Diego Nehab 58096449c6 Manual is almost done. HTTP is missing.
Implemented new distribution scheme.
Select is now purely C.
HTTP reimplemented seems faster dunno why.
LTN12 functions that coroutines fail gracefully.
2004-06-15 06:24:00 +00:00

243 lines
8.0 KiB

* Input/Output interface for Lua programs
* LuaSocket toolkit
* RCS ID: $Id$
#include <lua.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include "buffer.h"
* Internal function prototypes
static int recvraw(p_buf buf, size_t wanted, luaL_Buffer *b);
static int recvline(p_buf buf, luaL_Buffer *b);
static int recvall(p_buf buf, luaL_Buffer *b);
static int buf_get(p_buf buf, const char **data, size_t *count);
static void buf_skip(p_buf buf, size_t count);
static int sendraw(p_buf buf, const char *data, size_t count, size_t *sent);
/* min and max macros */
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? x : y)
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? x : y)
* Exported functions
* Initializes module
int buf_open(lua_State *L)
(void) L;
return 0;
* Initializes C structure
void buf_init(p_buf buf, p_io io, p_tm tm)
buf->first = buf->last = 0;
buf->io = io;
buf->tm = tm;
* object:send() interface
int buf_meth_send(lua_State *L, p_buf buf)
int top = lua_gettop(L);
size_t total = 0;
int arg, err = IO_DONE;
p_tm tm = buf->tm;
for (arg = 2; arg <= top; arg++) { /* first arg is socket object */
size_t sent, count;
const char *data = luaL_optlstring(L, arg, NULL, &count);
if (!data || err != IO_DONE) break;
err = sendraw(buf, data, count, &sent);
total += sent;
lua_pushnumber(L, total);
io_pusherror(L, err);
/* push time elapsed during operation as the last return value */
lua_pushnumber(L, (tm_gettime() - tm_getstart(tm))/1000.0);
return lua_gettop(L) - top;
* object:receive() interface
int buf_meth_receive(lua_State *L, p_buf buf)
int err = IO_DONE, top = lua_gettop(L);
p_tm tm = buf->tm;
luaL_Buffer b;
luaL_buffinit(L, &b);
/* receive all patterns */
if (!lua_isnumber(L, 2)) {
static const char *patternnames[] = {"*l", "*a", NULL};
const char *pattern = luaL_optstring(L, 2, "*l");
/* get next pattern */
int p = luaL_findstring(pattern, patternnames);
if (p == 0) err = recvline(buf, &b);
else if (p == 1) err = recvall(buf, &b);
else luaL_argcheck(L, 0, 2, "invalid receive pattern");
/* get a fixed number of bytes */
} else err = recvraw(buf, (size_t) lua_tonumber(L, 2), &b);
/* check if there was an error */
if (err != IO_DONE) {
io_pusherror(L, err);
lua_pushvalue(L, -2);
lua_replace(L, -4);
} else {
/* push time elapsed during operation as the last return value */
lua_pushnumber(L, (tm_gettime() - tm_getstart(tm))/1000.0);
return lua_gettop(L) - top;
* Determines if there is any data in the read buffer
int buf_isempty(p_buf buf)
return buf->first >= buf->last;
* Internal functions
* Sends a block of data (unbuffered)
int sendraw(p_buf buf, const char *data, size_t count, size_t *sent)
p_io io = buf->io;
p_tm tm = buf->tm;
size_t total = 0;
int err = IO_DONE;
while (total < count && (err == IO_DONE || err == IO_RETRY)) {
size_t done;
err = io->send(io->ctx, data+total, count-total, &done, tm_get(tm));
total += done;
*sent = total;
return err;
* Reads a fixed number of bytes (buffered)
int recvraw(p_buf buf, size_t wanted, luaL_Buffer *b)
int err = IO_DONE;
size_t total = 0;
while (total < wanted && (err == IO_DONE || err == IO_RETRY)) {
size_t count; const char *data;
err = buf_get(buf, &data, &count);
count = MIN(count, wanted - total);
luaL_addlstring(b, data, count);
buf_skip(buf, count);
total += count;
return err;
* Reads everything until the connection is closed (buffered)
int recvall(p_buf buf, luaL_Buffer *b)
int err = IO_DONE;
while (err == IO_DONE || err == IO_RETRY) {
const char *data; size_t count;
err = buf_get(buf, &data, &count);
luaL_addlstring(b, data, count);
buf_skip(buf, count);
if (err == IO_CLOSED) return IO_DONE;
else return err;
* Reads a line terminated by a CR LF pair or just by a LF. The CR and LF
* are not returned by the function and are discarded from the buffer
int recvline(p_buf buf, luaL_Buffer *b)
int err = IO_DONE;
while (err == IO_DONE || err == IO_RETRY) {
size_t count, pos; const char *data;
err = buf_get(buf, &data, &count);
pos = 0;
while (pos < count && data[pos] != '\n') {
/* we ignore all \r's */
if (data[pos] != '\r') luaL_putchar(b, data[pos]);
if (pos < count) { /* found '\n' */
buf_skip(buf, pos+1); /* skip '\n' too */
break; /* we are done */
} else /* reached the end of the buffer */
buf_skip(buf, pos);
return err;
* Skips a given number of bytes from read buffer. No data is read from the
* transport layer
void buf_skip(p_buf buf, size_t count)
buf->first += count;
if (buf_isempty(buf))
buf->first = buf->last = 0;
* Return any data available in buffer, or get more data from transport layer
* if buffer is empty
int buf_get(p_buf buf, const char **data, size_t *count)
int err = IO_DONE;
p_io io = buf->io;
p_tm tm = buf->tm;
if (buf_isempty(buf)) {
size_t got;
err = io->recv(io->ctx, buf->data, BUF_SIZE, &got, tm_get(tm));
buf->first = 0;
buf->last = got;
*count = buf->last - buf->first;
*data = buf->data + buf->first;
return err;