----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- HTTP/1.1 client support for the Lua language. -- LuaSocket toolkit. -- Author: Diego Nehab -- Conforming to: RFC 2616, LTN7 -- RCS ID: $Id$ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- make sure LuaSocket is loaded if not LUASOCKET_LIBNAME then error('module requires LuaSocket') end -- get LuaSocket namespace local socket = _G[LUASOCKET_LIBNAME] if not socket then error('module requires LuaSocket') end -- create smtp namespace inside LuaSocket namespace local http = socket.http or {} socket.http = http -- make all module globals fall into smtp namespace setmetatable(http, { __index = _G }) setfenv(1, http) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Program constants ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- connection timeout in seconds TIMEOUT = 60 -- default port for document retrieval PORT = 80 -- user agent field sent in request USERAGENT = socket.version -- block size used in transfers BLOCKSIZE = 8192 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tries to get a pattern from the server and closes socket on error -- sock: socket connected to the server -- pattern: pattern to receive -- Returns -- received pattern on success -- nil followed by error message on error ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function try_receiving(sock, pattern) local data, err = sock:receive(pattern) if not data then sock:close() end --print(data) return data, err end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tries to send data to the server and closes socket on error -- sock: socket connected to the server -- data: data to send -- Returns -- err: error message if any, nil if successfull ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function try_sending(sock, ...) local sent, err = sock:send(unpack(arg)) if not sent then sock:close() end --io.write(unpack(arg)) return err end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Receive server reply messages, parsing for status code -- Input -- sock: socket connected to the server -- Returns -- code: server status code or nil if error -- line: full HTTP status line -- err: error message if any ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function receive_status(sock) local line, err line, err = try_receiving(sock) if not err then local code, _ _, _, code = string.find(line, "HTTP/%d*%.%d* (%d%d%d)") return tonumber(code), line else return nil, nil, err end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Receive and parse response header fields -- Input -- sock: socket connected to the server -- headers: a table that might already contain headers -- Returns -- headers: a table with all headers fields in the form -- {name_1 = "value_1", name_2 = "value_2" ... name_n = "value_n"} -- all name_i are lowercase -- nil and error message in case of error ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function receive_headers(sock, headers) local line, err local name, value, _ headers = headers or {} -- get first line line, err = try_receiving(sock) if err then return nil, err end -- headers go until a blank line is found while line ~= "" do -- get field-name and value _,_, name, value = string.find(line, "^(.-):%s*(.*)") if not name or not value then sock:close() return nil, "malformed reponse headers" end name = string.lower(name) -- get next line (value might be folded) line, err = try_receiving(sock) if err then return nil, err end -- unfold any folded values while not err and string.find(line, "^%s") do value = value .. line line, err = try_receiving(sock) if err then return nil, err end end -- save pair in table if headers[name] then headers[name] = headers[name] .. ", " .. value else headers[name] = value end end return headers end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Aborts a receive callback -- Input -- cb: callback function -- err: error message to pass to callback -- Returns -- callback return or if nil err ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function abort(cb, err) local go, err_or_f = cb(nil, err) return err_or_f or err end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Receives a chunked message body -- Input -- sock: socket connected to the server -- headers: header set in which to include trailer headers -- receive_cb: function to receive chunks -- Returns -- nil if successfull or an error message in case of error ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function receive_body_bychunks(sock, headers, receive_cb) local chunk, size, line, err, go, err_or_f, _ while 1 do -- get chunk size, skip extention line, err = try_receiving(sock) if err then return abort(receive_cb, err) end size = tonumber(string.gsub(line, ";.*", ""), 16) if not size then return abort(receive_cb, "invalid chunk size") end -- was it the last chunk? if size <= 0 then break end -- get chunk chunk, err = try_receiving(sock, size) if err then return abort(receive_cb, err) end -- pass chunk to callback go, err_or_f = receive_cb(chunk) -- see if callback needs to be replaced receive_cb = err_or_f or receive_cb -- see if callback aborted if not go then return err_or_f or "aborted by callback" end -- skip CRLF on end of chunk _, err = try_receiving(sock) if err then return abort(receive_cb, err) end end -- the server should not send trailer headers because we didn't send a -- header informing it we know how to deal with them. we do not risk -- being caught unprepaired. _, err = receive_headers(sock, headers) if err then return abort(receive_cb, err) end -- let callback know we are done _, err_or_f = receive_cb("") return err_or_f end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Receives a message body by content-length -- Input -- sock: socket connected to the server -- length: message body length -- receive_cb: function to receive chunks -- Returns -- nil if successfull or an error message in case of error ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function receive_body_bylength(sock, length, receive_cb) while length > 0 do local size = math.min(BLOCKSIZE, length) local chunk, err = sock:receive(size) local go, err_or_f = receive_cb(chunk) length = length - string.len(chunk) -- see if callback aborted if not go then return err_or_f or "aborted by callback" end -- see if callback needs to be replaced receive_cb = err_or_f or receive_cb -- see if there was an error if err and length > 0 then return abort(receive_cb, err) end end local _, err_or_f = receive_cb("") return err_or_f end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Receives a message body by content-length -- Input -- sock: socket connected to the server -- receive_cb: function to receive chunks -- Returns -- nil if successfull or an error message in case of error ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function receive_body_untilclosed(sock, receive_cb) while 1 do local chunk, err = sock:receive(BLOCKSIZE) local go, err_or_f = receive_cb(chunk) -- see if callback aborted if not go then return err_or_f or "aborted by callback" end -- see if callback needs to be replaced receive_cb = err_or_f or receive_cb -- see if we are done if err == "closed" then if chunk ~= "" then go, err_or_f = receive_cb("") return err_or_f end end -- see if there was an error if err then return abort(receive_cb, err) end end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Receives HTTP response body -- Input -- sock: socket connected to the server -- headers: response header fields -- receive_cb: function to receive chunks -- Returns -- nil if successfull or an error message in case of error ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function receive_body(sock, headers, receive_cb) local te = headers["transfer-encoding"] if te and te ~= "identity" then -- get by chunked transfer-coding of message body return receive_body_bychunks(sock, headers, receive_cb) elseif tonumber(headers["content-length"]) then -- get by content-length local length = tonumber(headers["content-length"]) return receive_body_bylength(sock, length, receive_cb) else -- get it all until connection closes return receive_body_untilclosed(sock, receive_cb) end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sends data comming from a callback -- Input -- data: data connection -- send_cb: callback to produce file contents -- Returns -- nil if successfull, or an error message in case of error ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function send_body_bychunks(data, send_cb) while 1 do local chunk, err_or_f = send_cb() -- check if callback aborted if not chunk then return err_or_f or "aborted by callback" end -- check if callback should be replaced send_cb = err_or_f or send_cb -- if we are done, send last-chunk if chunk == "" then return try_sending(data, "0\r\n\r\n") end -- else send middle chunk local err = try_sending(data, string.format("%X\r\n", string.len(chunk)), chunk, "\r\n" ) if err then return err end end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sends data comming from a callback -- Input -- data: data connection -- send_cb: callback to produce body contents -- Returns -- nil if successfull, or an error message in case of error ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function send_body_bylength(data, send_cb) while 1 do local chunk, err_or_f = send_cb() -- check if callback aborted if not chunk then return err_or_f or "aborted by callback" end -- check if callback should be replaced send_cb = err_or_f or send_cb -- check if callback is done if chunk == "" then return end -- send data local err = try_sending(data, chunk) if err then return err end end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sends mime headers -- Input -- sock: server socket -- headers: table with mime headers to be sent -- Returns -- err: error message if any ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function send_headers(sock, headers) local err headers = headers or {} -- send request headers for i, v in headers do err = try_sending(sock, i .. ": " .. v .. "\r\n") if err then return err end end -- mark end of request headers return try_sending(sock, "\r\n") end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sends a HTTP request message through socket -- Input -- sock: socket connected to the server -- method: request method to be used -- uri: request uri -- headers: request headers to be sent -- body_cb: callback to send request message body -- Returns -- err: nil in case of success, error message otherwise ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function send_request(sock, method, uri, headers, body_cb) local chunk, size, done, err -- send request line err = try_sending(sock, method .. " " .. uri .. " HTTP/1.1\r\n") if err then return err end if body_cb and not headers["content-length"] then headers["transfer-encoding"] = "chunked" end -- send request headers err = send_headers(sock, headers) if err then return err end -- send request message body, if any if body_cb then if not headers["content-length"] then return send_body_bychunks(sock, body_cb) else return send_body_bylength(sock, body_cb) end end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Determines if we should read a message body from the server response -- Input -- reqt: a table with the original request information -- respt: a table with the server response information -- Returns -- 1 if a message body should be processed, nil otherwise ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function should_receive_body(reqt, respt) if reqt.method == "HEAD" then return nil end if respt.code == 204 or respt.code == 304 then return nil end if respt.code >= 100 and respt.code < 200 then return nil end return 1 end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Converts field names to lowercase and adds a few needed headers -- Input -- headers: request header fields -- parsed: parsed request URL -- Returns -- lower: a table with the same headers, but with lowercase field names ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function fill_headers(headers, parsed) local lower = {} headers = headers or {} -- set default headers lower["user-agent"] = USERAGENT -- override with user values for i,v in headers do lower[string.lower(i)] = v end lower["host"] = parsed.host -- this cannot be overriden lower["connection"] = "close" return lower end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Decides wether we should follow retry with authorization formation -- Input -- reqt: a table with the original request information -- parsed: parsed request URL -- respt: a table with the server response information -- Returns -- 1 if we should retry, nil otherwise ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function should_authorize(reqt, parsed, respt) -- if there has been an authorization attempt, it must have failed if reqt.headers["authorization"] then return nil end -- if we don't have authorization information, we can't retry if parsed.user and parsed.password then return 1 else return nil end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the result of retrying a request with authorization information -- Input -- reqt: a table with the original request information -- parsed: parsed request URL -- respt: a table with the server response information -- Returns -- respt: result of target authorization ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function authorize(reqt, parsed, respt) reqt.headers["authorization"] = "Basic " .. (socket.mime.b64(parsed.user .. ":" .. parsed.password)) local autht = { nredirects = reqt.nredirects, method = reqt.method, url = reqt.url, body_cb = reqt.body_cb, headers = reqt.headers, timeout = reqt.timeout, proxy = reqt.proxy, } return request_cb(autht, respt) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Decides wether we should follow a server redirect message -- Input -- reqt: a table with the original request information -- respt: a table with the server response information -- Returns -- 1 if we should redirect, nil otherwise ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function should_redirect(reqt, respt) return (reqt.redirect ~= false) and (respt.code == 301 or respt.code == 302) and (reqt.method == "GET" or reqt.method == "HEAD") and not (reqt.nredirects and reqt.nredirects >= 5) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the result of a request following a server redirect message. -- Input -- reqt: a table with the original request information -- respt: a table with the following fields: -- body_cb: response method body receive-callback -- Returns -- respt: result of target redirection ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function redirect(reqt, respt) local nredirects = reqt.nredirects or 0 nredirects = nredirects + 1 local redirt = { nredirects = nredirects, method = reqt.method, -- the RFC says the redirect URL has to be absolute, but some -- servers do not respect that url = socket.url.absolute(reqt.url, respt.headers["location"]), body_cb = reqt.body_cb, headers = reqt.headers, timeout = reqt.timeout, proxy = reqt.proxy } respt = request_cb(redirt, respt) -- we pass the location header as a clue we tried to redirect if respt.headers then respt.headers.location = redirt.url end return respt end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Computes the request URI from the parsed request URL -- If we are using a proxy, we use the absoluteURI format. -- Otherwise, we use the abs_path format. -- Input -- parsed: parsed URL -- Returns -- uri: request URI for parsed URL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function request_uri(reqt, parsed) local url if not reqt.proxy then url = { path = parsed.path, params = parsed.params, query = parsed.query, fragment = parsed.fragment } else url = parsed end return socket.url.build(url) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Builds a request table from a URL or request table -- Input -- url_or_request: target url or request table (a table with the fields: -- url: the target URL -- user: account user name -- password: account password) -- Returns -- reqt: request table ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function build_request(data) local reqt = {} if type(data) == "table" then for i, v in data do reqt[i] = v end else reqt.url = data end return reqt end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Connects to a server, be it a proxy or not -- Input -- reqt: the request table -- parsed: the parsed request url -- Returns -- sock: connection socket, or nil in case of error -- err: error message ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function try_connect(reqt, parsed) reqt.proxy = reqt.proxy or PROXY local host, port if reqt.proxy then local pproxy = socket.url.parse(reqt.proxy) if not pproxy.port or not pproxy.host then return nil, "invalid proxy" end host, port = pproxy.host, pproxy.port else host, port = parsed.host, parsed.port end local sock, ret, err sock, err = socket.tcp() if not sock then return nil, err end sock:settimeout(reqt.timeout or TIMEOUT) ret, err = sock:connect(host, port) if not ret then sock:close() return nil, err end return sock end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sends a HTTP request and retrieves the server reply using callbacks to -- send the request body and receive the response body -- Input -- reqt: a table with the following fields -- method: "GET", "PUT", "POST" etc (defaults to "GET") -- url: target uniform resource locator -- user, password: authentication information -- headers: request headers to send, or nil if none -- body_cb: request message body send-callback, or nil if none -- redirect: should we refrain from following a server redirect message? -- respt: a table with the following fields: -- body_cb: response method body receive-callback -- Returns -- respt: a table with the following fields: -- headers: response header fields received, or nil if failed -- status: server response status line, or nil if failed -- code: server status code, or nil if failed -- error: error message, or nil if successfull ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function request_cb(reqt, respt) local sock, ret local parsed = socket.url.parse(reqt.url, { host = "", port = PORT, path ="/", scheme = "http" }) if parsed.scheme ~= "http" then respt.error = string.format("unknown scheme '%s'", parsed.scheme) return respt end -- explicit authentication info overrides that given by the URL parsed.user = reqt.user or parsed.user parsed.password = reqt.password or parsed.password -- default method reqt.method = reqt.method or "GET" -- fill default headers reqt.headers = fill_headers(reqt.headers, parsed) -- try to connect to server sock, respt.error = try_connect(reqt, parsed) if not sock then return respt end -- send request message respt.error = send_request(sock, reqt.method, request_uri(reqt, parsed), reqt.headers, reqt.body_cb) if respt.error then sock:close() return respt end -- get server response message respt.code, respt.status, respt.error = receive_status(sock) if respt.error then return respt end -- deal with continue 100 -- servers should not send them, but some do! if respt.code == 100 then respt.headers, respt.error = receive_headers(sock, {}) if respt.error then return respt end respt.code, respt.status, respt.error = receive_status(sock) if respt.error then return respt end end -- receive all headers respt.headers, respt.error = receive_headers(sock, {}) if respt.error then return respt end -- decide what to do based on request and response parameters if should_redirect(reqt, respt) then -- drop the body receive_body(sock, respt.headers, function (c, e) return 1 end) -- we are done with this connection sock:close() return redirect(reqt, respt) elseif should_authorize(reqt, parsed, respt) then -- drop the body receive_body(sock, respt.headers, function (c, e) return 1 end) -- we are done with this connection sock:close() return authorize(reqt, parsed, respt) elseif should_receive_body(reqt, respt) then respt.error = receive_body(sock, respt.headers, respt.body_cb) if respt.error then return respt end sock:close() return respt end sock:close() return respt end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sends a HTTP request and retrieves the server reply -- Input -- reqt: a table with the following fields -- method: "GET", "PUT", "POST" etc (defaults to "GET") -- url: request URL, i.e. the document to be retrieved -- user, password: authentication information -- headers: request header fields, or nil if none -- body: request message body as a string, or nil if none -- redirect: should we refrain from following a server redirect message? -- Returns -- respt: a table with the following fields: -- body: response message body, or nil if failed -- headers: response header fields, or nil if failed -- status: server response status line, or nil if failed -- code: server response status code, or nil if failed -- error: error message if any ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function request(reqt) local respt = {} reqt.body_cb = socket.callback.send.string(reqt.body) local concat = socket.concat.create() respt.body_cb = socket.callback.receive.concat(concat) respt = request_cb(reqt, respt) respt.body = concat:getresult() respt.body_cb = nil return respt end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Retrieves a URL by the method "GET" -- Input -- url_or_request: target url or request table (a table with the fields: -- url: the target URL -- user: account user name -- password: account password) -- Returns -- body: response message body, or nil if failed -- headers: response header fields received, or nil if failed -- code: server response status code, or nil if failed -- error: error message if any ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get(url_or_request) local reqt = build_request(url_or_request) reqt.method = "GET" local respt = request(reqt) return respt.body, respt.headers, respt.code, respt.error end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Retrieves a URL by the method "POST" -- Input -- url_or_request: target url or request table (a table with the fields: -- url: the target URL -- body: request message body -- user: account user name -- password: account password) -- body: request message body, or nil if none -- Returns -- body: response message body, or nil if failed -- headers: response header fields received, or nil if failed -- code: server response status code, or nil if failed -- error: error message, or nil if successfull ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function post(url_or_request, body) local reqt = build_request(url_or_request) reqt.method = "POST" reqt.body = reqt.body or body reqt.headers = reqt.headers or { ["content-length"] = string.len(reqt.body) } local respt = request(reqt) return respt.body, respt.headers, respt.code, respt.error end return http