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2000-12-29 23:15:09 +01:00
-- Simple FTP support for the Lua language using the LuaSocket toolkit.
-- Author: Diego Nehab
-- Date: 26/12/2000
-- Conforming to: RFC 959
-- Program constants
-- timeout in seconds before the program gives up on a connection
local TIMEOUT = 60
-- default port for ftp service
local PORT = 21
-- this is the default anonymous password. used when no password is
-- provided in url. should be changed for your e-mail.
local EMAIL = ""
-- Parses a url and returns its scheme, user, password, host, port
-- and path components, according to RFC 1738, Uniform Resource Locators (URL),
-- of December 1994
-- Input
-- url: unique resource locator desired
-- default: table containing default values to be returned
-- Returns
-- table with the following fields:
-- host: host to connect
-- path: url path
-- port: host port to connect
-- user: user name
-- pass: password
-- scheme: protocol
local split_url = function(url, default)
-- initialize default parameters
local parsed = default or {}
-- get scheme
url = gsub(url, "^(.+)://", function (s) %parsed.scheme = s end)
-- get user name and password. both can be empty!
-- moreover, password can be ommited
url = gsub(url, "^([^@:/]*)(:?)([^:@/]-)@", function (u, c, p)
%parsed.user = u
-- there can be an empty password, but the ':' has to be there
-- or else there is no password
%parsed.pass = nil -- kill default password
if c == ":" then %parsed.pass = p end
-- get host
url = gsub(url, "^([%w%.%-]+)", function (h) = h end)
-- get port if any
url = gsub(url, "^:(%d+)", function (p) %parsed.port = p end)
-- whatever is left is the path
if url ~= "" then parsed.path = url end
return parsed
-- Gets ip and port for data connection from PASV answer
-- Input
-- pasv: PASV command answer
-- Returns
-- ip: string containing ip for data connection
-- port: port for data connection
local get_pasv = function(pasv)
local a,b,c,d,p1,p2
local ip, port
_,_, a, b, c, d, p1, p2 =
strfind(pasv, "(%d*),(%d*),(%d*),(%d*),(%d*),(%d*)")
if not a or not b or not c or not d or not p1 or not p2 then
return nil, nil
ip = format("%d.%d.%d.%d", a, b, c, d)
port = tonumber(p1)*256 + tonumber(p2)
return ip, port
-- Sends a FTP command through socket
-- Input
-- control: control connection socket
-- cmd: command
-- arg: command argument if any
local send_command = function(control, cmd, arg)
local line, err
if arg then line = cmd .. " " .. arg .. "\r\n"
else line = cmd .. "\r\n" end
err = control:send(line)
return err
-- Gets FTP command answer, unfolding if neccessary
-- Input
-- control: control connection socket
-- Returns
-- answer: whole server reply, nil if error
-- code: answer status code or error message
local get_answer = function(control)
local code, lastcode, sep
local line, err = control:receive()
local answer = line
if err then return nil, err end
_,_, code, sep = strfind(line, "^(%d%d%d)(.)")
if not code or not sep then return nil, answer end
if sep == "-" then -- answer is multiline
line, err = control:receive()
if err then return nil, err end
_,_, lastcode, sep = strfind(line, "^(%d%d%d)(.)")
answer = answer .. "\n" .. line
until code == lastcode and sep == " " -- answer ends with same code
return answer, tonumber(code)
-- Checks if a message return is correct. Closes control connection if not.
-- Input
-- control: control connection socket
-- success: table with successfull reply status code
-- Returns
-- code: reply code or nil in case of error
-- answer: server complete answer or system error message
local check_answer = function(control, success)
local answer, code = %get_answer(control)
if not answer then
return nil, code
if type(success) ~= "table" then success = {success} end
for i = 1, getn(success) do
if code == success[i] then
return code, answer
return nil, answer
-- Trys a command on control socked, in case of error, the control connection
-- is closed.
-- Input
-- control: control connection socket
-- cmd: command
-- arg: command argument or nil if no argument
-- success: table with successfull reply status code
-- Returns
-- code: reply code or nil in case of error
-- answer: server complete answer or system error message
local try_command = function(control, cmd, arg, success)
local err = %send_command(control, cmd, arg)
if err then
return nil, err
local code, answer = %check_answer(control, success)
if not code then return nil, answer end
return code, answer
-- Creates a table with all directories in path
-- Input
-- file: abolute path to file
-- Returns
-- file: filename
-- path: table with directories to reach filename
-- isdir: is it a directory or a file
local split_path = function(file)
local path = {}
local isdir
file = file or "/"
-- directory ends with a '/'
_,_, isdir = strfind(file, "([/])$")
gsub(file, "([^/]+)", function (dir) tinsert(%path, dir) end)
if not isdir then file = tremove(path)
else file = nil end
return file, path, isdir
-- Check server greeting
-- Input
-- control: control connection with server
-- Returns
-- code: nil if error
-- answer: server answer or error message
local check_greeting = function(control)
local code, answer = %check_answer(control, {120, 220})
if not code then return nil, answer end
if code == 120 then -- please try again, somewhat busy now...
code, answer = %check_answer(control, {220})
return code, answer
-- Log in on server
-- Input
-- control: control connection with server
-- user: user name
-- pass: user password if any
-- Returns
-- code: nil if error
-- answer: server answer or error message
local login = function(control, user, pass)
local code, answer = %try_command(control, "user", parsed.user, {230, 331})
if not code then return nil, answer end
if code == 331 and parsed.pass then -- need pass and we have pass
code, answer = %try_command(control, "pass", parsed.pass, {230, 202})
return code, answer
-- Change to target directory
-- Input
-- control: socket for control connection with server
-- path: array with directories in order
-- Returns
-- code: nil if error
-- answer: server answer or error message
local cwd = function(control, path)
local code, answer = 250, "Home directory used"
for i = 1, getn(path) do
code, answer = %try_command(control, "cwd", path[i], {250})
if not code then return nil, answer end
return code, answer
-- Start data connection with server
-- Input
-- control: control connection with server
-- Returns
-- data: socket for data connection with server, nil if error
-- answer: server answer or error message
local start_dataconnection = function(control)
-- ask for passive data connection
local code, answer = %try_command(control, "pasv", nil, {227})
if not code then return nil, answer end
-- get data connection parameters from server reply
local host, port = %get_pasv(answer)
if not host or not port then return nil, answer end
-- start data connection with given parameters
local data, err = connect(host, port)
if not data then return nil, err end
return data
-- Closes control connection with server
-- Input
-- control: control connection with server
-- Returns
-- code: nil if error
-- answer: server answer or error message
local logout = function(control)
local code, answer = %try_command(control, "quit", nil, {221})
if not code then return nil, answer end
return code, answer
-- Retrieves file or directory listing
-- Input
-- control: control connection with server
-- data: data connection with server
-- file: file name under current directory
-- isdir: is file a directory name?
-- Returns
-- file: string with file contents, nil if error
-- answer: server answer or error message
local retrieve_file = function(control, data, file, isdir)
-- ask server for file or directory listing accordingly
if isdir then code, answer = %try_command(control, "nlst", file, {150, 125})
else code, answer = %try_command(control, "retr", file, {150, 125}) end
if not code then
return nil, answer
-- download whole file
file, err = data:receive("*a")
if err then
return nil, err
-- make sure file transfered ok
code, answer = %check_answer(control, {226, 250})
if not code then return nil, answer
else return file, answer end
-- Stores a file
-- Input
-- control: control connection with server
-- data: data connection with server
-- file: file name under current directory
-- bytes: file contents in string
-- Returns
-- file: string with file contents, nil if error
-- answer: server answer or error message
local store_file = function (control, data, file, bytes)
local code, answer = %try_command(control, "stor", file, {150, 125})
if not code then
return nil, answer
-- send whole file and close connection to mark file end
answer = data:send(bytes)
if answer then
return nil, answer
-- check if file was received right
return %check_answer(control, {226, 250})
-- Change transfer type
-- Input
-- control: control connection with server
-- type: new transfer type
-- Returns
-- code: nil if error
-- answer: server answer or error message
local change_type = function(control, type)
if type == "b" then type = "i" else type = "a" end
return %try_command(control, "type", type, {200})
-- Retrieve a file from a ftp server
-- Input
-- url: file location
-- type: "binary" or "ascii"
-- Returns
-- file: downloaded file or nil in case of error
-- err: error message if any
function ftp_get(url, type)
local control, data, err
local answer, code, server, file, path
parsed = %split_url(url, {user = "anonymous", port = 21, pass = %EMAIL})
-- start control connection
control, err = connect(, parsed.port)
if not control then return nil, err end
-- get and check greeting
code, answer = %check_greeting(control)
if not code then return nil, answer end
-- try to log in
code, answer = %login(control, parsed.user, parsed.pass)
if not code then return nil, answer end
-- go to directory
file, path, isdir = %split_path(parsed.path)
code, answer = %cwd(control, path)
if not code then return nil, answer end
-- change to binary type?
code, answer = %change_type(control, type)
if not code then return nil, answer end
-- start data connection
data, answer = %start_dataconnection(control)
if not data then return nil, answer end
-- ask server to send file or directory listing
file, answer = %retrieve_file(control, data, file, isdir)
if not file then return nil, answer end
-- disconnect
-- return whatever file we received plus a possible error
return file, answer
-- Uploads a file to a FTP server
-- Input
-- url: file location
-- bytes: file contents
-- type: "binary" or "ascii"
-- Returns
-- err: error message if any
function ftp_put(url, bytes, type)
local control, data
local answer, code, server, file, path
parsed = %split_url(url, {user = "anonymous", port = 21, pass = %EMAIL})
-- start control connection
control, answer = connect(, parsed.port)
if not control then return answer end
-- get and check greeting
code, answer = %check_greeting(control)
if not code then return answer end
-- try to log in
code, answer = %login(control, parsed.user, parsed.pass)
if not code then return answer end
-- go to directory
file, path, isdir = %split_path(parsed.path)
code, answer = %cwd(control, path)
if not code then return answer end
-- change to binary type?
code, answer = %change_type(control, type)
if not code then return answer end
-- start data connection
data, answer = %start_dataconnection(control)
if not data then return answer end
-- ask server to send file or directory listing
code, answer = %store_file(control, data, file, bytes)
if not code then return answer end
-- disconnect
-- return whatever file we received plus a possible error
return nil