaLog", (d, n, p) ->
.then (r) ->
@openDialog "FileDialog", { title: __("Select image file"), mimes: ["image/.*"] }
.then (f) =>
p = f.file.path
.then (r) =>
hiddenImage = new Image()
hiddenImage.style.position = "absolute"
hiddenImage.style.left = "-99999px"
document.body.appendChild hiddenImage
hiddenImage.onload = () ->
hiddenImage.onload = () =>
content = r.data.substring(r.data.indexOf(",") + 1)
#insert image
me.imageController.insertImage r.fp.info.mime, content, hiddenImage.width, hiddenImage.height
@imageController.insertImage r.fp.info.mime, content, hiddenImage.width, hiddenImage.height
document.body.removeChild hiddenImage
hiddenImage.src = r.data
.catch () ->
me.error __("Couldnt load image {0}", p)
, __("Select image file"), { mimes: ["image/.*"] }
.catch (e) =>
@error __("Couldnt load image {0}", p), e
styles: (e) ->
return if e.data.name is @currentStyle
@editorSession.setCurrentParagraphStyle e.data.name
return if e.data.item.data.name is @currentStyle
@editorSession.setCurrentParagraphStyle e.data.item.data.name
zoom: (e) ->
#console.log "zooming", e
return unless @zoomHelper
@zoomHelper.setZoomLevel e/100.0
@zoomHelper.setZoomLevel e.data/100.0
format: (e) ->
@openDialog new FormatDialog(), (d) ->
@openDialog new FormatDialog(), { title: __("Add/Modify paragraph format"), data: @resource }
.then (d) =>
, __("Add/Modify paragraph format"), @resource
closeDocument: (f) ->
# finish editing
return unless @editorSession and @session
me = @
@ -453,49 +470,49 @@ class OpenPage extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication
@session.enqueue [op]
# close the session
@session.close (e) ->
return me.error __("Cannot close session {0}", e) if e
me.editorSession.sessionController.getMetadataController().unsubscribe gui.MetadataController.signalMetadataChanged, me.metaChanged
me.editorSession.sessionController.getUndoManager().unsubscribe gui.UndoManager.signalDocumentModifiedChanged, me.documentChanged
me.directFormattingCtl.unsubscribe gui.DirectFormattingController.textStylingChanged, me.textStylingChanged
me.directFormattingCtl.unsubscribe gui.DirectFormattingController.paragraphStylingChanged, me.textStylingChanged
me.editorSession.unsubscribe OpenPage.EditorSession.signalParagraphChanged, me.paragrahStyleChanged
me.zoomHelper.unsubscribe gui.ZoomHelper.signalZoomChanged, me.updateSlider
me.editorSession.unsubscribe OpenPage.EditorSession.signalCommonStyleCreated, me.styleAdded
@session.close (e) =>
return @error __("Cannot close session {0}", e.toString()), e if e
@editorSession.sessionController.getMetadataController().unsubscribe gui.MetadataController.signalMetadataChanged, @metaChanged
@editorSession.sessionController.getUndoManager().unsubscribe gui.UndoManager.signalDocumentModifiedChanged, @documentChanged
@directFormattingCtl.unsubscribe gui.DirectFormattingController.textStylingChanged, @textStylingChanged
@directFormattingCtl.unsubscribe gui.DirectFormattingController.paragraphStylingChanged, @textStylingChanged
@editorSession.unsubscribe OpenPage.EditorSession.signalParagraphChanged, @paragrahStyleChanged
@zoomHelper.unsubscribe gui.ZoomHelper.signalZoomChanged, @updateSlider
@editorSession.unsubscribe OpenPage.EditorSession.signalCommonStyleCreated, @styleAdded
# destry editorSession
me.editorSession.destroy (e) ->
return me.error __("Cannot destroy editor session {0}", e) if e
me.editorSession = undefined
@editorSession.destroy (e) =>
return @error __("Cannot destroy editor session {0}", e.toString()), e if e
@editorSession = undefined
# destroy session
me.session.destroy (e) ->
return me.error __("Cannot destroy document session {0}", e) if e
core.Async.destroyAll [me.canvas.destroy], (e) ->
return me.error __("Cannot destroy canvas {0}", e) if e
me.notify "Document closed"
@session.destroy (e) =>
return @error __("Cannot destroy document session {0}", e.toString()), e if e
core.Async.destroyAll [@canvas.destroy], (e) =>
return @error __("Cannot destroy canvas {0}", e.toString()), e if e
@notify "Document closed"
f() if f
me.session = undefined
me.annotationController = undefined
me.directFormattingCtl = undefined
me.textController = undefined
me.imageController = undefined
me.ZoomHelper = undefined
me.metaChanged = undefined
me.documentChanged = undefined
me.textStylingChanged = undefined
me.paragrahStyleChanged = undefined
me.updateSlider = undefined
me.styleAdded = undefined
me.basictool.fonts.set "selected", -1
me.basictool.styles.set "selected", -1
@session = undefined
@annotationController = undefined
@directFormattingCtl = undefined
@textController = undefined
@imageController = undefined
@ZoomHelper = undefined
@metaChanged = undefined
@documentChanged = undefined
@textStylingChanged = undefined
@paragrahStyleChanged = undefined
@updateSlider = undefined
@styleAdded = undefined
@basictool.fonts.selected = -1
@basictool.styles.selected = -1
cleanup: (e) ->
me = @
if @editorSession
me.closeDocument ()->
@closeDocument ()=>
this.OS.register "OpenPage", OpenPage
@ -7,10 +7,16 @@ afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] div[data-id="container"]
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afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] office|body, office|document {
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@ -36,7 +42,8 @@ afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] div[data-id="odfcanvas"]
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@ -47,24 +54,28 @@ afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] div[data-id="odfcanvas"]
afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] afx-hbox[data-id="toolbox"]
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afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] afx-hbox[data-id="status-bar"]
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box-shadow: -3px -3px 3px #9f9F9F;*/
afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] afx-hbox[data-id="toolbox"] afx-button button, afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] afx-button[data-id="btzoomfix"] button
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afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] button.selected {
afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] afx-hbox[data-id="toolbox"] afx-button button:hover, afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] afx-hbox[data-id="toolbox"] afx-button button.btactive, afx-app-window[data-id="OpenPage"] afx-button[data-id="btzoomfix"] button:hover
border: 1px solid #759DC0;
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
/*define("webodf/editor/EditorSession", [
this.OS.APP.OpenPage.EditorSession = (function (fontsCSS) { // fontsCSS is retrieved as a string, using dojo's text retrieval AMD plugin
this.OS.application.OpenPage.EditorSession = (function (fontsCSS) { // fontsCSS is retrieved as a string, using dojo's text retrieval AMD plugin
"use strict";
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"author": "Xuan Sang LE",
"email": "xsang.le@gmail.com"
@ -80,6 +80,15 @@
"version": "0.0.6-a",
"download": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lxsang/antosdk-apps/master/MarkOn/build/release/MarkOn.zip"
"pkgname": "OpenPage",
"name": "OpenPage",
"description": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lxsang/antosdk-apps/master/OpenPage/README.md",
"category": "Other",
"author": "Xuan Sang LE",
"version": "0.1.3-a",
"download": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lxsang/antosdk-apps/master/OpenPage/build/release/OpenPage.zip"
"pkgname": "Preview",
"name": "Preview",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user