package = "LuaSocket" version = "2.1-1" source = { url = "git://", branch = "unstable" } description = { summary = "Network support for the Lua language", detailed = [[ LuaSocket is a Lua extension library that is composed by two parts: a C core that provides support for the TCP and UDP transport layers, and a set of Lua modules that add support for functionality commonly needed by applications that deal with the Internet. ]], homepage = "", license = "MIT" } dependencies = { "lua >= 5.1" } build = { type = "make", build_variables = { PLAT="linux", LUAINC_linux="$(LUA_INCDIR)" }, install_variables = { INSTALL_TOP_SHARE = "$(LUADIR)", INSTALL_TOP_LIB = "$(LIBDIR)" }, platforms = { macosx = { build_variables = { PLAT="macosx", LUAINC_macosx="$(LUA_INCDIR)" } }, windows={ type= "command", build_command= "set INCLUDE=$(LUA_INCDIR);%INCLUDE% &".. "set LIB=$(LUA_LIBDIR);%LIB% &".. "msbuild /p:\"VCBuildAdditionalOptions= /useenv\" luasocket.sln &".. "mkdir mime & mkdir socket &".. "cp src/mime.dll mime/core.dll &".. "cp src/socket.dll socket/core.dll", install= { lib = { ["mime.core"] = "mime/core.dll", ["socket.core"] = "socket/core.dll" }, lua = { "src/ltn12.lua", "src/mime.lua", "src/socket.lua", ["socket.headers"] = "src/headers.lua", ["socket.ftp"] = "src/ftp.lua", ["socket.http"] = "src/http.lua", ["socket.smtp"] = "src/smtp.lua", [""] = "src/tp.lua", ["socket.url"] = "src/url.lua", } } } }, copy_directories = { "doc", "samples", "etc", "test" } }