// // Content helper functions for pdfio. // // Copyright © 2021 by Michael R Sweet. // // Licensed under Apache License v2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more // information. // // // Include necessary headers... // #include "pdfio-content.h" #include // // Local functions... // static bool write_string(pdfio_stream_t *st, const char *s); // // 'pdfioContentBeginText()' - Begin a text block. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentBeginText( pdfio_stream_t *st) // I - Stream { return (pdfioStreamPuts(st, "BT\n")); } // // 'pdfioContentClip()' - Clip output to the current path. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentClip( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream bool even_odd) // I - Even/odd fill vs. non-zero winding rule { return (pdfioStreamPuts(st, even_odd ? "W*\n" : "W\n")); } // // 'pdfioContentDrawImage()' - Draw an image object. // // The object name must be part of the page dictionary resources, typically // using the @link pdfioPageDictAddImage@ function. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentDrawImage( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream const char *name) // I - Image name { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "/%s Do\n", name)); } // // 'pdfioContentEndText()' - End a text block. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentEndText(pdfio_stream_t *st) // I - Stream { return (pdfioStreamPuts(st, "ET\n")); } // // 'pdfioContentFill()' - Fill the current path. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentFill( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream bool even_odd) // I - Even/odd fill vs. non-zero winding rule { return (pdfioStreamPuts(st, even_odd ? "f*\n" : "f\n")); } // // 'pdfioContentFillAndStroke()' - Fill and stroke the current path. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentFillAndStroke( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream bool even_odd) // I - Even/odd fill vs. non-zero winding { return (pdfioStreamPuts(st, even_odd ? "B*\n" : "B\n")); } // // 'pdfioContentMatrixConcat()' - Concatenate a matrix to the current graphics // state. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentMatrixConcat( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream pdfio_matrix_t m) // I - Transform matrix { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g %g %g %g %g %g cm\n", m[0][0], m[0][1], m[1][0], m[1][1], m[2][0], m[2][1])); } // // 'pdfioContentMatrixRotate()' - Rotate the current transform matrix. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentMatrixRotate( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float degrees) // I - Rotation angle in degrees counter-clockwise { double dcos = cos(degrees / M_PI); // Cosine double dsin = sin(degrees / M_PI); // Sine return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g %g %g %g 0 0 cm\n", dcos, -dsin, dsin, dcos)); } // // 'pdfioContentMatrixScale()' - Scale the current transform matrix. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentMatrixScale( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float sx, // I - X scale float sy) // I - Y scale { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g 0 0 %g 0 0 cm\n", sx, sy)); } // // 'pdfioContentMatrixTranslate()' - Translate the current transform matrix. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentMatrixTranslate( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float tx, // I - X offset float ty) // I - Y offset { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "1 0 0 1 %g %g cm\n", tx, ty)); } // // 'pdfioContentPathClose()' - Close the current path. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentPathClose( pdfio_stream_t *st) // I - Stream { return (pdfioStreamPuts(st, "h\n")); } // // 'pdfioContentPathCurve()' - Add a Bezier curve with two control points. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentPathCurve( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float x1, // I - X position 1 float y1, // I - Y position 1 float x2, // I - X position 2 float y2, // I - Y position 2 float x3, // I - X position 3 float y3) // I - Y position 3 { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g %g %g %g %g %g c\n", x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)); } // // 'pdfioContentPathCurve13()' - Add a Bezier curve with an initial control point. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentPathCurve13( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float x1, // I - X position 1 float y1, // I - Y position 1 float x3, // I - X position 3 float y3) // I - Y position 3 { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g %g %g %g v\n", x1, y1, x3, y3)); } // // 'pdfioContentPathCurve23()' - Add a Bezier curve with a trailing control point. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentPathCurve23( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float x2, // I - X position 2 float y2, // I - Y position 2 float x3, // I - X position 3 float y3) // I - Y position 3 { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g %g %g %g y\n", x2, y2, x3, y3)); } // // 'pdfioContentPathLineTo()' - Add a straight line to the current path. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentPathLineTo( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float x, // I - X position float y) // I - Y position { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g %g l\n", x, y)); } // // 'pdfioContentPathMoveTo()' - Start a new subpath. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentPathMoveTo( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float x, // I - X position float y) // I - Y position { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g %g m\n", x, y)); } // // 'pdfioContentPathRect()' - Add a rectangle to the current path. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentPathRect( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream pdfio_rect_t *rect) // I - Rectangle { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g %g %g %g re\n", rect->x1, rect->y1, rect->x2 - rect->x1, rect->y2 - rect->y1)); } // // 'pdfioContentRestore()' - Restore a previous graphics state. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentRestore( pdfio_stream_t *st) // I - Stream { return (pdfioStreamPuts(st, "Q\n")); } // // 'pdfioContentSave()' - Save the current graphics state. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSave(pdfio_stream_t *st) // I - Stream { return (pdfioStreamPuts(st, "q\n")); } // // 'pdfioContentSetDashPattern()' - Set the stroke pattern. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetDashPattern( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream int phase, // I - Phase (offset within pattern) int on, // I - On length int off) // I - Off length { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "[%d %d] %d d\n", on, off, phase)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetFillColorDeviceCMYK()' - Set device CMYK fill color. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetFillColorDeviceCMYK( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float c, // I - Cyan value (0.0 to 1.0) float m, // I - Magenta value (0.0 to 1.0) float y, // I - Yellow value (0.0 to 1.0) float k) // I - Black value (0.0 to 1.0) { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g %g %g %g k\n", c, m, y, k)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetFillColorDeviceGray()' - Set the device gray fill color. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetFillColorDeviceGray( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float g) // I - Gray value (0.0 to 1.0) { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g g\n", g)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetFillColorDeviceRGB()' - Set the device RGB fill color. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetFillColorDeviceRGB( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float r, // I - Red value (0.0 to 1.0) float g, // I - Green value (0.0 to 1.0) float b) // I - Blue value (0.0 to 1.0) { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g %g %g rg\n", r, g, b)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetFillColorGray()' - Set the calibrated gray fill color. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetFillColorGray( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float g) // I - Gray value (0.0 to 1.0) { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g sc\n", g)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetFillColorRGB()' - Set the calibrated RGB fill color. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetFillColorRGB( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float r, // I - Red value (0.0 to 1.0) float g, // I - Green value (0.0 to 1.0) float b) // I - Blue value (0.0 to 1.0) { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g %g %g sc\n", r, g, b)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetFillColorSpace()' - Set the fill colorspace. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetFillColorSpace( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream const char *name) // I - Color space name { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "/%s cs\n", name)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetFlatness()' - Set the flatness tolerance. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetFlatness( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float flatness) // I - Flatness value (0.0 to 100.0) { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g i\n", flatness)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetLineCap()' - Set the line ends style. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetLineCap( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream pdfio_linecap_t lc) // I - Line cap value { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%d J\n", lc)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetLineJoin()' - Set the line joining style. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetLineJoin( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream pdfio_linejoin_t lj) // I - Line join value { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%d j\n", lj)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetLineWidth()' - Set the line width. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetLineWidth( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float width) // I - Line width value { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g w\n", width)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetMiterLimit()' - Set the miter limit. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetMiterLimit( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float limit) // I - Miter limit value { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g M\n", limit)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetStrokeColorDeviceCMYK()' - Set the device CMYK stroke color. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetStrokeColorDeviceCMYK( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float c, // I - Cyan value (0.0 to 1.0) float m, // I - Magenta value (0.0 to 1.0) float y, // I - Yellow value (0.0 to 1.0) float k) // I - Black value (0.0 to 1.0) { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g %g %g %g K\n", c, m, y, k)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetStrokeColorDeviceGray()' - Set the device gray stroke color. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetStrokeColorDeviceGray( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float g) // I - Gray value (0.0 to 1.0) { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g G\n", g)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetStrokeColorDeviceRGB()' - Set the device RGB stroke color. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetStrokeColorDeviceRGB( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float r, // I - Red value (0.0 to 1.0) float g, // I - Green value (0.0 to 1.0) float b) // I - Blue value (0.0 to 1.0) { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g %g %g RG\n", r, g, b)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetStrokeColorGray()' - Set the calibrated gray stroke color. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetStrokeColorGray( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float g) // I - Gray value (0.0 to 1.0) { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g SC\n", g)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetStrokeColorRGB()' - Set the calibrated RGB stroke color. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetStrokeColorRGB( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float r, // I - Red value (0.0 to 1.0) float g, // I - Green value (0.0 to 1.0) float b) // I - Blue value (0.0 to 1.0) { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g %g %g SC\n", r, g, b)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetStrokeColorSpace()' - Set the stroke color space. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetStrokeColorSpace( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream const char *name) // I - Color space name { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "/%s CS\n", name)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetTextCharacterSpacing()' - Set the spacing between characters. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetTextCharacterSpacing( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float spacing) // I - Character spacing { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g Tc\n", spacing)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetTextFont()' - Set the text font and size. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetTextFont( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream const char *name, // I - Font name float size) // I - Font size { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "/%s %g Tf\n", name, size)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetTextLeading()' - Set text leading (line height) value. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetTextLeading( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float leading) // I - Leading (line height) value { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g TL\n", leading)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetTextMatrix()' - Set the text transform matrix. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetTextMatrix( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream pdfio_matrix_t m) // I - Transform matrix { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g %g %g %g %g %g Tm\n", m[0][0], m[0][1], m[1][0], m[1][1], m[2][0], m[2][1])); } // // 'pdfioContentSetTextRenderingMode()' - Set the text rendering mode. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetTextRenderingMode( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream pdfio_textrendering_t mode) // I - Text rendering mode { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%d Tr\n", mode)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetTextRise()' - Set the text baseline offset. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetTextRise( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float rise) // I - Y offset { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g Ts\n", rise)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetTextWordSpacing()' - Set the inter-word spacing. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetTextWordSpacing( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float spacing) // I - Spacing between words { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g Tw\n", spacing)); } // // 'pdfioContentSetTextXScaling()' - Set the horizontal scaling value. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentSetTextXScaling( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float percent) // I - Horizontal scaling in percent { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g Tz\n", percent)); } // // 'pdfioContentStroke()' - Stroke the current path. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentStroke(pdfio_stream_t *st) // I - Stream { return (pdfioStreamPuts(st, "S\n")); } // // 'pdfioContentTextMoveLine()' - Move to the next line and offset. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentTextMoveLine( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float tx, // I - X offset float ty) // I - Y offset { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g %g TD\n", tx, ty)); } // // 'pdfioContentTextMoveTo()' - Offset within the current line. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentTextMoveTo( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream float tx, // I - X offset float ty) // I - Y offset { return (pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g %g Td\n", tx, ty)); } // // 'pdfioContentTextNextLine()' - Move to the next line. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentTextNextLine( pdfio_stream_t *st) // I - Stream { return (pdfioStreamPuts(st, "T*\n")); } // // 'pdfioContentTextShow()' - Show text. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentTextShow( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream const char *s, // I - String to show bool new_line) // I - Advance to the next line afterwards { write_string(st, s); if (new_line) return (pdfioStreamPuts(st, "\'\n")); else return (pdfioStreamPuts(st, "Tj\n")); } // // 'pdfioContentTextShowJustified()' - Show justified text. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioContentTextShowJustified( pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream size_t num_fragments, // I - Number of text fragments const float *offsets, // I - Text offsets before fragments const char * const *fragments) // I - Text fragments { size_t i; // Looping var // Write an array of offsets and string fragments... if (!pdfioStreamPuts(st, "[")) return (false); for (i = 0; i < num_fragments; i ++) { if (offsets[i] != 0.0f) { if (!pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%g", offsets[i])) return (false); } if (fragments[i]) { if (!write_string(st, fragments[i])) return (false); } } return (pdfioStreamPuts(st, "]TJ\n")); } // // 'pdfioPageDictAddICCColorSpace()' - Add an ICC color space to the page // dictionary. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioPageDictAddICCColorSpace( pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Page dictionary const char *name, // I - Color space name pdfio_obj_t *obj) // I - ICC profile object { (void)dict; (void)name; (void)obj; return (false); } // // 'pdfioPageDictAddCalibratedColorSpace()' - Add a calibrated color space to // the page dictionary. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioPageDictAddCalibratedColorSpace( pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Page dictionary const char *name, // I - Color space name size_t num_colors, // I - Number of color components const float *white_point, // I - CIE XYZ white point float gamma) // I - Gamma value { (void)dict; (void)name; (void)num_colors; (void)white_point; (void)gamma; return (false); } // // 'pdfioPageDictAddFont()' - Add a font object to the page dictionary. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioPageDictAddFont( pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Page dictionary const char *name, // I - Font name pdfio_obj_t *obj) // I - Font object { (void)dict; (void)name; (void)obj; return (false); } // // 'pdfioPageDictAddImage()' - Add an image object to the page dictionary. // bool // O - `true` on success, `false` on failure pdfioPageDictAddImage( pdfio_dict_t *dict, // I - Page dictionary const char *name, // I - Image name pdfio_obj_t *obj) // I - Image object { (void)dict; (void)name; (void)obj; return (false); } // // 'pdfioFileCreateFontObject()' - Add a font object to a PDF file. // pdfio_obj_t * // O - Object pdfioFileCreateFontObject( pdfio_file_t *pdf, // I - PDF file const char *filename) // I - Filename { (void)pdf; (void)filename; return (NULL); } // // 'pdfioFileCreateICCProfileObject()' - Add an ICC profile object to a PDF file. // pdfio_obj_t * // O - Object pdfioFileCreateICCProfileObject( pdfio_file_t *pdf, // I - PDF file const char *filename) // I - Filename { (void)pdf; (void)filename; return (NULL); } // // 'pdfioFileCreateImageObject()' - Add an image object to a PDF file. // pdfio_obj_t * // O - Object pdfioFileCreateImageObject( pdfio_file_t *pdf, // I - PDF file const char *filename, // I - Filename bool interpolate) // I - Interpolate image data? { (void)pdf; (void)filename; (void)interpolate; return (NULL); } // // 'write_string()' - Write a PDF string. // static bool // O - `true` on success, `false` otherwise write_string(pdfio_stream_t *st, // I - Stream const char *s) // I - String { const char *ptr; // Pointer into string // Determine whether this is Unicode or just ASCII... for (ptr = s; *ptr; ptr ++) { if (*ptr & 0x80) break; } if (*ptr) { // Unicode string... int ch; // Unicode character if (!pdfioStreamPuts(st, "(")) return (false); for (ptr = s; *ptr; ptr ++) { if ((*ptr & 0xe0) == 0xc0) { // Two-byte UTF-8 ch = ((ptr[0] & 0x1f) << 6) | (ptr[1] & 0x3f); ptr ++; } else if ((*ptr & 0xf0) == 0xe0) { // Three-byte UTF-8 ch = ((ptr[0] & 0x0f) << 12) | ((ptr[1] & 0x3f) << 6) | (ptr[2] & 0x3f); ptr += 2; } else if ((*ptr & 0xf8) == 0xf0) { // Four-byte UTF-8 ch = ((ptr[0] & 0x07) << 18) | ((ptr[1] & 0x3f) << 12) | ((ptr[2] & 0x3f) << 6) | (ptr[3] & 0x3f); ptr += 3; } else ch = *ptr & 255; // Write a two-byte character... if (!pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%04X", ch)) return (false); } if (!pdfioStreamPuts(st, ")")) return (false); } else { // ASCII string... const char *start = s; // Start of fragment int level = 0; // Paren level if (!pdfioStreamPuts(st, "(")) return (false); for (ptr = start; *ptr; ptr ++) { if (*ptr == '\\' || (*ptr == ')' && level == 0) || *ptr < ' ') { if (ptr > start) { if (!pdfioStreamWrite(st, start, (size_t)(ptr - start))) return (false); start = ptr + 1; } if (*ptr < ' ') { if (!pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "\\%03o", *ptr)) return (false); } else if (!pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "\\%c", *ptr)) return (false); } else if (*ptr == '(') level ++; else if (*ptr == ')') level --; } if (ptr > start) { if (!pdfioStreamPrintf(st, "%s)", start)) return (false); } else if (!pdfioStreamPuts(st, ")")) return (false); } return (true); }