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2023-07-27 12:40:46 +02:00
# Default config for tofi
# Copy this file to ~/.config/tofi/config and get customising!
# A complete reference of available options can be found in `man 5 tofi`.
### Fonts
# Font to use, either a path to a font file or a name.
# If a path is given, tofi will startup much quicker, but any
# characters not in the chosen font will fail to render.
# Otherwise, fonts are interpreted in Pango format.
font = "Sans"
# Point size of text.
font-size = 24
# Comma separated list of OpenType font feature settings to apply,
# if supported by the chosen font. The format is similar to the CSS
# "font-feature-settings" property.
# Examples:
# font-features = "smcp, c2sc" (all small caps)
# font-features = "liga 0" (disable ligatures)
font-features = ""
# Comma separated list of OpenType font variation settings to apply
# to variable fonts. The format is similar to the CSS
# "font-variation-settings" property.
# Examples:
# font-variations = "wght 900" (Extra bold)
# font-variations = "wdth 25, slnt -10" (Narrow and slanted)
font-variations = ""
# Perform font hinting. Only applies when a path to a font has been
# specified via `font`. Disabling font hinting speeds up text
# rendering appreciably, but will likely look poor at small font pixel
# sizes.
hint-font = true
### Text theming
# Default text color
# All text defaults to this color if not otherwise specified.
text-color = #FFFFFF
# All pieces of text have the same theming attributes available:
# *-color
# Foreground color
# *-background
# Background color
# *-background-padding
# Background padding in pixels (comma-delimited, CSS-style list).
# See "DIRECTIONAL VALUES" under `man 5 tofi` for more info.
# *-background-corner-radius
# Radius of background box corners in pixels
# Prompt text theme
# prompt-color = #FFFFFF
prompt-background = #00000000
prompt-background-padding = 0
prompt-background-corner-radius = 0
# Placeholder text theme
placeholder-color = #FFFFFFA8
placeholder-background = #00000000
placeholder-background-padding = 0
placeholder-background-corner-radius = 0
# Input text theme
# input-color = #FFFFFF
input-background = #00000000
input-background-padding = 0
input-background-corner-radius = 0
# Default result text theme
# default-result-color = #FFFFFF
default-result-background = #00000000
default-result-background-padding = 0
default-result-background-corner-radius = 0
# Alternate (even-numbered) result text theme
# If unspecified, these all default to the corresponding
# default-result-* attribute.
# alternate-result-color = #FFFFFF
# alternate-result-background = #00000000
# alternate-result-background-padding = 0
# alternate-result-background-corner-radius = 0
# Selection text
selection-color = #F92672
selection-background = #00000000
selection-background-padding = 0
selection-background-corner-radius = 0
# Matching portion of selection text
selection-match-color = #00000000
### Text cursor theme
# Style of the optional text cursor.
# Supported values: bar, block, underscore
text-cursor-style = bar
# Color of the text cursor
# If unspecified, defaults to the same as input-color
# text-cursor-color = #FFFFFF
# Color of text behind the text cursor when text-cursor-style = block
# If unspecified, defaults to the same as background-color
# text-cursor-background = #000000
# Corner radius of the text cursor
text-cursor-corner-radius = 0
# Thickness of the bar and underscore text cursors.
# If unspecified, defaults to a font-dependent value when
# text-cursor-style = underscore, or to 2 otherwise.
# text-cursor-thickness = 2
### Text layout
# Prompt to display.
prompt-text = "run: "
# Extra horizontal padding between prompt and input.
prompt-padding = 0
# Placeholder input text.
placeholder-text = ""
# Maximum number of results to display.
# If 0, tofi will draw as many results as it can fit in the window.
num-results = 0
# Spacing between results in pixels. Can be negative.
result-spacing = 0
# List results horizontally.
horizontal = false
# Minimum width of input in horizontal mode.
min-input-width = 0
### Window theming
# Width and height of the window. Can be pixels or a percentage.
width = 640
height = 480
# Window background color
background-color = #1B1D1E
# Width of the border outlines in pixels.
outline-width = 4
# Border outline color
outline-color = #080800
# Width of the border in pixels.
border-width = 12
# Border color
border-color = #F92672
# Radius of window corners in pixels.
corner-radius = 0
# Padding between borders and text. Can be pixels or a percentage.
padding-top = 8
padding-bottom = 8
padding-left = 8
padding-right = 8
# Whether to clip text drawing to be within the specified padding. This
# is mostly important for allowing text to be inset from the border,
# while still allowing text backgrounds to reach right to the edge.
clip-to-padding = true
# Whether to scale the window by the output's scale factor.
scale = true
### Window positioning
# The name of the output to appear on. An empty string will use the
# default output chosen by the compositor.
output = ""
# Location on screen to anchor the window to.
# Supported values: top-left, top, top-right, right, bottom-right,
# bottom, bottom-left, left, center.
anchor = center
# Set the size of the exclusive zone.
# A value of -1 means ignore exclusive zones completely.
# A value of 0 will move tofi out of the way of other windows' zones.
# A value greater than 0 will set that much space as an exclusive zone.
# Values greater than 0 are only meaningful when tofi is anchored to a
# single edge.
exclusive-zone = -1
# Window offset from edge of screen. Only has an effect when anchored
# to the relevant edge. Can be pixels or a percentage.
margin-top = 0
margin-bottom = 0
margin-left = 0
margin-right = 0
### Behaviour
# Hide the mouse cursor.
hide-cursor = true
# Show a text cursor in the input field.
text-cursor = true
# Sort results by number of usages in run and drun modes.
history = true
# Specify an alternate file to read and store history information
# from / to. This shouldn't normally be needed, and is intended to
# facilitate the creation of custom modes.
# history-file = /path/to/histfile
# Select the matching algorithm used. If normal, substring matching is
# used, weighted to favour matches closer to the beginning of the
# string. If prefix, only substrings at the beginning of the string are
# matched. If fuzzy, searching is performed via a simple fuzzy matching
# algorithm.
# Supported values: normal, prefix, fuzzy
matching-algorithm = normal
# If true, require a match to allow a selection to be made. If false,
# making a selection with no matches will print input to stdout.
# In drun mode, this is always true.
require-match = true
# If true, automatically accept a result if it is the only one
# remaining. If there's only one result on startup, window creation is
# skipped altogether.
auto-accept-single = false
# If true, typed input will be hidden, and what is displayed (if
# anything) is determined by the hidden-character option.
hide-input = false
# Replace displayed input characters with a character. If the empty
# string is given, input will be completely hidden.
# This option only has an effect when hide-input is set to true.
hidden-character = "*"
# If true, use physical keys for shortcuts, regardless of the current
# keyboard layout. If false, use the current layout's keys.
physical-keybindings = true
# Instead of printing the selected entry, print the 1-based index of
# the selection. This option has no effect in run or drun mode. If
# require-match is set to false, non-matching input will still result
# in the input being printed.
print-index = false
# If true, directly launch applications on selection when in drun mode.
# Otherwise, just print the command line to stdout.
drun-launch = false
# The terminal to run terminal programs in when in drun mode.
# This option has no effect if drun-launch is set to true.
# Defaults to the value of the TERMINAL environment variable.
terminal = foot
# Delay keyboard initialisation until after the first draw to screen.
# This option is experimental, and will cause tofi to miss keypresses
# for a short time after launch. The only reason to use this option is
# performance on slow systems.
late-keyboard-init = false
# If true, allow multiple simultaneous processes.
# If false, create a lock file on startup to prevent multiple instances
# from running simultaneously.
multi-instance = false
# Assume input is plain ASCII, and disable some Unicode handling
# functions. This is faster, but means e.g. a search for "e" will not
# match "é".
ascii-input = false
### Inclusion
# Configs can be split between multiple files, and then included
# within each other.
# include = /path/to/config