mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 04:48:21 +01:00
First version of generic SMTP code and of the base64 encoding.
Gonna rewrite the base64 stuff (found a better way).
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,34 @@
Read about
250 HELP
Change return of send and receive callbacks to allow for
new functions. "" signals end of transmission. Pass total
number of bytes in request table for HTTP. Callback has nothing
to do with it.
Make sure nobody can fuck up with the metatables...
Create a passive mode option for the FTP (good for firewall).
Use environments in module definitions or declare all local and create the
function with exported symbols later?
local P = {}
complex = P
setfenv(1, P)
Modules should return their namespace table in the end of the chunk.
Adjust dates in all files
Adjust dates in all files
Test the library on every system possible
Test the library on every system possible
@ -7,7 +38,7 @@ Document socket.time and socket.sleep
Implement time critical stuff from code module in C.
Implement time critical stuff from code module in C.
Add service name translation.
Add service name translation.
Ajeitar o protocolo da lua_socketlibopen()...
Ajeitar o protocolo da luaopen_socket()... sei lá qual é.
- testar os options!
- testar os options!
- adicionar exemplos de expansão: pipe, local, named pipe
- adicionar exemplos de expansão: pipe, local, named pipe
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include "tcp.h"
#include "tcp.h"
#include "udp.h"
#include "udp.h"
#include "select.h"
#include "select.h"
#include "code.h"
* Exported functions
* Exported functions
@ -51,21 +52,22 @@ LUASOCKET_API int luaopen_socket(lua_State *L)
#include "auxiliar.lch"
#include "auxiliar.lch"
#include "concat.lch"
#include "concat.lch"
#include "code.lch"
#include "url.lch"
#include "url.lch"
#include "callback.lch"
#include "callback.lch"
#include "code.lch"
#include "smtp.lch"
#include "smtp.lch"
#include "ftp.lch"
#include "ftp.lch"
#include "http.lch"
#include "http.lch"
lua_dofile(L, "auxiliar.lua");
lua_dofile(L, "auxiliar.lua");
lua_dofile(L, "concat.lua");
lua_dofile(L, "concat.lua");
lua_dofile(L, "code.lua");
lua_dofile(L, "url.lua");
lua_dofile(L, "url.lua");
lua_dofile(L, "callback.lua");
lua_dofile(L, "callback.lua");
lua_dofile(L, "code.lua");
lua_dofile(L, "smtp.lua");
lua_dofile(L, "smtp.lua");
lua_dofile(L, "ftp.lua");
lua_dofile(L, "ftp.lua");
lua_dofile(L, "http.lua");
lua_dofile(L, "http.lua");
@ -1,314 +1,157 @@
-- make sure LuaSocket is loaded
-- SMTP support for the Lua language.
if not LUASOCKET_LIBNAME then error('module requires LuaSocket') end
-- LuaSocket toolkit
-- get LuaSocket namespace
-- Author: Diego Nehab
local socket = _G[LUASOCKET_LIBNAME]
-- Conforming to: RFC 821, LTN7
if not socket then error('module requires LuaSocket') end
-- RCS ID: $Id$
-- create smtp namespace inside LuaSocket namespace
local smtp = {}
socket.smtp = smtp
-- make all module globals fall into smtp namespace
setmetatable(smtp, { __index = _G })
setfenv(1, smtp)
local Public, Private = {}, {}
-- default port
local socket = _G[LUASOCKET_LIBNAME] -- get LuaSocket namespace
PORT = 25
socket.smtp = Public -- create smtp sub namespace
-- Program constants
-- timeout in secconds before we give up waiting
Public.TIMEOUT = 180
-- port used for connection
Public.PORT = 25
-- domain used in HELO command and default sendmail
-- domain used in HELO command and default sendmail
-- If we are under a CGI, try to get from environment
-- If we are under a CGI, try to get from environment
Public.DOMAIN = os.getenv("SERVER_NAME") or "localhost"
DOMAIN = os.getenv("SERVER_NAME") or "localhost"
-- default server used to send e-mails
-- default server used to send e-mails
Public.SERVER = "localhost"
SERVER = "localhost"
-- tries to get a pattern from the server and closes socket on error
-- Tries to get a pattern from the server and closes socket on error
local function try_receiving(connection, pattern)
-- sock: socket connected to the server
local data, message = connection:receive(pattern)
-- pattern: pattern to receive
if not data then connection:close() end
-- Returns
-- received pattern on success
return data, message
-- nil followed by error message on error
function Private.try_receive(sock, pattern)
local data, err = sock:receive(pattern)
if not data then sock:close() end
return data, err
-- tries to send data to server and closes socket on error
-- Tries to send data to the server and closes socket on error
local function try_sending(connection, data)
-- sock: socket connected to the server
local sent, message = connection:send(data)
-- data: data to send
if not sent then connection:close() end
-- Returns
-- err: error message if any, nil if successfull
return sent, message
function Private.try_send(sock, data)
local sent, err = sock:send(data)
if not sent then sock:close() end
return err
-- gets server reply
-- Sends a command to the server (closes sock on error)
local function get_reply(connection)
-- Input
local code, current, separator, _
-- sock: server socket
local line, message = try_receiving(connection)
-- command: command to be sent
local reply = line
-- param: command parameters if any
if message then return nil, message end
-- Returns
_, _, code, separator = string.find(line, "^(%d%d%d)(.?)")
-- err: error message if any
if not code then return nil, "invalid server reply" end
if separator == "-" then -- reply is multiline
function Private.send_command(sock, command, param)
local line
if param then line = command .. " " .. param .. "\r\n"
else line = command .. "\r\n" end
return Private.try_send(sock, line)
-- Gets command reply, (accepts multiple-line replies)
-- Input
-- control: control openion socket
-- Returns
-- answer: whole server reply, nil if error
-- code: reply status code or error message
function Private.get_answer(control)
local code, lastcode, sep, _
local line, err = Private.try_receive(control)
local answer = line
if err then return nil, err end
_,_, code, sep = string.find(line, "^(%d%d%d)(.)")
if not code or not sep then return nil, answer end
if sep == "-" then -- answer is multiline
line, err = Private.try_receive(control)
line, message = try_receiving(connection)
if err then return nil, err end
if message then return nil, message end
_,_, lastcode, sep = string.find(line, "^(%d%d%d)(.)")
_,_, current, separator = string.find(line, "^(%d%d%d)(.)")
answer = answer .. "\n" .. line
if not current or not separator then
until code == lastcode and sep == " " -- answer ends with same code
return nil, "invalid server reply"
return answer, tonumber(code)
reply = reply .. "\n" .. line
-- reply ends with same code
until code == current and separator == " "
return code, reply
-- metatable for server connection object
-- Checks if a message reply code is correct. Closes control openion
local metatable = { __index = {} }
-- if not.
-- Input
-- switch handler for execute function
-- control: control openion socket
local switch = {}
-- success: table with successfull reply status code
-- Returns
-- execute the "check" instruction
-- code: reply code or nil in case of error
function switch.check(connection, instruction)
-- answer: complete server answer or system error message
local code, reply = get_reply(connection)
if not code then return nil, reply end
function Private.check_answer(control, success)
if type(instruction.check) == "function" then
local answer, code = Private.get_answer(control)
return instruction.check(code, reply)
if not answer then return nil, code end
if type(success) ~= "table" then success = {success} end
if string.find(code, instruction.check) then return code, reply
for i = 1, table.getn(success) do
else return nil, reply end
if code == success[i] then
return code, answer
return nil, answer
-- stub for invalid instructions
-- Sends initial client greeting
function switch.invalid(connection, instruction)
-- Input
return nil, "invalid instruction"
-- sock: server socket
-- Returns
-- code: server code if ok, nil if error
-- answer: complete server reply
function Private.send_helo(sock)
local err = Private.send_command(sock, "HELO", Public.DOMAIN)
if err then return nil, err end
return Private.check_answer(sock, 250)
-- execute the "command" instruction
-- Sends openion termination command
function switch.command(connection, instruction)
-- Input
local line
-- sock: server socket
if instruction.argument then
-- Returns
line = instruction.command .. " " .. instruction.argument .. "\r\n"
-- code: server status code, nil if error
else line = instruction.command .. "\r\n" end
-- answer: complete server reply or error message
return try_sending(connection, line)
function Private.send_quit(sock)
local err = Private.send_command(sock, "QUIT")
if err then return nil, err end
local code, answer = Private.check_answer(sock, 221)
return code, answer
function switch.raw(connection, instruction)
-- Sends sender command
if type(instruction.raw) == "function" then
-- Input
local f = instruction.raw
-- sock: server socket
while true do
-- sender: e-mail of sender
local chunk, new_f = f()
-- Returns
if not chunk then return nil, new_f end
-- code: server status code, nil if error
if chunk == "" then return true end
-- answer: complete server reply or error message
f = new_f or f
local code, message = try_sending(connection, chunk)
function Private.send_mail(sock, sender)
if not code then return nil, message end
local param = string.format("FROM:<%s>", sender or "")
local err = Private.send_command(sock, "MAIL", param)
else return try_sending(connection, instruction.raw) end
if err then return nil, err end
return Private.check_answer(sock, 250)
-- finds out what instruction are we dealing with
-- Sends mime headers
local function instruction_type(instruction)
-- Input
if type(instruction) ~= "table" then return "invalid" end
-- sock: server socket
if instruction.command then return "command" end
-- headers: table with mime headers to be sent
if instruction.check then return "check" end
-- Returns
if instruction.raw then return "raw" end
-- err: error message if any
return "invalid"
function Private.send_headers(sock, headers)
local err
-- send request headers
for i, v in headers or {} do
err = Private.try_send(sock, i .. ": " .. v .. "\r\n")
if err then return err end
-- mark end of request headers
return Private.try_send(sock, "\r\n")
-- execute a list of instructions
-- Sends message mime headers and body
function metatable.__index:execute(instructions)
-- Input
if type(instructions) ~= "table" then error("instruction expected", 1) end
-- sock: server socket
if not instructions[1] then instructions = { instructions } end
-- headers: table containing all mime headers to be sent
local code, message
-- body: message body
for _, instruction in ipairs(instructions) do
-- Returns
local type = instruction_type(instruction)
-- code: server status code, nil if error
code, message = switch[type](self.connection, instruction)
-- answer: complete server reply or error message
if not code then break end
function Private.send_data(sock, headers, body)
return code, message
local err = Private.send_command(sock, "DATA")
if err then return nil, err end
local code, answer = Private.check_answer(sock, 354)
if not code then return nil, answer end
-- avoid premature end in message body
body = string.gsub(body or "", "\n%.", "\n%.%.")
-- mark end of message body
body = body .. "\r\n.\r\n"
err = Private.send_headers(sock, headers)
if err then return nil, err end
err = Private.try_send(sock, body)
return Private.check_answer(sock, 250)
-- closes the underlying connection
-- Sends recipient list command
function metatable.__index:close()
-- Input
-- sock: server socket
-- rcpt: lua table with recipient list
-- Returns
-- code: server status code, nil if error
-- answer: complete server reply
function Private.send_rcpt(sock, rcpt)
local err
local code, answer = nil, "No recipient specified"
if type(rcpt) ~= "table" then rcpt = {rcpt} end
for i = 1, table.getn(rcpt) do
err = Private.send_command(sock, "RCPT",
string.format("TO:<%s>", rcpt[i]))
if err then return nil, err end
code, answer = Private.check_answer(sock, {250, 251})
if not code then return code, answer end
return code, answer
-- connect with server and return a smtp connection object
-- Starts the connection and greets server
function connect(host)
-- Input
local connection, message = socket.connect(host, PORT)
-- parsed: parsed URL components
if not connection then return nil, message end
-- Returns
return setmetatable({ connection = connection }, metatable)
-- sock: socket connected to server
-- err: error message if any
function Private.open(server)
local code, answer
-- default server
server = server or Public.SERVER
-- connect to server and make sure we won't hang
local sock, err = socket.connect(server, Public.PORT)
if not sock then return nil, err end
-- initial server greeting
code, answer = Private.check_answer(sock, 220)
if not code then return nil, answer end
code, answer = Private.send_helo(sock)
if not code then return nil, answer end
return sock
-- simple test drive
-- Sends a message using an opened server
-- Input
-- sock: socket connected to server
-- message: a table with the following fields:
-- from: message sender's e-mail
-- rcpt: message recipient's e-mail
-- headers: message mime headers
-- body: messge body
-- Returns
-- code: server status code, nil if error
-- answer: complete server reply
function Private.send(sock, message)
local code, answer
code, answer = Private.send_mail(sock, message.from)
if not code then return nil, answer end
code, answer = Private.send_rcpt(sock, message.rcpt)
if not code then return nil, answer end
return Private.send_data(sock, message.headers, message.body)
-- Closes connection with server
c, m = connect("localhost")
-- Input
assert(c, m)
-- sock: socket connected to server
assert(c:execute {check = "2.." })
-- Returns
assert(c:execute {{command = "EHLO", argument = "localhost"}, {check = "2.."}})
-- code: server status code, nil if error
assert(c:execute {command = "MAIL", argument = "FROM:<diego@princeton.edu>"})
-- answer: complete server reply
assert(c:execute {check = "2.."})
assert(c:execute {command = "RCPT", argument = "TO:<diego@cs.princeton.edu>"})
function Private.close(sock)
assert(c:execute {check = function (code) return code == "250" end})
assert(c:execute {{command = "DATA"}, {check = "3.."}})
return Private.send_quit(sock)
assert(c:execute {{raw = "This is the message\r\n.\r\n"}, {check = "2.."}})
assert(c:execute {{command = "QUIT"}, {check = "2.."}})
return smtp
-- Main mail function
-- Input
-- message: a table with the following fields:
-- from: message sender
-- rcpt: table containing message recipients
-- headers: table containing mime headers
-- body: message body
-- server: smtp server to be used
-- Returns
-- nil if successfull, error message in case of error
function Public.mail(message)
local sock, err = Private.open(message.server)
if not sock then return nil, err end
local code, answer = Private.send(sock, message)
if not code then return nil, answer end
code, answer = Private.close(sock)
if code then return 1
else return nil, answer end
Reference in New Issue
Block a user