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<meta name="description" content="LuaSocket: The core namespace">
<meta name="keywords" content="Lua, LuaSocket, Socket, Network, Library, Support">
<title>LuaSocket: The socket namespace</title>
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<!-- header +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
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<!-- socket +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<h2 id=socket>The socket namespace</h2>
The <tt>socket</tt> namespace contains the core functionality of LuaSocket.
To obtain the <tt>socket</tt> namespace, run:
<pre class=example>
-- loads the socket module
local socket = require("socket")
<!-- bind ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<p class=name id=bind>
socket.<b>bind(</b>address, port [, backlog]<b>)</b>
<p class=description>
This function is a shortcut that creates and returns a TCP server object
bound to a local <tt>address</tt> and <tt>port</tt>, ready to
accept client connections. Optionally,
user can also specify the <tt>backlog</tt> argument to the
<a href=tcp.html#listen><tt>listen</tt></a> method (defaults to 32).
<p class=note>
Note: The server object returned will have the option "<tt>reuseaddr</tt>"
set to <tt><b>true</b></tt>.
<!-- connect ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<p class=name id=connect>
socket.<b>connect(</b>address, port [, locaddr, locport]<b>)</b>
<p class=description>
This function is a shortcut that creates and returns a TCP client object
connected to a remote <tt>host</tt> at a given <tt>port</tt>. Optionally,
the user can also specify the local address and port to bind
(<tt>locaddr</tt> and <tt>locport</tt>).
<!-- debug ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<p class=name id=debug>
<p class=description>
This constant is set to <tt><b>true</b></tt> if the library was compiled
with debug support.
<!-- get time +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<p class=name id=gettime>
<p class=description>
Returns the time in seconds, relative to the origin of the
universe. You should subtract the values returned by this function
to get meaningful values.
<pre class=example>
t = socket.gettime()
-- do stuff
print(socket.gettime() - t .. " seconds elapsed")
<!-- socket.headers ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<p class=name id="headers.canonic">
<p> The <tt>socket.headers.canonic</tt> table
is used by the HTTP and SMTP modules to translate from
lowercase field names back into their canonic
capitalization. When a lowercase field name exists as a key
in this table, the associated value is substituted in
whenever the field name is sent out.
You can obtain the <tt>headers</tt> namespace if case run-time
modifications are required by running:
<pre class=example>
-- loads the headers module
local headers = require("headers")
<!-- newtry +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<p class=name id=newtry>
<p class=description>
Creates and returns a <em>clean</em>
<a href="#try"><tt>try</tt></a>
function that allows for cleanup before the exception
is raised.
<p class=parameters>
<tt>Finalizer</tt> is a function that will be called before
<tt>try</tt> throws the exception. It will be called
in <em>protected</em> mode.
<p class=return>
The function returns your customized <tt>try</tt> function.
<p class=note>
Note: This idea saved a <em>lot</em> of work with the
implementation of protocols in LuaSocket:
<pre class=example>
foo = socket.protect(function()
-- connect somewhere
local c = socket.try(socket.connect("somewhere", 42))
-- create a try function that closes 'c' on error
local try = socket.newtry(function() c:close() end)
-- do everything reassured c will be closed
try(c:send("hello there?\r\n"))
local answer = try(c:receive())
try(c:send("good bye\r\n"))
<!-- protect +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<p class=name id=protect>
<p class=description>
Converts a function that throws exceptions into a safe function. This
function only catches exceptions thrown by the <a href=#try><tt>try</tt></a>
and <a href=#newtry><tt>newtry</tt></a> functions. It does not catch normal
Lua errors.
<p class=parameters>
<tt>Func</tt> is a function that calls
<a href=#try><tt>try</tt></a> (or <tt>assert</tt>, or <tt>error</tt>)
to throw exceptions.
<p class=return>
Returns an equivalent function that instead of throwing exceptions,
returns <tt><b>nil</b></tt> followed by an error message.
<p class=note>
Note: Beware that if your function performs some illegal operation that
raises an error, the protected function will catch the error and return it
as a string. This is because the <a href=#try><tt>try</tt></a> function
uses errors as the mechanism to throw exceptions.
<!-- select +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<p class=name id=select>
socket.<b>select(</b>recvt, sendt [, timeout]<b>)</b>
<p class=description>
Waits for a number of sockets to change status.
<p class=parameters>
<tt>Recvt</tt> is an array with the sockets to test for characters
available for reading. Sockets in the <tt>sendt</tt> array are watched to
see if it is OK to immediately write on them. <tt>Timeout</tt> is the
maximum amount of time (in seconds) to wait for a change in status. A
<tt><b>nil</b></tt>, negative or omitted <tt>timeout</tt> value allows the
function to block indefinitely. <tt>Recvt</tt> and <tt>sendt</tt> can also
be empty tables or <tt><b>nil</b></tt>. Non-socket values (or values with
non-numeric indices) in the arrays will be silently ignored.
<p class=return> The function returns a list with the sockets ready for
reading, a list with the sockets ready for writing and an error message.
The error message is "<tt>timeout</tt>" if a timeout condition was met and
<tt><b>nil</b></tt> otherwise. The returned tables are
doubly keyed both by integers and also by the sockets
themselves, to simplify the test if a specific socket has
changed status.
<p class=note>
<b>Note: </b>: <tt>select</tt> can monitor a limited number
of sockets, as defined by the constant <tt>socket._SETSIZE</tt>. This
number may be as high as 1024 or as low as 64 by default,
depending on the system. It is usually possible to change this
at compile time. Invoking <tt>select</tt> with a larger
number of sockets will raise an error.
<p class=note>
<b>Important note</b>: a known bug in WinSock causes <tt>select</tt> to fail
on non-blocking TCP sockets. The function may return a socket as
writable even though the socket is <em>not</em> ready for sending.
<p class=note>
<b>Another important note</b>: calling select with a server socket in the receive parameter before a call to accept does <em>not</em> guarantee
<a href=tcp.html#accept><tt>accept</tt></a> will return immediately.
Use the <a href=tcp.html#settimeout><tt>settimeout</tt></a>
method or <tt>accept</tt> might block forever.
<p class=note>
<b>Yet another note</b>: If you close a socket and pass
it to <tt>select</tt>, it will be ignored.
<p class=note>
<b>Using select with non-socket objects</b>: Any object that implements <tt>getfd</tt> and <tt>dirty</tt> can be used with <tt>select</tt>, allowing objects from other libraries to be used within a <tt>socket.select</tt> driven loop.
<!-- sink ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<p class=name id=sink>
socket.<b>sink(</b>mode, socket<b>)</b>
<p class=description>
Creates an
<a href="http://lua-users.org/wiki/FiltersSourcesAndSinks">LTN12</a>
sink from a stream socket object.
<p class=parameters>
<tt>Mode</tt> defines the behavior of the sink. The following
options are available:
<li> <tt>"http-chunked"</tt>: sends data through socket after applying the
<em>chunked transfer coding</em>, closing the socket when done;
<li> <tt>"close-when-done"</tt>: sends all received data through the
socket, closing the socket when done;
<li> <tt>"keep-open"</tt>: sends all received data through the
socket, leaving it open when done.
<tt>Socket</tt> is the stream socket object used to send the data.
<p class=return>
The function returns a sink with the appropriate behavior.
<!-- skip ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<p class=name id=skip>
socket.<b>skip(</b>d [, ret<sub>1</sub>, ret<sub>2</sub> ... ret<sub>N</sub>]<b>)</b>
<p class=description>
Drops a number of arguments and returns the remaining.
<p class=parameters>
<tt>D</tt> is the number of arguments to drop. <tt>Ret<sub>1</sub></tt> to
<tt>ret<sub>N</sub></tt> are the arguments.
<p class=return>
The function returns <tt>ret<sub>d+1</sub></tt> to <tt>ret<sub>N</sub></tt>.
<p class=note>
Note: This function is useful to avoid creation of dummy variables:
<pre class=example>
-- get the status code and separator from SMTP server reply
local code, sep = socket.skip(2, string.find(line, "^(%d%d%d)(.?)"))
<!-- sleep ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<p class=name id=sleep>
<p class=description>
Freezes the program execution during a given amount of time.
<p class=parameters>
<tt>Time</tt> is the number of seconds to sleep for. If
<tt>time</tt> is negative, the function returns immediately.
<!-- source +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<p class=name id=source>
socket.<b>source(</b>mode, socket [, length]<b>)</b>
<p class=description>
Creates an
<a href="http://lua-users.org/wiki/FiltersSourcesAndSinks">LTN12</a>
source from a stream socket object.
<p class=parameters>
<tt>Mode</tt> defines the behavior of the source. The following
options are available:
<li> <tt>"http-chunked"</tt>: receives data from socket and removes the
<em>chunked transfer coding</em> before returning the data;
<li> <tt>"by-length"</tt>: receives a fixed number of bytes from the
socket. This mode requires the extra argument <tt>length</tt>;
<li> <tt>"until-closed"</tt>: receives data from a socket until the other
side closes the connection.
<tt>Socket</tt> is the stream socket object used to receive the data.
<p class=return>
The function returns a source with the appropriate behavior.
<!-- setsize ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<p class=name id=setsize>
<p class=description>
The maximum number of sockets that the <a
href=#select><tt>select</tt></a> function can handle.
<!-- try ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<p class=name id=try>
socket.<b>try(</b>ret<sub>1</sub> [, ret<sub>2</sub> ... ret<sub>N</sub>]<b>)</b>
<p class=description>
Throws an exception in case of error. The exception can only be caught
by the <a href=#protect><tt>protect</tt></a> function. It does not explode
into an error message.
<p class=parameters>
<tt>Ret<sub>1</sub></tt> to <tt>ret<sub>N</sub></tt> can be arbitrary
arguments, but are usually the return values of a function call
nested with <tt>try</tt>.
<p class=return>
The function returns <tt>ret</tt><sub>1</sub> to <tt>ret</tt><sub>N</sub> if
<tt>ret</tt><sub>1</sub> is not <tt><b>nil</b></tt>. Otherwise, it calls <tt>error</tt> passing <tt>ret</tt><sub>2</sub>.
<pre class=example>
-- connects or throws an exception with the appropriate error message
c = socket.try(socket.connect("localhost", 80))
<!-- version ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<p class=name id=version>
<p class=description>
This constant has a string describing the current LuaSocket version.
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Last modified by Diego Nehab on <br>
Thu Apr 20 00:25:54 EDT 2006