#ifndef __KEYBOARD_H
#define __KEYBOARD_H

#include "drw.h"

#define MAX_LAYERS 25

enum key_type;
enum key_modifier_type;
struct clr_scheme;
struct key;
struct layout;
struct kbd;

enum key_type {
	Pad = 0, // Padding, not a pressable key
	Code,    // A normal key emitting a keycode
	Mod,     // A modifier key
	Copy,    // Copy key, copies the unicode value specified in code (creates and
	         // activates temporary keymap)
	         // used for keys that are not part of the keymap
	Layout,  // Layout switch to a specific layout
	BackLayer, // Layout switch to the layout that was previously active
	NextLayer, // Layout switch to the next layout in the layers sequence
	Compose,   // Compose modifier key, switches to a specific associated layout
	           // upon next keypress
	EndRow,    // Incidates the end of a key row
	Last,      // Indicated the end of a layout

/* Modifiers passed to the virtual_keyboard protocol. They are based on
 * wayland's wl_keyboard, which doesn't document them.
enum key_modifier_type {
	NoMod = 0,
	Shift = 1,
	CapsLock = 2,
	Ctrl = 4,
	Alt = 8,
	Super = 64,
	AltGr = 128,

struct clr_scheme {
	Color fg;
	Color bg;
	Color high;
	Color text;

struct key {
	const char *label;       // primary label
	const char *shift_label; // secondary label
	const double width;      // relative width (1.0)
	const enum key_type type;

	const uint32_t
	  code;                  /* code: key scancode or modifier name (see
	                          *   `/usr/include/linux/input-event-codes.h` for scancode names, and
	                          *   `keyboard.h` for modifiers)
	                          *   XKB keycodes are +8 */
	struct layout *layout;   // pointer back to the parent layout that holds this
	                         // key
	const uint32_t code_mod; /* modifier to force when this key is pressed */
	uint8_t scheme;          // index of the scheme to use
	bool reset_mod;          /* reset modifiers when clicked */

	// actual coordinates on the surface (pixels), will be computed automatically
	// for all keys
	uint32_t x, y, w, h;

struct layout {
	struct key *keys;
	const char *keymap_name;
	const char *name;
	uint32_t keyheight; // absolute height (pixels)

struct kbd {
	bool debug;

	struct layout *layout;
	struct clr_scheme scheme;
	struct clr_scheme scheme1;

	bool print;
	uint32_t w, h, s;
	bool landscape;
	uint8_t mods;
	uint8_t compose;
	struct key *last_press;
	struct layout *prevlayout;
	size_t layer_index;

	struct layout *layouts;
	enum layout_id *layers;
	enum layout_id *landscape_layers;

	struct drwsurf *surf;
	struct zwp_virtual_keyboard_v1 *vkbd;

void draw_inset(struct drwsurf *ds, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t width,
                uint32_t height, uint32_t border, Color color);

void kbd_init(struct kbd *kb, struct layout *layouts, char *layer_names_list);
void kbd_init_layout(struct layout *l, uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
struct key *kbd_get_key(struct kbd *kb, uint32_t x, uint32_t y);
void kbd_unpress_key(struct kbd *kb, uint32_t time);
void kbd_press_key(struct kbd *kb, struct key *k, uint32_t time);
void kbd_print_key_stdout(struct kbd *kb, struct key *k);
void kbd_draw_key(struct kbd *kb, struct key *k, bool pressed);
void kbd_draw_layout(struct kbd *kb);
void kbd_resize(struct kbd *kb, struct layout *layouts, uint8_t layoutcount);
uint8_t kbd_get_rows(struct layout *l);
double kbd_get_row_length(struct key *k);
void kbd_switch_layout(struct kbd *kb, struct layout *l);

void create_and_upload_keymap(struct kbd *kb, const char *name,
                              uint32_t comp_unichr, uint32_t comp_shift_unichr);

#ifndef LAYOUT
#error "make sure to define LAYOUT"
#include LAYOUT