Rework binding IPv6 sockets by harmonizing it with the IPv4 variant

This commit is contained in:
Florian Zeitz 2011-06-14 01:17:07 +02:00 committed by Sam Roberts
parent 5c33ef9997
commit 923eef1929
6 changed files with 80 additions and 124 deletions

View File

@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ static void inet_pushresolved(lua_State *L, struct hostent *hp)
* Tries to create a new inet socket
const char *inet_trycreate(p_socket ps, int type) {
return socket_strerror(socket_create(ps, AF_INET, type, 0));
const char *inet_trycreate(p_socket ps, int domain, int type) {
return socket_strerror(socket_create(ps, domain, type, 0));
@ -276,25 +276,35 @@ const char *inet_tryconnect(p_socket ps, const char *address,
* Tries to bind socket to (address, port)
const char *inet_trybind(p_socket ps, const char *address, unsigned short port)
const char *inet_trybind(p_socket ps, const char *address, const char *serv,
struct addrinfo *bindhints)
struct sockaddr_in local;
int err;
memset(&local, 0, sizeof(local));
/* address is either wildcard or a valid ip address */
local.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
local.sin_port = htons(port);
local.sin_family = AF_INET;
if (strcmp(address, "*") && !inet_aton(address, &local.sin_addr)) {
struct hostent *hp = NULL;
struct in_addr **addr;
err = socket_gethostbyname(address, &hp);
if (err != IO_DONE) return socket_hoststrerror(err);
addr = (struct in_addr **) hp->h_addr_list;
memcpy(&local.sin_addr, *addr, sizeof(struct in_addr));
struct addrinfo *iterator = NULL, *resolved = NULL;
const char *err = NULL;
/* translate luasocket special values to C */
if (strcmp(address, "*") == 0) address = NULL;
if (!serv) serv = "0";
/* try resolving */
err = socket_gaistrerror(getaddrinfo(address, serv,
bindhints, &resolved));
if (err) {
if (resolved) freeaddrinfo(resolved);
return err;
err = socket_bind(ps, (SA *) &local, sizeof(local));
return socket_strerror(err);
/* iterate over resolved addresses until one is good */
for (iterator = resolved; iterator; iterator = iterator->ai_next) {
/* try binding to local address */
err = socket_strerror(socket_bind(ps,
(SA *) iterator->ai_addr,
/* if faiiled, we try the next one */
if (err != NULL) socket_destroy(ps);
/* if success, we abort loop */
else break;
/* cleanup and return error */
return err;

View File

@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
int inet_open(lua_State *L);
const char *inet_trycreate(p_socket ps, int type);
const char *inet_trycreate(p_socket ps, int domain, int type);
const char *inet_tryconnect(p_socket ps, const char *address,
unsigned short port, p_timeout tm);
const char *inet_trybind(p_socket ps, const char *address,
unsigned short port);
const char *inet_trybind(p_socket ps, const char *address, const char *serv,
struct addrinfo *bindhints);
int inet_meth_getpeername(lua_State *L, p_socket ps);
int inet_meth_getsockname(lua_State *L, p_socket ps);

View File

@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
* Internal function prototypes
static int global_create(lua_State *L);
static int global_create6(lua_State *L);
static int global_connect6(lua_State *L);
static int global_bind6(lua_State *L);
static int meth_connect(lua_State *L);
static int meth_listen(lua_State *L);
static int meth_bind(lua_State *L);
@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ static t_opt optset[] = {
/* functions in library namespace */
static luaL_reg func[] = {
{"tcp", global_create},
{"tcp6", global_create6},
{"connect6", global_connect6},
{"bind6", global_bind6},
@ -196,8 +196,14 @@ static int meth_bind(lua_State *L)
p_tcp tcp = (p_tcp) auxiliar_checkclass(L, "tcp{master}", 1);
const char *address = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
unsigned short port = (unsigned short) luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
const char *err = inet_trybind(&tcp->sock, address, port);
const char *port = luaL_checkstring(L, 3);
const char *err;
struct addrinfo bindhints;
memset(&bindhints, 0, sizeof(bindhints));
bindhints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
bindhints.ai_family = tcp->domain;
bindhints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;
err = inet_trybind(&tcp->sock, address, port, &bindhints);
if (err) {
lua_pushstring(L, err);
@ -317,9 +323,9 @@ static int meth_settimeout(lua_State *L)
* Creates a master tcp object
static int global_create(lua_State *L) {
static int tcp_create(lua_State *L, int domain) {
t_socket sock;
const char *err = inet_trycreate(&sock, SOCK_STREAM);
const char *err = inet_trycreate(&sock, domain, SOCK_STREAM);
/* try to allocate a system socket */
if (!err) {
/* allocate tcp object */
@ -333,6 +339,7 @@ static int global_create(lua_State *L) {
(p_error) socket_ioerror, &tcp->sock);
timeout_init(&tcp->tm, -1, -1);
buffer_init(&tcp->buf, &tcp->io, &tcp->tm);
tcp->domain = domain;
return 1;
} else {
@ -341,92 +348,12 @@ static int global_create(lua_State *L) {
static const char *trybind6(const char *localaddr, const char *localserv,
struct addrinfo *bindhints, p_tcp tcp) {
struct addrinfo *iterator = NULL, *resolved = NULL;
const char *err = NULL;
/* translate luasocket special values to C */
if (strcmp(localaddr, "*") == 0) localaddr = NULL;
if (!localserv) localserv = "0";
/* try resolving */
err = socket_gaistrerror(getaddrinfo(localaddr, localserv,
bindhints, &resolved));
if (err) {
if (resolved) freeaddrinfo(resolved);
return err;
/* iterate over resolved addresses until one is good */
for (iterator = resolved; iterator; iterator = iterator->ai_next) {
/* create a new socket each time because parameters
* may have changed */
err = socket_strerror(socket_create(&tcp->sock,
iterator->ai_family, iterator->ai_socktype,
/* if failed to create socket, bail out */
if (err != NULL) {
return err;
/* all sockets are set as non-blocking initially */
/* try binding to local address */
err = socket_strerror(socket_bind(&tcp->sock,
(SA *) iterator->ai_addr,
/* if faiiled, we try the next one */
if (err != NULL) socket_destroy(&tcp->sock);
/* if success, we abort loop */
else break;
/* at this point, if err is not set, se succeeded */
if (err == NULL) {
/* save family of chosen local address */
bindhints->ai_family = iterator->ai_family;
/* cleanup and return error */
return err;
static int global_create(lua_State *L) {
return tcp_create(L, AF_INET);
static int global_bind6(lua_State *L) {
const char *localaddr = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
const char *localserv = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
int backlog = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
p_tcp tcp = (p_tcp) lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(t_tcp));
struct addrinfo bindhints;
const char *err = NULL;
/* initialize tcp structure */
io_init(&tcp->io, (p_send) socket_send, (p_recv) socket_recv,
(p_error) socket_ioerror, &tcp->sock);
timeout_init(&tcp->tm, -1, -1);
buffer_init(&tcp->buf, &tcp->io, &tcp->tm);
tcp->sock = SOCKET_INVALID;
/* try binding to local address */
memset(&bindhints, 0, sizeof(bindhints));
bindhints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
bindhints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
bindhints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;
err = trybind6(localaddr, localserv, &bindhints, tcp);
if (err == NULL) {
/* all server sockets initially with reuseaddr set */
int val = 1;
setsockopt(tcp->sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR,
(char *) &val, sizeof(val));
/* set the backlog and listen */
err = socket_strerror(socket_listen(&tcp->sock, backlog));
if (err) {
lua_pushstring(L, err);
return 2;
auxiliar_setclass(L, "tcp{server}", -1);
return 1;
} else {
lua_pushstring(L, err);
return 2;
static int global_create6(lua_State *L) {
return tcp_create(L, AF_INET6);
static const char *tryconnect6(const char *remoteaddr, const char *remoteserv,
@ -488,7 +415,7 @@ static int global_connect6(lua_State *L) {
bindhints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
bindhints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;
if (localaddr) {
err = trybind6(localaddr, localserv, &bindhints, tcp);
err = inet_trybind(&tcp->sock, localaddr, localserv, &bindhints);
if (err) {
lua_pushstring(L, err);

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ typedef struct t_tcp_ {
t_io io;
t_buffer buf;
t_timeout tm;
int domain;
} t_tcp;
typedef t_tcp *p_tcp;

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
* Internal function prototypes
static int global_create(lua_State *L);
static int global_create6(lua_State *L);
static int meth_send(lua_State *L);
static int meth_sendto(lua_State *L);
static int meth_receive(lua_State *L);
@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ static t_opt optget[] = {
/* functions in library namespace */
static luaL_reg func[] = {
{"udp", global_create},
{"udp6", global_create6},
@ -317,8 +319,14 @@ static int meth_close(lua_State *L) {
static int meth_setsockname(lua_State *L) {
p_udp udp = (p_udp) auxiliar_checkclass(L, "udp{unconnected}", 1);
const char *address = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
unsigned short port = (unsigned short) luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
const char *err = inet_trybind(&udp->sock, address, port);
const char *port = luaL_checkstring(L, 3);
const char *err;
struct addrinfo bindhints;
memset(&bindhints, 0, sizeof(bindhints));
bindhints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
bindhints.ai_family = udp->domain;
bindhints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;
err = inet_trybind(&udp->sock, address, port, &bindhints);
if (err) {
lua_pushstring(L, err);
@ -334,18 +342,19 @@ static int meth_setsockname(lua_State *L) {
* Creates a master udp object
static int global_create(lua_State *L) {
static int udp_create(lua_State *L, int domain) {
t_socket sock;
const char *err = inet_trycreate(&sock, SOCK_DGRAM);
const char *err = inet_trycreate(&sock, domain, SOCK_DGRAM);
/* try to allocate a system socket */
if (!err) {
/* allocate tcp object */
/* allocate udp object */
p_udp udp = (p_udp) lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(t_udp));
auxiliar_setclass(L, "udp{unconnected}", -1);
/* initialize remaining structure fields */
udp->sock = sock;
timeout_init(&udp->tm, -1, -1);
udp->domain = domain;
return 1;
} else {
@ -353,3 +362,11 @@ static int global_create(lua_State *L) {
return 2;
static int global_create(lua_State *L) {
return udp_create(L, AF_INET);
static int global_create6(lua_State *L) {
return udp_create(L, AF_INET6);

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
typedef struct t_udp_ {
t_socket sock;
t_timeout tm;
int domain;
} t_udp;
typedef t_udp *p_udp;