----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LuaSocket helper module -- Author: Diego Nehab -- RCS ID: $Id$ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Load LuaSocket from dynamic library -- Comment these lines if you are loading static ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- open, err1, err2 = loadlib("luasocket", "luaopen_socket") if not open then error(err1) end open() if not LUASOCKET_LIBNAME then error("LuaSocket init failed") end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Namespace independence ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local socket = _G[LUASOCKET_LIBNAME] if not socket then error('LuaSocket init failed') end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Auxiliar functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function socket.connect(address, port, laddress, lport) local sock, err = socket.tcp() if not sock then return nil, err end if laddress then local res, err = sock:bind(laddress, lport, -1) if not res then return nil, err end end local res, err = sock:connect(address, port) if not res then return nil, err end return sock end function socket.bind(host, port, backlog) local sock, err = socket.tcp() if not sock then return nil, err end sock:setoption("reuseaddr", true) local res, err = sock:bind(host, port) if not res then return nil, err end backlog = backlog or 1 res, err = sock:listen(backlog) if not res then return nil, err end return sock end function socket.choose(table) return function(name, opt1, opt2) if type(name) ~= "string" then name, opt1, opt2 = "default", name, opt1 end local f = table[name or "nil"] if not f then error("unknown key (" .. tostring(name) .. ")", 3) else return f(opt1, opt2) end end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Socket sources and sinks, conforming to LTN12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- create namespaces inside LuaSocket namespace socket.sourcet = {} socket.sinkt = {} socket.BLOCKSIZE = 2048 socket.sinkt["http-chunked"] = function(sock) return setmetatable({ getfd = function() return sock:getfd() end, dirty = function() return sock:dirty() end }, { __call = function(self, chunk, err) if not chunk then return sock:send("0\r\n\r\n") end local size = string.format("%X\r\n", string.len(chunk)) return sock:send(size, chunk, "\r\n") end }) end socket.sinkt["close-when-done"] = function(sock) return setmetatable({ getfd = function() return sock:getfd() end, dirty = function() return sock:dirty() end }, { __call = function(self, chunk, err) if not chunk then sock:close() return 1 else return sock:send(chunk) end end }) end socket.sinkt["keep-open"] = function(sock) return setmetatable({ getfd = function() return sock:getfd() end, dirty = function() return sock:dirty() end }, { __call = function(self, chunk, err) return sock:send(chunk) end }) end socket.sinkt["default"] = socket.sinkt["keep-open"] socket.sink = socket.choose(socket.sinkt) socket.sourcet["by-length"] = function(sock, length) return setmetatable({ getfd = function() return sock:getfd() end, dirty = function() return sock:dirty() end }, { __call = function() if length <= 0 then return nil end local size = math.min(socket.BLOCKSIZE, length) local chunk, err = sock:receive(size) if err then return nil, err end length = length - string.len(chunk) return chunk end }) end socket.sourcet["until-closed"] = function(sock) return setmetatable({ getfd = function() return sock:getfd() end, dirty = function() return sock:dirty() end }, { __call = ltn12.source.simplify(function() local chunk, err, partial = sock:receive(socket.BLOCKSIZE) if not err then return chunk elseif err == "closed" then sock:close() return partial, ltn12.source.empty() else return nil, err end end) }) end socket.sourcet["http-chunked"] = function(sock) return setmetatable({ getfd = function() return sock:getfd() end, dirty = function() return sock:dirty() end }, { __call = function() -- get chunk size, skip extention local line, err = sock:receive() if err then return nil, err end local size = tonumber(string.gsub(line, ";.*", ""), 16) if not size then return nil, "invalid chunk size" end -- was it the last chunk? if size <= 0 then -- skip trailer headers, if any local line, err = sock:receive() while not err and line ~= "" do line, err = sock:receive() end return nil, err else -- get chunk and skip terminating CRLF local chunk, err = sock:receive(size) if err or socket.skip(2, sock:receive()) then return nil, err else return chunk end end end }) end socket.sourcet["default"] = socket.sourcet["until-closed"] socket.source = socket.choose(socket.sourcet)