#! /bin/sh . /etc/profile DEFAULT_ROOTFS_NAME="rootfs-$MACHINE.tar.bz2" DEFAULT_KERNEL_NAME="Image-$MACHINE.bin" DEFAULT_INITRAMFS_NAME="recovery-$MACHINE.cpio.gz" UPDATE_SRC_PATH="/home/diya/.update" ROOTFS_DEV="/dev/mmcblk0p2" SUPPORTED_COMMAND="rootfs kernel initramfs" TMP_MOUNT="/tmp/rootfs" rootfs() { filename=$1 if [ -z "$filename" ]; then filename="$DEFAULT_ROOTFS_NAME" fi path="$UPDATE_SRC_PATH/$filename" backup_file="$UPDATE_SRC_PATH/rootfs-backup.img" echo "Checking rootfs at: $path" if [ ! -e "$path" ]; then echo "Error: rootfs file not found" return 1 fi # backup the rootfs file echo "Backing up the current rootfs" if ! dd if=$ROOTFS_DEV of=$backup_file; then echo "Error: unable to backup current rootfs" return 1 fi echo "Format rootfs partition" if ! mkfs.ext4 -F $ROOTFS_DEV; then echo "Error: Unable to format rootfs partition. Restore and quit" dd if=$backup_file of=$ROOTFS_DEV return 1 fi mkdir -p $TMP_MOUNT echo "Mount rootfs partition to $TMP_MOUNT" if ! mount $ROOTFS_DEV $TMP_MOUNT; then echo "Error: Unable to mount rootfs partition. Restore and quit" dd if=$backup_file of=$ROOTFS_DEV return 1 fi echo "Installing new rootfs" cd $TMP_MOUNT if ! tar -xpvf --same-owner "$path" .; then echo "Error: unable to install new rootfs. Restore and quit" umount $TMP_MOUNT dd if=$backup_file of=$ROOTFS_DEV return 1 fi sync echo "Unmount the rootfs partition" umount $TMP_MOUNT echo "Done" return 0 } kernel() { filename=$1 if [ -z "$filename" ]; then filename="$DEFAULT_KERNEL_NAME" fi path="$UPDATE_SRC_PATH/$filename" echo "Checking kernel at: $path" if [ ! -e "$path" ]; then echo "Error: kernel file not found" return 1 fi echo "Update kernel" cp "$path" /boot/kernel8.img echo "Done" return 0 } initramfs() { filename=$1 if [ -z "$filename" ]; then filename="$DEFAULT_INITRAMFS_NAME" fi path="$UPDATE_SRC_PATH/$filename" echo "Checking initramfs at: $path" if [ ! -e "$path" ]; then echo "Error: initramfs file not found" return 1 fi echo "Update recovery intramfs" cp "$path" /boot/$DEFAULT_INITRAMFS_NAME cd /boot sync echo "Done" return 0 } command_valid() { VALUE=$1 echo $SUPPORTED_COMMAND | tr " " '\n' | grep -F -q -x "$VALUE" } name=$(basename $0) cmd=${name#diya-update-} file="$1" if ! command_valid "$cmd"; then cmd="$1" file="$2" fi case "$cmd" in rootfs) rootfs $1 ;; kernel) kernel $1 ;; initramfs) initramfs $1 ;; *) cat << EOF Usage: $name [file] commands: - rootfs: update rootfs - kernel: update kernel image - initramfs: update recovery initramfs EOF exit 1 ;; esac