// Cryptographic support functions for PDFio.
// Copyright © 2021-2023 by Michael R Sweet.
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0.  See the file "LICENSE" for more
// information.

#include "pdfio-private.h"
#if _WIN32
#  include <windows.h>
#  include <bcrypt.h>
#  include <sys/types.h>
#  include <sys/timeb.h>
#  include <sys/time.h>
#endif // _WIN32
#ifdef __has_include
#  if __has_include(<sys/random.h>)
#    define HAVE_GETRANDOM 1
#    include <sys/random.h>
#  endif // __has_include(<sys/random.h>)
#endif // __has_include

// PDF files can use one of several methods to encrypt a PDF file.  There is
// an owner password that controls/unlocks full editing/usage permissions and a
// user password that unlocks limited usage of the PDF.  Permissions are set
// using bits for copy, print, etc. (see the `pdfio_permission_t` enumeration).
// Passwords can be up to 32 bytes in length, with a well-known padding string
// that is applied if the string is less than 32 bytes or there is no password.
// > Note: PDF encryption has several design weaknesses which limit the
// > protection offered.  The V2 and V4 security handlers depend on the obsolete
// > MD5 and RC4 algorithms for key generation, and Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
// > further weakens AES support.  Enforcement of usage permissions depends on
// > the consuming software honoring them, so if the password is known or (more
// > commonly) the user password is blank, it is possible to bypass usage
// > permissions completely.
// PDFio supports the following:
// - The original 40-bit RC4 (V2+R2) encryption for reading only
// - 128-bit RC4 (V2+R3) encryption for reading and writing
// - 128-bit AES (V4+R4) encryption for reading and writing
// - TODO: 256-bit AES (V6+R6) encryption for reading and writing
// Common values:
// - "F" is the file encryption key (40 to 256 bits/5 to 32 bytes)
// - "Fid" is the file ID string (stored in PDF file, 32 bytes)
// - "O" is the owner key (stored in PDF file, 32 bytes)
// - "Opad" is the padded owner password (32 bytes)
// - "P" is the permissions integer (stored in PDF file)
// - "P4" is the permissions integer as a 32-bit little-endian value
// - "U" is the user key (stored in PDF file, 32 bytes)
// - "Upad" is the padded user password (32 bytes)
// V2+R2 handler:
//   F = md5(Upad+O+P4+Fid)
//   O = rc4(Upad, md5(Opad))
//       (unlock with owner password)
//       Upad = rc4(O, md5(Opad))
//   U = rc4(md5(Upad+Fid)+0[16], F)
// V2+R3/V4+R4 handler:
//   F = md5(md5(Upad+O+P4+Fid))^50
//   O = rc4(Upad, md5(md5(Opad))^50)^20
//       (unlock with owner password)
//       Upad = rc4(O, md5(md5(Opad))^50)^20
//   U = rc4(md5(Upad+Fid)+0[16], F)^20
// V6+R6 handler:
//   TODO: document V6+R6 handler

// Local globals...

static uint8_t pdf_passpad[32] =	// Padding for passwords
  0x28, 0xbf, 0x4e, 0x5e, 0x4e, 0x75, 0x8a, 0x41,
  0x64, 0x00, 0x4e, 0x56, 0xff, 0xfa, 0x01, 0x08,
  0x2e, 0x2e, 0x00, 0xb6, 0xd0, 0x68, 0x3e, 0x80,
  0x2f, 0x0c, 0xa9, 0xfe, 0x64, 0x53, 0x69, 0x7a

// Local functions...

static void	decrypt_user_key(pdfio_encryption_t encryption, const uint8_t *file_key, uint8_t user_key[32]);
static void	encrypt_user_key(pdfio_encryption_t encryption, const uint8_t *file_key, uint8_t user_key[32]);
static void	make_file_key(pdfio_encryption_t encryption, pdfio_permission_t permissions, const unsigned char *file_id, size_t file_idlen, const uint8_t *user_pad, const uint8_t *owner_key, uint8_t file_key[16]);
static void	make_owner_key(pdfio_encryption_t encryption, const uint8_t *owner_pad, const uint8_t *user_pad, uint8_t owner_key[32]);
static void	make_user_key(const unsigned char *file_id, size_t file_idlen, uint8_t user_key[32]);
static void	pad_password(const char *password, uint8_t pad[32]);

// '_pdfioCryptoLock()' - Lock a PDF file by generating the encryption object and keys.

bool					// O - `true` on success, `false` otherwise
    pdfio_file_t       *pdf,		// I - PDF file
    pdfio_permission_t permissions,	// I - Use permissions
    pdfio_encryption_t encryption,	// I - Type of encryption to use
    const char         *owner_password,	// I - Owner password, if any
    const char         *user_password)	// I - User password, if any
  pdfio_dict_t	*dict;			// Encryption dictionary
  uint8_t	owner_pad[32],		// Padded owner password
		user_pad[32],		// Padded user password
		*file_id;		// File ID bytes
  size_t	file_idlen;		// Length of file ID
  pdfio_dict_t	*cf_dict,		// CF dictionary
		*filter_dict;		// CryptFilter dictionary

  if ((dict = pdfioDictCreate(pdf)) == NULL)
    _pdfioFileError(pdf, "Unable to create encryption dictionary.");
    return (false);

  pdfioDictSetName(dict, "Filter", "Standard");

  switch (encryption)
    case PDFIO_ENCRYPTION_RC4_128 :
        // Create the 128-bit encryption keys...
        pad_password(user_password, user_pad);

        if (!owner_password && user_password && *user_password)
	  // Generate a random owner password...
	  _pdfioCryptoMakeRandom(owner_pad, sizeof(owner_pad));
	  // Use supplied owner password
	  pad_password(owner_password, owner_pad);

        // Compute the owner key...
        make_owner_key(encryption, owner_pad, user_pad, pdf->owner_key);
	pdf->owner_keylen = 32;

        // Generate the encryption key
        file_id = pdfioArrayGetBinary(pdf->id_array, 0, &file_idlen);

        make_file_key(encryption, permissions, file_id, file_idlen, user_pad, pdf->owner_key, pdf->file_key);
	pdf->file_keylen = 16;

	// Generate the user key...
	make_user_key(file_id, file_idlen, pdf->user_key);
	encrypt_user_key(encryption, pdf->file_key, pdf->user_key);
	pdf->user_keylen = 32;

	// Save everything in the dictionary...
	pdfioDictSetNumber(dict, "Length", 128);
	pdfioDictSetBinary(dict, "O", pdf->owner_key, sizeof(pdf->owner_key));
	pdfioDictSetNumber(dict, "P", (int)permissions);
	pdfioDictSetNumber(dict, "R", encryption == PDFIO_ENCRYPTION_RC4_128 ? 3 : 4);
	pdfioDictSetNumber(dict, "V", encryption == PDFIO_ENCRYPTION_RC4_128 ? 2 : 4);
	pdfioDictSetBinary(dict, "U", pdf->user_key, sizeof(pdf->user_key));

        if (encryption == PDFIO_ENCRYPTION_AES_128)
	  if ((cf_dict = pdfioDictCreate(pdf)) == NULL)
	    _pdfioFileError(pdf, "Unable to create Encryption CF dictionary.");
	    return (false);

	  if ((filter_dict = pdfioDictCreate(pdf)) == NULL)
	    _pdfioFileError(pdf, "Unable to create Encryption CryptFilter dictionary.");
	    return (false);

	  pdfioDictSetName(filter_dict, "Type", "CryptFilter");
	  pdfioDictSetName(filter_dict, "CFM", "AESV2");
	  pdfioDictSetDict(cf_dict, "PDFio", filter_dict);
	  pdfioDictSetDict(dict, "CF", cf_dict);
	  pdfioDictSetName(dict, "StmF", "PDFio");
	  pdfioDictSetName(dict, "StrF", "PDFio");
	  pdfioDictSetBoolean(dict, "EncryptMetadata", true);

        // TODO: Implement AES-256 (/V 6 /R 6)

    default :
        _pdfioFileError(pdf, "Encryption mode %d not supported for writing.", (int)encryption);
	return (false);

  if ((pdf->encrypt_obj = pdfioFileCreateObj(pdf, dict)) == NULL)
    _pdfioFileError(pdf, "Unable to create encryption object.");
    return (false);


  pdf->encryption  = encryption;
  pdf->permissions = permissions;

  return (true);

// '_pdfioCryptoMakeRandom()' - Fill a buffer with good random numbers.

_pdfioCryptoMakeRandom(uint8_t *buffer,	// I - Buffer
                       size_t  bytes)	// I - Number of bytes
#ifdef __APPLE__
  // macOS/iOS provide the arc4random function which is seeded with entropy
  // from the system...
  while (bytes > 0)
    // Just collect 8 bits from each call to fill the buffer...
    *buffer++ = (uint8_t)arc4random();
    bytes --;

#  if _WIN32
  // Windows provides the CryptGenRandom function...
  HCRYPTPROV	prov;			// Cryptographic provider

  if (CryptAcquireContextA(&prov, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, 0))
    // Got the default crypto provider, try to get random data...
    BOOL success = CryptGenRandom(prov, (DWORD)bytes, buffer);

    // Release the crypto provider and return on success...
    CryptReleaseContext(prov, 0);

    if (success)

  // Linux provides a system call called getrandom that uses system entropy ...
  ssize_t	rbytes;			// Bytes read

  while (bytes > 0)
    if ((rbytes = getrandom(buffer, bytes, 0)) < 0)
      if (errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN)
    bytes -= (size_t)rbytes;
    buffer += rbytes;

  if (bytes == 0)

#  else
  // Other UNIX-y systems have /dev/urandom...
  int		fd;			// Random number file
  ssize_t	rbytes;			// Bytes read

  // Fall back on /dev/urandom...
  if ((fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY)) >= 0)
    while (bytes > 0)
      if ((rbytes = read(fd, buffer, bytes)) < 0)
        if (errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN)
      bytes -= (size_t)rbytes;
      buffer += rbytes;


    if (bytes == 0)
#  endif // _WIN32

  // If we get here then we were unable to get enough random data or the local
  // system doesn't have enough entropy.  Make some up...
  uint32_t	i,			// Looping var
		mt_state[624],		// Mersenne twister state
		mt_index,		// Mersenne twister index
		temp;			// Temporary value
#  if _WIN32
  struct _timeb curtime;		// Current time

  mt_state[0] = (uint32_t)(curtime.time + curtime.millitm);

#  else
  struct timeval curtime;		// Current time

  gettimeofday(&curtime, NULL);
  mt_state[0] = (uint32_t)(curtime.tv_sec + curtime.tv_usec);
#  endif // _WIN32

  // Seed the random number state...
  mt_index = 0;

  for (i = 1; i < 624; i ++)
    mt_state[i] = (uint32_t)((1812433253 * (mt_state[i - 1] ^ (mt_state[i - 1] >> 30))) + i);

  // Fill the buffer with random numbers...
  while (bytes > 0)
    if (mt_index == 0)
      // Generate a sequence of random numbers...
      uint32_t i1 = 1, i397 = 397;	// Looping vars

      for (i = 0; i < 624; i ++)
	temp        = (mt_state[i] & 0x80000000) + (mt_state[i1] & 0x7fffffff);
	mt_state[i] = mt_state[i397] ^ (temp >> 1);

	if (temp & 1)
	  mt_state[i] ^= 2567483615u;

	i1 ++;
	i397 ++;

	if (i1 == 624)
	  i1 = 0;

	if (i397 == 624)
	  i397 = 0;

    // Pull 32-bits of random data...
    temp = mt_state[mt_index ++];
    temp ^= temp >> 11;
    temp ^= (temp << 7) & 2636928640u;
    temp ^= (temp << 15) & 4022730752u;
    temp ^= temp >> 18;

    if (mt_index == 624)
      mt_index = 0;

    // Copy to the buffer...
    switch (bytes)
      case 1 :
          *buffer++ = (uint8_t)(temp >> 24);
          bytes --;
      case 2 :
          *buffer++ = (uint8_t)(temp >> 24);
          *buffer++ = (uint8_t)(temp >> 16);
          bytes -= 2;
      case 3 :
          *buffer++ = (uint8_t)(temp >> 24);
          *buffer++ = (uint8_t)(temp >> 16);
          *buffer++ = (uint8_t)(temp >> 8);
          bytes -= 3;
      default :
          *buffer++ = (uint8_t)(temp >> 24);
          *buffer++ = (uint8_t)(temp >> 16);
          *buffer++ = (uint8_t)(temp >> 8);
          *buffer++ = (uint8_t)temp;
          bytes -= 4;
#endif // __APPLE__

// '_pdfioCryptoMakeReader()' - Setup a cryptographic context and callback for reading.

_pdfio_crypto_cb_t			// O  - Decryption callback or `NULL` for none
     pdfio_file_t        *pdf,		// I  - PDF file
     pdfio_obj_t         *obj,		// I  - PDF object
     _pdfio_crypto_ctx_t *ctx,		// I  - Pointer to crypto context
     uint8_t             *iv,		// I  - Buffer for initialization vector
     size_t              *ivlen)	// IO - Size of initialization vector
  uint8_t	data[21];		// Key data
  _pdfio_md5_t	md5;			// MD5 state
  uint8_t	digest[16];		// MD5 digest value
  pdfio_array_t	*id_array;		// Object ID array
  unsigned char	*id_value;		// Object ID value
  size_t	id_len;			// Length of object ID
  uint8_t	temp_key[16];		// File key for object
  uint8_t	*file_key;		// Computed file key to use

  PDFIO_DEBUG("_pdfioCryptoMakeReader(pdf=%p, obj=%p(%d), ctx=%p, iv=%p, ivlen=%p(%d))\n", pdf, obj, (int)obj->number, ctx, iv, ivlen, (int)*ivlen);

  // Range check input...
  if (!pdf)
    *ivlen = 0;
    return (NULL);

  if ((id_array = pdfioDictGetArray(pdfioObjGetDict(obj), "ID")) != NULL)
    // Object has its own ID that will get used for encryption...
    _pdfio_md5_t md5;			// MD5 context
    uint8_t	file_digest[16];	// MD5 digest of file ID and pad
    uint8_t	user_pad[32],		// Padded user password
		own_user_key[32],	// Calculated user key
		pdf_user_key[32];	// Decrypted user key

    PDFIO_DEBUG("_pdfioCryptoMakeReader: Per-object file ID.\n");

    if ((id_value = pdfioArrayGetBinary(id_array, 0, &id_len)) == NULL)
      *ivlen = 0;
      return (NULL);

    _pdfioCryptoMD5Append(&md5, pdf_passpad, 32);
    _pdfioCryptoMD5Append(&md5, id_value, id_len);
    _pdfioCryptoMD5Finish(&md5, file_digest);

    make_owner_key(pdf->encryption, pdf->password, pdf->owner_key, user_pad);
    make_file_key(pdf->encryption, pdf->permissions, id_value, id_len, user_pad, pdf->owner_key, temp_key);
    make_user_key(id_value, id_len, own_user_key);

    if (memcmp(own_user_key, pdf->user_key, sizeof(own_user_key)))
      PDFIO_DEBUG("_pdfioCryptoMakeReader: Not user password, trying owner password.\n");

      make_file_key(pdf->encryption, pdf->permissions, id_value, id_len, pdf->password, pdf->owner_key, temp_key);
      make_user_key(id_value, id_len, own_user_key);

      memcpy(pdf_user_key, pdf->user_key, sizeof(pdf_user_key));
      decrypt_user_key(pdf->encryption, temp_key, pdf_user_key);

      if (memcmp(pdf->password, pdf_user_key, 32) && memcmp(own_user_key, pdf_user_key, 16))
	*ivlen = 0;
	return (NULL);

    file_key = temp_key;
    // Use the default file key...
    file_key = pdf->file_key;

  switch (pdf->encryption)
    default :
        *ivlen = 0;
        return (NULL);

    case PDFIO_ENCRYPTION_RC4_40 :
	// Copy the key data for the MD5 hash.
	memcpy(data, file_key, 16);
	data[16] = (uint8_t)obj->number;
	data[17] = (uint8_t)(obj->number >> 8);
	data[18] = (uint8_t)(obj->number >> 16);
	data[19] = (uint8_t)obj->generation;
	data[20] = (uint8_t)(obj->generation >> 8);

        // Hash it...
	_pdfioCryptoMD5Append(&md5, data, sizeof(data));
	_pdfioCryptoMD5Finish(&md5, digest);

        // Initialize the RC4 context using 40 bits of the digest...
	_pdfioCryptoRC4Init(&ctx->rc4, digest, 5);
	*ivlen = 0;
	return ((_pdfio_crypto_cb_t)_pdfioCryptoRC4Crypt);

        if (*ivlen < 16)
          *ivlen = 0;
          _pdfioFileError(pdf, "Value too short for AES encryption.");
          return (NULL);

    case PDFIO_ENCRYPTION_RC4_128 :
	// Copy the key data for the MD5 hash.
	memcpy(data, file_key, 16);
	data[16] = (uint8_t)obj->number;
	data[17] = (uint8_t)(obj->number >> 8);
	data[18] = (uint8_t)(obj->number >> 16);
	data[19] = (uint8_t)obj->generation;
	data[20] = (uint8_t)(obj->generation >> 8);

        // Hash it...
	_pdfioCryptoMD5Append(&md5, data, sizeof(data));
	if (pdf->encryption == PDFIO_ENCRYPTION_AES_128)
	  _pdfioCryptoMD5Append(&md5, (const uint8_t *)"sAlT", 4);
	_pdfioCryptoMD5Finish(&md5, digest);

        // Initialize the RC4/AES context using the digest...
        if (pdf->encryption == PDFIO_ENCRYPTION_RC4_128)
	  *ivlen = 0;
          _pdfioCryptoRC4Init(&ctx->rc4, digest, sizeof(digest));
          return ((_pdfio_crypto_cb_t)_pdfioCryptoRC4Crypt);
	  *ivlen = 16;
          _pdfioCryptoAESInit(&ctx->aes, digest, sizeof(digest), iv);
          return ((_pdfio_crypto_cb_t)_pdfioCryptoAESDecrypt);

// '_pdfioCryptoMakeWriter()' - Setup a cryptographic context and callback for writing.

_pdfio_crypto_cb_t			// O  - Encryption callback or `NULL` for none
     pdfio_file_t        *pdf,		// I  - PDF file
     pdfio_obj_t         *obj,		// I  - PDF object
     _pdfio_crypto_ctx_t *ctx,		// I  - Pointer to crypto context
     uint8_t             *iv,		// I  - Buffer for initialization vector
     size_t              *ivlen)	// IO - Size of initialization vector
  uint8_t	data[21];		/* Key data */
  _pdfio_md5_t	md5;			/* MD5 state */
  uint8_t	digest[16];		/* MD5 digest value */

  PDFIO_DEBUG("_pdfioCryptoMakeWriter(pdf=%p, obj=%p(%d), ctx=%p, iv=%p, ivlen=%p(%d))\n", pdf, obj, (int)obj->number, ctx, iv, ivlen, (int)*ivlen);

  // Range check input...
  if (!pdf)
    *ivlen = 0;
    return (NULL);

  switch (pdf->encryption)
    default :
        *ivlen = 0;
        return (NULL);

    case PDFIO_ENCRYPTION_RC4_128 :
	// Copy the key data for the MD5 hash.
	memcpy(data, pdf->file_key, sizeof(pdf->file_key));
	data[16] = (uint8_t)obj->number;
	data[17] = (uint8_t)(obj->number >> 8);
	data[18] = (uint8_t)(obj->number >> 16);
	data[19] = (uint8_t)obj->generation;
	data[20] = (uint8_t)(obj->generation >> 8);

        // Hash it...
	_pdfioCryptoMD5Append(&md5, data, sizeof(data));
	if (pdf->encryption == PDFIO_ENCRYPTION_AES_128)
	  _pdfioCryptoMD5Append(&md5, (const uint8_t *)"sAlT", 4);
	_pdfioCryptoMD5Finish(&md5, digest);

        // Initialize the RC4/AES context using the digest...
        if (pdf->encryption == PDFIO_ENCRYPTION_RC4_128)
	  *ivlen = 0;
          _pdfioCryptoRC4Init(&ctx->rc4, digest, sizeof(digest));
          return ((_pdfio_crypto_cb_t)_pdfioCryptoRC4Crypt);
	  *ivlen = 16;
	  _pdfioCryptoMakeRandom(iv, *ivlen);
          _pdfioCryptoAESInit(&ctx->aes, digest, sizeof(digest), iv);
          return ((_pdfio_crypto_cb_t)_pdfioCryptoAESEncrypt);

// '_pdfioCryptoUnlock()' - Unlock an encrypted PDF.

bool					// O - `true` on success, `false` otherwise
    pdfio_file_t        *pdf,		// I - PDF file
    pdfio_password_cb_t password_cb,	// I - Password callback or `NULL` for none
    void                *password_data)	// I - Password callback data, if any
  int		tries;			// Number of tries
  const char	*password = NULL;	// Password to try
  pdfio_dict_t	*encrypt_dict;		// Encrypt objection dictionary
  int		version,		// Version value
		revision,		// Revision value
		length;			// Key length value
  const char	*handler,		// Security handler name
		*stream_filter,		// Stream encryption filter
		*string_filter;		// String encryption filter
  pdfio_dict_t	*cf_dict;		// CryptFilters dictionary
  unsigned char	*owner_key,		// Owner key
		*user_key,		// User key
		*file_id;		// File ID value
  size_t	owner_keylen,		// Length of owner key
		user_keylen,		// Length of user key
		file_idlen;		// Length of file ID
  _pdfio_md5_t	md5;			// MD5 context
  uint8_t	file_digest[16];	// MD5 digest of file ID and pad

  // See if we support the type of encryption specified by the Encrypt object
  // dictionary...
  if ((encrypt_dict = pdfioObjGetDict(pdf->encrypt_obj)) == NULL)
    _pdfioFileError(pdf, "Unable to get encryption dictionary.");
    return (false);

  handler  = pdfioDictGetName(encrypt_dict, "Filter");
  version  = (int)pdfioDictGetNumber(encrypt_dict, "V");
  revision = (int)pdfioDictGetNumber(encrypt_dict, "R");
  length   = (int)pdfioDictGetNumber(encrypt_dict, "Length");

  PDFIO_DEBUG("_pdfioCryptoUnlock: handler=%p(%s), version=%d, revision=%d, length=%d\n", (void *)handler, handler ? handler : "(null)", version, revision, length);

  if (!handler || strcmp(handler, "Standard"))
    _pdfioFileError(pdf, "Unsupported security handler '%s'.", handler ? handler : "(null)");
    return (false);

  if (version == 4 && revision == 4)
    // Lookup crypt filter to see if we support it...
    pdfio_dict_t *filter;		// Crypt Filter
    const char	*cfm;			// Crypt filter method

    stream_filter = pdfioDictGetName(encrypt_dict, "StmF");
    string_filter = pdfioDictGetName(encrypt_dict, "StrF");
    cf_dict       = pdfioDictGetDict(encrypt_dict, "CF");

    if (!cf_dict)
      _pdfioFileError(pdf, "Missing encryption filter dictionary.");
      return (false);
    else if (!stream_filter)
      _pdfioFileError(pdf, "Missing stream encryption filter.");
      return (false);
    else if (!string_filter)
      _pdfioFileError(pdf, "Missing string encryption filter.");
      return (false);
    else if (strcmp(stream_filter, string_filter))
      _pdfioFileError(pdf, "Different stream and string encryption filters - not supported.");
      return (false);
    else if ((filter = pdfioDictGetDict(cf_dict, stream_filter)) == NULL)
      _pdfioFileError(pdf, "Missing stream encryption filter '%s'.", stream_filter);
      return (false);
    else if ((cfm = pdfioDictGetName(filter, "CFM")) == NULL)
      _pdfioFileError(pdf, "Missing encryption filter method.");
      return (false);
      PDFIO_DEBUG("_pdfioCryptoUnlock: CFM=\"%s\"\n", cfm);

      if (length < 40 || length > 128)
	length = 128;			// Default to 128 bits

      if (!strcmp(cfm, "V2"))
        pdf->encryption = PDFIO_ENCRYPTION_RC4_128;
      else if (!strcmp(cfm, "AESV2"))
        pdf->encryption = PDFIO_ENCRYPTION_AES_128;
  else if (version == 1 || version == 2)
    if (revision == 2)
      pdf->encryption = PDFIO_ENCRYPTION_RC4_40;
      length = 40;
    else if (revision == 3)
      pdf->encryption = PDFIO_ENCRYPTION_RC4_128;
      if (length < 40 || length > 128)
        length = 128;
  else if (version == 6 && revision == 6)
    // TODO: Implement AES-256 - V6 R6
    pdf->encryption = PDFIO_ENCRYPTION_AES_256;
    length          = 256;

  PDFIO_DEBUG("_pdfioCryptoUnlock: encryption=%d, length=%d\n", pdf->encryption, length);

  if (pdf->encryption == PDFIO_ENCRYPTION_NONE)
    _pdfioFileError(pdf, "Unsupported encryption V%d R%d.", version, revision);
    return (false);

  // Grab the remaining values we need to unlock the PDF...
  pdf->file_keylen = (size_t)(length / 8);
  pdf->permissions = (pdfio_permission_t)pdfioDictGetNumber(encrypt_dict, "P");

  PDFIO_DEBUG("_pdfioCryptoUnlock: permissions=%d\n", pdf->permissions);

  owner_key = pdfioDictGetBinary(encrypt_dict, "O", &owner_keylen);
  user_key  = pdfioDictGetBinary(encrypt_dict, "U", &user_keylen);

  if (!owner_key)
    _pdfioFileError(pdf, "Missing owner key, unable to unlock file.");
    return (false);
  else if (owner_keylen < 32 || owner_keylen > sizeof(pdf->owner_key))
    _pdfioFileError(pdf, "Bad %d bytes owner key, unable to unlock file.", (int)owner_keylen);
    return (false);

  PDFIO_DEBUG("_pdfioCryptoUnlock: owner_key[%d]=%02X%02X%02X%02X...%02X%02X%02X%02X\n", (int)owner_keylen, owner_key[0], owner_key[1], owner_key[2], owner_key[3], owner_key[28], owner_key[29], owner_key[30], owner_key[31]);

  memcpy(pdf->owner_key, owner_key, owner_keylen);
  pdf->owner_keylen = owner_keylen;

  if (!user_key)
    _pdfioFileError(pdf, "Missing user key, unable to unlock file.");
    return (false);
  else if (user_keylen < 32 || user_keylen > sizeof(pdf->user_key))
    _pdfioFileError(pdf, "Bad %d byte user key, unable to unlock file.", (int)user_keylen);
    return (false);

  PDFIO_DEBUG("_pdfioCryptoUnlock: user_key[%d]=%02X%02X%02X%02X...%02X%02X%02X%02X\n", (int)user_keylen, user_key[0], user_key[1], user_key[2], user_key[3], user_key[28], user_key[29], user_key[30], user_key[31]);

  memcpy(pdf->user_key, user_key, user_keylen);
  pdf->user_keylen = user_keylen;

  if ((file_id = pdfioArrayGetBinary(pdf->id_array, 0, &file_idlen)) == NULL || file_idlen < 16)
    _pdfioFileError(pdf, "Missing or bad file ID, unable to unlock file.");
    return (false);

  // Generate a base hash from known values...
  _pdfioCryptoMD5Append(&md5, pdf_passpad, 32);
  _pdfioCryptoMD5Append(&md5, file_id, file_idlen);
  _pdfioCryptoMD5Finish(&md5, file_digest);

  // Now try to unlock the PDF...
  for (tries = 0; tries < 4; tries ++)
    if (pdf->encryption <= PDFIO_ENCRYPTION_AES_128)
      uint8_t	pad[32],		// Padded password
		file_key[16],		// File key
		user_pad[32],		// Padded user password
		own_user_key[32],	// Calculated user key
		pdf_user_key[32];	// Decrypted user key

      // Pad the supplied password, if any...
      pad_password(password, pad);

      // Generate keys to see if things match...
      PDFIO_DEBUG("_pdfioCryptoUnlock: Trying %02X%02X%02X%02X...%02X%02X%02X%02X\n", pad[0], pad[1], pad[2], pad[3], pad[28], pad[29], pad[30], pad[31]);
      PDFIO_DEBUG("_pdfioCryptoUnlock: P=%d\n", pdf->permissions);
      PDFIO_DEBUG("_pdfioCryptoUnlock: Fid(%d)=%02X%02X%02X%02X...%02X%02X%02X%02X\n", (int)file_idlen, file_id[0], file_id[1], file_id[2], file_id[3], file_id[12], file_id[13], file_id[14], file_id[15]);

      make_owner_key(pdf->encryption, pad, pdf->owner_key, user_pad);
      PDFIO_DEBUG("_pdfioCryptoUnlock: Upad=%02X%02X%02X%02X...%02X%02X%02X%02X\n", user_pad[0], user_pad[1], user_pad[2], user_pad[3], user_pad[28], user_pad[29], user_pad[30], user_pad[31]);

      make_file_key(pdf->encryption, pdf->permissions, file_id, file_idlen, user_pad, pdf->owner_key, file_key);
      PDFIO_DEBUG("_pdfioCryptoUnlock: Fown=%02X%02X%02X%02X...%02X%02X%02X%02X\n", file_key[0], file_key[1], file_key[2], file_key[3], file_key[12], file_key[13], file_key[14], file_key[15]);

      make_user_key(file_id, file_idlen, own_user_key);

      PDFIO_DEBUG("_pdfioCryptoUnlock: U=%02X%02X%02X%02X...%02X%02X%02X%02X\n", pdf->user_key[0], pdf->user_key[1], pdf->user_key[2], pdf->user_key[3], pdf->user_key[28], pdf->user_key[29], pdf->user_key[30], pdf->user_key[31]);
      PDFIO_DEBUG("_pdfioCryptoUnlock: Uown=%02X%02X%02X%02X...%02X%02X%02X%02X\n", own_user_key[0], own_user_key[1], own_user_key[2], own_user_key[3], own_user_key[28], own_user_key[29], own_user_key[30], own_user_key[31]);

      if (!memcmp(own_user_key, pdf->user_key, sizeof(own_user_key)))
        // Matches!
        memcpy(pdf->file_key, file_key, sizeof(pdf->file_key));
        memcpy(pdf->password, pad, sizeof(pdf->password));

        return (true);

      // Not the owner password, try the user password...
      make_file_key(pdf->encryption, pdf->permissions, file_id, file_idlen, pad, pdf->owner_key, file_key);
      PDFIO_DEBUG("_pdfioCryptoUnlock: Fuse=%02X%02X%02X%02X...%02X%02X%02X%02X\n", file_key[0], file_key[1], file_key[2], file_key[3], file_key[12], file_key[13], file_key[14], file_key[15]);

      make_user_key(file_id, file_idlen, own_user_key);

      memcpy(pdf_user_key, pdf->user_key, sizeof(pdf_user_key));
      decrypt_user_key(pdf->encryption, file_key, pdf_user_key);

      PDFIO_DEBUG("_pdfioCryptoUnlock: Uuse=%02X%02X%02X%02X...%02X%02X%02X%02X\n", user_key[0], user_key[1], user_key[2], user_key[3], user_key[28], user_key[29], user_key[30], user_key[31]);
      PDFIO_DEBUG("_pdfioCryptoUnlock: Updf=%02X%02X%02X%02X...%02X%02X%02X%02X\n", pdf_user_key[0], pdf_user_key[1], pdf_user_key[2], pdf_user_key[3], pdf_user_key[28], pdf_user_key[29], pdf_user_key[30], pdf_user_key[31]);

      if (!memcmp(pad, pdf_user_key, 32) || !memcmp(own_user_key, pdf_user_key, 16))
        // Matches!
        memcpy(pdf->file_key, file_key, sizeof(pdf->file_key));
        memcpy(pdf->password, pad, sizeof(pdf->password));

        return (true);
      // TODO: Implement AES-256 security handler
      _pdfioFileError(pdf, "Unable to unlock AES-256 encrypted file at this time.");
      return (false);

    // If we get here we need to try another password...
    if (password_cb)
      password = (password_cb)(password_data, pdf->filename);

    if (!password)

  _pdfioFileError(pdf, "Unable to unlock PDF file.");

  return (false);

// 'decrypt_user_key()' - Decrypt the user key.

static void
    pdfio_encryption_t encryption,	// I  - Type of encryption
    const uint8_t      *file_key,	// I  - File encryption key
    uint8_t            user_key[32])	// IO - User key
  size_t	i, j;			// Looping vars
  _pdfio_rc4_t	rc4;			// RC4 encryption context

  if (encryption == PDFIO_ENCRYPTION_RC4_40)
    // Encrypt the result once...
    _pdfioCryptoRC4Init(&rc4, file_key, 5);
    _pdfioCryptoRC4Crypt(&rc4, user_key, user_key, 32);
    // Encrypt the result 20 times...
    uint8_t	key[16];		// Current encryption key

    for (i = 19; i > 0; i --)
      // XOR each byte in the key with the loop counter...
      for (j = 0; j < 16; j ++)
	key[j] = (uint8_t)(file_key[j] ^ i);

      _pdfioCryptoRC4Init(&rc4, key, 16);
      _pdfioCryptoRC4Crypt(&rc4, user_key, user_key, 32);

    _pdfioCryptoRC4Init(&rc4, file_key, 16);
    _pdfioCryptoRC4Crypt(&rc4, user_key, user_key, 32);

// 'encrypt_user_key()' - Encrypt the user key.

static void
    pdfio_encryption_t encryption,	// I  - Type of encryption
    const uint8_t      *file_key,	// I  - File encryption key
    uint8_t            user_key[32])	// IO - User key
  size_t	i, j;			// Looping vars
  _pdfio_rc4_t	rc4;			// RC4 encryption context

  if (encryption == PDFIO_ENCRYPTION_RC4_40)
    // Encrypt the result once...
    _pdfioCryptoRC4Init(&rc4, file_key, 5);
    _pdfioCryptoRC4Crypt(&rc4, user_key, user_key, 32);
    // Encrypt the result 20 times...
    uint8_t	key[16];		// Current encryption key

    for (i = 0; i < 20; i ++)
      // XOR each byte in the key with the loop counter...
      for (j = 0; j < 16; j ++)
	key[j] = (uint8_t)(file_key[j] ^ i);

      _pdfioCryptoRC4Init(&rc4, key, 16);
      _pdfioCryptoRC4Crypt(&rc4, user_key, user_key, 32);

// 'make_file_key()' - Make the file encryption key.

static void
    pdfio_encryption_t  encryption,	// I - Type of encryption
    pdfio_permission_t  permissions,	// I - File permissions
    const unsigned char *file_id,	// I - File ID value
    size_t              file_idlen,	// I - Length of file ID
    const uint8_t       *user_pad,	// I - Padded user password
    const uint8_t       *owner_key,	// I - Owner key
    uint8_t             file_key[16])	// O - Encryption key
  size_t	i;			// Looping var
  uint8_t	perm_bytes[4];		// Permissions bytes
  _pdfio_md5_t	md5;			// MD5 context
  uint8_t	digest[16];		// 128-bit MD5 digest

  perm_bytes[0] = (uint8_t)permissions;
  perm_bytes[1] = (uint8_t)(permissions >> 8);
  perm_bytes[2] = (uint8_t)(permissions >> 16);
  perm_bytes[3] = (uint8_t)(permissions >> 24);

  _pdfioCryptoMD5Append(&md5, user_pad, 32);
  _pdfioCryptoMD5Append(&md5, owner_key, 32);
  _pdfioCryptoMD5Append(&md5, perm_bytes, 4);
  _pdfioCryptoMD5Append(&md5, file_id, file_idlen);
  _pdfioCryptoMD5Finish(&md5, digest);

  if (encryption != PDFIO_ENCRYPTION_RC4_40)
    // MD5 the result 50 times..
    for (i = 0; i < 50; i ++)
      _pdfioCryptoMD5Append(&md5, digest, 16);
      _pdfioCryptoMD5Finish(&md5, digest);

  memcpy(file_key, digest, 16);

// 'make_owner_key()' - Generate the (encrypted) owner key...

static void
    pdfio_encryption_t encryption,	// I - Type of encryption
    const uint8_t      *owner_pad,	// I - Padded owner password
    const uint8_t      *user_pad,	// I - Padded user password
    uint8_t            owner_key[32])	// O - Owner key value
  size_t	i, j;			// Looping vars
  _pdfio_md5_t	md5;			// MD5 context
  uint8_t	digest[16];		// 128-bit MD5 digest
  _pdfio_rc4_t	rc4;			// RC4 encryption context

  // Hash the owner password...
  _pdfioCryptoMD5Append(&md5, owner_pad, 32);
  _pdfioCryptoMD5Finish(&md5, digest);

  if (encryption != PDFIO_ENCRYPTION_RC4_40)
    for (i = 0; i < 50; i ++)
      _pdfioCryptoMD5Append(&md5, digest, 16);
      _pdfioCryptoMD5Finish(&md5, digest);

  // Copy and encrypt the padded user password...
  memcpy(owner_key, user_pad, 32);

  if (encryption == PDFIO_ENCRYPTION_RC4_40)
    // Encrypt once...
    _pdfioCryptoRC4Init(&rc4, digest, 5);
    _pdfioCryptoRC4Crypt(&rc4, owner_key, owner_key, 32);
    // Encrypt 20 times...
    uint8_t encrypt_key[16];		// RC4 encryption key

    for (i = 0; i < 20; i ++)
      // XOR each byte in the digest with the loop counter to make a key...
      for (j = 0; j < sizeof(encrypt_key); j ++)
	encrypt_key[j] = (uint8_t)(digest[j] ^ i);

      _pdfioCryptoRC4Init(&rc4, encrypt_key, sizeof(encrypt_key));
      _pdfioCryptoRC4Crypt(&rc4, owner_key, owner_key, 32);

// 'make_user_key()' - Make the user key.

static void
    const unsigned char *file_id,	// I - File ID value
    size_t              file_idlen,	// I - Length of file ID
    uint8_t             user_key[32])	// O - User key
  _pdfio_md5_t	md5;			// MD5 context

  // Generate a base hash from known values...
  _pdfioCryptoMD5Append(&md5, pdf_passpad, 32);
  _pdfioCryptoMD5Append(&md5, file_id, file_idlen);
  _pdfioCryptoMD5Finish(&md5, user_key);

  memset(user_key + 16, 0, 16);

// 'pad_password()' - Generate a padded password.

static void
pad_password(const char *password,	// I - Password string or `NULL`
             uint8_t    pad[32])	// O - Padded password
  size_t	len;			// Length of password

  if (password)
    // Use the specified password
    if ((len = strlen(password)) > 32)
      len = 32;
    // No password
    len = 0;

  if (len > 0)
    memcpy(pad, password, len);
  if (len < 32)
    memcpy(pad + len, pdf_passpad, 32 - len);