antOS v1.2.1
AntOS is a front-end system and API that implement the traditional desktop UI environment on the web browser. The front-end can connect to a remote server and acts as a virtual desktop environment (VDE). The original purpose of AntOS is to offer: (1) visual tools to access and control resource on remote server and embedded linux environment; (2) front-end API for SaaS web-based applications. With its application API and the provided SDK, AntOS facilitates the development and deployment of user specific applications inside de VDE environment.
Change logs
- V.1.2.1 WIP with jenkinsfile support
- V.1.2.0 Improvement GUI API
- File dialog should remember last opened folder
- Add dynamic key-value dialog that work on any object
- Window list panel should show window title in tooltip when mouse hovering on application icon
- Allow pinning application to system panel
- Improvement application list in market place
- Allow triplet keyboard shortcut in GUI
- CodePad allows setting shortcut in CommandPalette commands
- Improvement multi-window application support
- CodePad should have recent menu entry that remember top n file opened
- Improve File application grid view
- Label text should be selectable
- switch window using shortcut
- Loading bar animation on system pannel
- Multiple file upload support
- Generic key-value dialog
- Add bootstrap font support for icons
- Class applications by categories in start menu
- Support vertical and horizontal resize window
- Market place now classifies application by categories
- CodePad is no longer default system application, it has been moved to MarketPlace
- More applications added to MarketPlace
- Antos SDK
- SDK is no longer included in base Antos release, it can be installed via MarketPlace
- The SDK now has a generic API that can be used in different development tasks other than AntOS application
- Heavy SDK tasks are now offloaded to workers
- Introduce new JSON based syntax for SDK task/target definition
- From this version, docker image of All-in-one AntOS system is available at:
A demo of the VDE is available at using username: demo and password: demo.
If one want to run AntOS VDE locally in their system, a docker image is available at:
AntOS applications (Available on the MarketPlace)
- Documentation:
- API: ([]
Copyright 2017-2021 Xuan Sang LE
AnTOS is is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0, see the LICENCE file for more information
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
For comercial use, please contact author