----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Little program to download DICT word definitions -- LuaSocket sample files -- Author: Diego Nehab -- RCS ID: $Id$ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Load required modules ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local base = require("base") local string = require("string") local table = require("table") local socket = require("socket") local url = require("socket.url") local tp = require("socket.tp") module("socket.dict") ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Globals ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOST = "dict.org" PORT = 2628 TIMEOUT = 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Low-level dict API ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local metat = { __index = {} } function open(host, port) local tp = socket.try(tp.connect(host or HOST, port or PORT, TIMEOUT)) return base.setmetatable({tp = tp}, metat) end function metat.__index:greet() return socket.try(self.tp:check(220)) end function metat.__index:check(ok) local code, status = socket.try(self.tp:check(ok)) return code, base.tonumber(socket.skip(2, string.find(status, "^%d%d%d (%d*)"))) end function metat.__index:getdef() local line = socket.try(self.tp:receive()) local def = {} while line ~= "." do table.insert(def, line) line = socket.try(self.tp:receive()) end return table.concat(def, "\n") end function metat.__index:define(database, word) database = database or "!" socket.try(self.tp:command("DEFINE", database .. " " .. word)) local code, count = self:check(150) local defs = {} for i = 1, count do self:check(151) table.insert(defs, self:getdef()) end self:check(250) return defs end function metat.__index:match(database, strat, word) database = database or "!" strat = strat or "." socket.try(self.tp:command("MATCH", database .." ".. strat .." ".. word)) self:check(152) local mat = {} local line = socket.try(self.tp:receive()) while line ~= '.' do database, word = socket.skip(2, string.find(line, "(%S+) (.*)")) if not mat[database] then mat[database] = {} end table.insert(mat[database], word) line = socket.try(self.tp:receive()) end self:check(250) return mat end function metat.__index:quit() self.tp:command("QUIT") return self:check(221) end function metat.__index:close() return self.tp:close() end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- High-level dict API ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local default = { scheme = "dict", host = "dict.org" } local function there(f) if f == "" then return nil else return f end end local function parse(u) local t = socket.try(url.parse(u, default)) socket.try(t.scheme == "dict", "invalid scheme '" .. t.scheme .. "'") socket.try(t.path, "invalid path in url") local cmd, arg = socket.skip(2, string.find(t.path, "^/(.)(.*)$")) socket.try(cmd == "d" or cmd == "m", " should be 'm' or 'd'") socket.try(arg and arg ~= "", "need at least in URL") t.command, t.argument = cmd, arg arg = string.gsub(arg, "^:([^:]+)", function(f) t.word = f end) socket.try(t.word, "need at least in URL") arg = string.gsub(arg, "^:([^:]*)", function(f) t.database = there(f) end) if cmd == "m" then arg = string.gsub(arg, "^:([^:]*)", function(f) t.strat = there(f) end) end string.gsub(arg, ":([^:]*)$", function(f) t.n = base.tonumber(f) end) return t end local function tget(gett) local con = open(gett.host, gett.port) con:greet() if gett.command == "d" then local def = con:define(gett.database, gett.word) con:quit() con:close() if gett.n then return def[gett.n] else return def end elseif gett.command == "m" then local mat = con:match(gett.database, gett.strat, gett.word) con:quit() con:close() return mat else return nil, "invalid command" end end local function sget(u) local gett = parse(u) return tget(gett) end get = socket.protect(function(gett) if base.type(gett) == "string" then return sget(gett) else return tget(gett) end end) getmetatable(_M).__index = nil