-- load http assert(dofile("../lua/http.lua")) assert(dofile("../lua/base64.lua")) assert(dofile("../lua/buffer.lua")) assert(dofile("auxiliar.lua")) t = _time() -- needs Alias from /home/i/diego/public/html/luasocket/test to -- /luasocket-test -- needs ScriptAlias from /home/i/diego/public/html/luasocket/test/cgi-bin -- to /luasocket-cgi-bin/ function join(s, e) return tostring(s) .. ":" .. tostring(e) end function status(s) local code _,_, code = strfind(s, "(%d%d%d)") return tonumber(code) end pdir = pdir or "/home/i/diego/public/html/luasocket/test/" host = host or "localhost" print("testing document retrieval") url = "http://" .. host .. "/luasocket-test/index.html" f, m, s, e = http_get(url) assert(f and m and s and not e, join(s, e)) assert(compare(pdir .. "index.html", f), "documents differ") print("testing HTTP redirection") url = "http://" .. host .. "/luasocket-test" f, m, s, e = http_get(url) assert(f and m and s and not e, join(s, e)) assert(compare(pdir .. "index.html", f), "documents differ") print("testing cgi output retrieval (probably chunked...)") url = "http://" .. host .. "/luasocket-cgi-bin/cat-index-html" f, m, s, e = http_get(url) assert(f and m and s and not e, join(s, e)) assert(compare(pdir .. "index.html", f), "documents differ") print("testing post method") url = "http://" .. host .. "/luasocket-cgi-bin/cat" rf = strrep("!@#$!@#%", 80000) f, m, s, e = http_post(url, rf) assert(f and m and s and not e) assert(rf == f, "files differ") print("testing automatic auth failure") url = "http://really:wrong@" .. host .. "/luasocket-test/auth/index.html" f, m, s, e = http_get(url) assert(f and m and s and not e and status(s) == 401) write("testing host not found: ") url = "http://wronghost/luasocket-test/index.html" f, m, s, e = http_get(url) assert(not f and not m and not s and e) print(e) write("testing auth failure: ") url = "http://" .. host .. "/luasocket-test/auth/index.html" f, m, s, e = http_get(url) assert(f and m and s and not e and status(s) == 401) print(s) write("testing document not found: ") url = "http://" .. host .. "/luasocket-test/wrongdocument.html" f, m, s, e = http_get(url) assert(f and m and s and not e and status(s) == 404) print(s) print("testing manual auth") url = "http://" .. host .. "/luasocket-test/auth/index.html" h = {authorization = "Basic " .. base64("luasocket:password")} f, m, s, e = http_get(url, h) assert(f and m and s and not e, join(s, e)) assert(compare(pdir .. "auth/index.html", f), "documents differ") print("testing automatic auth") url = "http://luasocket:password@" .. host .. "/luasocket-test/auth/index.html" f, m, s, e = http_get(url) assert(f and m and s and not e, join(s, e)) assert(compare(pdir .. "auth/index.html", f), "documents differ") print("passed all tests") print(format("done in %.2fs", _time() - t))