Network support for the Lua language

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The smtp.lua module provides functionality to send e-mail messages. The implementation conforms to the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, RFC 2821. The other RFC of interest in this implementation is RFC 2822, which governs the Internet Message Format.

MIME headers are represented as a Lua table in the form:

headers = {
  field-1-name = field-1-value,
  field-2-name = field-2-value,
  field-3-name = field-3-value,
  field-n-name = field-n-value

Field names are case insensitive (as specified by the standard) and all functions work with lowercase field names. Field values are left unmodified.

Note: MIME headers are independent of order. Therefore, there is no problem in representing them in a Lua table.

  from = string,
  rcpt = string or string-table,
  body = string,
  headers = headers-table,
  server = string

Sends a message to a recipient list.

Rcpt is a Lua table with one entry for each recipient, or a string in case there is just one recipient. The sender is given by the e-mail address from. The message is composed by the optional MIME Headers headers and text body. The message is sent using the server server.

If successful, the function returns 1. Otherwise, the function returns nil followed by an error message.

Big note: There is a good deal of misconception with the use of the destination address field headers, i.e., the 'To', 'Cc', and, more importantly, the 'Bcc' headers. Do not add a 'Bcc' header to your messages because it will probably do the exact opposite of what you expect.

Only recipients specified in the recipient list will receive a copy of the message. Each recipient of an SMTP mail message receives a copy of the message body along with the headers, and nothing more. The headers are considered as part of the message. The list of recipients is not part of the message.

RFC 2822 has two important and short sections, "3.6.3. Destination address fields" and "5. Security considerations", explaining the proper use of these headers. Here is a summary of what it says:

The LuaSocket mail function does not interpret the headers you pass to, but it gives you full control over what is sent and to whom it is sent:

I hope this clarifies the issue. Otherwise, please refer to RFC 2821 and RFC 2822.

-- Connects to server "localhost" and sends a message to users
-- "",  "", 
-- and "".
-- Note that "fulano" is the primary recipient, "beltrano" receives a
-- carbon copy and neither of them knows that "sicrano" received a blind
-- carbon copy of the message.
headers = {
  to = "",
  cc = "",
  subject = "LuaSocket test message"

from = ""

rcpt = {

body = "This is a test message. Please ignore."

server = "localhost"

r, e = socket.smtp.mail{
  from = from,
  rcpt = rcpt, 
  headers = headers, 
  body = body, 
  server = server