2004-11-28 08:20:11 +00:00

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<meta name="description" content="The LuaSocket Homepage">
<meta name="keywords" content="Lua, LuaSocket, Network, Library, Support, Internet">
<title>LuaSocket: Network support for the Lua language </title>
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<tr><td align=center valign=top>Network support for the Lua language
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<!-- whatis +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<h2 id=whatis>What is LuaSocket?</h2>
LuaSocket is a <a href="">Lua</a> extension library
that is composed by two parts: a C core that provides support for the TCP
and UDP transport layers, and a set of Lua modules that add support for
functionality commonly needed by applications that deal with the Internet.
The core support has been implemented so that it is both efficient and
simple to use. The core can be used by any Lua application once it has
been properly initialized by the interpreter running the
Lua application. The code has been tested and runs well on several Windows
and Unix platforms.
The most used modules implement the
<a href=smtp.html>SMTP</a>
(sending e-mails),
<a href=http.html>HTTP</a>
(WWW access) and
<a href=ftp.html>FTP</a>
(uploading and downloading files) client
protocols. These provide a very natural and generic interface to the e
functionality covered by the protocols.
In addition, you will find that the
<a href=mime.html>MIME</a> (common encodings),
<a href=url.html>URL</a>
(anything you could possible want to do with one) and
<a href=ltn12.html>LTN12</a>
(filters, sinks, sources and pumps) modules can be very handy.
The library is available under the same
<a href="">
terms and conditions</a> as the Lua language, the MIT license. The idea is
that if you can use Lua in a project, you should also be able to use
Copyright &copy; 2004 Diego Nehab. All rights reserved. <br>
Author: <A href="">Diego Nehab</a>
<!-- download +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<h2 id=download>Download</h2>
LuaSocket version 2.0 (beta3) is now available for download! It is
compatible with Lua&nbsp;5.0 and has been tested on
Windows&nbsp;XP, Linux, and Mac OS X.
The library can be downloaded in source code from the following links:
<a href="luasocket-2.0-beta3.tar.gz">luasocket-2.0-beta3.tar.gz</a> <br>
<a href=""></a>
Besides the full C and Lua source code for the library, the distribution
contains several examples, this user's manual and the test procedures.
I am also providing PC Win32 binaries for those that want to give
LuaSocket a quick try:
<a href=""></a>
The quick and dirty way to use these binaries is to unpack everything into a
directory, say <tt>c:\luasocket</tt> (include all Lua files from the
LuaSocket distrbitution in the same directory too!).
Then set <tt>LUA_INIT</tt> to load the <tt>compat-5.1.lua</tt> and set
<tt>LUA_PATH</tt> and <tt>LUA_CPATH</tt> to look for files in that
<pre class=example>
c:\luasocket\&gt; set LUA_INIT=@compat-5.1.lua
c:\luasocket\&gt; set LUA_CPATH=?.dll
c:\luasocket\&gt; set LUA_PATH=?.lua
From that directory, you can then run the interpreter and it should find all
files it needs. To download this manual page from the Internet, for example,
do the following:
<pre class=example>
c:\luasocket\&gt; lua
Lua 5.0.2 Copyright (C) 1994-2004 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio
&gt; http = require"http"
&gt; print(http.request"")
--&gt; this gets dumped to terminal
<p> Take a look at the <a href=instalation.html>installation</a> section of
the manual to find out how to properly install the library after you are
done playing with it. </p>
<!-- thanks +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<h2 id=thanks>Special thanks</h2>
Throughout LuaSocket's history, many people gave suggestions that helped
improve it. For that, I thank the Lua community.
Special thanks go to
David Burgess, who has helped push the library to a new level of quality and
from whom I have learned a lot of stuff that doesn't show up in RFCs.
Special thanks also to Carlos Cassino, who played a big part in the
extensible design seen in the C core of LuaSocket 2.0. Recently, Mike Pall
has been helping a lot too! Thanks to you all!
<!-- whatsnew +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<h2 id=new>What's New</h2>
The big change for the 2.0 (beta3) release was the adoption of the Lua 5.1
package proposal. There were several bug fixes too (a beta is a
beta, is a beta).
<li> New compat-5.1 distribution:
<li> Instalation uses new directory structure;
<li> Namespace hierarchy is in now back in use (ex. <tt>socket.url</tt>
instead of <tt>url</tt>);
<li> Globals not visible from inside namespaces;
<li> All modules call <tt>require</tt> even for standard libraries;
<li> LTN12 avoids coroutines (so you can go wild on the C side);
<li> Kludge on wsocket.c:sock_send for windows timeout issue
moved to buffer.c:sendraw;
<li> <tt>socket.protect </tt>only catches errors thrown by <tt>socket.try</tt>;
<li> Fixed <tt>udp:sendto</tt> to call <tt>sock_sendto</tt> instead of
<li> <tt>close</tt> wasn't returning 1!
<li> <tt>socket.gettime</tt> returns time since Unix Epoch 1/1/1970 (UTC)
<li> <tt>socket.sleep</tt> is robust to interrupts;
<li> <tt></tt> wasn't calling <tt>tm_markstart</tt>;
<li> <tt>http.PROXY</tt> etc wasn't working.
<!-- incompatible +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<h3 id=incompatible>Incompatibilities with previous versions</h3>
<li> Namespaces are hierarchical again. This means that whoever called
<tt>require("url")</tt> should update their code to
<!-- old ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<h2 id=old>Old Versions</h2>
All previous versions of the LuaSocket library can be downloaded
<a href="">here</a>. Although
these versions are no longer supported, they are still available for
those that have compatibility issues.
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Last modified by Diego Nehab on <br>
Sun Nov 28 03:19:00 EST 2004