----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TFTP support for the Lua language -- LuaSocket toolkit. -- Author: Diego Nehab -- RCS ID: $Id$ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Load required files ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local socket = require("socket") local ltn12 = require("ltn12") local url = require("url") ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Setup namespace ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _LOADED["tftp"] = getfenv(1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Program constants ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local char = string.char local byte = string.byte PORT = 69 local OP_RRQ = 1 local OP_WRQ = 2 local OP_DATA = 3 local OP_ACK = 4 local OP_ERROR = 5 local OP_INV = {"RRQ", "WRQ", "DATA", "ACK", "ERROR"} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Packet creation functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function RRQ(source, mode) return char(0, OP_RRQ) .. source .. char(0) .. mode .. char(0) end local function WRQ(source, mode) return char(0, OP_RRQ) .. source .. char(0) .. mode .. char(0) end local function ACK(block) local low, high low = math.mod(block, 256) high = (block - low)/256 return char(0, OP_ACK, high, low) end local function get_OP(dgram) local op = byte(dgram, 1)*256 + byte(dgram, 2) return op end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Packet analysis functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function split_DATA(dgram) local block = byte(dgram, 3)*256 + byte(dgram, 4) local data = string.sub(dgram, 5) return block, data end local function get_ERROR(dgram) local code = byte(dgram, 3)*256 + byte(dgram, 4) local msg _,_, msg = string.find(dgram, "(.*)\000", 5) return string.format("error code %d: %s", code, msg) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The real work ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function tget(gett) local retries, dgram, sent, datahost, dataport, code local last = 0 local con = socket.try(socket.udp()) -- convert from name to ip if needed gett.host = socket.try(socket.dns.toip(gett.host)) con:settimeout(1) -- first packet gives data host/port to be used for data transfers retries = 0 repeat sent = socket.try(con:sendto(RRQ(gett.path, "octet"), gett.host, gett.port)) dgram, datahost, dataport = con:receivefrom() retries = retries + 1 until dgram or datahost ~= "timeout" or retries > 5 socket.try(dgram, datahost) -- associate socket with data host/port socket.try(con:setpeername(datahost, dataport)) -- default sink local sink = gett.sink or ltn12.sink.null() -- process all data packets while 1 do -- decode packet code = get_OP(dgram) socket.try(code ~= OP_ERROR, get_ERROR(dgram)) socket.try(code == OP_DATA, "unhandled opcode " .. code) -- get data packet parts local block, data = split_DATA(dgram) -- if not repeated, write if block == last+1 then socket.try(sink(data)) last = block end -- last packet brings less than 512 bytes of data if string.len(data) < 512 then socket.try(con:send(ACK(block))) socket.try(con:close()) socket.try(sink(nil)) return 1 end -- get the next packet retries = 0 repeat sent = socket.try(con:send(ACK(last))) dgram, err = con:receive() retries = retries + 1 until dgram or err ~= "timeout" or retries > 5 socket.try(dgram, err) end end local default = { port = PORT, path ="/", scheme = "tftp" } local function parse(u) local t = socket.try(url.parse(u, default)) socket.try(t.scheme == "tftp", "invalid scheme '" .. t.scheme .. "'") socket.try(t.host, "invalid host") return t end local function sget(u) local gett = parse(u) local t = {} gett.sink = ltn12.sink.table(t) tget(gett) return table.concat(t) end get = socket.protect(function(gett) if type(gett) == "string" then return sget(gett) else return tget(gett) end end)