local sent = {} local from = "diego@localhost" local server = "localhost" local rcpt = "luasocket@localhost" local files = { "/var/spool/mail/luasocket", "/var/spool/mail/luasock1", "/var/spool/mail/luasock2", "/var/spool/mail/luasock3", } local t = socket._time() local err dofile("mbox.lua") local parse = mbox.parse dofile("noglobals.lua") local total = function() local t = 0 for i = 1, table.getn(sent) do t = t + sent[i].count end return t end local similar = function(s1, s2) return string.lower(string.gsub(s1, "%s", "")) == string.lower(string.gsub(s2, "%s", "")) end local fail = function(s) s = s or "failed!" print(s) os.exit() end local readfile = function(name) local f = io.open(name, "r") if not f then fail("unable to open file!") return nil end local s = f:read("*a") f:close() return s end local empty = function() for i,v in ipairs(files) do local f = io.open(v, "w") if not f then fail("unable to open file!") end f:close() end end local get = function() s = "" for i,v in ipairs(files) do s = s .. "\n" .. readfile(v) end return s end local check_headers = function(sent, got) sent = sent or {} got = got or {} for i,v in sent do if not similar(v, got[i]) then fail("header " .. v .. "failed!") end end end local check_body = function(sent, got) sent = sent or "" got = got or "" if not similar(sent, got) then fail("bodies differ!") end end local check = function(sent, m) io.write("checking ", m.headers.title, ": ") for i = 1, table.getn(sent) do local s = sent[i] if s.title == m.headers.title and s.count > 0 then check_headers(s.headers, m.headers) check_body(s.body, m.body) s.count = s.count - 1 print("ok") return end end fail("not found") end local insert = function(sent, message) if type(message.rcpt) == "table" then message.count = table.getn(message.rcpt) else message.count = 1 end message.headers = message.headers or {} message.headers.title = message.title table.insert(sent, message) end local mark = function() local time = socket._time() return { time = time } end local wait = function(sentinel, n) local to io.write("waiting for ", n, " messages: ") while 1 do local mbox = parse(get()) if n == table.getn(mbox) then break end if socket._time() - sentinel.time > 50 then to = 1 break end socket._sleep(1) io.write(".") io.stdout:flush() end if to then fail("timeout") else print("ok") end end local stuffed_body = [[ This message body needs to be stuffed because it has a dot . by itself on a line. Otherwise the mailer would think that the dot . is the end of the message and the remaining text would cause a lot of trouble. ]] insert(sent, { from = from, rcpt = { "luasocket@localhost", "luasock3@dell-diego.cs.princeton.edu", "luasock1@dell-diego.cs.princeton.edu" }, body = "multiple rcpt body", title = "multiple rcpt", }) insert(sent, { from = from, rcpt = { "luasock2@localhost", "luasock3", "luasock1" }, headers = { header1 = "header 1", header2 = "header 2", header3 = "header 3", header4 = "header 4", header5 = "header 5", header6 = "header 6", }, body = stuffed_body, title = "complex message", }) insert(sent, { from = from, rcpt = rcpt, server = server, body = "simple message body", title = "simple message" }) insert(sent, { from = from, rcpt = rcpt, server = server, body = stuffed_body, title = "stuffed message body" }) insert(sent, { from = from, rcpt = rcpt, headers = { header1 = "header 1", header2 = "header 2", header3 = "header 3", header4 = "header 4", header5 = "header 5", header6 = "header 6", }, title = "multiple headers" }) insert(sent, { from = from, rcpt = rcpt, title = "minimum message" }) io.write("testing host not found: ") local c, e = socket.connect("wrong.host", 25) local err = socket.smtp.mail{ from = from, rcpt = rcpt, server = "wrong.host" } if e ~= err then fail("wrong error message") else print("ok") end io.write("testing invalid from: ") local err = socket.smtp.mail{ from = ' " " (( _ * ', rcpt = rcpt, } if not err then fail("wrong error message") else print(err) end io.write("testing no rcpt: ") local err = socket.smtp.mail{ from = from, } if not err then fail("wrong error message") else print(err) end io.write("clearing mailbox: ") empty() print("ok") io.write("sending messages: ") for i = 1, table.getn(sent) do err = socket.smtp.mail(sent[i]) if err then fail(err) end io.write("+") io.stdout:flush() end print("ok") wait(mark(), total()) io.write("parsing mailbox: ") local mbox = parse(get()) print(table.getn(mbox) .. " messages found!") for i = 1, table.getn(mbox) do check(sent, mbox[i]) end print("passed all tests") print(string.format("done in %.2fs", socket._time() - t))