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synced 2025-03-12 10:32:48 +01:00
correct mouse position inside shader coodinate system
This commit is contained in:
@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ DiyaBoot >> initialize [
DiyaBoot >> processEvent: event [
DiyaBoot >> processEvent: event [
mappedEvt := event mapped.
mappedEvt := event mapped.
mappedEvt type = SDL_KEYDOWN ifTrue: [ Transcript show: 'keydown...'. ^running := false. ].
mappedEvt type = SDL_KEYDOWN ifTrue: [ Transcript show: 'keydown...';cr. ^running := false. ].
mappedEvt type = SDL_QUIT ifTrue:[ ^running:= false ].
mappedEvt type = SDL_QUIT ifTrue:[ ^running:= false ].
mappedEvt type = SDL_FINGERDOWN ifTrue:[^self setCursorPosition: mappedEvt ].
mappedEvt type = SDL_FINGERDOWN ifTrue:[^self setCursorPosition: mappedEvt ].
mappedEvt type = SDL_FINGERMOTION ifTrue:[^self setCursorPosition: mappedEvt ].
mappedEvt type = SDL_FINGERMOTION ifTrue:[^self setCursorPosition: mappedEvt ].
mappedEvt type = SDL_MOUSEMOTION ifTrue:[DiyaRendererContext uniqueInstance mouse: mappedEvt].
mappedEvt type = SDL_MOUSEMOTION ifTrue:[DiyaRendererContext uniqueInstance mouse: (mappedEvt x) @ (mappedEvt y)].
{ #category : #events }
{ #category : #events }
@ -15,8 +15,10 @@ uniform vec2 u_mouse;
uniform float u_time;
uniform float u_time;
void main()
void main()
vec2 mouse = vec2(u_mouse)/vec2(u_resolution);
vec2 mouse = u_mouse / u_resolution;
gl_FragColor = vec4(mouse.x, mouse.y, abs(sin(u_time)), 1.0);
vec2 px = (gl_FragCoord.xy/u_resolution);
gl_FragColor = vec4(px/mouse, abs(sin(u_time)), 1.0);
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ OpenGLSL >> locateUniforms [
OpenGLSL >> setUniform: uname value: values [
OpenGLSL >> setUniform: uname value: values [
uniform := uniforms at: uname asSymbol ifAbsent:[
uniform := uniforms at: uname asSymbol ifAbsent:[
^self error: 'Uniform', uname, 'is not defined in this program'].
^self error: 'Uniform ', uname, ' is not defined in this program'].
uniform value: values
uniform value: values
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ SimpleDiyaRenderer >> initialize [
super initialize.
super initialize.
vertexBuffer := OpenGLVertexBuffer new.
vertexBuffer := OpenGLVertexBuffer new.
arrayBuffer := OpenGLVertexArray new.
arrayBuffer := OpenGLVertexArray new.
bufferData := FFIExternalArray externalNewType: GLfloat size: 9.
bufferData := FFIExternalArray externalNewType: GLfloat size: 12.
bufferData autoRelease.
bufferData autoRelease.
shader := GLSimpleShader uniqueInstance.
shader := GLSimpleShader uniqueInstance.
@ -36,13 +36,15 @@ SimpleDiyaRenderer >> render [
shader setUniform: #u_time value: DiyaClock uniqueInstance elapsedTime asFloat.
shader setUniform: #u_time value: DiyaClock uniqueInstance elapsedTime asFloat.
shader setUniform: #u_resolution value: { context resolution x. context resolution y }.
shader setUniform: #u_resolution value: { context resolution x. context resolution y }.
context mouse ifNotNil: [
context mouse ifNotNil: [
shader setUniform: #u_mouse value: { context mouse x. context mouse y }.
"in shader, window origin is bottom left conor of the window
the mouse position should be transformed to this coodinate"
shader setUniform: #u_mouse value: { context mouse x. context resolution y - context mouse y }.
arrayBuffer enableAttribute: 0.
arrayBuffer enableAttribute: 0.
vertexBuffer bind: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER.
vertexBuffer bind: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER.
OpenGLVertexArray vertexAttributePointerIndex: 0 size:3 type: GL_FLOAT normalized: GL_FALSE stride: 0 pointer: nil .
OpenGLVertexArray vertexAttributePointerIndex: 0 size:3 type: GL_FLOAT normalized: GL_FALSE stride: 0 pointer: nil .
OpenGL drawArrays: GL_TRIANGLES first:0 count: 3.
OpenGL drawArrays: GL_QUADS first:0 count: 4.
arrayBuffer disableAttribute: 0.
arrayBuffer disableAttribute: 0.
@ -55,9 +57,12 @@ bufferData
at: 4 put: 1.0;
at: 4 put: 1.0;
at: 5 put: -1.0;
at: 5 put: -1.0;
at: 6 put: 0;
at: 6 put: 0;
at: 7 put: 0;
at: 7 put: 1.0;
at: 8 put: 1.0;
at: 8 put: 1.0;
at: 9 put: 0.
at: 9 put: 0;
at: 10 put: -1.0;
at: 11 put: 1.0;
at: 12 put: 0.
arrayBuffer bind.
arrayBuffer bind.
vertexBuffer bind: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER.
vertexBuffer bind: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER.
vertexBuffer data: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER data:bufferData usage: GL_STATIC_DRAW.
vertexBuffer data: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER data:bufferData usage: GL_STATIC_DRAW.
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