Diego Nehab 58096449c6 Manual is almost done. HTTP is missing.
Implemented new distribution scheme.
Select is now purely C.
HTTP reimplemented seems faster dunno why.
LTN12 functions that coroutines fail gracefully.
2004-06-15 06:24:00 +00:00

335 lines
11 KiB

* UDP object
* LuaSocket toolkit
* RCS ID: $Id$
#include <string.h>
#include <lua.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include "auxiliar.h"
#include "socket.h"
#include "inet.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "udp.h"
* Internal function prototypes
static int global_create(lua_State *L);
static int meth_send(lua_State *L);
static int meth_sendto(lua_State *L);
static int meth_receive(lua_State *L);
static int meth_receivefrom(lua_State *L);
static int meth_getsockname(lua_State *L);
static int meth_getpeername(lua_State *L);
static int meth_setsockname(lua_State *L);
static int meth_setpeername(lua_State *L);
static int meth_close(lua_State *L);
static int meth_setoption(lua_State *L);
static int meth_settimeout(lua_State *L);
static int meth_getfd(lua_State *L);
static int meth_setfd(lua_State *L);
static int meth_dirty(lua_State *L);
/* udp object methods */
static luaL_reg udp[] = {
{"setpeername", meth_setpeername},
{"setsockname", meth_setsockname},
{"getsockname", meth_getsockname},
{"getpeername", meth_getpeername},
{"send", meth_send},
{"sendto", meth_sendto},
{"receive", meth_receive},
{"receivefrom", meth_receivefrom},
{"settimeout", meth_settimeout},
{"close", meth_close},
{"setoption", meth_setoption},
{"__gc", meth_close},
{"__tostring", aux_tostring},
{"getfd", meth_getfd},
{"setfd", meth_setfd},
{"dirty", meth_dirty},
/* socket options */
static t_opt opt[] = {
{"dontroute", opt_dontroute},
{"broadcast", opt_broadcast},
{"reuseaddr", opt_reuseaddr},
{"ip-multicast-ttl", opt_ip_multicast_ttl},
{"ip-multicast-loop", opt_ip_multicast_loop},
{"ip-add-membership", opt_ip_add_membership},
{"ip-drop-membership", opt_ip_drop_membersip},
/* functions in library namespace */
static luaL_reg func[] = {
{"udp", global_create},
* Initializes module
int udp_open(lua_State *L)
/* create classes */
aux_newclass(L, "udp{connected}", udp);
aux_newclass(L, "udp{unconnected}", udp);
/* create class groups */
aux_add2group(L, "udp{connected}", "udp{any}");
aux_add2group(L, "udp{unconnected}", "udp{any}");
aux_add2group(L, "udp{connected}", "select{able}");
aux_add2group(L, "udp{unconnected}", "select{able}");
/* define library functions */
luaL_openlib(L, NULL, func, 0);
return 0;
* Lua methods
* Send data through connected udp socket
static int meth_send(lua_State *L)
p_udp udp = (p_udp) aux_checkclass(L, "udp{connected}", 1);
p_tm tm = &udp->tm;
size_t count, sent = 0;
int err;
const char *data = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &count);
do err = sock_send(&udp->sock, data, count, &sent, tm_getretry(tm));
while (err == IO_RETRY);
if (err == IO_DONE) lua_pushnumber(L, sent);
else lua_pushnil(L);
/* a 'closed' error on an unconnected means the target address was not
* accepted by the transport layer */
io_pusherror(L, err == IO_CLOSED ? IO_REFUSED : err);
return 2;
* Send data through unconnected udp socket
static int meth_sendto(lua_State *L)
p_udp udp = (p_udp) aux_checkclass(L, "udp{unconnected}", 1);
size_t count, sent = 0;
const char *data = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &count);
const char *ip = luaL_checkstring(L, 3);
unsigned short port = (unsigned short) luaL_checknumber(L, 4);
p_tm tm = &udp->tm;
struct sockaddr_in addr;
int err;
memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
if (!inet_aton(ip, &addr.sin_addr))
luaL_argerror(L, 3, "invalid ip address");
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_port = htons(port);
do err = sock_sendto(&udp->sock, data, count, &sent,
(SA *) &addr, sizeof(addr), tm_get(tm));
while (err == IO_RETRY);
if (err == IO_DONE) lua_pushnumber(L, sent);
else lua_pushnil(L);
/* a 'closed' error on an unconnected means the target address was not
* accepted by the transport layer */
io_pusherror(L, err == IO_CLOSED ? IO_REFUSED : err);
return 2;
* Receives data from a UDP socket
static int meth_receive(lua_State *L)
p_udp udp = (p_udp) aux_checkgroup(L, "udp{any}", 1);
char buffer[UDP_DATAGRAMSIZE];
size_t got, count = (size_t) luaL_optnumber(L, 2, sizeof(buffer));
int err;
p_tm tm = &udp->tm;
count = MIN(count, sizeof(buffer));
do err = sock_recv(&udp->sock, buffer, count, &got, tm_get(tm));
while (err == IO_RETRY);
if (err == IO_DONE) lua_pushlstring(L, buffer, got);
else lua_pushnil(L);
io_pusherror(L, err);
return 2;
* Receives data and sender from a UDP socket
static int meth_receivefrom(lua_State *L)
p_udp udp = (p_udp) aux_checkclass(L, "udp{unconnected}", 1);
struct sockaddr_in addr;
socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(addr);
char buffer[UDP_DATAGRAMSIZE];
size_t got, count = (size_t) luaL_optnumber(L, 2, sizeof(buffer));
int err;
p_tm tm = &udp->tm;
count = MIN(count, sizeof(buffer));
do err = sock_recvfrom(&udp->sock, buffer, count, &got,
(SA *) &addr, &addr_len, tm_get(tm));
while (err == IO_RETRY);
if (err == IO_DONE) {
lua_pushlstring(L, buffer, got);
lua_pushstring(L, inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr));
lua_pushnumber(L, ntohs(addr.sin_port));
return 3;
} else {
io_pusherror(L, err);
return 2;
* Select support methods
static int meth_getfd(lua_State *L)
p_udp udp = (p_udp) aux_checkgroup(L, "udp{any}", 1);
lua_pushnumber(L, udp->sock);
return 1;
/* this is very dangerous, but can be handy for those that are brave enough */
static int meth_setfd(lua_State *L)
p_udp udp = (p_udp) aux_checkgroup(L, "udp{any}", 1);
udp->sock = (t_sock) luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
return 0;
static int meth_dirty(lua_State *L)
p_udp udp = (p_udp) aux_checkgroup(L, "udp{any}", 1);
(void) udp;
lua_pushboolean(L, 0);
return 1;
* Just call inet methods
static int meth_getpeername(lua_State *L)
p_udp udp = (p_udp) aux_checkclass(L, "udp{connected}", 1);
return inet_meth_getpeername(L, &udp->sock);
static int meth_getsockname(lua_State *L)
p_udp udp = (p_udp) aux_checkgroup(L, "udp{any}", 1);
return inet_meth_getsockname(L, &udp->sock);
* Just call option handler
static int meth_setoption(lua_State *L)
p_udp udp = (p_udp) aux_checkgroup(L, "udp{any}", 1);
return opt_meth_setoption(L, opt, &udp->sock);
* Just call tm methods
static int meth_settimeout(lua_State *L)
p_udp udp = (p_udp) aux_checkgroup(L, "udp{any}", 1);
return tm_meth_settimeout(L, &udp->tm);
* Turns a master udp object into a client object.
static int meth_setpeername(lua_State *L)
p_udp udp = (p_udp) aux_checkclass(L, "udp{unconnected}", 1);
p_tm tm = &udp->tm;
const char *address = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
int connecting = strcmp(address, "*");
unsigned short port = connecting ?
(unsigned short) luaL_checknumber(L, 3) :
(unsigned short) luaL_optnumber(L, 3, 0);
const char *err = inet_tryconnect(&udp->sock, address, port, tm);
if (err) {
lua_pushstring(L, err);
return 2;
/* change class to connected or unconnected depending on address */
if (connecting) aux_setclass(L, "udp{connected}", 1);
else aux_setclass(L, "udp{unconnected}", 1);
lua_pushnumber(L, 1);
return 1;
* Closes socket used by object
static int meth_close(lua_State *L)
p_udp udp = (p_udp) aux_checkgroup(L, "udp{any}", 1);
return 0;
* Turns a master object into a server object
static int meth_setsockname(lua_State *L)
p_udp udp = (p_udp) aux_checkclass(L, "udp{unconnected}", 1);
const char *address = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
unsigned short port = (unsigned short) luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
const char *err = inet_trybind(&udp->sock, address, port);
if (err) {
lua_pushstring(L, err);
return 2;
lua_pushnumber(L, 1);
return 1;
* Library functions
* Creates a master udp object
static int global_create(lua_State *L)
t_sock sock;
const char *err = inet_trycreate(&sock, SOCK_DGRAM);
/* try to allocate a system socket */
if (!err) {
/* allocate tcp object */
p_udp udp = (p_udp) lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(t_udp));
udp->sock = sock;
/* set its type as master object */
aux_setclass(L, "udp{unconnected}", -1);
/* initialize remaining structure fields */
tm_init(&udp->tm, -1, -1);
return 1;
} else {
lua_pushstring(L, err);
return 2;