Michael R Sweet 2c7d7cf768
Add initial Nuget packaging files.
Use zlib_native instead of zlib-msvc-v140.
2021-07-30 20:33:21 -04:00

31 lines
1.5 KiB

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2011/08/nuspec.xsd">
<title>PDFio Library for VS2019+</title>
<authors>Michael R Sweet</authors>
<license type="expression">Apache-2.0</license>
<description>PDFio Library for VS2019+</description>
<summary>PDFio is a simple C library for reading and writing PDF files. PDFio is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 with an exception to allow linking against GNU GPL2-only software.</summary>
<copyright>Copyright © 2019-2021 by Michael R Sweet</copyright>
<tags>pdf file native</tags>
<dependency id="pdfio_native.redist" version="1.0-b0" />
<file src="doc\pdfio-128.png" target="native" />
<file src="README.md" target="native" />
<file src="pdfio_native.props" target="native" />
<file src="pdfio.h" target="native\include" />
<file src="pdfio-content.h" target="native\include" />
<!--<file src="Win32\**\pdfio*.lib" target="native\lib\Win32" />-->
<file src="x64\**\pdfio*.lib" target="native\lib\x64" />