math.randomseed(os.time()) -- define some legacy global variables to provide backward support -- for some old web application __api__ = { apiroot = string.format("%s/lua", _SERVER["LIB_DIR"]), tmpdir = _SERVER["TMP_DIR"], dbpath = _SERVER["DB_DIR"] } -- root dir __ROOT__ = _SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] -- set require path package.cpath = __api__.apiroot .. '/?.so' package.path = string.format("%s/?.lua;%s/?.lua",__api__.apiroot,__ROOT__) ulib = require("ulib") slice = require("slice") require("silk.core.utils") require("silk.core.std") -- global helper functions for lua page script function has_module(m) if utils.file_exists(__ROOT__ .. '/' .. m) then if m:find("$") then return true, true, __ROOT__ .. '/' .. m else return true, false, m:gsub(".lua$", "") end elseif utils.file_exists(__ROOT__ .. '/' .. string.gsub(m, '%.', '/') .. '.lua') then return true, false, m elseif utils.file_exists(__ROOT__ .. '/' .. string.gsub(m, '%.', '/') .. '.ls') then return true, true, __ROOT__ .. '/' .. string.gsub(m, '%.', '/') .. '.ls' end return false, false, nil end --- Send data to client function echo(...) fcgio:echo(...) end --- luad lua page script function loadscript(file, args) local f =, "rb") local content = "" if f then local html = "" local pro = "local fn = function(...)" local s, e, mt local mtbegin = true -- find begin of scrit, 0 end of scrit local i = 1 if args then pro = "local fn = function(" .. table.concat(args, ",") .. ")" end for line in io.lines(file) do line = ulib.trim(line, " ") if (line ~= "") then if (mtbegin) then mt = "^%s*<%?lua" else mt = "%?>%s*$" end s, e = line:find(mt) if (s) then if mtbegin then if html ~= "" then pro = pro .. "echo(\"" .. utils.escape(html) .. "\")\n" html = "" end local b, f = line:find("%?>%s*$") if b then pro = pro .. line:sub(e + 1, b - 1) .. "\n" else pro = pro .. line:sub(e + 1) .. "\n" mtbegin = not mtbegin end else pro = pro .. line:sub(0, s - 1) .. "\n" mtbegin = not mtbegin end else -- no match if mtbegin then -- detect if we have inline lua with format local b, f = line:find("<%?=") if b then local tmp = line pro = pro .. "echo(" while (b) do -- find the close local x, y = tmp:find("%?>") if x then pro = pro .. "\"" .. utils.escape(html .. tmp:sub(0, b - 1):gsub("%%", "%%%%")) .. "\".." pro = pro .. tmp:sub(f + 1, x - 1) .. ".." html = "" tmp = tmp:sub(y + 1) b, f = tmp:find("<%?=") else error("Syntax error near line " .. i) end end pro = pro .. "\"" .. utils.escape(tmp:gsub("%%", "%%%%")) .. "\")\n" else html = html .. ulib.trim(line, " "):gsub("%%", "%%%%") .. "\n" end else if line ~= "" then pro = pro .. line .. "\n" end end end end i = i + 1 end f:close() if (html ~= "") then pro = pro .. "echo(\"" .. utils.escape(html) .. "\")\n" end pro = pro .. "\nend \n return fn" local r, e = load(pro) if r then return r(), e else return nil, e end end end -- logging helpers function LOG_INFO(fmt, ...) fcgio:log_info(string.format(fmt or "LOG", ...)) end function LOG_ERROR(fmt, ...) fcgio:log_error(string.format(fmt or "ERROR", ...)) end function LOG_DEBUG(fmt, ...) fcgio:log_debug(string.format(fmt or "ERROR", ...)) end function LOG_WARN(fmt, ...) fcgio:log_warn(string.format(fmt or "ERROR", ...)) end -- decode post data if any local decode_request_data = function() -- decode POST request data if _SERVER["RAW_DATA"] then if REQUEST.method == "POST" and HEADER["Content-Type"] == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" then for k, v in pairs(utils.parse_query(tostring(_SERVER["RAW_DATA"]))) do REQUEST[k] = v end else local ctype = HEADER['Content-Type'] local clen = HEADER['Content-Length'] or -1 if clen then clen = tonumber(clen) end if not ctype or clen == -1 then LOG_ERROR("Invalid content type %s or content length %d", ctype, clen) return 400, "Bad Request, missing content description" end if ctype:find("application/json") then REQUEST.json = tostring(_SERVER["RAW_DATA"]) else REQUEST[ctype] = _SERVER["RAW_DATA"] end end end return 0 end -- define old fashion global request object HEADER = {} setmetatable(HEADER, { __index = function(o, data) local key = "HTTP_" .. string.upper(data:gsub("-", "_")) return _SERVER[key] end }) = false if HEADER["User-Agent"] and HEADER["User-Agent"]:match("Mobi") then = true end REQUEST = {} -- decode GET request if _SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] then REQUEST = utils.parse_query(_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) end REQUEST.method = _SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] -- set session SESSION = {} if HEADER["Cookie"] then for key, val in HEADER["Cookie"]:gmatch("([^;=]+)=*([^;]*)") do SESSION[ulib.trim(key," ")] = ulib.trim(val, " ") end end local code, error = decode_request_data() if code ~= 0 then LOG_ERROR(error) std.error(code, error) return false end return true