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2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Full HTTP/1.1 client support for the Lua language using the
-- LuaSocket 1.2 toolkit.
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Author: Diego Nehab
-- Date: 26/12/2000
-- Conforming to: RFC 2068
-- Program constants
-- connection timeout in seconds
local TIMEOUT = 60
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- default port for document retrieval
local PORT = 80
-- user agent field sent in request
local USERAGENT = "LuaSocket 1.3 HTTP 1.1"
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Tries to get a pattern from the server and closes socket on error
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- sock: socket connected to the server
-- pattern: pattern to receive
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Returns
-- data: line received or nil in case of error
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- err: error message if any
local try_get = function(...)
local sock = arg[1]
local data, err = call(sock.receive, arg)
if err then
return nil, err
return data
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Tries to send data to the server and closes socket on error
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- sock: socket connected to the server
-- data: data to send
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Returns
-- err: error message if any, nil if successfull
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
local try_send = function(sock, data)
err = sock:send(data)
if err then sock:close() end
return err
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Retrieves status code from http status line
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Input
-- line: http status line
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Returns
-- code: integer with status code
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
local get_statuscode = function(line)
local _,_, code = strfind(line, " (%d%d%d) ")
return tonumber(code)
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Receive server reply messages
-- Input
-- sock: socket connected to the server
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Returns
-- code: server status code or nil if error
-- line: full http status line
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- err: error message if any
local get_status = function(sock)
local line, err
line, err = %try_get(sock)
if not err then return %get_statuscode(line), line
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
else return nil, nil, err end
-- Receive and parse responce header fields
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Input
-- sock: socket connected to the server
-- headers: a table that might already contain headers
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Returns
-- headers: a table with all headers fields in the form
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- {name_1 = "value_1", name_2 = "value_2" ... name_n = "value_n"}
-- all name_i are lowercase
-- nil and error message in case of error
local get_hdrs = function(sock, headers)
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
local line, err
local name, value
-- get first line
line, err = %try_get(sock)
if err then return nil, err end
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- headers go until a blank line is found
while line ~= "" do
-- get field-name and value
_,_, name, value = strfind(line, "(.-):%s*(.*)")
if not name or not value then
return nil, "malformed reponse headers"
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
name = strlower(name)
-- get next line (value might be folded)
line, err = %try_get(sock)
if err then return nil, err end
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- unfold any folded values
while not err and strfind(line, "^%s") do
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
value = value .. line
line, err = %try_get(sock)
if err then return nil, err end
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- save pair in table
if headers[name] then headers[name] = headers[name] .. ", " .. value
else headers[name] = value end
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
return headers
-- Receives a chunked message body
-- Input
-- sock: socket connected to the server
-- callback: function to receive chunks
-- Returns
-- nil if successfull or an error message in case of error
local try_getchunked = function(sock, callback)
local chunk, size, line, err
-- get chunk size, skip extention
line, err = %try_get(sock)
if err then
callback(nil, err)
return err
size = tonumber(gsub(line, ";.*", ""), 16)
if not size then
callback(nil, "invalid chunk size")
return "invalid chunk size"
-- get chunk
chunk, err = %try_get(sock, size)
if err then
callback(nil, err)
return err
-- pass chunk to callback
if not callback(chunk) then
return "aborted by callback"
-- skip blank line
_, err = %try_get(sock)
if err then
callback(nil, err)
return err
until size <= 0
-- let callback know we are done
callback("", "done")
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Receives a message body by content-length
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Input
-- sock: socket connected to the server
-- callback: function to receive chunks
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Returns
-- nil if successfull or an error message in case of error
local try_getbylength = function(sock, length, callback)
while length > 0 do
local size = min(4096, length)
local chunk, err = sock:receive(size)
if err then
callback(nil, err)
return err
if not callback(chunk) then
return "aborted by callback"
length = length - size
callback("", "done")
-- Receives a message body by content-length
-- Input
-- sock: socket connected to the server
-- callback: function to receive chunks
-- Returns
-- nil if successfull or an error message in case of error
local try_getuntilclosed = function(sock, callback)
local err
while 1 do
local chunk, err = sock:receive(4096)
if err == "closed" or not err then
if not callback(chunk) then
return "aborted by callback"
if err then break end
callback(nil, err)
return err
callback("", "done")
-- Receives http response body
-- Input
-- sock: socket connected to the server
-- resp_hdrs: response header fields
-- callback: function to receive chunks
-- Returns
-- nil if successfull or an error message in case of error
local try_getbody = function(sock, resp_hdrs, callback)
local err
if resp_hdrs["transfer-encoding"] == "chunked" then
-- get by chunked transfer-coding of message body
return %try_getchunked(sock, callback)
elseif tonumber(resp_hdrs["content-length"]) then
-- get by content-length
local length = tonumber(resp_hdrs["content-length"])
return %try_getbylength(sock, length, callback)
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- get it all until connection closes
return %try_getuntilclosed(sock, callback)
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Parses a url and returns its scheme, user, password, host, port
-- and path components, according to RFC 1738
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Input
-- url: uniform resource locator of request
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- default: table containing default values to be returned
-- Returns
-- table with the following fields:
-- host: host to connect
-- path: url path
-- port: host port to connect
-- user: user name
-- pass: password
-- scheme: protocol
local split_url = function(url, default)
-- initialize default parameters
local parsed = default or {}
-- get scheme
url = gsub(url, "^(.+)://", function (s) %parsed.scheme = s end)
-- get user name and password. both can be empty!
-- moreover, password can be ommited
url = gsub(url, "^([^@:/]*)(:?)([^:@/]-)@", function (u, c, p)
%parsed.user = u
-- there can be an empty password, but the ':' has to be there
-- or else there is no password
%parsed.pass = nil -- kill default password
if c == ":" then %parsed.pass = p end
-- get host
url = gsub(url, "^([%w%.%-]+)", function (h) = h end)
-- get port if any
url = gsub(url, "^:(%d+)", function (p) %parsed.port = p end)
-- whatever is left is the path
if url ~= "" then parsed.path = url end
return parsed
-- Sends a http request message through socket
-- Input
-- sock: socket connected to the server
-- method: request method to be used
-- path: url path
-- req_hdrs: request headers to be sent
-- callback: callback to send request message body
-- Returns
-- err: nil in case of success, error message otherwise
local send_request = function(sock, method, path, req_hdrs, callback)
local chunk, size, done
-- send request line
local err = %try_send(sock, method .. " " .. path .. " HTTP/1.1\r\n")
if err then return err end
-- send request headers
for i, v in req_hdrs do
err = %try_send(sock, i .. ": " .. v .. "\r\n")
if err then return err end
-- if there is a request message body, add content-length header
if callback then
chunk, size = callback()
if chunk and size then
err = %try_send(sock, "content-length: "..tostring(size).."\r\n")
if err then return err end
return size or "invalid callback return"
-- mark end of request headers
err = %try_send(sock, "\r\n")
if err then return err end
-- send message request body, getting it chunk by chunk from callback
if callback then
done = 0
while chunk and chunk ~= "" and done < size do
err = %try_send(sock, chunk)
if err then return err end
done = done + strlen(chunk)
chunk, err = callback()
if not chunk then return err end
-- Determines if we should read a message body from the server response
-- Input
-- method: method used in request
-- code: server response status code
-- Returns
-- 1 if a message body should be processed, nil otherwise
function has_respbody(method, code)
if method == "HEAD" then return nil end
if code == 204 or code == 304 then return nil end
if code >= 100 and code < 200 then return nil end
return 1
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- We need base64 convertion routines for Basic Authentication Scheme
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Converts field names to lowercase and add message body size specification
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Input
-- headers: request header fields
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- parsed: parsed url components
-- body: request message body, if any
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Returns
-- lower: a table with the same headers, but with lowercase field names
local fill_hdrs = function(headers, parsed, body)
local lower = {}
headers = headers or {}
for i,v in headers do
lower[strlower(i)] = v
lower["connection"] = "close"
lower["host"] =
lower["user-agent"] = %USERAGENT
if parsed.user and parsed.pass then -- Basic Authentication
lower["authorization"] = "Basic "..
base64(parsed.user .. ":" .. parsed.pass)
return lower
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Sends a HTTP request and retrieves the server reply using callbacks to
-- send the request body and receive the response body
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Input
-- method: "GET", "PUT", "POST" etc
-- url: target uniform resource locator
-- req_hdrs: request headers to send
-- req_body: function to return request message body
-- resp_body: function to receive response message body
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Returns
-- resp_hdrs: response header fields received, if sucessfull
-- resp_line: server response status line, if successfull
-- err: error message if any
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
function http_requestindirect(method, url, req_hdrs, req_body, resp_body)
local sock, err
local resp_hdrs
local resp_line, resp_code
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- get url components
local parsed = %split_url(url, {port = %PORT, path ="/"})
-- methods are case sensitive
method = strupper(method)
-- fill default headers
req_hdrs = %fill_hdrs(req_hdrs, parsed)
-- try connection
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
sock, err = connect(, parsed.port)
if not sock then return nil, nil, err end
-- set connection timeout
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- send request
err = %send_request(sock, method, parsed.path, req_hdrs, req_body)
if err then return nil, nil, err end
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- get server message
resp_code, resp_line, err = %get_status(sock)
if err then return nil, nil, err end
-- deal with reply
resp_hdrs, err = %get_hdrs(sock, {})
if err then return nil, line, err end
-- did we get a redirect? should we automatically retry?
if (resp_code == 301 or resp_code == 302) and
(method == "GET" or method == "HEAD") then
return http_requestindirect(method, resp_hdrs["location"], req_hdrs,
req_body, resp_body)
-- get body if status and method combination allow one
if has_respbody(method, resp_code) then
err = %try_getbody(sock, resp_hdrs, resp_body)
if err then return resp_hdrs, resp_line, err end
return resp_hdrs, resp_line
-- Sends a HTTP request and retrieves the server reply
-- Input
-- method: "GET", "PUT", "POST" etc
-- url: target uniform resource locator
-- headers: request headers to send
-- body: request message body
-- Returns
-- resp_body: response message body, if successfull
-- resp_hdrs: response header fields received, if sucessfull
-- resp_line: server response status line, if successfull
-- err: error message if any
function http_request(method, url, req_hdrs, body)
local resp_hdrs, resp_line, err
local req_callback = function()
return %body, strlen(%body)
local resp_aux = { resp_body = "" }
local resp_callback = function(chunk, err)
if not chunk then
%resp_aux.resp_body = nil
%resp_aux.err = err
return nil
%resp_aux.resp_body = %resp_aux.resp_body .. chunk
return 1
if not body then resp_callback = nil end
resp_hdrs, resp_line, err = http_requestindirect(method, url, req_hdrs,
req_callback, resp_callback)
if err then return nil, resp_hdrs, resp_line, err
else return resp_aux.resp_body, resp_hdrs, resp_line, resp_aux.err end
-- Retrieves a URL by the method "GET"
-- Input
-- url: target uniform resource locator
-- headers: request headers to send
-- Returns
-- body: response message body, if successfull
-- headers: response header fields, if sucessfull
-- line: response status line, if successfull
-- err: error message, if any
function http_get(url, headers)
return http_request("GET", url, headers)
-- Retrieves a URL by the method "GET"
-- Input
-- url: target uniform resource locator
-- body: request message body
-- headers: request headers to send
-- Returns
-- body: response message body, if successfull
-- headers: response header fields, if sucessfull
-- line: response status line, if successfull
-- err: error message, if any
function http_post(url, body, headers)
return http_request("POST", url, headers, body)
2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00