wvkbd(1) # NAME wvkbd - on-screen virtual keyboard for wayland compositors using wlroots # SYNOPSIS wvkbd-mobintl [OPTIONS]... *NOTE*: Your binary may have a different suffix depending on which layout you compiled. # DESCRIPTION This project aims to deliver a minimal but practically usable implementation of a wlroots on-screen keyboard in legible C. This will _only_ be a keyboard, not a feedback buzzer, led blinker, or anything that requires more than what's needed to input text quickly. The end product should be a static codebase that can be patched to add new features. ## OPTIONS *-D* enable debug mode. *-o* print pressed keys to standard output. *-O* print intersected keys to standard output. *-l* _layers_ comma separated list of layers in vertical/portrait mode. *--landscape-layers* _layers_ comma separated list of layers used in horizontal/landscape mode. *--list-layers* prints a list of all available layers. *-H* _pixels_ Height of the keyboard in pixels, for vertical/portrait mode. *-L* _pixels_ Height of the keyboard in pixels, for horizontal/landscape mode *--fn* _font_ set font and size (e.g. DejaVu Sans 20) *--hidden* Start hidden (send SIGUSR2 to show). *--alpha* _int_ Set alpha value (i.e. transparency) for all colors [0-255] *--bg* _rrggbb|aa_ Set color of background *--fg* _rrggbb|aa_ Set color of keys *--fg-sp* _rrggbb|aa_ Set color of special keys *--press* _rrggbb|aa_ Set color of pressed keys *--press-sp* _rrggbb|aa_ Set color of pressed special keys *--swipe* _rrggbb|aa_ Set color of swiped keys *--swipe-sp* _rrggbb|aa_ Set color of swiped special keys *--text* _rrggbb|aa_ Set color text on keys *--text-sp* _rrggbb|aa_ Set color text on special keys *--version* Print version information *-h*, *--help* Print usage help # SIGNALS You can send signals to wvkbd to hide/show it (e.g. using _kill_(1) with _-s_): *SIGUSR1* Hide the keyboard. *SIGUSR2* Show the keyboard *SIGRTMIN* Toggle visibility # COMPOSE BUTTON The default mobile international layout features a Compose button (*Cmp*) which, when combined with another key, opens up a layout that offers variants for that key. This is similar to functionality that other keyboards implemented using a *long press* (wvkbd has no such notion, holding a key will repeat it like on a physical keyboard). For example, press Cmp + a to access variants with diacritics like á,à,â,ä, etc.. Most layouts also feature the following that are less obvious: - Press Cmp and . to access more punctuation - Press Cmp and - or , to access 'mathematical' symbols (+,-,=,etc) - Press Cmp and ' or 0 or 9 to access more brackets and quotes - Press Cmp and q to access emojis Last, but not least, pressing Cmp + space or Cmp + ⌨ or Cmp + Abc opens up an index that allows you to immediately jump to any layout by name, even layouts not explicitly added to your layers on startup. # AUTHORS Created by John Sullivan , maintained by the Sxmo project in collaboration with other open source contributors. For more information about wvkbd development, see or .