std = {} require("silk.core.mimes") RESPONSE_HEADER = { status = 200, header = {}, cookie = {}, sent = false } local http_status = { [100] = "Continue", [101] = "Switching Protocols", [102] = "Processing", [103] = "Early Hints", [200] = "OK", [201] = "Created", [202] = "Accepted", [203] = "Non-Authoritative Information", [204] = "No Content", [205] = "Reset Content", [206] = "Partial Content", [207] = "Multi-Status", [208] = "Already Reported", [226] = "IM Used", [300] = "Multiple Choices", [301] = "Moved Permanently", [302] = "Found", [303] = "See Other", [304] = "Not Modified", [305] = "Use Proxy", [306] = "Switch Proxy", [307] = "Temporary Redirect", [308] = "Permanent Redirect", [400] = "Bad Request", [401] = "Unauthorized", [402] = "Payment Required", [403] = "Forbidden", [404] = "Not Found", [405] = "Method Not Allowed", [406] = "Not Acceptable", [407] = "Proxy Authentication Required", [408] = "Request Timeout", [409] = "Conflict", [410] = "Gone", [411] = "Length Required", [412] = "Precondition Failed", [413] = "Payload Too Large", [414] = "URI Too Long", [415] = "Unsupported Media Type", [416] = "Range Not Satisfiable", [417] = "Expectation Failed", [421] = "Misdirected Request", [422] = "Unprocessable Entity", [423] = "Locked", [424] = "Failed Dependency", [425] = "Too Early", [426] = "Upgrade Required", [428] = "Precondition Required", [429] = "Too Many Requests", [431] = "Request Header Fields Too Large", [451] = "Unavailable For Legal Reasons", [500] = "Internal Server Error", [501] = "Not Implemented", [502] = "Bad Gateway", [503] = "Service Unavailable", [504] = "Gateway Timeout", [505] = "HTTP Version Not Supported", [506] = "Variant Also Negotiates", [507] = "Insufficient Storage", [508] = "Loop Detected", [510] = "Not Extended", [511] = "Network Authentication Required" } setmetatable(http_status, { __index = function(this, key) return "Unofficial Status" end }) function std.status(code) RESPONSE_HEADER.status = code end function std.custom_header(k, v) std.header(k, v) end function std.header(k, v) RESPONSE_HEADER.header[k] = v end function std.header_flush() -- send out status echo("Status: ", RESPONSE_HEADER.status, " ", http_status[RESPONSE_HEADER.status], "\r\n") -- send out header for key, val in pairs(RESPONSE_HEADER.header) do echo(key, ": ", val, "\r\n") end -- send out cookie for key, val in ipairs(RESPONSE_HEADER.cookie) do echo("Set-Cookie: ", val, "\r\n") end echo("\r\n") RESPONSE_HEADER.sent = true RESPONSE_HEADER.header = {} RESPONSE_HEADER.cookie = {} end function std.setCookie(...) local args = table.pack(...) cookie = table.concat(args,";") RESPONSE_HEADER.cookie[#RESPONSE_HEADER.cookie + 1] = cookie end function std.error(status, msg) std.status(status) std.header("Content-Type", "text/html") std.header_flush() echo(string.format("%s


",msg, msg)) end function std.unknow(s) std.error(404, "Unknown request") end function std.f(path) fcgio:send_file(path) end function std.html() std.header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") std.header_flush() end function std.text() std.header("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8") std.header_flush() end function std.json() std.header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") std.header_flush() end function std.jpeg() std.header("Content-Type", "image/jpeg") std.header_flush() end function std.octstream(s) std.header("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream") std.header("Content-Disposition", 'attachment; filename="' .. s .. '"') std.header_flush() end function std.is_file(f) return ulib.is_dir(f) == false end -- TODO provide web socket support -- use coroutine to read socket message = {} function local h = std.ws_header( if (h) then return h -- std.readOnly(h) else return nil end end function return std.ws_read(, h) end function std.ws_t(, s) end function std.ws_f(, s) end function std.ws_b(, arr) end function return HTTP_REQUEST ~= nil and HTTP_REQUEST.request["__web_socket__"] == "1" end function std.ws_close(, code) end = 1 = 2 = 8