Diego Nehab 58096449c6 Manual is almost done. HTTP is missing.
Implemented new distribution scheme.
Select is now purely C.
HTTP reimplemented seems faster dunno why.
LTN12 functions that coroutines fail gracefully.
2004-06-15 06:24:00 +00:00

669 lines
24 KiB

* Encoding support functions
* LuaSocket toolkit
* RCS ID: $Id$
#include <string.h>
#include <lua.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include "mime.h"
* Don't want to trust escape character constants
typedef unsigned char UC;
static const char CRLF[] = "\r\n";
static const char EQCRLF[] = "=\r\n";
* Internal function prototypes.
static int mime_global_wrp(lua_State *L);
static int mime_global_b64(lua_State *L);
static int mime_global_unb64(lua_State *L);
static int mime_global_qp(lua_State *L);
static int mime_global_unqp(lua_State *L);
static int mime_global_qpwrp(lua_State *L);
static int mime_global_eol(lua_State *L);
static void b64setup(UC *b64unbase);
static size_t b64encode(UC c, UC *input, size_t size, luaL_Buffer *buffer);
static size_t b64pad(const UC *input, size_t size, luaL_Buffer *buffer);
static size_t b64decode(UC c, UC *input, size_t size, luaL_Buffer *buffer);
static void qpsetup(UC *qpclass, UC *qpunbase);
static void qpquote(UC c, luaL_Buffer *buffer);
static size_t qpdecode(UC c, UC *input, size_t size, luaL_Buffer *buffer);
static size_t qpencode(UC c, UC *input, size_t size,
const char *marker, luaL_Buffer *buffer);
static size_t qppad(UC *input, size_t size, luaL_Buffer *buffer);
/* code support functions */
static luaL_reg func[] = {
{ "b64", mime_global_b64 },
{ "eol", mime_global_eol },
{ "qp", mime_global_qp },
{ "qpwrp", mime_global_qpwrp },
{ "unb64", mime_global_unb64 },
{ "unqp", mime_global_unqp },
{ "wrp", mime_global_wrp },
* Quoted-printable globals
static UC qpclass[256];
static UC qpbase[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
static UC qpunbase[256];
* Base64 globals
static const UC b64base[] =
static UC b64unbase[256];
* Exported functions
* Initializes module
MIME_API int luaopen_mime(lua_State *L)
/* whoever is loading the library replaced the global environment
* with the namespace table */
lua_pushvalue(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
/* make sure library is still "requirable" if initialized staticaly */
lua_pushstring(L, "_LOADEDLIB");
lua_gettable(L, -2);
lua_pushstring(L, MIME_LIBNAME);
lua_pushcfunction(L, (lua_CFunction) luaopen_mime);
lua_settable(L, -3);
lua_pop(L, 1);
/* export functions */
luaL_openlib(L, NULL, func, 0);
/* initialize lookup tables */
qpsetup(qpclass, qpunbase);
return 1;
* Global Lua functions
* Incrementaly breaks a string into lines. The string can have CRLF breaks.
* A, n = wrp(l, B, length)
* A is a copy of B, broken into lines of at most 'length' bytes.
* 'l' is how many bytes are left for the first line of B.
* 'n' is the number of bytes left in the last line of A.
static int mime_global_wrp(lua_State *L)
size_t size = 0;
int left = (int) luaL_checknumber(L, 1);
const UC *input = (UC *) luaL_optlstring(L, 2, NULL, &size);
const UC *last = input + size;
int length = (int) luaL_optnumber(L, 3, 76);
luaL_Buffer buffer;
/* end of input black-hole */
if (!input) {
/* if last line has not been terminated, add a line break */
if (left < length) lua_pushstring(L, CRLF);
/* otherwise, we are done */
else lua_pushnil(L);
lua_pushnumber(L, length);
return 2;
luaL_buffinit(L, &buffer);
while (input < last) {
switch (*input) {
case '\r':
case '\n':
luaL_addstring(&buffer, CRLF);
left = length;
if (left <= 0) {
left = length;
luaL_addstring(&buffer, CRLF);
luaL_putchar(&buffer, *input);
lua_pushnumber(L, left);
return 2;
* Fill base64 decode map.
static void b64setup(UC *b64unbase)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 255; i++) b64unbase[i] = 255;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) b64unbase[b64base[i]] = i;
b64unbase['='] = 0;
* Acumulates bytes in input buffer until 3 bytes are available.
* Translate the 3 bytes into Base64 form and append to buffer.
* Returns new number of bytes in buffer.
static size_t b64encode(UC c, UC *input, size_t size,
luaL_Buffer *buffer)
input[size++] = c;
if (size == 3) {
UC code[4];
unsigned long value = 0;
value += input[0]; value <<= 8;
value += input[1]; value <<= 8;
value += input[2];
code[3] = b64base[value & 0x3f]; value >>= 6;
code[2] = b64base[value & 0x3f]; value >>= 6;
code[1] = b64base[value & 0x3f]; value >>= 6;
code[0] = b64base[value];
luaL_addlstring(buffer, (char *) code, 4);
size = 0;
return size;
* Encodes the Base64 last 1 or 2 bytes and adds padding '='
* Result, if any, is appended to buffer.
* Returns 0.
static size_t b64pad(const UC *input, size_t size,
luaL_Buffer *buffer)
unsigned long value = 0;
UC code[4] = "====";
switch (size) {
case 1:
value = input[0] << 4;
code[1] = b64base[value & 0x3f]; value >>= 6;
code[0] = b64base[value];
luaL_addlstring(buffer, (char *) code, 4);
case 2:
value = input[0]; value <<= 8;
value |= input[1]; value <<= 2;
code[2] = b64base[value & 0x3f]; value >>= 6;
code[1] = b64base[value & 0x3f]; value >>= 6;
code[0] = b64base[value];
luaL_addlstring(buffer, (char *) code, 4);
return 0;
* Acumulates bytes in input buffer until 4 bytes are available.
* Translate the 4 bytes from Base64 form and append to buffer.
* Returns new number of bytes in buffer.
static size_t b64decode(UC c, UC *input, size_t size,
luaL_Buffer *buffer)
/* ignore invalid characters */
if (b64unbase[c] > 64) return size;
input[size++] = c;
/* decode atom */
if (size == 4) {
UC decoded[3];
int valid, value = 0;
value = b64unbase[input[0]]; value <<= 6;
value |= b64unbase[input[1]]; value <<= 6;
value |= b64unbase[input[2]]; value <<= 6;
value |= b64unbase[input[3]];
decoded[2] = (UC) (value & 0xff); value >>= 8;
decoded[1] = (UC) (value & 0xff); value >>= 8;
decoded[0] = (UC) value;
/* take care of paddding */
valid = (input[2] == '=') ? 1 : (input[3] == '=') ? 2 : 3;
luaL_addlstring(buffer, (char *) decoded, valid);
return 0;
/* need more data */
} else return size;
* Incrementally applies the Base64 transfer content encoding to a string
* A, B = b64(C, D)
* A is the encoded version of the largest prefix of C .. D that is
* divisible by 3. B has the remaining bytes of C .. D, *without* encoding.
* The easiest thing would be to concatenate the two strings and
* encode the result, but we can't afford that or Lua would dupplicate
* every chunk we received.
static int mime_global_b64(lua_State *L)
UC atom[3];
size_t isize = 0, asize = 0;
const UC *input = (UC *) luaL_optlstring(L, 1, NULL, &isize);
const UC *last = input + isize;
luaL_Buffer buffer;
/* end-of-input blackhole */
if (!input) {
return 2;
/* process first part of the input */
luaL_buffinit(L, &buffer);
while (input < last)
asize = b64encode(*input++, atom, asize, &buffer);
input = (UC *) luaL_optlstring(L, 2, NULL, &isize);
/* if second part is nil, we are done */
if (!input) {
asize = b64pad(atom, asize, &buffer);
return 2;
/* otherwise process the second part */
last = input + isize;
while (input < last)
asize = b64encode(*input++, atom, asize, &buffer);
lua_pushlstring(L, (char *) atom, asize);
return 2;
* Incrementally removes the Base64 transfer content encoding from a string
* A, B = b64(C, D)
* A is the encoded version of the largest prefix of C .. D that is
* divisible by 4. B has the remaining bytes of C .. D, *without* encoding.
static int mime_global_unb64(lua_State *L)
UC atom[4];
size_t isize = 0, asize = 0;
const UC *input = (UC *) luaL_optlstring(L, 1, NULL, &isize);
const UC *last = input + isize;
luaL_Buffer buffer;
/* end-of-input blackhole */
if (!input) {
return 2;
/* process first part of the input */
luaL_buffinit(L, &buffer);
while (input < last)
asize = b64decode(*input++, atom, asize, &buffer);
input = (UC *) luaL_optlstring(L, 2, NULL, &isize);
/* if second is nil, we are done */
if (!input) {
return 2;
/* otherwise, process the rest of the input */
last = input + isize;
while (input < last)
asize = b64decode(*input++, atom, asize, &buffer);
lua_pushlstring(L, (char *) atom, asize);
return 2;
* Quoted-printable encoding scheme
* all (except CRLF in text) can be =XX
* CLRL in not text must be =XX=XX
* 33 through 60 inclusive can be plain
* 62 through 126 inclusive can be plain
* 9 and 32 can be plain, unless in the end of a line, where must be =XX
* encoded lines must be no longer than 76 not counting CRLF
* soft line-break are =CRLF
* To encode one byte, we need to see the next two.
* Worst case is when we see a space, and wonder if a CRLF is comming
* Split quoted-printable characters into classes
* Precompute reverse map for encoding
static void qpsetup(UC *qpclass, UC *qpunbase)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) qpclass[i] = QP_QUOTED;
for (i = 33; i <= 60; i++) qpclass[i] = QP_PLAIN;
for (i = 62; i <= 126; i++) qpclass[i] = QP_PLAIN;
qpclass['\t'] = QP_IF_LAST;
qpclass[' '] = QP_IF_LAST;
qpclass['\r'] = QP_CR;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) qpunbase[i] = 255;
qpunbase['0'] = 0; qpunbase['1'] = 1; qpunbase['2'] = 2;
qpunbase['3'] = 3; qpunbase['4'] = 4; qpunbase['5'] = 5;
qpunbase['6'] = 6; qpunbase['7'] = 7; qpunbase['8'] = 8;
qpunbase['9'] = 9; qpunbase['A'] = 10; qpunbase['a'] = 10;
qpunbase['B'] = 11; qpunbase['b'] = 11; qpunbase['C'] = 12;
qpunbase['c'] = 12; qpunbase['D'] = 13; qpunbase['d'] = 13;
qpunbase['E'] = 14; qpunbase['e'] = 14; qpunbase['F'] = 15;
qpunbase['f'] = 15;
* Output one character in form =XX
static void qpquote(UC c, luaL_Buffer *buffer)
luaL_putchar(buffer, '=');
luaL_putchar(buffer, qpbase[c >> 4]);
luaL_putchar(buffer, qpbase[c & 0x0F]);
* Accumulate characters until we are sure about how to deal with them.
* Once we are sure, output to the buffer, in the correct form.
static size_t qpencode(UC c, UC *input, size_t size,
const char *marker, luaL_Buffer *buffer)
input[size++] = c;
/* deal with all characters we can have */
while (size > 0) {
switch (qpclass[input[0]]) {
/* might be the CR of a CRLF sequence */
case QP_CR:
if (size < 2) return size;
if (input[1] == '\n') {
luaL_addstring(buffer, marker);
return 0;
} else qpquote(input[0], buffer);
/* might be a space and that has to be quoted if last in line */
case QP_IF_LAST:
if (size < 3) return size;
/* if it is the last, quote it and we are done */
if (input[1] == '\r' && input[2] == '\n') {
qpquote(input[0], buffer);
luaL_addstring(buffer, marker);
return 0;
} else luaL_putchar(buffer, input[0]);
/* might have to be quoted always */
qpquote(input[0], buffer);
/* might never have to be quoted */
luaL_putchar(buffer, input[0]);
input[0] = input[1]; input[1] = input[2];
return 0;
* Deal with the final characters
static size_t qppad(UC *input, size_t size, luaL_Buffer *buffer)
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (qpclass[input[i]] == QP_PLAIN) luaL_putchar(buffer, input[i]);
else qpquote(input[i], buffer);
luaL_addstring(buffer, EQCRLF);
return 0;
* Incrementally converts a string to quoted-printable
* A, B = qp(C, D, marker)
* Marker is the text to be used to replace CRLF sequences found in A.
* A is the encoded version of the largest prefix of C .. D that
* can be encoded without doubts.
* B has the remaining bytes of C .. D, *without* encoding.
static int mime_global_qp(lua_State *L)
size_t asize = 0, isize = 0;
UC atom[3];
const UC *input = (UC *) luaL_optlstring(L, 1, NULL, &isize);
const UC *last = input + isize;
const char *marker = luaL_optstring(L, 3, CRLF);
luaL_Buffer buffer;
/* end-of-input blackhole */
if (!input) {
return 2;
/* process first part of input */
luaL_buffinit(L, &buffer);
while (input < last)
asize = qpencode(*input++, atom, asize, marker, &buffer);
input = (UC *) luaL_optlstring(L, 2, NULL, &isize);
/* if second part is nil, we are done */
if (!input) {
asize = qppad(atom, asize, &buffer);
/* otherwise process rest of input */
last = input + isize;
while (input < last)
asize = qpencode(*input++, atom, asize, marker, &buffer);
lua_pushlstring(L, (char *) atom, asize);
return 2;
* Accumulate characters until we are sure about how to deal with them.
* Once we are sure, output the to the buffer, in the correct form.
static size_t qpdecode(UC c, UC *input, size_t size,
luaL_Buffer *buffer)
input[size++] = c;
/* deal with all characters we can deal */
while (size > 0) {
int c, d;
switch (input[0]) {
/* if we have an escape character */
case '=':
if (size < 3) return size;
/* eliminate soft line break */
if (input[1] == '\r' && input[2] == '\n') return 0;
/* decode quoted representation */
c = qpunbase[input[1]]; d = qpunbase[input[2]];
/* if it is an invalid, do not decode */
if (c > 15 || d > 15) luaL_addlstring(buffer, (char *)input, 3);
else luaL_putchar(buffer, (c << 4) + d);
return 0;
case '\r':
if (size < 2) return size;
if (input[1] == '\n') luaL_addlstring(buffer, (char *)input, 2);
return 0;
if (input[0] == '\t' || (input[0] > 31 && input[0] < 127))
luaL_putchar(buffer, input[0]);
return 0;
input[0] = input[1]; input[1] = input[2];
return 0;
* Incrementally decodes a string in quoted-printable
* A, B = qp(C, D)
* A is the decoded version of the largest prefix of C .. D that
* can be decoded without doubts.
* B has the remaining bytes of C .. D, *without* decoding.
static int mime_global_unqp(lua_State *L)
size_t asize = 0, isize = 0;
UC atom[3];
const UC *input = (UC *) luaL_optlstring(L, 1, NULL, &isize);
const UC *last = input + isize;
luaL_Buffer buffer;
/* end-of-input blackhole */
if (!input) {
return 2;
/* process first part of input */
luaL_buffinit(L, &buffer);
while (input < last)
asize = qpdecode(*input++, atom, asize, &buffer);
input = (UC *) luaL_optlstring(L, 2, NULL, &isize);
/* if second part is nil, we are done */
if (!input) {
return 2;
/* otherwise process rest of input */
last = input + isize;
while (input < last)
asize = qpdecode(*input++, atom, asize, &buffer);
lua_pushlstring(L, (char *) atom, asize);
return 2;
* Incrementally breaks a quoted-printed string into lines
* A, n = qpwrp(l, B, length)
* A is a copy of B, broken into lines of at most 'length' bytes.
* 'l' is how many bytes are left for the first line of B.
* 'n' is the number of bytes left in the last line of A.
* There are two complications: lines can't be broken in the middle
* of an encoded =XX, and there might be line breaks already
static int mime_global_qpwrp(lua_State *L)
size_t size = 0;
int left = (int) luaL_checknumber(L, 1);
const UC *input = (UC *) luaL_optlstring(L, 2, NULL, &size);
const UC *last = input + size;
int length = (int) luaL_optnumber(L, 3, 76);
luaL_Buffer buffer;
/* end-of-input blackhole */
if (!input) {
if (left < length) lua_pushstring(L, EQCRLF);
else lua_pushnil(L);
lua_pushnumber(L, length);
return 2;
/* process all input */
luaL_buffinit(L, &buffer);
while (input < last) {
switch (*input) {
case '\r':
case '\n':
left = length;
luaL_addstring(&buffer, CRLF);
case '=':
if (left <= 3) {
left = length;
luaL_addstring(&buffer, EQCRLF);
luaL_putchar(&buffer, *input);
if (left <= 1) {
left = length;
luaL_addstring(&buffer, EQCRLF);
luaL_putchar(&buffer, *input);
lua_pushnumber(L, left);
return 2;
* Here is what we do: \n, and \r are considered candidates for line
* break. We issue *one* new line marker if any of them is seen alone, or
* followed by a different one. That is, \n\n and \r\r will issue two
* end of line markers each, but \r\n, \n\r etc will only issue *one*
* marker. This covers Mac OS, Mac OS X, VMS, Unix and DOS, as well as
* probably other more obscure conventions.
* c is the current character being processed
* last is the previous character
#define eolcandidate(c) (c == '\r' || c == '\n')
static int eolprocess(int c, int last, const char *marker,
luaL_Buffer *buffer)
if (eolcandidate(c)) {
if (eolcandidate(last)) {
if (c == last) luaL_addstring(buffer, marker);
return 0;
} else {
luaL_addstring(buffer, marker);
return c;
} else {
luaL_putchar(buffer, c);
return 0;
* Converts a string to uniform EOL convention.
* A, n = eol(o, B, marker)
* A is the converted version of the largest prefix of B that can be
* converted unambiguously. 'o' is the context returned by the previous
* call. 'n' is the new context.
static int mime_global_eol(lua_State *L)
int ctx = luaL_checkint(L, 1);
size_t isize = 0;
const char *input = luaL_optlstring(L, 2, NULL, &isize);
const char *last = input + isize;
const char *marker = luaL_optstring(L, 3, CRLF);
luaL_Buffer buffer;
luaL_buffinit(L, &buffer);
/* if the last character was a candidate, we output a new line */
if (!input) {
lua_pushnumber(L, 0);
return 2;
/* process all input */
while (input < last)
ctx = eolprocess(*input++, ctx, marker, &buffer);
lua_pushnumber(L, ctx);
return 2;