.TH pdfio 3 "pdf read/write library" "2021-07-18" "pdf read/write library" .SH NAME pdfio \- pdf read/write library .SH Introduction .PP PDFio is a simple C library for reading and writing PDF files. The primary goals of pdfio are: .IP \(bu 5 .PP Read any PDF file with or without encryption or linearization .IP \(bu 5 .PP Write PDF files without encryption or linearization .IP \(bu 5 .PP Extract or embed useful metadata (author, creator, page information, etc.) .IP \(bu 5 .PP "Filter" PDF files, for example to extract a range of pages or to embed fonts that are missing from a PDF .IP \(bu 5 .PP Provide access to objects used for each page .PP PDFio is .I not concerned with rendering or viewing a PDF file, although a PDF RIP or viewer could be written using it. .PP PDFio is Copyright \[co] 2021 by Michael R Sweet and is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 with an (optional) exception to allow linking against GPL2/LGPL2 software. See the files "LICENSE" and "NOTICE" for more information. .SS Requirements .PP PDFio requires the following to build the software: .IP \(bu 5 .PP A C99 compiler such as Clang, GCC, or MS Visual C .IP \(bu 5 .PP A POSIX\-compliant make program .IP \(bu 5 .PP ZLIB (https://www.zlib.net) 1.0 or higher .PP IDE files for Xcode (macOS/iOS) and Visual Studio (Windows) are also provided. .SS Installing pdfio .PP PDFio comes with a portable makefile that will work on any POSIX\-compliant system with ZLIB installed. To make it, run: .nf make all .fi .PP To test it, run: .nf make test .fi .PP To install it, run: .nf make install .fi .PP If you want a shared library, run: .nf make all\-shared make install\-shared .fi .PP The default installation location is "/usr/local". Pass the prefix variable to make to install it to another location: .nf make install prefix=/some/other/directory .fi .PP The makefile installs the pdfio header to "${prefix}/include", the library to "${prefix}/lib", the pkg\-config file to "${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig", the man page to "${prefix}/share/man/man3", and the documentation to "${prefix}/share/doc/pdfio". .PP The makefile supports the following variables that can be specified in the make command or as environment variables: .IP \(bu 5 .PP AR: the library archiver (default "ar") .IP \(bu 5 .PP ARFLAGS: options for the library archiver (default "cr") .IP \(bu 5 .PP CC: the C compiler (default "cc") .IP \(bu 5 .PP CFLAGS: options for the C compiler (default "") .IP \(bu 5 .PP CODESIGN_IDENTITY: the identity to use when code signing the shared library on macOS (default "Developer ID") .IP \(bu 5 .PP COMMONFLAGS: options for the C compiler and linker (typically architecture and optimization options, default is "\-Os \-g") .IP \(bu 5 .PP CPPFLAGS: options for the C preprocessor (default "") .IP \(bu 5 .PP DESTDIR and DSTROOT: specifies a root directory when installing (default is "", specify only one) .IP \(bu 5 .PP DSOFLAGS: options for the C compiler when linking the shared library (default "") .IP \(bu 5 .PP LDFLAGS: options for the C compiler when linking the test programs (default "") .IP \(bu 5 .PP LIBS: library options when linking the test programs (default "\-lz") .IP \(bu 5 .PP RANLIB: program that generates a table\-of\-contents in a library (default "ranlib") .IP \(bu 5 .PP prefix: specifies the installation directory (default "/usr/local") .SS Visual Studio Project .PP The Visual Studio solution ("pdfio.sln") is provided for Windows developers and generates both a static library and DLL. .SS Xcode Project .PP There is also an Xcode project ("pdfio.xcodeproj") you can use on macOS which generates a static library that will be installed under "/usr/local" with: .nf sudo xcodebuild install .fi .PP You can reproduce this with the makefile using: .nf sudo make 'COMMONFLAGS="\-Os \-mmacosx\-version\-min=10.14 \-arch x86_64 \-arch arm64"' install .fi .SS Detecting PDFio .PP PDFio can be detected using the pkg\-config command, for example: .nf if pkg\-config \-\-exists pdfio; then ... fi .fi .PP In a makefile you can add the necessary compiler and linker options with: .nf CFLAGS += `pkg\-config \-\-cflags pdfio` LIBS += `pkg\-config \-\-libs pdfio` .fi .PP On Windows, you need to link to the PDFIO.LIB (static) or PDFIO1.LIB (DLL) libraries and include the "zlib" NuGet package dependency. .SS Header Files .PP PDFio provides a primary header file that is always used: .nf #include .fi .PP PDFio also provides helper functions for producing PDF content that are defined in a separate header file: .nf #include .fi .SH API Overview .PP PDFio exposes several types: .IP \(bu 5 .PP pdfio_file_t: A PDF file (for reading or writing) .IP \(bu 5 .PP pdfio_array_t: An array of values .IP \(bu 5 .PP pdfio_dict_t: A dictionary of key/value pairs in a PDF file, object, etc. .IP \(bu 5 .PP pdfio_obj_t: An object in a PDF file .IP \(bu 5 .PP pdfio_stream_t: An object stream .SS Reading PDF Files .PP You open an existing PDF file using the pdfioFileOpen function: .nf pdfio_file_t *pdf = pdfioFileOpen("myinputfile.pdf", error_cb, error_data); .fi .PP where the three arguments to the function are the filename ("myinputfile.pdf"), an optional error callback function (error_cb), and an optional pointer value for the error callback function (error_data). The error callback is called for both errors and warnings and accepts the pdfio_file_t pointer, a message string, and the callback pointer value, for example: .nf bool error_cb(pdfio_file_t *pdf, const char *message, void *data) { (void)data; // This callback does not use the data pointer fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\\n", pdfioFileGetName(pdf), message); // Return false to treat warnings as errors return (false); } .fi .PP The default error callback (NULL) does the equivalent of the above. .PP Each PDF file contains one or more pages. The pdfioFileGetNumPages function returns the number of pages in the file while the pdfioFileGetPage function gets the specified page in the PDF file: .nf pdfio_file_t *pdf; // PDF file size_t i; // Looping var size_t count; // Number of pages pdfio_obj_t *page; // Current page // Iterate the pages in the PDF file for (i = 0, count = pdfioFileGetNumPages(pdf); i < count; i ++) { page = pdfioFileGetPage(pdf, i); // do something with page } .fi .PP Each page is represented by a "page tree" object (what pdfioFileGetPage returns) that specifies information about the page and one or more "content" objects that contain the images, fonts, text, and graphics that appear on the page. .PP The pdfioFileClose function closes a PDF file and frees all memory that was used for it: .nf pdfioFileClose(pdf); .fi .SS Writing PDF Files .PP You create a new PDF file using the pdfioFileCreate function: .nf pdfio_rect_t media_box = { 0.0, 0.0, 612.0, 792.0 }; // US Letter pdfio_rect_t crop_box = { 36.0, 36.0, 576.0, 756.0 }; // 0.5" margins pdfio_file_t *pdf = pdfioFileCreate("myoutputfile.pdf", "2.0", &media_box, &crop_box, error_cb, error_data); .fi .PP where the six arguments to the function are the filename ("myoutputfile.pdf"), PDF version ("2.0"), media box (media_box), crop box (crop_box), an optional error callback function (error_cb), and an optional pointer value for the error callback function (error_data). .PP Once the file is created, use the pdfioFileCreateObj, pdfioFileCreatePage, and pdfioPageCopy functions to create objects and pages in the file. .PP Finally, the pdfioFileClose function writes the PDF cross\-reference and "trailer" information, closes the file, and frees all memory that was used for it. .SS PDF Objects .PP PDF objects are identified using two numbers \- the object number (1 to N) and the object generation (0 to 65535) that specifies a particular version of an object. An object's numbers are returned by the pdfioObjGetNumber and pdfioObjGetGeneration functions. You can find a numbered object using the pdfioFileFindObj function. .PP Objects contain values (typically dictionaries) and usually an associated data stream containing images, fonts, ICC profiles, and page content. PDFio provides several accessor functions to get the value(s) associated with an object: .IP \(bu 5 .PP pdfioObjGetArray returns an object's array value, if any .IP \(bu 5 .PP pdfioObjGetDict returns an object's dictionary value, if any .IP \(bu 5 .PP pdfioObjGetLength returns the length of the data stream, if any .IP \(bu 5 .PP pdfioObjGetSubtype returns the sub\-type name of the object, for example "Image" for an image object. .IP \(bu 5 .PP pdfioObjGetType returns the type name of the object, for example "XObject" for an image object. .SS PDF Streams .SS PDF Content Helper Functions .SH ENUMERATIONS .SS pdfio_filter_e Compression/decompression filters for streams .TP 5 PDFIO_FILTER_ASCII85 .br ASCII85Decode filter (reading only) .TP 5 PDFIO_FILTER_ASCIIHEX .br ASCIIHexDecode filter (reading only) .TP 5 PDFIO_FILTER_CCITTFAX .br CCITTFaxDecode filter .TP 5 PDFIO_FILTER_CRYPT .br Encryption filter .TP 5 PDFIO_FILTER_DCT .br DCTDecode (JPEG) filter .TP 5 PDFIO_FILTER_FLATE .br FlateDecode filter .TP 5 PDFIO_FILTER_JBIG2 .br JBIG2Decode filter .TP 5 PDFIO_FILTER_JPX .br JPXDecode filter (reading only) .TP 5 PDFIO_FILTER_LZW .br LZWDecode filter (reading only) .TP 5 PDFIO_FILTER_NONE .br No filter .TP 5 PDFIO_FILTER_RUNLENGTH .br RunLengthDecode filter (reading only) .SS pdfio_linecap_e Line capping modes .TP 5 PDFIO_LINECAP_BUTT .br Butt ends .TP 5 PDFIO_LINECAP_ROUND .br Round ends .TP 5 PDFIO_LINECAP_SQUARE .br Square ends .SS pdfio_linejoin_e Line joining modes .TP 5 PDFIO_LINEJOIN_BEVEL .br Bevel joint .TP 5 PDFIO_LINEJOIN_MITER .br Miter joint .TP 5 PDFIO_LINEJOIN_ROUND .br Round joint .SS pdfio_textrendering_e Text rendering modes .TP 5 PDFIO_TEXTRENDERING_FILL .br Fill text .TP 5 PDFIO_TEXTRENDERING_FILL_AND_STROKE .br Fill then stroke text .TP 5 PDFIO_TEXTRENDERING_FILL_AND_STROKE_PATH .br Fill then stroke text and add to path .TP 5 PDFIO_TEXTRENDERING_FILL_PATH .br Fill text and add to path .TP 5 PDFIO_TEXTRENDERING_INVISIBLE .br Don't fill or stroke (invisible) .TP 5 PDFIO_TEXTRENDERING_STROKE .br Stroke text .TP 5 PDFIO_TEXTRENDERING_STROKE_PATH .br Stroke text and add to path .TP 5 PDFIO_TEXTRENDERING_TEXT_PATH .br Add text to path (invisible) .SS pdfio_valtype_e PDF value types .TP 5 PDFIO_VALTYPE_ARRAY .br Array .TP 5 PDFIO_VALTYPE_BINARY .br Binary data .TP 5 PDFIO_VALTYPE_BOOLEAN .br Boolean .TP 5 PDFIO_VALTYPE_DATE .br Date/time .TP 5 PDFIO_VALTYPE_DICT .br Dictionary .TP 5 PDFIO_VALTYPE_INDIRECT .br Indirect object (N G obj) .TP 5 PDFIO_VALTYPE_NAME .br Name .TP 5 PDFIO_VALTYPE_NONE .br No value, not set .TP 5 PDFIO_VALTYPE_NULL .br Null object .TP 5 PDFIO_VALTYPE_NUMBER .br Number (integer or real) .TP 5 PDFIO_VALTYPE_STRING .br String .SH FUNCTIONS .SS pdfioArrayAppendArray Add an array value to an array. .PP .nf bool pdfioArrayAppendArray ( pdfio_array_t *a, pdfio_array_t *value ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayAppendBinary Add a binary string value to an array. .PP .nf bool pdfioArrayAppendBinary ( pdfio_array_t *a, const unsigned char *value, size_t valuelen ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayAppendBoolean Add a boolean value to an array. .PP .nf bool pdfioArrayAppendBoolean ( pdfio_array_t *a, bool value ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayAppendDate Add a date value to an array. .PP .nf bool pdfioArrayAppendDate ( pdfio_array_t *a, time_t value ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayAppendDict Add a dictionary to an array. .PP .nf bool pdfioArrayAppendDict ( pdfio_array_t *a, pdfio_dict_t *value ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayAppendName Add a name to an array. .PP .nf bool pdfioArrayAppendName ( pdfio_array_t *a, const char *value ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayAppendNumber Add a number to an array. .PP .nf bool pdfioArrayAppendNumber ( pdfio_array_t *a, double value ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayAppendObj Add an indirect object reference to an array. .PP .nf bool pdfioArrayAppendObj ( pdfio_array_t *a, pdfio_obj_t *value ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayAppendString Add a string to an array. .PP .nf bool pdfioArrayAppendString ( pdfio_array_t *a, const char *value ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayCopy Copy an array. .PP .nf pdfio_array_t * pdfioArrayCopy ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, pdfio_array_t *a ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayCreate Create an empty array. .PP .nf pdfio_array_t * pdfioArrayCreate ( pdfio_file_t *pdf ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayCreateColorFromICCObj Create an ICC-based color space array. .PP .nf pdfio_array_t * pdfioArrayCreateColorFromICCObj ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, pdfio_obj_t *icc_object ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayCreateColorFromMatrix Create a calibrated color space array using a CIE XYZ transform matrix. .PP .nf pdfio_array_t * pdfioArrayCreateColorFromMatrix ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, size_t num_colors, double gamma, const double matrix[3][3], const double white_point[3] ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayCreateColorFromPalette Create an indexed color space array. .PP .nf pdfio_array_t * pdfioArrayCreateColorFromPalette ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, size_t num_colors, const unsigned char *colors ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayCreateColorFromPrimaries Create a calibrated color sapce array using CIE xy primary chromacities. .PP .nf pdfio_array_t * pdfioArrayCreateColorFromPrimaries ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, size_t num_colors, double gamma, double wx, double wy, double rx, double ry, double gx, double gy, double bx, double by ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayGetArray Get an array value from an array. .PP .nf pdfio_array_t * pdfioArrayGetArray ( pdfio_array_t *a, size_t n ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayGetBinary Get a binary string value from an array. .PP .nf unsigned char * pdfioArrayGetBinary ( pdfio_array_t *a, size_t n, size_t *length ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayGetBoolean Get a boolean value from an array. .PP .nf bool pdfioArrayGetBoolean ( pdfio_array_t *a, size_t n ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayGetDate Get a date value from an array. .PP .nf time_t pdfioArrayGetDate ( pdfio_array_t *a, size_t n ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayGetDict Get a dictionary value from an array. .PP .nf pdfio_dict_t * pdfioArrayGetDict ( pdfio_array_t *a, size_t n ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayGetName Get a name value from an array. .PP .nf const char * pdfioArrayGetName ( pdfio_array_t *a, size_t n ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayGetNumber Get a number from an array. .PP .nf double pdfioArrayGetNumber ( pdfio_array_t *a, size_t n ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayGetObj Get an indirect object reference from an array. .PP .nf pdfio_obj_t * pdfioArrayGetObj ( pdfio_array_t *a, size_t n ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayGetSize Get the length of an array. .PP .nf size_t pdfioArrayGetSize ( pdfio_array_t *a ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayGetString Get a string value from an array. .PP .nf const char * pdfioArrayGetString ( pdfio_array_t *a, size_t n ); .fi .SS pdfioArrayGetType Get a value type from an array. .PP .nf pdfio_valtype_t pdfioArrayGetType ( pdfio_array_t *a, size_t n ); .fi .SS pdfioContentClip Clip output to the current path. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentClip ( pdfio_stream_t *st, bool even_odd ); .fi .SS pdfioContentDrawImage Draw an image object. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentDrawImage ( pdfio_stream_t *st, const char *name, double x, double y, double width, double height ); .fi .PP The object name must be part of the page dictionary resources, typically using the \fIpdfioPageDictAddImage\fR function. .SS pdfioContentFill Fill the current path. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentFill ( pdfio_stream_t *st, bool even_odd ); .fi .SS pdfioContentFillAndStroke Fill and stroke the current path. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentFillAndStroke ( pdfio_stream_t *st, bool even_odd ); .fi .SS pdfioContentMatrixConcat Concatenate a matrix to the current graphics state. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentMatrixConcat ( pdfio_stream_t *st, pdfio_matrix_t m ); .fi .SS pdfioContentMatrixRotate Rotate the current transform matrix. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentMatrixRotate ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double degrees ); .fi .SS pdfioContentMatrixScale Scale the current transform matrix. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentMatrixScale ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double sx, double sy ); .fi .SS pdfioContentMatrixTranslate Translate the current transform matrix. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentMatrixTranslate ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double tx, double ty ); .fi .SS pdfioContentPathClose Close the current path. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentPathClose ( pdfio_stream_t *st ); .fi .SS pdfioContentPathCurve Add a Bezier curve with two control points. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentPathCurve ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3 ); .fi .SS pdfioContentPathCurve13 Add a Bezier curve with an initial control point. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentPathCurve13 ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double x1, double y1, double x3, double y3 ); .fi .SS pdfioContentPathCurve23 Add a Bezier curve with a trailing control point. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentPathCurve23 ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3 ); .fi .SS pdfioContentPathLineTo Add a straight line to the current path. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentPathLineTo ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double x, double y ); .fi .SS pdfioContentPathMoveTo Start a new subpath. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentPathMoveTo ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double x, double y ); .fi .SS pdfioContentPathRect Add a rectangle to the current path. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentPathRect ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double x, double y, double width, double height ); .fi .SS pdfioContentRestore Restore a previous graphics state. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentRestore ( pdfio_stream_t *st ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSave Save the current graphics state. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSave ( pdfio_stream_t *st ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetDashPattern Set the stroke pattern. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetDashPattern ( pdfio_stream_t *st, int phase, int on, int off ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetFillColorDeviceCMYK Set device CMYK fill color. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetFillColorDeviceCMYK ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double c, double m, double y, double k ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetFillColorDeviceGray Set the device gray fill color. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetFillColorDeviceGray ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double g ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetFillColorDeviceRGB Set the device RGB fill color. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetFillColorDeviceRGB ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double r, double g, double b ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetFillColorGray Set the calibrated gray fill color. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetFillColorGray ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double g ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetFillColorRGB Set the calibrated RGB fill color. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetFillColorRGB ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double r, double g, double b ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetFillColorSpace Set the fill colorspace. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetFillColorSpace ( pdfio_stream_t *st, const char *name ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetFlatness Set the flatness tolerance. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetFlatness ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double flatness ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetLineCap Set the line ends style. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetLineCap ( pdfio_stream_t *st, pdfio_linecap_t lc ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetLineJoin Set the line joining style. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetLineJoin ( pdfio_stream_t *st, pdfio_linejoin_t lj ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetLineWidth Set the line width. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetLineWidth ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double width ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetMiterLimit Set the miter limit. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetMiterLimit ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double limit ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetStrokeColorDeviceCMYK Set the device CMYK stroke color. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetStrokeColorDeviceCMYK ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double c, double m, double y, double k ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetStrokeColorDeviceGray Set the device gray stroke color. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetStrokeColorDeviceGray ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double g ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetStrokeColorDeviceRGB Set the device RGB stroke color. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetStrokeColorDeviceRGB ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double r, double g, double b ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetStrokeColorGray Set the calibrated gray stroke color. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetStrokeColorGray ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double g ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetStrokeColorRGB Set the calibrated RGB stroke color. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetStrokeColorRGB ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double r, double g, double b ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetStrokeColorSpace Set the stroke color space. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetStrokeColorSpace ( pdfio_stream_t *st, const char *name ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetTextCharacterSpacing Set the spacing between characters. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetTextCharacterSpacing ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double spacing ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetTextFont Set the text font and size. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetTextFont ( pdfio_stream_t *st, const char *name, double size ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetTextLeading Set text leading (line height) value. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetTextLeading ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double leading ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetTextMatrix Set the text transform matrix. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetTextMatrix ( pdfio_stream_t *st, pdfio_matrix_t m ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetTextRenderingMode Set the text rendering mode. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetTextRenderingMode ( pdfio_stream_t *st, pdfio_textrendering_t mode ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetTextRise Set the text baseline offset. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetTextRise ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double rise ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetTextWordSpacing Set the inter-word spacing. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetTextWordSpacing ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double spacing ); .fi .SS pdfioContentSetTextXScaling Set the horizontal scaling value. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentSetTextXScaling ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double percent ); .fi .SS pdfioContentStroke Stroke the current path. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentStroke ( pdfio_stream_t *st ); .fi .SS pdfioContentTextBegin Begin a text block. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentTextBegin ( pdfio_stream_t *st ); .fi .SS pdfioContentTextEnd End a text block. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentTextEnd ( pdfio_stream_t *st ); .fi .SS pdfioContentTextMoveLine Move to the next line and offset. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentTextMoveLine ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double tx, double ty ); .fi .SS pdfioContentTextMoveTo Offset within the current line. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentTextMoveTo ( pdfio_stream_t *st, double tx, double ty ); .fi .SS pdfioContentTextNextLine Move to the next line. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentTextNextLine ( pdfio_stream_t *st ); .fi .SS pdfioContentTextShow Show text. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentTextShow ( pdfio_stream_t *st, bool unicode, const char *s ); .fi .PP This function shows some text in a PDF content stream. The "unicode" argument specifies that the current font maps to full Unicode. The "s" argument specifies a UTF-8 encoded string. .SS pdfioContentTextShowJustified Show justified text. .PP .nf bool pdfioContentTextShowJustified ( pdfio_stream_t *st, bool unicode, size_t num_fragments, const double *offsets, const char *const *fragments ); .fi .PP This function shows some text in a PDF content stream. The "unicode" argument specifies that the current font maps to full Unicode. The "fragments" argument specifies an array of UTF-8 encoded strings. .SS pdfioContentTextShowf .PP .nf bool pdfioContentTextShowf ( pdfio_stream_t *st, bool unicode, const char *format, ... ); .fi .SS pdfioDictCopy Copy a dictionary to a PDF file. .PP .nf pdfio_dict_t * pdfioDictCopy ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, pdfio_dict_t *dict ); .fi .SS pdfioDictCreate Create a dictionary to hold key/value pairs. .PP .nf pdfio_dict_t * pdfioDictCreate ( pdfio_file_t *pdf ); .fi .SS pdfioDictGetArray Get a key array value from a dictionary. .PP .nf pdfio_array_t * pdfioDictGetArray ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key ); .fi .SS pdfioDictGetBinary Get a key binary string value from a dictionary. .PP .nf unsigned char * pdfioDictGetBinary ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key, size_t *length ); .fi .SS pdfioDictGetBoolean Get a key boolean value from a dictionary. .PP .nf bool pdfioDictGetBoolean ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key ); .fi .SS pdfioDictGetDate Get a date value from a dictionary. .PP .nf time_t pdfioDictGetDate ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key ); .fi .SS pdfioDictGetDict Get a key dictionary value from a dictionary. .PP .nf pdfio_dict_t * pdfioDictGetDict ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key ); .fi .SS pdfioDictGetName Get a key name value from a dictionary. .PP .nf const char * pdfioDictGetName ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key ); .fi .SS pdfioDictGetNumber Get a key number value from a dictionary. .PP .nf double pdfioDictGetNumber ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key ); .fi .SS pdfioDictGetObj Get a key indirect object value from a dictionary. .PP .nf pdfio_obj_t * pdfioDictGetObj ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key ); .fi .SS pdfioDictGetRect Get a key rectangle value from a dictionary. .PP .nf pdfio_rect_t * pdfioDictGetRect ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key, pdfio_rect_t *rect ); .fi .SS pdfioDictGetString Get a key string value from a dictionary. .PP .nf const char * pdfioDictGetString ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key ); .fi .SS pdfioDictGetType Get a key value type from a dictionary. .PP .nf pdfio_valtype_t pdfioDictGetType ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key ); .fi .SS pdfioDictSetArray Set a key array in a dictionary. .PP .nf bool pdfioDictSetArray ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key, pdfio_array_t *value ); .fi .SS pdfioDictSetBinary Set a key binary string in a dictionary. .PP .nf bool pdfioDictSetBinary ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key, const unsigned char *value, size_t valuelen ); .fi .SS pdfioDictSetBoolean Set a key boolean in a dictionary. .PP .nf bool pdfioDictSetBoolean ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key, bool value ); .fi .SS pdfioDictSetDate Set a date value in a dictionary. .PP .nf bool pdfioDictSetDate ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key, time_t value ); .fi .SS pdfioDictSetDict Set a key dictionary in a dictionary. .PP .nf bool pdfioDictSetDict ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key, pdfio_dict_t *value ); .fi .SS pdfioDictSetName Set a key name in a dictionary. .PP .nf bool pdfioDictSetName ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key, const char *value ); .fi .SS pdfioDictSetNull Set a key null in a dictionary. .PP .nf bool pdfioDictSetNull ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key ); .fi .SS pdfioDictSetNumber Set a key number in a dictionary. .PP .nf bool pdfioDictSetNumber ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key, double value ); .fi .SS pdfioDictSetObj Set a key indirect object reference in a dictionary. .PP .nf bool pdfioDictSetObj ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key, pdfio_obj_t *value ); .fi .SS pdfioDictSetRect Set a key rectangle in a dictionary. .PP .nf bool pdfioDictSetRect ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key, pdfio_rect_t *value ); .fi .SS pdfioDictSetString Set a key literal string in a dictionary. .PP .nf bool pdfioDictSetString ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key, const char *value ); .fi .SS pdfioDictSetStringf Set a key formatted string in a dictionary. .PP .nf bool pdfioDictSetStringf ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *key, const char *format, ... ); .fi .SS pdfioFileClose Close a PDF file and free all memory used for it. .PP .nf bool pdfioFileClose ( pdfio_file_t *pdf ); .fi .SS pdfioFileCreate Create a PDF file. .PP .nf pdfio_file_t * pdfioFileCreate ( const char *filename, const char *version, pdfio_rect_t *media_box, pdfio_rect_t *crop_box, pdfio_error_cb_t error_cb, void *error_data ); .fi .SS pdfioFileCreateArrayObj Create a new object in a PDF file containing an array. .PP .nf pdfio_obj_t * pdfioFileCreateArrayObj ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, pdfio_array_t *array ); .fi .PP This function creates a new object with an array value in a PDF file. You must call \fIpdfioObjClose\fR to write the object to the file. .SS pdfioFileCreateFontObjFromBase Create one of the base 14 PDF fonts. .PP .nf pdfio_obj_t * pdfioFileCreateFontObjFromBase ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, const char *name ); .fi .PP This function creates one of the base 14 PDF fonts. The "name" parameter specifies the font nane: .PP .IP \(bu 5 \fBCourier\fR .IP \(bu 5 \fBCourier-Bold\fR .IP \(bu 5 \fBCourier-BoldItalic\fR .IP \(bu 5 \fBCourier-Italic\fR .IP \(bu 5 \fBHelvetica\fR .IP \(bu 5 \fBHelvetica-Bold\fR .IP \(bu 5 \fBHelvetica-BoldOblique\fR .IP \(bu 5 \fBHelvetica-Oblique\fR .IP \(bu 5 \fBSymbol\fR .IP \(bu 5 \fBTimes-Bold\fR .IP \(bu 5 \fBTimes-BoldItalic\fR .IP \(bu 5 \fBTimes-Italic\fR .IP \(bu 5 \fBTimes-Roman\fR .IP \(bu 5 \fBZapfDingbats\fR .PP Base fonts always use the Windows CP1252 (ISO-8859-1 with additional characters such as the Euro symbol) subset of Unicode. .SS pdfioFileCreateFontObjFromFile Add a font object to a PDF file. .PP .nf pdfio_obj_t * pdfioFileCreateFontObjFromFile ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, const char *filename, bool unicode ); .fi .PP This function embeds a TrueType/OpenType font into a PDF file. The "unicode" parameter controls whether the font is encoded for two-byte characters (potentially full Unicode, but more typically a subset) or to only support the Windows CP1252 (ISO-8859-1 with additional characters such as the Euro symbol) subset of Unicode. .SS pdfioFileCreateICCObjFromFile Add an ICC profile object to a PDF file. .PP .nf pdfio_obj_t * pdfioFileCreateICCObjFromFile ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, const char *filename, size_t num_colors ); .fi .SS pdfioFileCreateImageObjFromData Add image object(s) to a PDF file from memory. .PP .nf pdfio_obj_t * pdfioFileCreateImageObjFromData ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, const unsigned char *data, size_t width, size_t height, size_t num_colors, pdfio_array_t *color_data, bool alpha, bool interpolate ); .fi .PP This function creates image object(s) in a PDF file from a data buffer in memory. The "data" parameter points to the image data as 8-bit color values. The "width" and "height" parameters specify the image dimensions. The "num_colors" parameter specifies the number of color components (\fB1\fR for grayscale, \fB3\fR for RGB, and \fB4\fR for CMYK) and the "alpha" parameter specifies whether each color tuple is followed by an alpha value. The "color_data" parameter specifies an optional color space array for the image - if \fBNULL\fR, the image is encoded in the corresponding device color space. The "interpolate" parameter specifies whether to interpolate when scaling the image on the page. .PP Note: When creating an image object with alpha, a second image object is created to hold the "soft mask" data for the primary image. .SS pdfioFileCreateImageObjFromFile Add an image object to a PDF file from a file. .PP .nf pdfio_obj_t * pdfioFileCreateImageObjFromFile ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, const char *filename, bool interpolate ); .fi .PP This function creates an image object in a PDF file from a JPEG or PNG file. The "filename" parameter specifies the name of the JPEG or PNG file, while the "interpolate" parameter specifies whether to interpolate when scaling the image on the page. .PP .IP 5 Note: Currently PNG support is limited to grayscale, RGB, or indexed files .IP 5 without interlacing or alpha. Transparency (masking) based on color/index .IP 5 is supported. .SS pdfioFileCreateObj Create a new object in a PDF file. .PP .nf pdfio_obj_t * pdfioFileCreateObj ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, pdfio_dict_t *dict ); .fi .SS pdfioFileCreatePage Create a page in a PDF file. .PP .nf pdfio_stream_t * pdfioFileCreatePage ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, pdfio_dict_t *dict ); .fi .SS pdfioFileFindObj Find an object using its object number. .PP .nf pdfio_obj_t * pdfioFileFindObj ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, size_t number ); .fi .PP This differs from \fIpdfioFileGetObj\fR which takes an index into the list of objects while this function takes the object number. .SS pdfioFileGetAuthor Get the author for a PDF file. .PP .nf const char * pdfioFileGetAuthor ( pdfio_file_t *pdf ); .fi .SS pdfioFileGetCreationDate Get the creation date for a PDF file. .PP .nf time_t pdfioFileGetCreationDate ( pdfio_file_t *pdf ); .fi .SS pdfioFileGetCreator Get the creator string for a PDF file. .PP .nf const char * pdfioFileGetCreator ( pdfio_file_t *pdf ); .fi .SS pdfioFileGetID Get the PDF file's ID strings. .PP .nf pdfio_array_t * pdfioFileGetID ( pdfio_file_t *pdf ); .fi .SS pdfioFileGetKeywords Get the keywords for a PDF file. .PP .nf const char * pdfioFileGetKeywords ( pdfio_file_t *pdf ); .fi .SS pdfioFileGetName Get a PDF's filename. .PP .nf const char * pdfioFileGetName ( pdfio_file_t *pdf ); .fi .SS pdfioFileGetNumObjs Get the number of objects in a PDF file. .PP .nf size_t pdfioFileGetNumObjs ( pdfio_file_t *pdf ); .fi .SS pdfioFileGetNumPages Get the number of pages in a PDF file. .PP .nf size_t pdfioFileGetNumPages ( pdfio_file_t *pdf ); .fi .SS pdfioFileGetObj Get an object from a PDF file. .PP .nf pdfio_obj_t * pdfioFileGetObj ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, size_t n ); .fi .SS pdfioFileGetPage Get a page object from a PDF file. .PP .nf pdfio_obj_t * pdfioFileGetPage ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, size_t n ); .fi .SS pdfioFileGetProducer Get the producer string for a PDF file. .PP .nf const char * pdfioFileGetProducer ( pdfio_file_t *pdf ); .fi .SS pdfioFileGetSubject Get the subject for a PDF file. .PP .nf const char * pdfioFileGetSubject ( pdfio_file_t *pdf ); .fi .SS pdfioFileGetTitle Get the title for a PDF file. .PP .nf const char * pdfioFileGetTitle ( pdfio_file_t *pdf ); .fi .SS pdfioFileGetVersion Get the PDF version number for a PDF file. .PP .nf const char * pdfioFileGetVersion ( pdfio_file_t *pdf ); .fi .SS pdfioFileOpen Open a PDF file for reading. .PP .nf pdfio_file_t * pdfioFileOpen ( const char *filename, pdfio_error_cb_t error_cb, void *error_data ); .fi .SS pdfioFileSetAuthor Set the author for a PDF file. .PP .nf void pdfioFileSetAuthor ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, const char *value ); .fi .SS pdfioFileSetCreationDate Set the creation date for a PDF file. .PP .nf void pdfioFileSetCreationDate ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, time_t value ); .fi .SS pdfioFileSetCreator Set the creator string for a PDF file. .PP .nf void pdfioFileSetCreator ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, const char *value ); .fi .SS pdfioFileSetKeywords Set the keywords string for a PDF file. .PP .nf void pdfioFileSetKeywords ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, const char *value ); .fi .SS pdfioFileSetSubject Set the subject for a PDF file. .PP .nf void pdfioFileSetSubject ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, const char *value ); .fi .SS pdfioFileSetTitle Set the title for a PDF file. .PP .nf void pdfioFileSetTitle ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, const char *value ); .fi .SS pdfioImageGetBytesPerLine Get the number of bytes to read for each line. .PP .nf size_t pdfioImageGetBytesPerLine ( pdfio_obj_t *obj ); .fi .SS pdfioImageGetHeight Get the height of an image object. .PP .nf double pdfioImageGetHeight ( pdfio_obj_t *obj ); .fi .SS pdfioImageGetWidth Get the width of an image object. .PP .nf double pdfioImageGetWidth ( pdfio_obj_t *obj ); .fi .SS pdfioObjClose Close an object, writing any data as needed to the PDF file. .PP .nf bool pdfioObjClose ( pdfio_obj_t *obj ); .fi .SS pdfioObjCopy Copy an object to another PDF file. .PP .nf pdfio_obj_t * pdfioObjCopy ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, pdfio_obj_t *srcobj ); .fi .SS pdfioObjCreateStream Create an object (data) stream for writing. .PP .nf pdfio_stream_t * pdfioObjCreateStream ( pdfio_obj_t *obj, pdfio_filter_t filter ); .fi .SS pdfioObjGetArray Get the array associated with an object. .PP .nf pdfio_array_t * pdfioObjGetArray ( pdfio_obj_t *obj ); .fi .SS pdfioObjGetDict Get the dictionary associated with an object. .PP .nf pdfio_dict_t * pdfioObjGetDict ( pdfio_obj_t *obj ); .fi .SS pdfioObjGetGeneration Get the object's generation number. .PP .nf unsigned short pdfioObjGetGeneration ( pdfio_obj_t *obj ); .fi .SS pdfioObjGetLength Get the length of the object's (data) stream. .PP .nf size_t pdfioObjGetLength ( pdfio_obj_t *obj ); .fi .SS pdfioObjGetNumber Get the object's number. .PP .nf size_t pdfioObjGetNumber ( pdfio_obj_t *obj ); .fi .SS pdfioObjGetSubtype Get an object's subtype. .PP .nf const char * pdfioObjGetSubtype ( pdfio_obj_t *obj ); .fi .SS pdfioObjGetType Get an object's type. .PP .nf const char * pdfioObjGetType ( pdfio_obj_t *obj ); .fi .SS pdfioObjOpenStream Open an object's (data) stream for reading. .PP .nf pdfio_stream_t * pdfioObjOpenStream ( pdfio_obj_t *obj, bool decode ); .fi .SS pdfioPageCopy Copy a page to a PDF file. .PP .nf bool pdfioPageCopy ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, pdfio_obj_t *srcpage ); .fi .SS pdfioPageDictAddColorSpace Add a color space to the page dictionary. .PP .nf bool pdfioPageDictAddColorSpace ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *name, pdfio_array_t *data ); .fi .PP This function adds a named color space to the page dictionary. .PP The names "DefaultCMYK", "DefaultGray", and "DefaultRGB" specify the default device color space used for the page. .PP The "data" array contains a calibrated, indexed, or ICC-based color space array that was created using the \fIpdfioArrayCreateCalibratedColorFromMatrix\fR, \fIpdfioArrayCreateCalibratedColorFromPrimaries\fR, \fIpdfioArrayCreateICCBasedColor\fR, or \fIpdfioArrayCreateIndexedColor\fR functions. .SS pdfioPageDictAddFont Add a font object to the page dictionary. .PP .nf bool pdfioPageDictAddFont ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *name, pdfio_obj_t *obj ); .fi .SS pdfioPageDictAddImage Add an image object to the page dictionary. .PP .nf bool pdfioPageDictAddImage ( pdfio_dict_t *dict, const char *name, pdfio_obj_t *obj ); .fi .SS pdfioStreamClose Close a (data) stream in a PDF file. .PP .nf bool pdfioStreamClose ( pdfio_stream_t *st ); .fi .SS pdfioStreamConsume Consume bytes from the stream. .PP .nf bool pdfioStreamConsume ( pdfio_stream_t *st, size_t bytes ); .fi .SS pdfioStreamGetToken Read a single PDF token from a stream. .PP .nf bool pdfioStreamGetToken ( pdfio_stream_t *st, char *buffer, size_t bufsize ); .fi .SS pdfioStreamPeek Peek at data in a stream. .PP .nf ssize_t pdfioStreamPeek ( pdfio_stream_t *st, void *buffer, size_t bytes ); .fi .SS pdfioStreamPrintf Write a formatted string to a stream. .PP .nf bool pdfioStreamPrintf ( pdfio_stream_t *st, const char *format, ... ); .fi .SS pdfioStreamPutChar Write a single character to a stream. .PP .nf bool pdfioStreamPutChar ( pdfio_stream_t *st, int ch ); .fi .SS pdfioStreamPuts Write a literal string to a stream. .PP .nf bool pdfioStreamPuts ( pdfio_stream_t *st, const char *s ); .fi .SS pdfioStreamRead Read data from a stream. .PP .nf ssize_t pdfioStreamRead ( pdfio_stream_t *st, void *buffer, size_t bytes ); .fi .PP This function reads data from a stream. When reading decoded image data from a stream, you \fImust\fR read whole scanlines. The \fIpdfioImageGetBytesPerLine\fR function can be used to determine the proper read length. .SS pdfioStreamWrite Write data to a stream. .PP .nf bool pdfioStreamWrite ( pdfio_stream_t *st, const void *buffer, size_t bytes ); .fi .SS pdfioStringCreate Create a durable literal string. .PP .nf char * pdfioStringCreate ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, const char *s ); .fi .PP This function creates a literal string associated with the PDF file "pdf". The "s" string points to a nul-terminated C string. .PP \fBNULL\fR is returned on error, otherwise a \fBchar *\fR that is valid until \fBpdfioFileClose\fR is called. .SS pdfioStringCreatef Create a durable formatted string. .PP .nf char * pdfioStringCreatef ( pdfio_file_t *pdf, const char *format, ... ); .fi .PP This function creates a formatted string associated with the PDF file "pdf". The "format" string contains \fBprintf\fR-style format characters. .PP \fBNULL\fR is returned on error, otherwise a \fBchar *\fR that is valid until \fBpdfioFileClose\fR is called. .SH STRUCTURES .SS pdfio_rect_s PDF rectangle .PP .nf struct pdfio_rect_s { double x1; double x2; double y1; double y2; }; .fi .SH TYPES .SS pdfio_array_t Array of PDF values .PP .nf typedef struct _pdfio_array_s pdfio_array_t; .fi .SS pdfio_dict_t Key/value dictionary .PP .nf typedef struct _pdfio_dict_s pdfio_dict_t; .fi .SS pdfio_error_cb_t Error callback .PP .nf typedef bool(*)(pdfio_file_t *pdf, const char *message, void *data) pdfio_error_cb_t; .fi .SS pdfio_file_t PDF file .PP .nf typedef struct _pdfio_file_s pdfio_file_t; .fi .SS pdfio_filter_t Compression/decompression filters for streams .PP .nf typedef enum pdfio_filter_e pdfio_filter_t; .fi .SS pdfio_linecap_t Line capping modes .PP .nf typedef enum pdfio_linecap_e pdfio_linecap_t; .fi .SS pdfio_linejoin_t Line joining modes .PP .nf typedef enum pdfio_linejoin_e pdfio_linejoin_t; .fi .SS pdfio_matrix_t[3][2] Transform matrix .PP .nf typedef double pdfio_matrix_t[3][2]; .fi .SS pdfio_obj_t Numbered object in PDF file .PP .nf typedef struct _pdfio_obj_s pdfio_obj_t; .fi .SS pdfio_rect_t PDF rectangle .PP .nf typedef struct pdfio_rect_s pdfio_rect_t; .fi .SS pdfio_stream_t Object data stream in PDF file .PP .nf typedef struct _pdfio_stream_s pdfio_stream_t; .fi .SS pdfio_textrendering_t Text rendering modes .PP .nf typedef enum pdfio_textrendering_e pdfio_textrendering_t; .fi .SS pdfio_valtype_t PDF value types .PP .nf typedef enum pdfio_valtype_e pdfio_valtype_t; .fi .SH VARIABLES .SS PDFIO_PUBLIC C++ magic... .PP .nf pdfio_dict_t *dict const char *name pdfio_obj_t *obj)PDFIO_PUBLIC; .fi .SH AUTHOR .PP Michael R Sweet .SH COPYRIGHT .PP Copyright (c) 2021 by Michael R Sweet