-- create code namespace inside LuaSocket namespace ltn12 = ltn12 or {} -- make all module globals fall into mime namespace setmetatable(ltn12, { __index = _G }) setfenv(1, ltn12) -- sub namespaces filter = {} source = {} sink = {} -- 2048 seems to be better in windows... BLOCKSIZE = 2048 -- returns a high level filter that cycles a cycles a low-level filter function filter.cycle(low, ctx, extra) return function(chunk) local ret ret, ctx = low(ctx, chunk, extra) return ret end end -- chains two filters together local function chain2(f1, f2) return function(chunk) local ret = f2(f1(chunk)) if chunk then return ret else return ret .. f2() end end end -- chains a bunch of filters together function filter.chain(...) local f = arg[1] for i = 2, table.getn(arg) do f = chain2(f, arg[i]) end return f end -- create an empty source function source.empty(err) return function() return nil, err end end -- creates a file source function source.file(handle, io_err) if handle then return function() local chunk = handle:read(BLOCKSIZE) if not chunk then handle:close() end return chunk end else source.empty(io_err or "unable to open file") end end -- turns a fancy source into a simple source function source.simplify(src) return function() local chunk, err_or_new = src() src = err_or_new or src if not chunk then return nil, err_or_new else return chunk end end end -- creates string source function source.string(s) if s then local i = 1 return function() local chunk = string.sub(s, i, i+BLOCKSIZE-1) i = i + BLOCKSIZE if chunk ~= "" then return chunk else return nil end end else source.empty() end end -- creates rewindable source function source.rewind(src) local t = {} src = source.simplify(src) return function(chunk) if not chunk then chunk = table.remove(t) if not chunk then return src() else return chunk end else table.insert(t, chunk) end end end -- chains a source with a filter function source.chain(src, f) src = source.simplify(src) local chain = function() local chunk, err = src() if not chunk then return f(nil), source.empty(err) else return f(chunk) end end return source.simplify(chain) end -- creates a sink that stores into a table function sink.table(t) t = t or {} local f = function(chunk, err) if chunk then table.insert(t, chunk) end return 1 end return f, t end -- turns a fancy sink into a simple sink function sink.simplify(snk) return function(chunk, err) local ret, err_or_new = snk(chunk, err) if not ret then return nil, err_or_new end snk = err_or_new or snk return 1 end end -- creates a file sink function sink.file(handle, io_err) if handle then return function(chunk, err) if not chunk then handle:close() return nil, err end return handle:write(chunk) end else sink.null() end end -- creates a sink that discards data local function null() return 1 end function sink.null() return null end -- chains a sink with a filter function sink.chain(f, snk) snk = sink.simplify(snk) return function(chunk, err) local r, e = snk(f(chunk)) if not r then return nil, e end if not chunk then return snk(nil, err) end return 1 end end -- pumps all data from a source to a sink function pump(src, snk) snk = sink.simplify(snk) for chunk, src_err in source.simplify(src) do local ret, snk_err = snk(chunk, src_err) if not chunk or not ret then return not src_err and not snk_err, src_err or snk_err end end end