#! /bin/sh if [ -z "$DISK" ]; then DISK="mmcblk1" fi if [ "$(/usr/bin/id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then echo "$0 shall be run as root" exit 1 fi start_sector=$(cat /sys/block/$DISK/${DISK}p4/start) echo "Start sector is: $start_sector" if [ -z "$start_sector" ]; then echo "Cannot find the start sector" exit 1 fi echo "Expanding the partition" sed -e 's/\s*\([\+0-9a-zA-Z]*\).*/\1/' << EOF | fdisk /dev/$DISK d # delete partition 4 # number 4 n # new partition p # primary partition 4 # partition number 4 $start_sector # default - end of disk p # print the in-memory partition table w # write the partition table q # and we're done EOF