2021-05-29 21:21:45 -04:00

1513 lines
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.TH pdfio 3 "pdf read/write library" "2021-05-29" "pdf read/write library"
pdfio \- pdf read/write library
.SH Introduction
pdfio is a simple C library for reading and writing PDF files. The primary goals of pdfio are:
.IP \(bu 5
Read any PDF file with or without encryption or linearization
.IP \(bu 5
Write PDF files without encryption or linearization
.IP \(bu 5
Extract or embed useful metadata (author, creator, page information, etc.)
.IP \(bu 5
"Filter" PDF files, for example to extract a range of pages or to embed fonts that are missing from a PDF
.IP \(bu 5
Provide access to objects used for each page
pdfio is
.I not
concerned with rendering or viewing a PDF file, although a PDF RIP or viewer could be written using it.
.SS pdfio_filter_e
Compression/decompression filters for streams
.TP 5
ASCII85Decode filter (reading only)
.TP 5
ASCIIHexDecode filter (reading only)
.TP 5
CCITTFaxDecode filter
.TP 5
Encryption filter
.TP 5
DCTDecode (JPEG) filter
.TP 5
FlateDecode filter
.TP 5
JBIG2Decode filter
.TP 5
JPXDecode filter (reading only)
.TP 5
LZWDecode filter (reading only)
.TP 5
No filter
.TP 5
RunLengthDecode filter (reading only)
.SS pdfio_valtype_e
PDF value types
.TP 5
.TP 5
Binary data
.TP 5
.TP 5
.TP 5
.TP 5
Indirect object (N G obj)
.TP 5
.TP 5
No value, not set
.TP 5
Null object
.TP 5
Number (integer or real)
.TP 5
.SS pdfioArrayAppendArray
Add an array value to an array.
bool pdfioArrayAppendArray (
pdfio_array_t *a,
pdfio_array_t *value
.SS pdfioArrayAppendBinary
Add a binary string value to an array.
bool pdfioArrayAppendBinary (
pdfio_array_t *a,
unsigned char *value,
size_t valuelen
.SS pdfioArrayAppendBoolean
Add a boolean value to an array.
bool pdfioArrayAppendBoolean (
pdfio_array_t *a,
bool value
.SS pdfioArrayAppendDict
Add a dictionary to an array.
bool pdfioArrayAppendDict (
pdfio_array_t *a,
pdfio_dict_t *value
.SS pdfioArrayAppendName
Add a name to an array.
bool pdfioArrayAppendName (
pdfio_array_t *a,
const char *value
.SS pdfioArrayAppendNumber
Add a number to an array.
bool pdfioArrayAppendNumber (
pdfio_array_t *a,
double value
.SS pdfioArrayAppendObject
Add an indirect object reference to an array.
bool pdfioArrayAppendObject (
pdfio_array_t *a,
pdfio_obj_t *value
.SS pdfioArrayAppendString
Add a string to an array.
bool pdfioArrayAppendString (
pdfio_array_t *a,
const char *value
.SS pdfioArrayCopy
Copy an array.
pdfio_array_t * pdfioArrayCopy (
pdfio_file_t *pdf,
pdfio_array_t *a
.SS pdfioArrayCreate
Create an empty array.
pdfio_array_t * pdfioArrayCreate (
pdfio_file_t *pdf
.SS pdfioArrayGetArray
Get an array value from an array.
pdfio_array_t * pdfioArrayGetArray (
pdfio_array_t *a,
size_t n
.SS pdfioArrayGetBinary
Get a binary string value from an array.
unsigned char * pdfioArrayGetBinary (
pdfio_array_t *a,
size_t n,
size_t *length
.SS pdfioArrayGetBoolean
Get a boolean value from an array.
bool pdfioArrayGetBoolean (
pdfio_array_t *a,
size_t n
.SS pdfioArrayGetDict
Get a dictionary value from an array.
pdfio_dict_t * pdfioArrayGetDict (
pdfio_array_t *a,
size_t n
.SS pdfioArrayGetName
Get a name value from an array.
const char * pdfioArrayGetName (
pdfio_array_t *a,
size_t n
.SS pdfioArrayGetNumber
Get a number from an array.
double pdfioArrayGetNumber (
pdfio_array_t *a,
size_t n
.SS pdfioArrayGetObject
Get an indirect object reference from an array.
pdfio_obj_t * pdfioArrayGetObject (
pdfio_array_t *a,
size_t n
.SS pdfioArrayGetSize
Get the length of an array.
size_t pdfioArrayGetSize (
pdfio_array_t *a
.SS pdfioArrayGetString
Get a string value from an array.
const char * pdfioArrayGetString (
pdfio_array_t *a,
size_t n
.SS pdfioArrayGetType
Get a value type from an array.
pdfio_valtype_t pdfioArrayGetType (
pdfio_array_t *a,
size_t n
.SS pdfioContentBeginText
Begin a text block.
bool pdfioContentBeginText (
pdfio_stream_t *st
.SS pdfioContentClip
Clip output to the current path.
bool pdfioContentClip (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
bool even_odd
.SS pdfioContentDrawImage
Draw an image object.
bool pdfioContentDrawImage (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
const char *name,
double x,
double y,
double w,
double h
The object name must be part of the page dictionary resources, typically
using the \fIpdfioPageDictAddImage\fR function.
.SS pdfioContentEndText
End a text block.
bool pdfioContentEndText (
pdfio_stream_t *st
.SS pdfioContentFill
Fill the current path.
bool pdfioContentFill (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
bool even_odd
.SS pdfioContentFillAndStroke
Fill and stroke the current path.
bool pdfioContentFillAndStroke (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
bool even_odd
.SS pdfioContentMatrixConcat
Concatenate a matrix to the current graphics
bool pdfioContentMatrixConcat (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
pdfio_matrix_t m
.SS pdfioContentMatrixRotate
Rotate the current transform matrix.
bool pdfioContentMatrixRotate (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double degrees
.SS pdfioContentMatrixScale
Scale the current transform matrix.
bool pdfioContentMatrixScale (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double sx,
double sy
.SS pdfioContentMatrixTranslate
Translate the current transform matrix.
bool pdfioContentMatrixTranslate (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double tx,
double ty
.SS pdfioContentPathClose
Close the current path.
bool pdfioContentPathClose (
pdfio_stream_t *st
.SS pdfioContentPathCurve
Add a Bezier curve with two control points.
bool pdfioContentPathCurve (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double x1,
double y1,
double x2,
double y2,
double x3,
double y3
.SS pdfioContentPathCurve13
Add a Bezier curve with an initial control point.
bool pdfioContentPathCurve13 (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double x1,
double y1,
double x3,
double y3
.SS pdfioContentPathCurve23
Add a Bezier curve with a trailing control point.
bool pdfioContentPathCurve23 (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double x2,
double y2,
double x3,
double y3
.SS pdfioContentPathLineTo
Add a straight line to the current path.
bool pdfioContentPathLineTo (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double x,
double y
.SS pdfioContentPathMoveTo
Start a new subpath.
bool pdfioContentPathMoveTo (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double x,
double y
.SS pdfioContentPathRect
Add a rectangle to the current path.
bool pdfioContentPathRect (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
pdfio_rect_t *rect
.SS pdfioContentRestore
Restore a previous graphics state.
bool pdfioContentRestore (
pdfio_stream_t *st
.SS pdfioContentSave
Save the current graphics state.
bool pdfioContentSave (
pdfio_stream_t *st
.SS pdfioContentSetDashPattern
Set the stroke pattern.
bool pdfioContentSetDashPattern (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
int phase,
int on,
int off
.SS pdfioContentSetFillColorDeviceCMYK
Set device CMYK fill color.
bool pdfioContentSetFillColorDeviceCMYK (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double c,
double m,
double y,
double k
.SS pdfioContentSetFillColorDeviceGray
Set the device gray fill color.
bool pdfioContentSetFillColorDeviceGray (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double g
.SS pdfioContentSetFillColorDeviceRGB
Set the device RGB fill color.
bool pdfioContentSetFillColorDeviceRGB (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double r,
double g,
double b
.SS pdfioContentSetFillColorGray
Set the calibrated gray fill color.
bool pdfioContentSetFillColorGray (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double g
.SS pdfioContentSetFillColorRGB
Set the calibrated RGB fill color.
bool pdfioContentSetFillColorRGB (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double r,
double g,
double b
.SS pdfioContentSetFillColorSpace
Set the fill colorspace.
bool pdfioContentSetFillColorSpace (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
const char *name
.SS pdfioContentSetFlatness
Set the flatness tolerance.
bool pdfioContentSetFlatness (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double flatness
.SS pdfioContentSetLineCap
Set the line ends style.
bool pdfioContentSetLineCap (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
pdfio_linecap_t lc
.SS pdfioContentSetLineJoin
Set the line joining style.
bool pdfioContentSetLineJoin (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
pdfio_linejoin_t lj
.SS pdfioContentSetLineWidth
Set the line width.
bool pdfioContentSetLineWidth (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double width
.SS pdfioContentSetMiterLimit
Set the miter limit.
bool pdfioContentSetMiterLimit (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double limit
.SS pdfioContentSetStrokeColorDeviceCMYK
Set the device CMYK stroke color.
bool pdfioContentSetStrokeColorDeviceCMYK (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double c,
double m,
double y,
double k
.SS pdfioContentSetStrokeColorDeviceGray
Set the device gray stroke color.
bool pdfioContentSetStrokeColorDeviceGray (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double g
.SS pdfioContentSetStrokeColorDeviceRGB
Set the device RGB stroke color.
bool pdfioContentSetStrokeColorDeviceRGB (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double r,
double g,
double b
.SS pdfioContentSetStrokeColorGray
Set the calibrated gray stroke color.
bool pdfioContentSetStrokeColorGray (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double g
.SS pdfioContentSetStrokeColorRGB
Set the calibrated RGB stroke color.
bool pdfioContentSetStrokeColorRGB (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double r,
double g,
double b
.SS pdfioContentSetStrokeColorSpace
Set the stroke color space.
bool pdfioContentSetStrokeColorSpace (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
const char *name
.SS pdfioContentSetTextCharacterSpacing
Set the spacing between characters.
bool pdfioContentSetTextCharacterSpacing (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double spacing
.SS pdfioContentSetTextFont
Set the text font and size.
bool pdfioContentSetTextFont (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
const char *name,
double size
.SS pdfioContentSetTextLeading
Set text leading (line height) value.
bool pdfioContentSetTextLeading (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double leading
.SS pdfioContentSetTextMatrix
Set the text transform matrix.
bool pdfioContentSetTextMatrix (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
pdfio_matrix_t m
.SS pdfioContentSetTextRenderingMode
Set the text rendering mode.
bool pdfioContentSetTextRenderingMode (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
pdfio_textrendering_t mode
.SS pdfioContentSetTextRise
Set the text baseline offset.
bool pdfioContentSetTextRise (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double rise
.SS pdfioContentSetTextWordSpacing
Set the inter-word spacing.
bool pdfioContentSetTextWordSpacing (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double spacing
.SS pdfioContentSetTextXScaling
Set the horizontal scaling value.
bool pdfioContentSetTextXScaling (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double percent
.SS pdfioContentStroke
Stroke the current path.
bool pdfioContentStroke (
pdfio_stream_t *st
.SS pdfioContentTextMoveLine
Move to the next line and offset.
bool pdfioContentTextMoveLine (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double tx,
double ty
.SS pdfioContentTextMoveTo
Offset within the current line.
bool pdfioContentTextMoveTo (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
double tx,
double ty
.SS pdfioContentTextNextLine
Move to the next line.
bool pdfioContentTextNextLine (
pdfio_stream_t *st
.SS pdfioContentTextShow
Show text.
bool pdfioContentTextShow (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
const char *s,
bool new_line
.SS pdfioContentTextShowJustified
Show justified text.
bool pdfioContentTextShowJustified (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
size_t num_fragments,
const double *offsets,
const char *const *fragments
.SS pdfioDictCopy
Copy a dictionary to a PDF file.
pdfio_dict_t * pdfioDictCopy (
pdfio_file_t *pdf,
pdfio_dict_t *dict
.SS pdfioDictCreate
Create a dictionary to hold key/value pairs.
pdfio_dict_t * pdfioDictCreate (
pdfio_file_t *pdf
.SS pdfioDictGetArray
Get a key array value from a dictionary.
pdfio_array_t * pdfioDictGetArray (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *key
.SS pdfioDictGetBinary
Get a key binary string value from a dictionary.
unsigned char * pdfioDictGetBinary (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *key,
size_t *length
.SS pdfioDictGetBoolean
Get a key boolean value from a dictionary.
bool pdfioDictGetBoolean (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *key
.SS pdfioDictGetDict
Get a key dictionary value from a dictionary.
pdfio_dict_t * pdfioDictGetDict (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *key
.SS pdfioDictGetName
Get a key name value from a dictionary.
const char * pdfioDictGetName (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *key
.SS pdfioDictGetNumber
Get a key number value from a dictionary.
double pdfioDictGetNumber (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *key
.SS pdfioDictGetObject
Get a key indirect object value from a dictionary.
pdfio_obj_t * pdfioDictGetObject (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *key
.SS pdfioDictGetRect
Get a key rectangle value from a dictionary.
pdfio_rect_t * pdfioDictGetRect (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *key,
pdfio_rect_t *rect
.SS pdfioDictGetString
Get a key string value from a dictionary.
const char * pdfioDictGetString (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *key
.SS pdfioDictGetType
Get a key value type from a dictionary.
pdfio_valtype_t pdfioDictGetType (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *key
.SS pdfioDictSetArray
Set a key array in a dictionary.
bool pdfioDictSetArray (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *key,
pdfio_array_t *value
.SS pdfioDictSetBinary
Set a key binary string in a dictionary.
bool pdfioDictSetBinary (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *key,
unsigned char *value,
size_t valuelen
.SS pdfioDictSetBoolean
Set a key boolean in a dictionary.
bool pdfioDictSetBoolean (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *key,
bool value
.SS pdfioDictSetDict
Set a key dictionary in a dictionary.
bool pdfioDictSetDict (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *key,
pdfio_dict_t *value
.SS pdfioDictSetName
Set a key name in a dictionary.
bool pdfioDictSetName (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *key,
const char *value
.SS pdfioDictSetNull
Set a key null in a dictionary.
bool pdfioDictSetNull (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *key
.SS pdfioDictSetNumber
Set a key number in a dictionary.
bool pdfioDictSetNumber (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *key,
double value
.SS pdfioDictSetObject
Set a key indirect object reference in a dictionary.
bool pdfioDictSetObject (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *key,
pdfio_obj_t *value
.SS pdfioDictSetRect
Set a key rectangle in a dictionary.
bool pdfioDictSetRect (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *key,
pdfio_rect_t *value
.SS pdfioDictSetString
Set a key literal string in a dictionary.
bool pdfioDictSetString (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *key,
const char *value
.SS pdfioDictSetStringf
Set a key formatted string in a dictionary.
bool pdfioDictSetStringf (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *key,
const char *format,
.SS pdfioFileClose
Close a PDF file and free all memory used for it.
bool pdfioFileClose (
pdfio_file_t *pdf
.SS pdfioFileCreate
Create a PDF file.
pdfio_file_t * pdfioFileCreate (
const char *filename,
const char *version,
pdfio_rect_t *media_box,
pdfio_rect_t *crop_box,
pdfio_error_cb_t error_cb,
void *error_data
.SS pdfioFileCreateFontObject
Add a font object to a PDF file.
pdfio_obj_t * pdfioFileCreateFontObject (
pdfio_file_t *pdf,
const char *filename
.SS pdfioFileCreateICCProfileObject
Add an ICC profile object to a PDF file.
pdfio_obj_t * pdfioFileCreateICCProfileObject (
pdfio_file_t *pdf,
const char *filename
.SS pdfioFileCreateImageObject
Add an image object to a PDF file.
pdfio_obj_t * pdfioFileCreateImageObject (
pdfio_file_t *pdf,
const char *filename,
bool interpolate
Currently only GIF, JPEG, and PNG files are supported.
.SS pdfioFileCreateObject
Create a new object in a PDF file.
pdfio_obj_t * pdfioFileCreateObject (
pdfio_file_t *pdf,
pdfio_dict_t *dict
.SS pdfioFileCreatePage
Create a page in a PDF file.
pdfio_stream_t * pdfioFileCreatePage (
pdfio_file_t *pdf,
pdfio_dict_t *dict
.SS pdfioFileFindObject
Find an object using its object number.
pdfio_obj_t * pdfioFileFindObject (
pdfio_file_t *pdf,
size_t number
This differs from \fIpdfioFileGetObject\fR which takes an index into the
list of objects while this function takes the object number.
.SS pdfioFileGetID
Get the PDF file's ID strings.
pdfio_array_t * pdfioFileGetID (
pdfio_file_t *pdf
.SS pdfioFileGetName
Get a PDF's filename.
const char * pdfioFileGetName (
pdfio_file_t *pdf
.SS pdfioFileGetNumObjects
Get the number of objects in a PDF file.
size_t pdfioFileGetNumObjects (
pdfio_file_t *pdf
.SS pdfioFileGetNumPages
Get the number of pages in a PDF file.
size_t pdfioFileGetNumPages (
pdfio_file_t *pdf
.SS pdfioFileGetObject
Get an object from a PDF file.
pdfio_obj_t * pdfioFileGetObject (
pdfio_file_t *pdf,
size_t n
.SS pdfioFileGetPage
Get a page object from a PDF file.
pdfio_obj_t * pdfioFileGetPage (
pdfio_file_t *pdf,
size_t n
.SS pdfioFileGetVersion
Get the PDF version number for a PDF file.
const char * pdfioFileGetVersion (
pdfio_file_t *pdf
.SS pdfioFileOpen
Open a PDF file for reading.
pdfio_file_t * pdfioFileOpen (
const char *filename,
pdfio_error_cb_t error_cb,
void *error_data
.SS pdfioImageGetHeight
Get the height of an image object.
double pdfioImageGetHeight (
pdfio_obj_t *obj
.SS pdfioImageGetWidth
Get the width of an image object.
double pdfioImageGetWidth (
pdfio_obj_t *obj
.SS pdfioObjClose
Close an object, writing any data as needed to the PDF
bool pdfioObjClose (
pdfio_obj_t *obj
.SS pdfioObjCopy
Copy an object to another PDF file.
pdfio_obj_t * pdfioObjCopy (
pdfio_file_t *pdf,
pdfio_obj_t *srcobj
.SS pdfioObjCreateStream
Create an object (data) stream for writing.
pdfio_stream_t * pdfioObjCreateStream (
pdfio_obj_t *obj,
pdfio_filter_t filter
.SS pdfioObjGetArray
Get the array associated with an object.
pdfio_array_t * pdfioObjGetArray (
pdfio_obj_t *obj
.SS pdfioObjGetDict
Get the dictionary associated with an object.
pdfio_dict_t * pdfioObjGetDict (
pdfio_obj_t *obj
.SS pdfioObjGetGeneration
Get the object's generation number.
unsigned short pdfioObjGetGeneration (
pdfio_obj_t *obj
.SS pdfioObjGetLength
Get the length of the object's (data) stream.
size_t pdfioObjGetLength (
pdfio_obj_t *obj
.SS pdfioObjGetNumber
Get the object's number.
size_t pdfioObjGetNumber (
pdfio_obj_t *obj
.SS pdfioObjGetType
Get an object's type.
const char * pdfioObjGetType (
pdfio_obj_t *obj
.SS pdfioObjOpenStream
Open an object's (data) stream for reading.
pdfio_stream_t * pdfioObjOpenStream (
pdfio_obj_t *obj,
bool decode
.SS pdfioPageCopy
Copy a page to a PDF file.
bool pdfioPageCopy (
pdfio_file_t *pdf,
pdfio_obj_t *srcpage
.SS pdfioPageDictAddCalibratedColorSpace
Add a calibrated color space to
the page dictionary.
bool pdfioPageDictAddCalibratedColorSpace (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *name,
size_t num_colors,
const double *white_point,
double gamma
.SS pdfioPageDictAddFont
Add a font object to the page dictionary.
bool pdfioPageDictAddFont (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *name,
pdfio_obj_t *obj
.SS pdfioPageDictAddICCColorSpace
Add an ICC color space to the page
bool pdfioPageDictAddICCColorSpace (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *name,
pdfio_obj_t *obj
.SS pdfioPageDictAddImage
Add an image object to the page dictionary.
bool pdfioPageDictAddImage (
pdfio_dict_t *dict,
const char *name,
pdfio_obj_t *obj
.SS pdfioStreamClose
Close a (data) stream in a PDF file.
bool pdfioStreamClose (
pdfio_stream_t *st
.SS pdfioStreamConsume
Consume bytes from the stream.
bool pdfioStreamConsume (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
size_t bytes
.SS pdfioStreamGetToken
Read a single PDF token from a stream.
bool pdfioStreamGetToken (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
char *buffer,
size_t bufsize
.SS pdfioStreamPeek
Peek at data in a stream.
ssize_t pdfioStreamPeek (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
void *buffer,
size_t bytes
.SS pdfioStreamPrintf
Write a formatted string to a stream.
bool pdfioStreamPrintf (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
const char *format,
.SS pdfioStreamPuts
Write a literal string to a stream.
bool pdfioStreamPuts (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
const char *s
.SS pdfioStreamRead
Read data from a stream.
ssize_t pdfioStreamRead (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
void *buffer,
size_t bytes
.SS pdfioStreamWrite
Write data to a stream.
bool pdfioStreamWrite (
pdfio_stream_t *st,
const void *buffer,
size_t bytes
.SS pdfioStringCreate
Create a durable literal string.
char * pdfioStringCreate (
pdfio_file_t *pdf,
const char *s
This function creates a literal string associated with the PDF file
"pwg". The "s" string points to a nul-terminated C string.
\fBNULL\fR is returned on error, otherwise a \fBchar *\fR that is valid until
\fBpdfioFileClose\fR is called.
.SS pdfioStringCreatef
Create a durable formatted string.
char * pdfioStringCreatef (
pdfio_file_t *pdf,
const char *format,
This function creates a formatted string associated with the PDF file
"pwg". The "format" string contains \fBprintf\fR-style format characters.
\fBNULL\fR is returned on error, otherwise a \fBchar *\fR that is valid until
\fBpdfioFileClose\fR is called.
.SS pdfio_rect_s
PDF rectangle
struct pdfio_rect_s
double x1;
double x2;
double y1;
double y2;
.SS pdf_value_t
PDF value of any type
typedef struct _pdfio_value_s pdf_value_t;
.SS pdfio_array_t
Array of PDF values
typedef struct _pdfio_array_s pdfio_array_t;
.SS pdfio_dict_t
Key/value dictionary
typedef struct _pdfio_dict_s pdfio_dict_t;
.SS pdfio_error_cb_t
Error callback
typedef bool(*)(pdfio_file_t *pdf, const char *message, void *data) pdfio_error_cb_t;
.SS pdfio_file_t
PDF file
typedef struct _pdfio_file_s pdfio_file_t;
.SS pdfio_filter_t
Compression/decompression filters for streams
typedef enum pdfio_filter_e pdfio_filter_t;
.SS pdfio_obj_t
Numbered object in PDF file
typedef struct _pdfio_obj_s pdfio_obj_t;
.SS pdfio_rect_t
PDF rectangle
typedef struct pdfio_rect_s pdfio_rect_t;
.SS pdfio_stream_t
Object data stream in PDF file
typedef struct _pdfio_stream_s pdfio_stream_t;
.SS pdfio_valtype_t
PDF value types
typedef enum pdfio_valtype_e pdfio_valtype_t;
Michael R Sweet
Copyright (c) 2021 by Michael R Sweet