# # Makefile for PDFio examples. # # Copyright © 2024-2025 by Michael R Sweet. # # Licensed under Apache License v2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more # information. # # POSIX makefile .POSIX: # Common options CFLAGS = -g $(CPPFLAGS) #CFLAGS = -g -fsanitize=address $(CPPFLAGS) CPPFLAGS = -I.. $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH="..:$(PKG_CONFIG_PATH)" pkg-config pdfio --cflags) LIBS = -L.. $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH="..:$(PKG_CONFIG_PATH)" pkg-config pdfio --libs) # Targets TARGETS = \ code128 \ image2pdf \ md2pdf \ pdf2text \ pdfioinfo # Make everything all: $(TARGETS) # Clean everything clean: rm -f $(TARGETS) # code128 code128: code128.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ code128.c $(LIBS) # image2pdf image2pdf: image2pdf.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ image2pdf.c $(LIBS) # md2pdf md2pdf: md2pdf.c mmd.c mmd.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ md2pdf.c mmd.c $(LIBS) # pdfio text extraction (demo, doesn't handle a lot of things yet) pdf2text: pdf2text.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ pdf2text.c $(LIBS) # pdfioinfo pdfioinfo: pdfioinfo.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ pdfioinfo.c $(LIBS) # Common dependencies... $(TARGETS): Makefile ../pdfio.h ../pdfio-content.h