--- the binary shall be compiled with --- make CFLAGS=-DLUA_SLICE_MAGIC=0x8AD73B9F --- otherwise the tests unable to load C modules require("lunit") package.cpath = "/tmp/lib/lua/?.so" package.path = "" test("IO setup", function() fcgio = { OUTPUT = "", LOG = { INFO = "", ERROR = "", DEBUG = "", WARN = "" } } function fcgio:flush() fcgio.OUTPUT = "" end function fcgio:echo(...) local args = table.pack(...) for i=1,args.n do -- do something with args[i], careful, it might be nil! fcgio.OUTPUT = fcgio.OUTPUT..tostring(args[i]) end end function fcgio:log_info(fmt,...) fcgio.LOG.INFO = string.format(fmt,...) io.stderr:write("INFO: ", fcgio.LOG.INFO) io.stderr:write("\n") end function fcgio:log_error(fmt,...) fcgio.LOG.ERROR = string.format(fmt,...) io.stderr:write("ERROR: ",fcgio.LOG.ERROR) io.stderr:write("\n") end function fcgio:log_debug(fmt,...) fcgio.LOG.DEBUG = string.format(fmt,...) io.stderr:write("DEBUG: ", fcgio.LOG.DEBUG) io.stderr:write("\n") end function fcgio:log_warn(fmt,...) fcgio.LOG.WARN = string.format(fmt,...) io.stderr:write("WARN: ", fcgio.LOG.WARN) io.stderr:write("\n") end function fcgio:send_file(path) local f = io.open(path, "rb") local content = f:read("*all") f:close() fcgio.OUTPUT = fcgio.OUTPUT..content end end) test("Setup request", function() local json = require("json") _SERVER = json.decodeFile("request.json") assert(_SERVER ~= nil, "Global _SERVER object not found") end) test("SEVER PATH", function() expect(_SERVER["LIB_DIR"], "/tmp/lib") expect(_SERVER["TMP_DIR"], "/tmp") expect(_SERVER["DB_DIR"], "/tmp") expect(_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"], "/tmp/www") end) test("Import the hook", function() package.path = "../silkmvc/?.lua" local ret = require("core.hook") expect(ret, true) end) test("Lua path", function() expect(package.cpath, "/tmp/lib/lua/?.so") expect(package.path, "/tmp/lib/lua/?.lua;/tmp/www/?.lua") unexpect(ulib, nil) unexpect(utils, nil) unexpect(std, nil) end) test("HTTP Headers", function() expect(HEADER["mobile"], false) for k,v in pairs(_SERVER) do if k:match("^HTTP_.*") then local key = (k:gsub("HTTP_",""):gsub("_","-")):lower() expect(HEADER[key],v) end end end) test("HTTP request", function() expect(REQUEST.method, "POST") expect(REQUEST.r, "post/id/1") expect(REQUEST.id, "3") expect(REQUEST.name, "John") expect(REQUEST.firstname, "Dany") expect(REQUEST.lastname, "LE") expect(REQUEST.form_submitted, "1") end) test('HTTP COOKIE', function() unexpect(SESSION, nil) expect(SESSION.PHPSESSID, "298zf09hf012fh2") expect(SESSION.csrftoken, "u32t4o3tb3gg43") expect(SESSION._gat, "1") end) test("Echo", function() echo("Hello ", "World: ", 10, true) expect(fcgio.OUTPUT, "Hello World: 10true") end) test("STD response", function() std.status(500) expect(RESPONSE_HEADER.status, 500) std.header("Content-Type", "text/html") expect(RESPONSE_HEADER.header["Content-Type"], "text/html") end) test("STD Error", function() fcgio:flush() std.error(404, "No page found") expect(fcgio.OUTPUT, "Status: 404 Not Found\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\nNo page found

No page found

") end) test("STD header with cookie", function() RESPONSE_HEADER.sent = false fcgio:flush() std.status(200) std.header("Content-Type", "text/html") std.setCookie("sessionid=12345;user=dany; path=/") std.setCookie("date=now", "_gcat=1") --print(JSON.encode(RESPONSE_HEADER)) std.header_flush() echo("hello") expect(fcgio.OUTPUT, "Status: 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nSet-Cookie: sessionid=12345;user=dany; path=/\r\nSet-Cookie: date=now;_gcat=1\r\n\r\nhello") end) --- mimes test test("STD Mime", function() expect(std.mimeOf("request.json"), "application/json") expect(std.mimeOf("test.exe"), "application/octet-stream") end) test("STD send file", function() RESPONSE_HEADER.sent = false fcgio:flush() std.sendFile("request.json") print(fcgio.OUTPUT) end) test("utils.is_array", function() local tb = { name = "Dany", test = true} expect(utils.is_array(tb), false) local arr = {[1] = "Dany", [2] = true} expect(utils.is_array(arr), true) end) test("utils.escape and utils.unescape", function() local before = 'this is a escape string \\ " % \n \t \r' local escaped = utils.escape(before) expect(escaped, 'this is a escape string \\\\ \\" %% \\n \\t \\r') expect(utils.unescape(escaped), before) end) test("utils.decodeURI", function() local uri = "https://mozilla.org/?x=%D1%88%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%BB%D1%8B" local decoded = utils.decodeURI(uri) expect(decoded, "https://mozilla.org/?x=шеллы") end) test("utils.file_exists", function() expect(utils.file_exists("request.json"), true) expect(utils.file_exists("test1.json"), false) end) test("utils.parse_query", function() local query = "r=1&id=3&name=John&desc=some%20thing&enc=this+is+encode" local tb = utils.parse_query(query) expect(tb.r, "1") expect(tb.id, "3") expect(tb.desc, "some thing") expect(tb.enc, "this is encode") expect(tb.name, "John") end) test("utils.url_parser", function() local uri = "https://mozilla.org:9000/?x=%D1%88%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%BB%D1%8B" local obj = utils.url_parser(uri) expect(obj.query, "/?x=%D1%88%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%BB%D1%8B") expect(obj.hostname, "mozilla.org") expect(obj.protocol, "https") expect(obj.port, 9000) end) test("utils explode/implode", function() local str = "this is a test" tbl = explode(str, " ") expect(tbl[1], "this") expect(tbl[2], "is") expect(tbl[3], "a") expect(tbl[4], "test") local str1 = implode(tbl, "|") expect(str1, "this|is|a|test") end) test("utils firstToUpper", function() local str = "this is a test" expect(firstToUpper(str), "This is a test") end) test("utils.ext", function() expect(utils.ext("foo.bar"), "bar") expect(utils.ext("foo.bar.baz"), "baz") expect(utils.ext("foo"), nil) end) test("utils.basename", function() expect(utils.basename("path/to/foo.bar"), "foo.bar") end) --- Test for sqlite database test("sqlite.getdb", function() require("silk.core.sqlite") local path = "/tmp/test.db" local db = sqlite.getdb("/tmp/test.db") sqlite.dbclose(db) expect(ulib.exists(path), true) db = sqlite.getdb("system") sqlite.dbclose(db) expect(ulib.exists("/tmp/system.db"), true) ulib.delete("/tmp/secret.db") expect(ulib.exists("/tmp/secret.db"), false) DB = DBModel:new{db="secret"} DB:open() expect(ulib.exists("/tmp/secret.db"), true) unexpect(DB.db, nil) unexpect(DB.db,"secret") end) test("DBModel:createTable", function() ret = DB:createTable("test", { first_name = "TEXT NOT NULL", last_name = "TEXT NOT NULL", age = "INTEGER" }) expect(ret, true) end) test("DBModel:available", function() expect(DB:available("test"), true) end) test("DBModel:insert", function() local data = { first_name = "Dany", last_name = "LE", age = 30, phone = "Unknown" } expect(DB:insert("test",data), false) data.phone = nil expect(DB:insert("test",data), true) data = { first_name = "Lisa", last_name = "LE", age = 5 } expect(DB:insert("test",data), true) end) test("DBModel:lastInsertID", function() local id = DB:lastInsertID() expect(id, 2) end) test("DBModel:get", function() local record = DB:get("test", 2) expect(record.id, 2) expect(record.first_name, "Lisa") expect(record.last_name, "LE") expect(record.age, 5) end) test("DBModel:getAll", function() local records = DB:getAll("test") expect(#records, 2) expect(records[1].id, 1) expect(records[1].first_name, "Dany") expect(records[1].last_name, "LE") expect(records[1].age, 30) expect(records[2].id, 2) expect(records[2].first_name, "Lisa") expect(records[2].last_name, "LE") expect(records[2].age, 5) end) test("DBModel:find", function() local cond = { exp = { ["and"] = { { ["="] = { first_name = "Dany" } }, { ["="] = { age = 25 } } } } } local records = DB:find("test", cond) expect(#records, 0) cond.exp["and"][2]["="].age = 30 records = DB:find("test", cond) expect(#records, 1) cond = { exp = { ["="] = { last_name = "LE" } }, order = { id = "DESC" } } records = DB:find("test", cond) expect(#records, 2) expect(records[1].id, 2) expect(records[1].first_name, "Lisa") expect(records[1].last_name, "LE") expect(records[1].age, 5) end) test("DBModel:update", function() local data = { id = 1, first_name = "Dany Xuan-Sang", age = 35, } expect(DB:update("test", data), true) local record = DB:get("test", 1) unexpect(record, nil) expect(record.age , 35) expect(record.first_name, "Dany Xuan-Sang") end) test("DBModel:deleteByID", function() expect(DB:deleteByID("test", 1), true) local record = DB:get("test", 1) expect(record, nil) end) test("DBModel:delete", function() local cond = { ["="] = { last_name = "LE" } } expect(DB:delete("test", cond), true) local records = DB:getAll("test") expect(#records, 0) end) --- test enc module test("Base64 encode/decode", function() enc = require("enc") local string = "this is the test" local encode = enc.b64encode(string) expect(encode,"dGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgdGVzdA==") local buf = enc.b64decode(encode) unexpect(buf,nil) expect(tostring(buf), string) end) test("md5 encode", function() expect(enc.md5("this is a test"), "54b0c58c7ce9f2a8b551351102ee0938") end) test("sha1 encode", function() expect(enc.sha1("this is a test"), "fa26be19de6bff93f70bc2308434e4a440bbad02") end) --- run all unit tests run()